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1、雅思小作文写作指引Writing NotesDate: July, 9th, 2017Task I 1. Three Typesi. Data: Bar Chart, Line Graph, Table, Pie Chart 图表类型:动态图、静态图 动态图:有两个或以上时间 重点 趋势 特殊值:起点、重点、最高点、最低点、交叉点 静态图:只有一个或者没有时间 比较描述对象:使用倍数、比较级ii. Process: Flow Chartiii. Map Describe the change Eg: Hospital is located to the west of car park2. 评

2、分标准i. Task Achievement/ Task Response Cover the Requirements of the task No off topics 不能添加主观想法,只能描述ii. Coherence and Cohesive 使用路标性词汇:顺承和转折iii. Lexical Resource 使用非高频词汇 Use words and phrases naturally and appropriately Vocabulary diversity Accurate spelling wordsiv. Grammatical Range and Accuracy A

3、ccurate grammar of sentences Use different ranges of sentences, structures to achiever grammatical3. 写作方法i. 开头段 图表词改写 The chart : bar chart, line chart, pie chart, table, diagram 动词shows改写 注意时态 Shows: illustrates, gives information about, compares, indicates, demonstrates 关键词(一定要改写) 数量改写 The number

4、of + 可数 The amount of + 不可数 The quantity of + 可/不可数 The figure for + 可/不可数 百分比改写 The percentage of : the proportion of 句式变化 Compares + 不同事物 + in terms of + 相同事物 名词变化 Expending : expenditure 地点(可以不改写) 时间可以改写 From 1980 to 2000: between 1980 and 2000, during the period from 1980 to 2000, over the perio

5、d of 20 years, over a 20-year period EG: The bar charts compares three types of telephone calls in terms of the amount of time spent in the UK between 1995 and 2002.ii. 主段写法 第一段: 起点数值对比 + 部分趋势 第二段:剩下趋势 + 终点值对比 数字三种表述方法 数值放在句首 EG: 60 million tonnes of goods were transported by road in the UK. 数值放在句末

6、Stand at = be; stood at = was = totalled EG: The amount of goods transported by road in the UK was 60 million tonnes. There Be 句型 EG: There were 60 billion tonnes of goods transported by road in the UK. 比较句的写法 Comparisons “ compared to”, “ compared with”, “ in comparison with” + 短语 EG: 6% of single

7、aged person lived in poverty, compared to only 4% of aged couple “while”, “ whereas” + 句子 EG:6% of single aged person lived in poverty, while the proportion of aged couple living in poverty was 4%. 3个数值的对比写法 第一个数值 the percentage at the start 第二个数值 add a comparison 第三个数值 the figure for EG: 1999, 35%

8、of British people went abroad for their holidays, compared to 28% of Australians spent their holidays in a different country. The figure for the USA stood at 31%. 若有3个以上的数值, 可以用the figure for 数值C and 数值D were X and X respectively. 趋势的写法 时间过渡短语 Over the following _ years 动态图词汇 缓慢上升: increase/ rise (r

9、ose)/ grow (grew)/ go up (went up)/ an upward trend + gradually/ gently/ slightly/ moderately/ steadily 急速上升:+ sharply/dramatically/ rapidly/ substantially/ significantly 慎用: soar/ surge/ leap/ stood up 缓慢下降: decrease/ drop/ fall/ decline/ go down/ a downward trend + gradually/ gently/ slighted/ mod

10、erately/ steadily 急速下降: + sharply/ dramatically/ rapidly/ substantially/ significantly 慎用: plunge/ slump/ plummet 达到顶峰: reach a peak/ peak at 持平: remain constant ( unchanged ) / level off / stabilize 达到最低点: reach a bottom at / bottom out (at) 波动上升或下降: fluctuate with an overall upward trend ( downwar

11、d trend) / increase (decrease) with a few fluctuations 顺承:similarly/ and/ likewise/ also/ besides ( 均为副词,前面加句号) 转折: on the other hand/ however/ by contrast/ in contrast (副词,前面加句号); but (conj.) 接下来: then/ afterwards ( adv.) 尽管: although/ despite 约数 以上:just above/ over / more than 以下:just below/ almos

12、t/ nearly 左右:about/ around/ approximately 超过:outnumber/ overtake EG: The consumption of chicken overtook/ outnumbered that of ( the figure for) beef in 2000. 介词: with, of, to ,by, at With: 有的含义,后面加短语 EG: Obama won the election with 52% of the vote AT: 用在加在句尾的数字,at 接数字 EG: The percentage of votes for

13、 Obama was highest, at 52%. In: a rise IN 动态图句式 基本句型 ( 主句 + 动词 + 副词) EG: The number of divorces rose gently from 20 million to 35 million from 2000 to 2010. There be 句型 EG: There was a gentle rise from 20 million to 35 million in the number of divorces between 2000 and 2010. 被动态 EG: A gentle rise fr

14、om 20 million to 35 million can be noticed/ seen in the number of divorces during the period from 2000 to 2010. Witness 句式: 主语为时间 The period from 2000 to 2010 witness/ saw a gentle rise from 20 million to 25 million in the number of divorces. Underwent/ Experienced 句式 The number of divorces underwen

15、t/ experienced a gentle rise from 20 million to 35 million from 2000 to 2010. 分词结构 The number of divorces was 20 million, rising to 35 million. 时间的表达 From 时间 on wards 从.时间以后 Looking into the future 将来的表达 Be expected to Predicted Projected Anticipated 当线超过4根及以上时 第一段:起点数值对比 第二段:整个趋势 +终点描述 先写不变的先,再写变化最

16、大的线,最后写剩余的线 EG: Over the following 4 years, there was relatively little change in the figures for the top three mobile phone features. However, the percentage of people using their phones to access the internet jumped to 41% in 2008 and then to 73% in 2010. There was also a significant rise in the u

17、se of mobiles to play games and record video, with figures reaching 41% and 35% respectively. + 剩余终点值对比iii. 结尾写法 1-2句, 不需要提及数字 最高线、最低线 趋势对比 变化率对比 段首连接词: the summarize/ it is noticeable that/ it is clear that Date: July, 23rd, 2017Task I1. 静态图1. 开头段与动态图类似,注意改写 两个数值的对比:倍数、比较级、compare, while EG: domest

18、ic water use = consumption of residential water EG: account for the majority/minority = the largest proportion in EG: expenditure = spending on EG: to be more specific, according to the chart/graph EG: people aged from 26 to 29 = 26-29 year olds2. 主段 原则 不要以国家或地区作为分类描述对象 维度相同时,描述对象可以选择,先做概括,在看数值 没有国家

19、或地区,按照维度小的作为描述对象 多余12个数值需要筛选来描述 最高值 第二高值 最低值 类比差异(比例)最大的值 句式 最高级、最低级 The number(数量)/percentage of A is largest/highest/maximal/Lowest/smallest EG: The proportion of sole parents living in poverty was highest, 21%. 比较级 Be higher/ larger than that A is considerably higher than B. 超过很多 A is marginally

20、higher than B. 超过一点点 EG: The proportion of single aged person living in poverty (6%) was higher than that of aged couple (4%) EG: The consumption of chicken was higher than that of beef/the figure for beef. 倍数 A is less than/ more than twice/three times B. (A =B*2)a) EG: The consumption of chicken w

21、as twice that of beef.b) EG: The proportion of the elderly in 2005 was three times the figure in 1995. (15% versus 5%) Double/ triple/ quadruple c) EG: Rent as a percentage of the household expenditure more than doubled between 1975 and 1985. Twofold/threefold 用于动态图 adj & advd) EG: The consumption o

22、f chicken increased twofold from 1990 to 1995 (adv)e) EG: There was a twofold increase in retail sales. (adj)f) EG: The rent on average increased threefold in the past five years. Twice/ three times as . as/ compared to g) EG: Television was twice as popular as washing machine in 1999.h) EG:The cons

23、umption of chicken was twice as much (可数用many) as that of beef. 占据 Account for = constitute= take up = occupy 多重数值比较 最高值(最高级)-次高值(比较级)-最低值(倍数)-同级比较剩余数值 EG:The percentage of spending on food was highest in Turkey (32.14%) around 3% higher than that(后面是地名可以省略) in Ireland (28.91%) and more than twice t

24、he figure for Sweden (15.77%). The figures for another two countries were similar, 16.36% in Italy and 18.80% in Spain. Rank 排名 A ranked first (%) followed by B in类别, while the figures for C and D were remarkably lower at (%) and (%) respectively.i) EG: Italy ranked first at 9% followed by Spain in

25、clothing/footwear. A ranked second, ahead of/ behind 对象in 类别 j) EG:In 1999, Australia ranked second behind the USA in domestic waste generation. 对比 while/ compared to / in contrast 最高值(最高级)-中间数值(对比写法+原级)-剩余数值/较低值/最低数值(对比+比较级)k) EG: Italy has the highest proportion of expenditure on clothing and foot

26、wear (9%). In contrast, these items constituted/occupied/ accounted for around 6% of expenditure in Ireland, Spain and Turkey, while the figure was even smaller in Sweden (5.4%). 最高值(比较级)-中间数值(对比+比较级)-剩余数值/较低值/最低数值(对比+比较级)l) EG: Turkey had higher proportion of expenditure than other countries on lei

27、sure and education. The percentage of spending was lower in Italy and Sweden (roughly 3.2%), compared to the lowest figure in Spain (1.98%). 动态点起点数值比较(与动态图一致) 不同对象描述之间的过渡 趋势不同 The opposite trend can be noticed/seen, when looking at the figure for 趋势相同 The similar trend can be noticed/ seen, when loo

28、king at the figure for3. 总结 最值 EG: Overall, we can see that playing computer games is marginally more popular than chatting. However, completely different trends can be seen if we look at the specific figures for boys and girls. 万能句型) 归纳对象的共同点和其他对象的不同点 EG:It is noticeable that the largest proportion

29、 of consumer spending in each country went on food, drinks and tobacco. On the other hand, the leisure/education category has the lowest percentage in the table shown.2. 地图题i. 原则 方位描述(第一张图) 变化描述(第二张图)ii. 句式 三种方位 A is/lies/stands/is located/ is situated in (包含)/ on (内部相邻)/ to (分开) the west of B EG: T

30、he hospital is located in the south of the school. There be + 定语从句 EG: There is a hospital which lies in the south of the school. 倒装 EG: In the south of the school lies a new hospital. 表达 距离: A lies 100 km to the north of B 邻近: A is adjacent to/ is just off/ is next to / is close to/ in the vicinity

31、 of B. 对面: A is on the opposite side of B = A is opposite to B 包围: A is surrounded by B. 代替: the original/ previous/ former (路)连接: lead to/ connect to 尺寸: enlarge/ extend/ doubled/ tripled/increased four-fold/halved/reduced EG: The size of the library is planned to be enlarged two-fold. 消失: remove/no longer exist/ be demolish

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