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1、哈尔滨市第六中学届高三英语上册期中考试试题哈尔滨市第六中学2018-2019学年度上学期期中考试高三英语试题第一部分:基础知识运用。(共20题,每题1.5分,满分30分)阅读下列句子,根据句意从A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳选项1. After living in a house with a garden, its hard to _ living in a flat. A. adapt to B. devote to C. lead to D. add to2. _ you so long a time, I miss you very much.A. Having not seen B

2、. Not seeingC. Have not seen D. Not having seen3. Linda gave us a vivid _ of her trip to Mountain Lu Shan after her return. A. explanation B. account C. idea D. imagination4. All their hopes _ the next generation now. A. concentrate on B. attract on C. centre on D. fascinate on 5. Over the years of

3、hard work, her beauty had _ a lot. A. changed B. damaged C. faded D. disappeared6. A tiny baby soon learns to _ his mothers face from other adults. A. disapprove B. distinguish C. separate D. recognize7. Many people here are _ by his _ story. A. moved; moving B. moving; movedC. moved; moved D. movin

4、g; moving8. _ the expert stressed at the meeting, students study should focus on the 45-minute lessons. A. It B. What C. That D. As 9. It _ us greatly that they took so long to answer our requirement. A. interrupted B. disturbed C. annoyed D. troubled10. When you make a speech, you should try to get

5、 your idea _. A. off B. across C. away D. aside11. I have battled with my _ over whether I should help the old man who lay on the ground. A. awareness B. mind C. consciousness D. conscience12. The flower were so lovely that they _ in no time. A. sold B. had been sold C. were sold D. would sold13. It

6、 is generally _ that stress is cause by too much work. A. assumed B. arranged C. announced D. declared14. -Do you like a house with no garden? -_, but anyhow, its better to have one than none. A. Not really B. Not a bitC. Not especially D. Not a little15. It matters little _ a man dies, but _ matter

7、s much is _ he lives. A. how; that; how B. why; it; whyC. how; what; how D. that; what; that16. The guard was _ of looking upon when thieves robbed the office. A. accused B. punished C. charged D. blamed17. I like _ color of your skirt. Its _ good match for your blouse. A. a; the B. a; a C. the; a D

8、. the; the18. Hadnt your sheep gone much farther _ you caught up with them? A. until B. as C. before D. when19. Its a sort of work that _ a high level of concentration.A. calls for B. makes up C. lies in D. stands for20. If only he _ quietly as the doctor instructed, he would not suffer so much now.

9、 A. had laid B. lay C. lied D. should lie第二部分:阅读理解(共两节,满分40分)第一节:(共15小题,每小题2分,满分30分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳选项。AIt had been snowing since two oclock that afternoon. Time was slipping away, and as I watched the snowflakes fall onto my car, I really began to wonder if I was going to make it on ti

10、me. Of course I must, as there was no option. Several weeks ago, all the things that my daughter Alexandra had talked about were the Christmas concert to be held in her school and some rumors about it. “Mom, Rachel was supposed to sing alone, but guess what happened? Shes not! Linda will replace her

11、 to do it.” “Mom, I get to stand next to Tyler in the whole concert!” “Mom, you wont believe it, but Lexies whole family is coming to the concert, even from another state!” Making a long way out of state to see third graders sing Christmas carols seemed to be a pretty big deal for her. As I sat in t

12、raffic, I thought about all the school events I had attended alone. Alexandra never mentioned it, but I wondered how she felt about me being the only one whoever came to her events. My own family lived out of town, and her father and his family never quite managed to fit those things into their sche

13、dules. I wondered if it bothered her. The concert was scheduled to begin at seven oclock. With only a few minutes to spare, I found myself running: first, through the snow-drifted parking lot, then through the school passage. I entered the crowded hall and found a vacant seat near the front. From he

14、r place onstage, Alexandra saw me run for the chair, and she smiled. I was close enough to hear the loud conversation of the children onstage. “Look, Alexandra, there is my aunt and my cousin. They came all the way from West Virginia. I cant believe my whole family is here!” Alex smiled at Lexie and

15、 said, “My whole family is here, too! Look, there she is!” Alex gave me a big smile. I waved back at her, never once noticing the melting snow dripping off my head. It suddenly occurred to me that while we tried to teach our children all about life, they actually taught us what life was all about.21. What was Alexandras attitude towards the Christmas concert? A. defensive B. disappointed

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