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1、上学期历下区英语八年级期末考试试题2013-2014上学期历下区英语八年级期末考试试题 满分120分第1卷(选择题共85分)I听力测试(20分)A)听录音,在每组句子中选出一个你所听到的句子。每个句子听一遍。(5分)1.A. My name is Gina. B.My mothers name is Linda Green. C. My favorite subject is science.2.A. Lets play basketball. B.Can you play the guitar? C. Is that your schoolbag?3.A. How much are thes

2、e socks?. B. When is your birthday? C. Why do you like English?4.A.1s the science book on the bookcase? B.He doesnt have a volleyball. C.I dont like vegetables.5.A. Does he play sports every Tuesday? B.Does the boy often go to the movies? C.Where do your friends have basketball 7 B)听录音,从每题三幅图中选出与听到的

3、对话内容相符的一幅。对话听两遍。(5分)C)在录音中你将听到一段对话及五个问题。根据对话内容及问题选择正确答案。对话及问题读鼯遍。(5分)11.A.Jims uncle B.Jims friend C.Her uncle 12.A.In Shenyang B.In Shenzhen C.In Nanyang 13.A.By train. B.By plane C.By car 14.A.Some cool clothes. B.Some warm clothes. C.Some expensive clothes.15.A.On Friday B.On Saturday C.On Sunday

4、.D)在录音中你将听到一段短文及五个问题。根据短文内容及问题选择正确答案。短文及 问题听两遍(5分)16.A.In New York B.In Paris C.In London.17.A.For fun B.For food. C.For money.18.A.Took out a iarge piece of paper. B. Took out a large piece ofpaper and put it on the ground. C. rook out a large piece ofpaper, put it on the ground, then began playing

5、 the violin.19. A. His ticket. B.Some money. C.Aring.20. A.Jack played the violin very well. B. Nobody liked listening to Jacks music. C. Jack and Bill were good friends.,依据音标和句义,读音选词(5分)。21. I usually go to schoot byA. book B. back C. bike D. bank22. The film alxvays makes meA. large B. cough C. li

6、fe D. laugh23. My mother wasA. upset B.until C. unless D. unhappy24. Do exercise every day. Its good for yourA. held B. health C. healthy D. hold25.Tom is going toA. impossible B.improve C.important D. improvement III.选择填空从每题四个选项中,选出一个最佳答案。(30分)26.1 want to be_engineer when I am older. A a Ban C.A D

7、An27.-How much_do you want? -Two spoons are.enough. A. bread B.chicken C.honey D.lettuce28.-My skirt is blue. - Oh, mine is the same as_ . A. you B.your C.yours D.our29. Kids wiH study_home_computers.; on;on;in;in30. -_ do the students play sports?-Twice a week. A. How often B.Ho

8、w soon C.How long D.How far31. -_ are you going to become an actor? - Im going to take _ _ lessons. A. What; actor B. Why: acting C. How; acting D. How; actor32. -Cari you come to his birthday party? _ I have a flu. A. Yes. Id love to B. Sorry, I cant C. Yes, I can D. Sure33. Tony wants _ a job as a

9、 doctor in China. A. to find B. finding C. find D. found34. You shouldnt go out at night without_ your parents. A. to tell B. told C. tell D. telling35. _the girl is only five,she looks after her sick father and cooks meals every day. A.Although B. Because C. But D. So36. If you come to the party to

10、night, you_ some English friends. B,met C.willmeet D.tomeet 37. Jim does his homework _ of all the boys. A. more careful B. more carefuly C.the most careful D.the most carefull 38. -Would you like to give me _on how to leam English well? - Sure! Id love to. A, any advice B. some advice C. som

11、e advices D. any advices 39. Larry often helps to _ the best in me. A. find out B. bring out C. come out D.look out40. Jackie Chen and Jet Li have much _ . They often play similar roles in the movies. A. in style B. in common C. at least D. as long as41.-Time is money. -ButIthinkitis_ money. A. so i

12、mportant as B. more important than C. so important than D. the same as42.There are three bananas. Please_ . A. cut it up B. cut up it C. cut them up D. cut up them43.What do you expect _ from sitcoms? A. Ieam B. learning C. to leam D. Ieamt44.John doesnt want to watch talk shows because they are_ A.

13、 exciting B. enjoyable C. meaningless D. wonderful45.She finds_difficult to predict what will happen in the future. A. it B. that C. this D.its46. My brother_ come back_ 12 0clock last night. A. cant; until B. doesnt; until C. wasnt; until D. didnt; until47.I think we should _ the invitation. A.repl

14、y B. repiying to C. reply to D. to reply48.lts dark in the room. I cant see clearly. Please _the light (AT). A. turn on B. tilrn of C. tum down D. tum up49.There wi:ll be_trees and _pollution in 50 years. A. more; less B.fewer; fewer C.less; fewer D.more; fewer50.-Where are you going for vacation? -

15、Im going to_ A.somewhere warm B.warm somewhere C.anywhere warm D.warm anywhere .51.There_a football game between Italy and Germany tomorrow evening. A. has going to be C.will have going to have52.They are trying_who broke the window. A.look for look for find out D.find out53.-Wha

16、ts the problem?-Were only halfway_the job. A. to finish B.finishes finishing D.finished54.I dont know if she_tomorrow. A. comes B.will come C.come D.came55. He often helps his mother_ the housework, but he never_. A. with; get bore B.with; gets bored;get boring D in;gets bored完形填空从每题中选出能填入

17、文中相应空白处的最佳答案。(10分) A rich man loved his little boy very much. He wanted 56_him happy all the time. So he gave him everything that he could buy with 57 .But the little boy was still 58 .Where he went, he always wore a frown(皱眉).Andhe always wished for something he did not have. The rich man didnt kno

18、w 59 to make his son happy. One day,a magician came and said to him,“I can make your son happy and_60 hisfrowns into smiles, but you must pay me a great price 6 1 telling him the secret. “AIl right, said the man, No matter what you ask for,1 62 you. The magician tookthe boy into a secret room. He wr

19、ote something on a piece of paper, and then gave it to the boy. There were some words on the paper, Do one 63 thing for someone every day.The boy followed the 64 and became one ofthe happiest boys. I think only those who are always thinking about 65 can be truly happy.56.A.keep B.get make

20、 C.time B.unhappy C.angry D.worried59.A.why C.what D.who60.A.turn B.come C.put D.100k61.A.on B.for D.with62.Awill give B give C.gave Dam giving63.A.boring B.bad C.kind D.hard64.A.advice B.medicine D.umbrella65.A.another B.the other C other D o

21、thersV补全对话阅读对话,从每题选项中,选出一个最佳答案完成对话。(5分)Gina: Im going to the school party tomorrow.Alan: Me, too. And l will bring some potato chips and chocolate.Gina: Oh, 66Alan: Really? Why not?Gina: 67Alan: What will you wear to the party? Gina: Ill wear my jeans.Alan: Thats not a good idea. If you do that, our

22、 teachers wont let you in. 68Gina: I see. How will we go there?Alan: I think we will take a bus.Gina: I dont think so. 69 Why not take a taxi?Alan: Good idea. _ 70Gina: Yes. lf we dont have our ID cards, we cant go to the party.Alan: I see. See you tomorrow.Gina: See you.66. A. Its a good idea. B. C

23、ome to the party with your friends. C. You cant do that. D. What an interesting party!67.A. If you do that, the teachers will take them away. B. Because its not funny. C. I dont want to go there by bus. D.We dont like eating them.68.A. Lets have a look. B. You can wear your smart trousers. C.What ab

24、out your sunglasses? D. Well meet at the school gate.69. A.Lets take a bus. B. How long will it take us to get there? C. If we do that, we will be late. D. How can we get there on time?70. A.What shall we have to bring with us ? B.We have to buy the tickets early.C. Shall we get there at 2:00? D. Sh

25、ould we bring our ID cards?vi.阅读短文,从每题四个选项中选出最佳答案,填入括号内o (is分)A Years ago, I lived in a building in a large city. There was another building not far frommine. A woman lived there. I had never met her, but I could see her sit by the window each aftemoon, sewing(缝纫) or reading. After sevral months, I

26、began to notice that her window was dirty. Everything was unclear through the dirty window. I would say to myself, What a lazy woman! I wonder why she doesnt wash her window. It really looks terrible. One bright moming, I decided to clean my flat, including the windows. I worked the whole moming. Wh

27、en I finally finished the cleaning, I sat down by the window with a cup of coffee for a rest. What a s*urprise! Everything in the womans flat could be seen clearly. Her window was clean! I began to understand. I watched the womans window from my own dirty window. Thats the problem. From then on, whe

28、never I want to judge someone, I ask myself at first, Am I looking at him through my dirty window? Then I try to clean the window of my own world so that I may see othersworld clearly. 71. Where did the writer live yeats ago? . A. In the countryside. B. In a town. C. In a city. D. On a farm. 72.The

29、woman in another building sitting by the window may be_ each aftemoon. A. writing or reading B. sewing or reading . C. washing or playing D. sewing or dancing 73.The writer didnt see everything clearly because _ A. the woman lived far away B. the womans window was dirty . C. he had poor eyesight D.

30、his own wjndow was dirty 74. What does the word judge mean in Chinese according to the passage? 75. What can we leam from this passage? A. We should criticize others very often. B. We should look at others through his dirty windows. C. We shouldnt often keep our windows clean. D. We shouldjudge ours

31、elves before wejudge others.B Traveling is one of the most important activities and people have been interested in it for many years. Modem traffic develops fast, so traveling to different places has become much easier than before. Staying healthy while traveling can make your trip happier. But do you know how to keep healthy during a trip? The following information may be useful for you. Before leaving: 1. Wear comfortab

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