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1、完整word版五年级上册英语期末总复习资料U16. take exercise做运动1. make model ships制作模型轮船7. do ones homework做.的作业2. more than 20 ships超过20艘轮船8. eat ice cream吃冰激凌3. play music演奏音乐U64. every day每一天1. at the weekend在周末5. read books看书2. wake up very early很早醒来6. every night每晚3. have a big breakfast吃一顿丰盛的早餐7. play computer gam

2、es玩电脑游戏4. go to the market去市场8. about 50 games大约50种游戏5. Childrens Palace少年宫9. take photos拍照6. have a swimming lesson上一节游泳课10. during my holiday在我的假日期间7. go out for lunch到外面吃午餐U28. have some fun娱乐1. draw cartoons画卡通9. go to the cinema去电影院2. after school放学后10. visit friends探望朋友3. coloured pencils颜色笔11

3、. stay at home留在家里4. in the sky在天空中12. talk about.谈论关于.5. birthday cards生日贺卡U76. interesting people有趣的人1. tea with milk奶茶7. beautiful places美丽的地方2. something cold冷的东西8. in every room在每个房间里3. large coke大杯可乐9. grow up长大4. here you are给你U35. a bottle of juice一瓶果汁1. be good at drawing擅长画画6. a glass of w

4、ater一杯牛奶2. draw very well画得非常好7. a box of milk一盒牛奶3. read fast快速地阅读8. a cup of tea一杯茶4. jump high跳得高9. a can of coke一罐可乐5. jump far跳得远U86. run fast跑得快1. come to her party去参加她的派对7. sing well唱得好2. tomato and egg soup西红柿蛋花汤8. dance well跳舞跳得好 3. main course主菜U44. meat with some vegetables蔬菜煮肉1. here to

5、help you在这里帮助你5. great idea好主意2. talking robot会说话的机器人6. birthday cake生日蛋糕3. speak English讲英语7. start cooking开始煮4. good at many things擅长很多事情U95. clean very well清洁得很好1. come on来吧6. write very fast写得很快2. time for lunch到午餐时间7. do everything做所有事情3. look great 看起来不错U54. try the chicken first先吃鸡肉1. daily l

6、ife日常生活5. smell delicious闻起来美味2. talk with.与.谈话6. hot food辣的食物3. on weekdays在工作日;在平日(放结尾)7. quite sweet很甜4. find him there在那里找到他8. look fresh看起来新鲜5. look for.寻找.9. is very sweet是很甜的10. are salty是咸的11. look quite good看起来很好12. taste good好吃U101. different tastes不同的口味2. we all know我们都知道3. Western people

7、西方人4. chopsticks and bowls碗筷5. in the West 在西方6. knife and fork刀叉7. for example例如8. sweet and sour food酸甜的食物9. plenty of大量10. salty food咸的食物11. people from Sichuan来自四川的人12. too hot太辣13. taste terrible难吃U111. the weather here这里的天气2. play outdoors在户外玩耍3. wear hats and coats戴帽子穿大衣4. I hope I can我希望我能5.

8、 visit England参观英格兰6. some day某一天7. wear T-shirts穿体恤8. hot and dry又热又干燥9. eat lots of fruit吃很多水果10. fly kites放风筝11. make a snowman堆雪人U121. in one day在一天里2. something interesting有趣的东西3. weather report天气预报4. put on穿上5. go away走开6. turn blue变成蓝色7. start to shine开始闪耀8. at lunchtime在午饭时间9. rain hard雨下得很大

9、10. go home回家11. windy and cool风大凉爽12. walk home走路回家Module 1 Hobbies重点:爱好、兴趣的问答和表述。(句型和作文一般现在时,第三人称单数)1. What is your hobby? (问爱好)你的爱好是什么? My hobby is making model planes. 我的爱好是做模型飞机。My hobby is. 后面加“ing”,不能说 My hobby is play football. ()2. What is your fathers hobby?你爸爸的爱好是什么?His hobby is listening

10、 to music. 他的爱好是听音乐。(不能用 He hobby.)3. What is your mothers hobby?你妈妈的爱好是什么?Her hobby is going shopping. 她的爱好是购物。(不能用 She hobby.)4. What is Janets hobby?詹妮的爱好是什么?Janets hobby is taking photos.(不能用 Janet hobby.)He, she, they意思是“他”,“她”,“他们”放在句子开头,做主语,后面一般不跟名词。His, Her, their及名词所有格s,表示“的”,后面一般要加名词。如更多例子

11、:He is my best friend. His name is Ben.She is a beautiful lady. Her hobby is playing music.They are my parents. Their hobbies are different.Jiamin can jump high. Jiamins hobby is doing the high jump.5. I have more than 500 stamps from 20 countries. 我有来自20个国家的超过500张邮票。More than 超过 from来自I have more t

12、han 30 books from my father. 我有来自爸爸的三十多本书。注意几个名词单复数的变化:Hobby- hobbies ability- abilities country- countries a stamp- 20 stamps a book- 30 books6. every day, every nigh, during my holiday 三个时间状语放在句子结尾,不能放中间,句子用一般现在时。Eg: (1) We have lessons together every day. (主语不是三单,且是一般现在时,动词用原形。)(2) Ben wants to m

13、ake a model plane during his holiday. (主语是三单,且是一般现在时,动词以s/es结尾)(3) 错误句子: Ben during his holiday wants to make a model plane. (during his holiday应该放在句子结尾)7. draw画(动词) , drawing画(名词) , paint画(动词) , painting画(名词) , painter画家8. 作文:介绍朋友或某人的兴趣爱好,日常活动等,可用以下句型(适当替换横线部分): I have two friends. They are Ben and

14、 Xiaoling . Ben likes playing football very much. He can play football well. He usually plays football with his friends after school. Xiaoling doesnt like football. Her hobby is drawing cartoons. She can draw very well. You can see her pictures in her room. I love my friends. They are very funny.注意:

15、开头、中间、结尾;时态用一般现在时。Module 2重点:能力的问答及描写,can的用法。1. can 意思是“能,能够”,尾巴杀手,后面的动词用原形。.can . well/ fast/ high/ far 有时可替换成.be good at .,如:My father can jump far. = My father is good at jumping.My mother can cook well. = My mother is good at cooking.He can swim fast. = He is good at swimming.2. Together“一起”,放在动

16、词后面,表示“一起做某事”如,go shopping together一起购物 read books together 一起看书3. 可用于表达能力的三个词:快fast,好well,高high,远farread fast读得快 jump high/far跳得高、远 sing well唱得好 dance well 跳得好4. Like=love=enjoy,后面加动词ing,可表示“喜欢”,后面加动词ing.5. What can you do? 你能做什么?、你会做什么? I can sing well.6. What can your father do? 你爸爸会做什么? He can m

17、ake model ships.7. Can 问can 答,can 谁就谁答,如:(1)Can you do my homework?你能做我的作业吗?No, i cant. 不,我不能。(2)Can you draw cartoons?你能画卡通吗? Yes, i can. 是的,我可以。(3)Can you sing and dance?- Of course i can. / Yes, i can.(4)Can Jiamin speak English? 家明会说英语吗? Yes, he can./ No, he cant.(5)Can your mother do housework?

18、 Yes, she can./ No, she cant.8. Talk:讲话、谈话,动词。talk to/talk with 和谈话;talk about 谈论 Talking: 会说话的,形容词。a talking robot Speak: 说(语言),动词。speak Chinese, speak English9. Will“将要,将会”。wont“将不会”尾巴杀手,后面动词用原形。如: Mum will be very happy。妈妈将会很高兴。(am, is ,are的原形是be) I will go to the market this afternoon.我今天下午将会去市场

19、。 He wont go to school tomorrow. 他明天将不会上学。10. 作文:介绍某人的能力和特长时。用一般现在时,可用句型:. can. fast/ well/ far/high, he/she is good at .(加ing)Module 3 Daily life重点:日常生活的问答、介绍,周末、工作日等的生活安排。1. talk with 和谈话。 I want to talk with my father. 我想和我爸爸谈一谈。2. talk about 谈论(关于) I want to talk with my father about the footbal

20、l game. 我想和我爸爸谈一谈那场足球赛。3. to do可用来表示“目的”,go do .可表示“去某地做某事”,如: I am here to help you. 我来这里(目的)是帮你的。 I want to go to the market to buy some foods.我想去市场(目的是)买一些食物 I want to go to the park to run. 我想去公园(目的是)跑步。4. find找到(强调结果), look for寻找(强调过程) I cant find him. 我找不到他。 Lets go to look for Ben.让我们去找

21、 Ben吧。5. Stay at.呆在., stay at home待在家, stay at the cinema 待在电影院6. Maybe可能,也许,表示猜测。Where is Ben?- Maybe he is at the swimming pool.也许他在游泳池。7. Where 问地点。 Where can you swim?- In the swimming pool. Where can you play music?- In the music room.8. 第三人称单数时用does,不用do。does 问does答。does 谁就谁答,如:Do you want cof

22、fee or tea?- I want coffee.Do you like collecting stamps?- No, i dont.Does Ben often go swimming?- Yes, he does.Does your mother like keeping pets?- No, she doesnt. (Ben, your mother是第三人称单数,所以用does)9. What do you usually do on weekdays?你工作日经常做什么?- I usually have lessons.10. What does your mother usu

23、ally do on weekdays? 你妈妈工作日经常做什么?- She usually go to work.11. With表示“和一起”,“用(工具)”go to the market with my mother和妈妈一起去市场,go to the playground with my father和爸爸一起去操场eat with chopsticks用筷子吃饭 eat with knife and fork用刀和叉吃饭12. With, and, or的区别:with表示“和一起;用工具”: I go to school with my brother.and表示“加法;和(表示

24、并列,加起来)”: 1 and 2 is 3; I like apple and pear.or表示“或者(选择)”: Do you like coffee or tea?13. 遇到usually, sometimes, often, always, seldom, never等频率副词时,句子用一般现在时,一般现在时的动词有两种形式:如果主语是第三人称单数,动词要加s/es结尾,如果主语不是第三人称单数,动词用原形。如: He usually plays music in the music room after school.She always does her homework in

25、 the evening.Janet sometimes eats ice cream at the school shop.We always go shopping on Sunday morning. 主语是“我们”,不是三单。My father and my mother sometimes go to the cinema on Sunday evening. 主语是第三人称复数。14. after 后面加名词,或动词ing形式,表示“在之后”He sometimes plays music with his father after school.After breakfast,

26、i often go out for a walk with my sister.After having breakfast, i go to school.After doing my homework, i go to bed at 10 oclock.15. 作文:描述某人一天的生活作息安排。注意:用一般现在时,时间地点放结尾,主语是第三人称单数时动词加s结尾。书本P32的课文多读几遍。可用句型:.busy/ happy on weekdays/ at the weekend. usually wake(s) up early and have/has a big breakfast.

27、 After ., . usually. Then.Module 4 foods and drinks重点:不同饮料、食物的单词,量词单复数形式,商店或餐厅买东西时的情景对话。1. a bottle of 一瓶(塑料瓶) a glass of 一杯(玻璃杯) a box of 一盒 a cup of 一杯(瓷杯) a can of 一罐(易拉罐) a bowl of一碗 a plate of一盘量词的复数,除了glass变为glasses, box变为boxes外,其他单词都在后面加sTwo glasses of water, five boxes of milk, ten cans of c

28、oke2. Do you want coffee or tea?- I want coffee./ I think i will have coffee.3. What do you want to drink for dinner?- I want juice./ I want to drink juice.相当于What do you like to drink for dinner?- I like juice.4. How much is a cup of tea?- It is 1.50 yuan.5. are coming to即将来,用现在进行时表示一般将来时。6. What do you want to eat for breakfast?- I want bread./ I want to eat bread.7. What do you want to have for the main course?- I want rice and meat./ I want to have rice and meat.8. What do you want to drink for dinner? - I want water./ I want to drink water.9.

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