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1、综合教程VI课后练习答案综合教程VI-1:Keys to exercisesText comprehensionI.CII. 1. F. Not all technology makes things complicated and wasteful; it is only retarded technology that makes things complicated and wasteful. (Paragraph 1)2. T. Refer to Paragraph 5.3. F. It is true that the author acknowledges the great ch

2、anges brought about by new technology, but he believes these advantageous changes are often offset by a lot of technology-related waste. (Paragraph 7)4. T. Refer to Paragraph 7.5. F. The author expresses his doubt in a sarcastic tone that cellular phones could really improve marriages and save “fami

3、ly values”. (Paragraph 9)III. 1. The author makes his comparison in terms of cost, fragility, mobility and durability. He hopes to show that products of new technology, such as e-books, have many disadvantages.2. The authors counter-argument is based on arithmetic calculation and common sense, that

4、is, the compressed 200,000 books available to one person vs. 2,000 books available to 2,000 persons, and the necessity of making the entire collection available to most people.3. By the word “paradox” the author means that new technology may not be all that bad and it is supposed to bring gains to p

5、eople. Unfortunately it does not work that way, although some theories claim we are in the primitive stage of new technology which will promise significant gains.4. Because according to the authors view, all the three reasons are technology-inspired waste. In other words, they are not based on ratio

6、nal need, nor do they have practical significance.5. The author casts his doubt on the relationship between owning cellular phones and productivity increase and marriage improvement, because he believes that is the way people justify their frivolity and pro-technology attitude.IV. 1. It is obvious t

7、hat technology in modern age has brought about great changes. Nevertheless, we have not yet benefited from the supposed gains of new technology-rising income and greater productivity.2. Creative thought is not appreciated. American managers have been troubled by the fact that independent and active

8、thinking gives way to dumb numbers.Writing strategies1. respectable: car phone - social status elaborate: electronic books - unnecessarily complicated computerized libraries . costly and create bottlenecks alluring: number crunching by computer and personal digital assistants - the temptation to see

9、 what it will do fun: making an invitation card using a computer - a thrill computer mail - idle chitchat has become an all day affair2. The following are some of the sarcastic expressions and sentences that show the authors strong disapproval of retarded technology. . . to do useful new things or t

10、o do old things more efficiently. By contrast, retard- ed technology creates new and expensive ways of doing things that were once done simply and inexpensively. (Paragraph 1) Heres a swell idea of retarded technology. (Paragraph 2) Sorry, no sale. The video costs more and does less. (Paragraph 5) T

11、his is the technological equivalent of Were climbing that mountain because its there. (Paragraph 7) . family values would triumph. What we need are cellular subsidies so everyone can have one. (Paragraph 9) Hey, maybe a Rolodex is better. Its cheaper. How about a standard notebook or address book? (

12、Paragraph 11) It should be a smashing success. (Paragraph 11)Language workI. Explain the italicized part in each sentence in your own words.1. highly regarded, intricate, attractive2. a sudden increase3. an event that will make you feel upset for a long time4. can supposedly help, at the same time5.

13、 need to be able to use 6. we receive so many press releases that we find it difficult to deal with them7. an age where hi-tech has brought us noticeably great changes8. supposed, get away from us/be unattainable9. consequence, people who know nothing about technology, impeding10. usually, insignifi

14、cantII. Fill in the blanks with the appropriate forms of the given words.1. customized 2. traumatized 3. promotional 4. paradoxical 5. frivolity 6. subscribers 7. successors 8. inanities 9. institutionalized 10. subsidyIII. Fill in each of the blanks with a word or phrase taken from the box in its a

15、ppropriate form. 1. are clogged with 2. purports to 3. a vista of 4. bombarded with 5. exulted over 6. scribbled all over 7. find alluring 8. make a comeback 9. call up 10.tossed into 11. was eliminated 12. compress into IV. Explain the meaning of the underlined word or phrase in each sentence1. wea

16、k 2. entrance to3. full of 4. be compensated for by having the same amount deducted from his tax5. shows all the signs of6. excitement and danger7. spent the afternoon discussing8. increase her confidence9. very often10. quick diveV. Correct the errors in the following passage. The passage contains

17、ten errors, one in each indicated line. In each case, only one word is involved.( 1 ) are concerned This is the adjective concerned = worried + that/about( 2 ) expected confusion( 3 ) in some jobs necessary for sense; it is only a number of jobs, one category( 4 ) not much sense( 5 ) it is The verb

18、needs a (dummy) subject.( 6 ) to reduce enable + to-infinitive( 7 ) efficient sense( 8 ) savings usage( 9 ) limited limited = restricted, small in area; limiting = actively limits and prevents growth(10) of the future one definite futureVI. Fill in each blank in the passage below with ONE appropriat

19、e word 1. millionaires 2. computer 3.breed 4.programs5. companies 6. generation 7. popularity 8. provide9. sales 10. times 11.valuable 12. lifeTranslationI. Translate the following sentences into English, using the words or phrases given in the brackets.1. The program offers long-term care for the m

20、entally retarded.2. Hes got a cumbersome, bulky, old computer its slow and complicated to use.3. He tried not to look conspicuous and moved slowly along the back of the room.4. It would cause a tremendous upheaval to install a different computer system.5. The gold medal continues to elude her.6. You

21、d be a fool not to embrace an opportunity as good as that.7. Her salary will go up by a hefty 10%.8. I scrawled a quick note Hilary and put it under her door.9. Theres a smashing view from her office.10. The trip out there was swell, but the hotel was a bit crummy.II. Translate the following passage

22、 into Chinese 在我成长的房子里有一间屋子, 我们把它称做图书馆。当然,那不是真正的图书馆,它仅仅是由电视机占据了主要位置的一间书斋。但是它四面墙上全部装修了嵌入式书架,上面摆了数百本书籍那些精装本的书籍呈现着各种颜色,它们在那间屋里把我们团团围住。这些书是我父母和祖父母花了毕生的精力收集来的,它们成为我童年的一部分。 我这一代人即20世纪50和60年代成年的人可能是了解这种心情的最后一代人了,那种被上百万文字环绕着的感觉;那些文字是历代知名的和默默无闻的作家们的产品。当前,在20世纪70年代中期,我们正目睹一个不易觉察却毫无疑问存在的慢慢背离书籍这类事物的倾向。恐怕美国的家庭很快

23、就不会再留出房间做图书馆了。精装图书那思想永驻的象征,那从一个时代向下一时代传留的智慧可能会添加到我们将灭绝的物种名单上去。 综合教程VI-2 KEY TO EXERCISESText comprehensionI. Decide which of the following best states the authors purpose. (B) A and C are only part of the whole incident that highlights the theme.II. Judge, according to the text, whether the followin

24、g statements are true or false. 1. T. Refer to Paragraph 2. 2. T. Refer to Paragraph 4. 3. F. The author did not want her mother to come to school to speak for her, because that would make two of them unhappy and indignant. Refer to Paragraph 7. 4. F. The author was excited because her imagination w

25、as fuelled by glamorous shots of the popular Hollywood temptresses. But she did not want to take the risk of being picked out by wearing her cherished dress that was different from the blue school uniform. Refer to Paragraphs 9 and 10. 5. T. Refer to Paragraph 11. 6. T. Refer to Paragraph 17.III. An

26、swer the following questions. 1. The author was very proud of her family. She thought that her parents were the best in the world because they did their best, by hard work and thrift, to hold the family together, to bring joy to the family and to keep their children well-fed and attired spotlessly.

27、2. Because she failed to comply with the school policy regarding what they had to wear in the school. 3. After many attempts at explaining her failure to comply with the school policy, the author had no choice but to go through the punishment. And she kept such humilia- tion to herself so that her p

28、arents would not be unhappy and indignant. 4. The author was heavy-hearted because she knew that her best dress Would not save her from being singled out as a target of humiliation. 5. When Miss McVee ordered the author to come and sit in the front row, the author thought that she was going to be hu

29、miliated again in front of the whole class. 6. Miss McVees remark was like warm sunshine that thawed the ice in her heart in- stantly and made her very happy that day. In addition, it enabled the author to re- gain her confidence that has never been weakened by anyone or anything since.IV. Explain i

30、n your own words the following sentences taken from the text. 1. I was carried away by excitement: I began to imagine myself in pictures like those attractive pictures of popular Hollywood actresses. 2. I felt so frustrated that I was on the verge of tears when I wondered, as what I had done innumer

31、able times, why the unsympathetic teacher would not overlook my clothes even once and see how hard I tried to comply with the school policy and how eager I was to participate in all the activities.Writing strategiesThe following expressions and sentences are used to indicate the authors emotions: Ev

32、ery day I would battle back tears; I had no choice but to see the punishment through; I couldnt wait to tell my friends the thrilling news; Heavy-hearted, I dragged myself to school; trudged up to the stage of my own accord to endure the sniggers; Tears of frustration threatened to break free; blinking back tears; With downcast eyes and bowed

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