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考研英语阅读理解精读100篇UNIT 8.docx

1、考研英语阅读理解精读100篇UNIT 8新东方在线考研资料免费下载中心精华资料推荐:研途研语2012年考研电子期刊免费下载考研英语【考研英语词汇】绝对精华:新东方考研734个必备词组 考研英语核心词汇1800例句版【考研英语阅读】历年考研阅读中的难句翻译参考 考研英语真题解析阅读【考研英语翻译】唐静:考研翻译冲刺必背单词英汉版【考研英语写作】考研写作基础版必备范文20篇 考研短文万能模板考研政治【考研政治综合】 2011考研政治答题万能模板【考研政治毛中特】毛泽东思想概论选择题及答案精选【考研政治马政经】哲学易错提示及17大重要考点汇编【考研政治近代史】中国近现代史纲要复习重点汇总考研数学【考

2、研线性代数】尤承业:考研数学线代冲刺阶段重难点归纳新东方考研数学线代复习计划大全【考研高等数学】新东方在线高数部分知识点总结及例题解析2012考研数学:高等数学各部分常见的题型汇总【考研概率统计】新东方概率论与数理统计复习指导资料下载 2011年新东方考研数学概率论精选复习资料考研专业课【历史学专业课】新东方在线历史学备考指导手册【心理学专业课】新东方在线考研心理学专业课备考指导【教育学专业课】新东方在线考研教育学备考指导手册【法硕学专业课】新东方在线考研法硕备考指导手册【计算机专业课】新东方在线考研计算机备考指导手册考研英语阅读理解精读100篇(高分版):UNIT EIGHTTEXT ONE

3、New York is in the middle of a culture fest celebrating Berlin, a 17-day marathon of music, film, architecture, literature and photography that began on November 2nd. “Berlin In Lights” is largely the brainchild of Sir Clive Gillinson, a former managing director of the London Symphony Orchestra who

4、became executive and artistic director of Carnegie Hall in July 2005. Determined to make the New York concert hall more international, he is initiating a series of cultural festivals celebrating cities, nations or artistic movements. Berlin is the first of these. A visit by the Berlin Philharmonic O

5、rchestra, under its principal conductor Sir Simon Rattle had been planned for some time. Much taken by the extraordinary transformation of Berlin since reunificationthe city thrives through culture and politics; there is hardly any business or financeSir Clive decided to expand that visit into a ful

6、l-blown festival. He got an enthusiastic response from other New York institutions.Berlin and New York have sizeable mutual admiration societies but, until recently, post-war Berlin could only dream of being in the same league of creative effervescence as New York. Now, in partnership with the Ameri

7、can Academy in Berlin, Carnegie Hall has put together a crowd of seminarson literature, the visual arts, film-makinginviting stars such as Volker Schlndorff and Florian Henckel von Donnersmarck, both Oscar-winning German directors. The Goethe-Institut and the German consulate-general are showing pho

8、tographs, the Museum of Modern Art is screening films about Berlin and the P.S.1 Contemporary Art Centre is screening the 13 episodes and epilogue of Rainer Werner Fassbinders television epic “Berlin Alexanderplatz” in 14 separate rooms. The Berlin Philharmonic Orchestra, extending its visit to eigh

9、t days, will be performing Gustav Mahlers last three major works as well as music by Thomas Ads, Magnus Lindberg and Gyrgy Kurtag, three contemporary composers. In addition, various chamber ensembles made up of Philharmonic musicians are playing both at Carnegie and at “neighbourhood concerts” in th

10、e citys five boroughs. The most innovative of the Philharmonics offerings will be the performances on November 17th and 18th at the United Palace Theatre in Washington Heights of Igor Stravinskys “The Rite of Spring”, danced by kids from state schools who have been trained for just eight weeks. To t

11、hose who think that the result will be shambolic, the organisers retort that the experiment worked well with childrenincluding refugeesfrom state schools in Berlin. “Berlin In Lights” is not comprehensive: there is no theatre and little dance. A festival that gets too big loses its charm, says Sir C

12、live: “We would like to capture peoples imagination and incite them to explore new horizons.”The audience at some of the showsa performance by Max Raabe and the Palast Orchestra of songs from the 1920s and 1930s, Ute Lemper, a German chanteuse specialising in Kurt Weill, in cabaretwere made up large

13、ly from what one participant described as the geriatric intelligentsia from the Upper West Side. As many of them have German- or Austrian-Jewish origins, they have a loving, knowledgeable relationship with German culture. One critic hissed that Ms Lemper was a poor copy of Lotte Lenya, Weills wife,

14、whom she had seen perform in the 1940s. Sir Clive hopes that concerts by the Nomad SoundSystem, a Berlin band performing western dance music and North African melodies, and concerts by Berlins Turkish and Kurdish communities may bring in a younger crowd.1. What does the word “marathon” (Line 1, Para

15、graph 1) mean in the text? A A festivalB A sport competitionC A culture festD A large event2. The first sentence of the third paragraph implies that_A Berlin is lagging behind New York in artistic invention.B Berlin and New York have a long history of artistic exchange in the societal level.C Berlin

16、 is the German equivalence of New York in terms of creative vigour.D Both Berlin and New York boast of people with high admiration of art.3. The Goethe-Institut is probably situated in_A New York. B Berlin.C Carnegie University.D Germany.4. The festival is carried out in order to_A enhance cultural

17、exchange between the two cities. B propagate new Berlin of culture and politics in the form of art.C goes along with the 8 day visit of the Berlin Philharmonic Orchestra. D internationalize New York music world.5. From Sir Clives statements, it can be infered that he holds the view that a festival _

18、A should be comprehensive. B should be innovative. C should be full-blown.D should be limited in scale. 文章剖析:这篇文章讲述了纽约举行的“光之柏林”柏林文化节的情况。第一、二段讲述柏林文化节是如何发展起来的;第三段讲述文化节期间的一些活动;第四段讲述柏林爱乐乐团的活动;第五段讲述该文化节不够全面的地方及其原因;第六段讲述了观众的一些情况。词汇注释:effervescence n. 活力 shambolic adj. 混乱的chanteuse n. 女歌手 cabaret n. 酒店,酒店的

19、歌舞表演geriatric adj. 老年的 Inteligentsia n. 知识分子,知识阶层 难句突破:(1) A visit by the Berlin Philharmonic Orchestra, under its principal conductor Sir Simon Rattle had been planned for some time.主体句式 A visit had been planned 结构分析这是一个简单句。主语a visit后面的介词短语是它的定语,而under介词短语是Berlin Philharmonic Orchestra的定语。句子译文 策划由指

20、挥家SimonRattle指挥的柏林爱乐乐团的访问演出已经有一段时间了。(2) The Goethe-Institut and the German consulate-general are showing photographs, the Museum of Modern Art is screening films about Berlin and the P.S.1 Contemporary Art Centre is screening the 13 episodes and epilogue of Rainer Werner Fassbinders television epic

21、“Berlin Alexanderplatz” in 14 separate rooms. 主体句式 The Goethe-Institut and the German consulate-general are showing, the Museum of Modern Art is screening films and the P.S.1 Contermporary Art Centre is screening结构分析 这是一个并列句,由三个并列分句组成。最后一个分句比较复杂,in 14 separate rooms 是状语,其宾语是两个并列的名词。句子译文 歌德学院和德国总领事馆展

22、出了照片,现代博物馆在播放关于柏林的电影,P.S.1现代艺术中心在十四个房间里播放了Rainer Werner Fassbinder电视史诗“Berlin Alexanderplatz”中的13个集及其大结局。题目分析: 1. What does the word “marathon” (Line 1, Paragraph 1) mean in the text?1. “marathon” 这个词在文中是什么意思?A A festivalA 一个节日B A sport competitionB 一项体育比赛C A cultural festC 一个文化节D A long eventD 一项历时

23、较长的活动答案D难度系数 分析猜词题。marathon这个词语的中文为“马拉松”,这个词的原意是一项长跑运动,但在文中使用的是其比喻义,而不是原意。因此考生千万不要看到B选项就选择,实际上这正是迷惑选项。这个词在原文中的句子为“New York is in the middle of a culture fest celebrating Berlin, a 17-day marathon of music, film, architecture, literature and photography that began on November 2nd. “Berlin In Lights”

24、is largely the brainchild of Sir Clive Gillinson, a former managing director of the London Symphony Orchestra who became executive and artistic director of Carnegie Hall in July 2005”,分析marathon这个词的前后文,可以发现这个活动持续了17天,是一个历时很长的活动,因此正确答案为D选项。A和C选项也比较有迷惑性,因为这篇文章一直在谈论这个文化节。中文我们经常用到“马拉松式的”等表述来表明一个活动持续时间非常

25、长,在这里也是相同的用法。2. The first sentence of the third paragraph implies that_2. 第三段的第一句话暗示着_A Berlin is lagging behind New York in artistic invention.A 在艺术创造方面柏林远远不及纽约。B Berlin and New York have a long history of artistic exchange in the societal level.B柏林和纽约在社会层面上的艺术交流方面有很长的历史渊源。C Berlin is German equiva

26、lence of New York in terms of creative vigour.C在艺术活力方面,柏林可以说是德国的纽约。D Both Berlin and New York boast of people with high admiration of art.D柏林和纽约的民众对于艺术都有着很高的欣赏能力。答案A难度系数 分析推理题。第三段的第一句话是:柏林和纽约的团体规模较大,值得双方互相羡慕,但是现在战后的柏林只能是幻想一下能和纽约一样充满创造的活力。那么可以推断,可能战前柏林和纽约不相上下,但是目前柏林却与纽约差距很大,因此,选项中A选项符合题意。其余几个选项都不能很好地

27、表达这个意思。3. The Goethe-Institut is probably situated in_3. 歌德学院可能位于_A New York.A 纽约。B Berlin.B 柏林。C Carnegie University.C 卡内基大学。D Germany.D 德国。答案A难度系数 分析推理题。文章第三段提到了歌德学院,歌德学院和德国总领事馆展出图片,而现代艺术博物馆展出了关于柏林的电影,P.S.1现代艺术中心在十四个房间里播放了Rainer Werner Fassbinder电视史诗“Berlin Alexanderplatz”的13个插曲和收场白。这些都是纽约举行的柏林艺术节

28、的一部分内容,因此,歌德学院也应该是在纽约,正确答案为A选项。4. The festival is carried out in order to_4. 举办这次艺术节的目的是为了_A enhance cultural exchange between the two cities.A 增进两个城市的交流。B propagate new Berlin of culture and politics in the form of art.B 以艺术的形式来宣传文化和政治的柏林。C go along with the 8 day visit of the Berlin Philharmonic O

29、rchestra.C 配合宣传柏林爱乐乐团持续8天的访问。D internationalize New York music world.D 使纽约的音乐世界更为国际化。答案D难度系数 分析细节题。在文章的第一段就提到了举办这次艺术节的目的“Determined to make the New York concert hall more international, he is initiating a series of cultural festivals celebrating cities, nations or artistic movements. Berlin is the f

30、irst of these”,因此Clive爵士希望举办一些列的这种艺术节活动可以使得纽约的音乐会大厅更为国际化。因此,此次艺术节的目的是纽约的音乐世界更为国际化,而柏林文化节只是这个活动的内容之一。答案为D选项。5. From Sir Clives statements, it can be infered that he holds the view that a festival _5.从Clive爵士的话中可以推断出他认为这次艺术节_A should be comprehensive.A 应该是全面的。B should be innovative.B 应该是创新的。C should b

31、e full-blown.C 应该是全面的。D should be limited in scale.D 应该在规模上有所控制。答案D难度系数 分析 推理题。Clive爵士所说的话为:一个节日如果场面过于宏大,就会失去其魅力,Clive说,“我们希望可以抓住人们的想象,激发他们去探索新的空间。”从上下文可以看出,这主要是关于场面宏大问题的,Clive认为应该场面应该有所限制,应该注重一些小的方面。因此,他说这句话是希望场面应该不要那么宏大。因此正确答案为D。参考译文:纽约目前正在举行于11月2日开始的为期十三天的柏林文化节,包括音乐、电影、建筑、文学和摄影等方面的活动。“光之柏林”是CliveGillinson爵士创意,他是伦敦交响乐团的前任负责人,并他于2005年8月成为“卡内基大厅”的行政、艺术主任。他决意要使得纽约的音乐厅更为国际化,因此发起了一系列的城市文化节、国家文化节和艺术活动。其中柏林文化节是第一个。策划由指挥家S

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