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1、新词佳译六新词佳译(六)上班蟑螂(shang4ban1zhang1lang2)clockroachA combination of “clock” and “cockroach” Refers to employees who idle their time away by watching the clock.指责风暴 (zhi3ze2feng1bao4)blamestormingThis term borrows from “brainstorming”. It means a meeting to review a failed project and pin down the pers

2、on responsible.A货 (A huo4)top-grade fakesQuality matters even in the case of bogus goods. If a counterfeit can challenge the professional eye, it is a top-grade fake.裸博(luo3bo2)school-school PhDPhD students who graduate with a diploma but no work experience because they have moved only from school t

3、o school are sometimes discriminated against by employers. 八点女王(ba1dian3nu3wang2)prime-hour soap starAn actress who helps ensure high ratings for prime hour TV soap operas.不雅照(bu4ya3zhao4)indecent photoAny picture that is sexually explicit or involves a wardrobe malfunction. It is used as an underst

4、atement for steamy pictures after the sex picture scandal in Hong Kong.高楼(gao1lou2)high-rise postingWidely used online, it refers to topics that attract hundreds of postings. In online communities, one posting is regarded as one storey, so popular topics are like high-rise towers.键盘爱国者(jian4pan2ai5g

5、uo2zhe3)keyboard patriot Netizens who express their patriotism in cyberspace but never really take action, such as millions of Internet users who added a red heart and“China” at the beginning of their names on MSN to express support for the Beijing Olympics and a love of their country.CNNChina Negat

6、ive News, distortionThe Cable News Network initials have become a negative term as many Chinese feel offended by the networks biased coverage and one commentators recent remarks about Chinese people. “Dont be too CNN” is commonly used to tell someone to stop lying or distorting the facts.纠结(jiu1jie2

7、)frustrated The term literally means “blend” in Chinese, but is now used by Internet users when they encounter difficulties.御姐(yu4jie3)tough womanOriginated from Japanese cartoons to describe dominant females of strong character范跑跑 (fan4pao3pao3)Run Run FanChinese online users have nicknamed teacher

8、 Fan Meizhong as Run Run Fan after he fled his classroom, leaving behind all his students, when an 8.0-magnitude earthquake hit Sichuan Province on May 12. He has been widely criticized as being selfish and unethical. In comparison, some other teachers sacrificed their own lives in protecting and sa

9、ving their students during the devastating earthquake.护犊族 (hu4du2zu2)pampering parentsWhile people tend to criticize young people living off their parents and becoming NEET (Not in Employment, Education or Training), they have also begun to blame the phenomenon on those parents (and sometimes grandp

10、arents as well) who mollycoddle their grown-up children.通心粉 (tong1xin1fen3)macaroni peopleThe name of pasta in any of various hollow shapes is now used to describe people who are impressive in appearance but disappointing in substance. Its similar to the English saying “Many a fine dish has nothing

11、on it” or the Chinese idiom “embroidered pillow,” which boasts a beautiful cover, but with only worthless dried straw stuffed inside.M一代 (M yi1dai4)multitasking generationThis is a term created by the US-based Time magazine. It refers to the young people who indulge themselves in Internet games, iTu

12、nes, MySpace, MSN and other online activities, sometimes simultaneously.谷歌文 (gu3ge1wen2)Googlese textScholar Xu Lai coined this term. He uses it to describe written works created by Internet writers who base their text on materials obtained by Googling. Such writers can hardly guarantee the accuracy

13、 of their data and frequently risk stepping into plagiarism disputes.Bo播报 (Bo bo1bao4)multimedia newspaperThe term refers to a new form of electronic “newspaper,” which combines text, photos, graphics, audio and video. One can also search background data and cross reference with this news platform.白

14、客 (bai2ke4)online security guardThe phrase, which literally means “white clan” in Chinese, is the opposite of “black clan” or hacker. It refers to professionals who fight hackers in order to protect peoples information security in the online world. Its not unusual that some of the online security gu

15、ards are former hackers.中美国 (zhong1mei3guo2)ChimericaAccording to chaos theory, a single butterfly flapping its wings in the Amazonian jungle may cause a hurricane in Manhattan. In the global economy, this symptom is called Chimerica, a new portmanteau word that combines China and America, indicatin

16、g that the two countries share a dependence on one economy, with each side interactive and complementary.情绪食品 (qing2xu4shi2pin3)mood foodThis is a new trend in the functional food sector. The theory is that diet can affect peoples happiness and general wellbeing, affected by the chemical stimulation

17、 of neurotransmitters within the brain, resulting in a good mood. Products in this category include mood-modulating chocolate produced in the United Kingdom and pressure-relieving milk in Japan.减压经济 (jian3ya1jing1ji4)pressure-alleviation economyThis term is used to denote an economic sector that inv

18、olves services that ease the pressure of everyday life, such as karaoke bars, sewing clubs, mood food, spas and weekend farmers.洋漂族 (yang2piao1zu2)foreign drifterAs China keeps opening its doors wider to the outside world, more foreigners come to invest, work, study or travel in China. But some wand

19、er from one city to another for different jobs and to experience different cultures, and they are called foreign drifters.吐槽 (tu4cao2)debunk, gibeThe expression means to debunk or show up the false nature or ridiculousness of someones remarks, especially in front of others. The phrase is believed to

20、 originate from the Japanese term tsukkom.残念 (can2nian4)letdown, too badYoung people these days often use this term to express disappointment when they fail to obtain something they desire. It is derived from the Japanese phrase zan nen.搭车涨价 (da1che1zhang2jia4)hitchhike price rise, piggyback price h

21、ikeChinese officials say they will try to prevent some businesses from willfully raising prices of their products that are tangential or totally unrelated to the recent fuel price rise approved by the central government.裸投(luo3tou2)unbagged trashSome residents have begun to dump their trash naked, a

22、s this Chinese term translates literally, after the government banned free plastic bags offered by shops or supermarkets earlier this year. Formerly, many people used old plastic bags as garbage bags.麻袋帮(ma2dai4bang1)big-bag shopper The term refers to people who usually appear at big discount sales

23、of brand name consumerproducts, such as clothes, shoes and cosmetics. They buy rapaciously and carry away their purchase in big bags they have brought with them. But just hours later, these goods will appear in online shops with their prices redoubled.NONO族(No No zu2) NONO clan The word came from be

24、st-seller Naomi Kleins book “No Logo” in 2002. It refers to young people who pursue a pure and environmental friendly life that refuses any luxurious products. Though well-off, they despise all the famous brands but prefer goods with strong individual styles.穴居动物(xue4ju1dong4wu4)cyberspace troglodyt

25、e The term, which means cave animals in Chinese, is a new phrase evolved from the development of the Internet and online communication. Many young people are inclined to stay at home all the time. They talk to others, order food or do everything they want through the Internet.娃娃音(wa1wa1yin1)doll voi

26、ce This term refers to a special sweet, cute and doll-like singing style. A typical example is model-turned-actress Lin Chi-ling, who however says she has learned to grow out of the voice after starring in “Red Cliff.”俯 (fu3wo1cheng1) 卧撑unfeeling apathy, flimsy excuseThe term literally means “push-u

27、p,” a form of physical exercise. Now it is used to describe an apathetic attitude or a flimsy excuse. The phrase derives from a news story about a boy who was at the spot of a girls death. The boy told police when the girl jumped into the river from a bridge, he was doing push-ups a dozen or so mete

28、rs away, so he saw nothing.硬柿子(ying4shi4zi) tough guy Most people like to eat “soft persimmons” and few fancy “hard persimmons,” as this Chinese phrase means literally. But according to a recent popular drama called “I Want to Become a Hard Persimmon,” the soft persimmon is the name of any pushover

29、and the hard persimmon refers to a tough guy.压洲(ya1zhou1) pressure continent This phrases pronunciation is similar to “Asia” in Chinese, but it means a continent of pressure. It is now used as a nickname for modern Asia as it has undergone great pressures from the faster pace of life, deeper shortag

30、e of raw materials and higher risk of pollution.素历(su4li4) personal quality resume Instead of a sum-up of ones education, this term means a summary of a persons quality training, particularly in term of organizational and leadership capability, positive work attitude, communication skills, stable me

31、ntal health and willingness to learn and progress.贴身媒体 (tie1shen1mei2ti3)personal mediaIt refers to mobile phones that carry news in the form of broadcasting short messages (SMS) or multimedia messaging service (MMS). 便利贴女孩 (bian4li4tie1 nu3hai2)post-it girlIt refers to those kind-hearted, usually p

32、lain-looking young women at a workplace who are always ready to help others and then almost immediately forgotten after the help. They are like the post-it notes people use and then throw away.空头捐赠 (kong1tou2 juan1zeng4)fictitious donation Many companies and individuals have made generous donations to the victims of the magnitude 8 earthquake that hit Chinas Sichuan Province on May 12. But some firms have fail

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