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1、集装箱保险条款诠释 集装箱保险条款诠释 集装箱保险的格式表现了集装箱的混和性质。有些人认为它是被装上船运送的货物,其他人则认为它是用于运载货物的船舶的延伸,此种承保集装箱的保险含有摘选自承保货物和船舶的标准条款中的要素。集装箱经营人可以是船东,贷运代理(Freight forwarder.指代表其客户安排经海上、陆地或空中将件货自一地运送至另一地点的公司。别称为Shipping and Forwarding Agents或Forwarding Agents.译者注),或仅是为他人使用的travelling boxes的租箱人,但无论其经营的性质如何,他将会要求按相同的一般条件,对他的所有的集装

2、箱投保,无论其位于何处,也无论其价值如何。因此,在风险开始时,向保险人显示详细的信息相当重要,这些信息将填写进保险单格式末端的附表(或附贴于保险单),且需要清楚地识别保险单承保的每个集装箱。有两种协会格式可供选用:一种承保综合条件(综合险full condition),另一种仅承保全损、共同海损、救助、救助费用和施救费用。下述评论涉及综合险格式。1987年1月1日协会集装箱定期保险条款(Institute Container Clause ,Time)本保险受英国法律和惯例的制约This insurance is subject to English law and practice.本条款的

3、效果已在对货物保险条款(第38页)和船舶保险条款(第90至91页的评论中考虑过。承保风险(Risks covered)RISKS COVERED1 Risks ClauseThis insurance covers all risks of loss of or damage to the subject-matter insured, except as provided in Clauses 4, 5, 6, 7 and 8 below.2 General Average ClauseThis insurance covers general average salvage and sal

4、vage charges, adjusted or determined according to the contract of affreightment and/or the governing law and practice, incurred to avoid or in connection with the avoidance of loss from any cause except those excluded in Clauses 5, 6, 7 and 8 or elsewhere in this insurance, For the purpose of claims

5、 for general average contribution salvage and salvage charges recoverable hereunder the subject-matter insured shall be deemed to be insured for its full contributory value.3 “Both to Blame Collision ClauseThis insurance is extended to indemnify the Assured against such proportion of liability under

6、 the contract of affreightment “Both to Blame Collision” Clause as is in respect of a loss recoverable hereunder. In the event of any claim by shipowners under the said Clause the Assured agree to notify the Underwriters who shall have the right, at their own cost and expense, to defend the Assured

7、against such claim.4 Machinery ClauseThe Underwriters shall only be liable under Clauses 1 and 2 above for loss of or damage to the machinery of the container4.1 when the container is a total loss (actual or constructive)4.2 when such damage is caused by4.2.1 fire or explosion originating externally

8、 to the machinery4.2.2 vessel or craft being stranded grounded sunk or capsized4.2.3 overturning derailment or other accident to land conveyance or aircraft4.2.4 collision or contract of vessel or craft with any external object other than water4.2.5 general average sacrifice4.2.6 1 风险条款本保险承保保险标的的灭失或

9、损害的一切风险,但下述第4,5,6,7和8条规定者除外。2 共同海损条款本保险承保为避免或与避免除了那些第5,6,7和8条除外规定或本保险其他规定之外的损失而发生的共同海损、救助、救助费用,按货运合同及/或管辖法律和惯例进行的理算或测算。为了下述可获赔偿的共同海损分摊,救助和救助费用索赔之目的,本保险标的应视为系按其全额分摊价值投保。3 互有过失碰撞条款本保险扩展承保被保险人根据海上货运合同互有过失碰撞条款按其过失责任分摊赔偿的下述有关可获赔偿的损失。万一船东根据该互有过失碰撞条款提出任何索赔,被保险人同意通知保险人,保险人有权自负费用和开支,为被保险人抗辩此种索赔。4 机器条款保险人仅对根据

10、上述第1条,第2条集装箱的机器的灭失或损害负责赔偿:4.1 当集装箱全损时(实际或推定全损)4.2 当此种损害是由下述原因造成时:4.2.1 源于该机器外部原因引起的火灾或爆炸4.2.2 船舶或驳船搁浅、擦浅、沉没或倾覆4.2.3 翻倒、脱轨或陆上运输工具或航空器的其他意外事故4.2.4 船舶或驳船与除了水体以外的任何外部物体的碰撞或触碰4.2.5 共同海损牺牲。第1条 风险条款本条措词与1982年1月1日协会货物保险(A)条款第1条相同。 “All risks of loss of or damage to subject-matter insured”(保险标的的灭失或损害的一切风险)。这

11、些措词的含义已在第12页至第14页作过详细解释。第2条 共同海损条款本条第一段的格式,措词及效果完全与协会货物保险(A)条款第2条相同。在第16页至第18页已作解释。第3条 互有过失碰撞条款本条与协会货物保险(A)条款第3条相同,见第18页。第4条 机器条款本条的效果在于将灭失或损害的任何索赔限于因集装箱的机器(实际或推定)全损所致者,或对于部分损失索赔,则损害须是由于协会货物保险(C)条款列举的危险之一引起者。见第39页至42页的评论。还有进一步的限制,即在损害是由于火灾或爆炸造成的情况下,这必须是由于该机器本身以外的其他原因引起的。除外(Exclusions)5 General Exclu

12、sion ClauseIn no cases shall this insurance cover5.1 loss damage or expense attributable to wilful misconduct of the Assured5.2 ordinary wear and tear, ordinary corrosion and rust, or gradual deterioration5.3 mysterious disappearance, unexplained loss and loss discovered upon taking inventory5.4 los

13、s damage or expense caused by inherent vice or nature of the subject-matter insurred5.5 loss damage or expense proximately caused by delay, even though the delay be caused by risk insured against (except expenses payable under Clause 2 above)5.6 loss damages or expense arising from insolvency or fin

14、ancial default5.7 loss damage or expense arising from unseaworthiness of vessel or craft, unfitness of vessel craft or conveyance for the safe carriage of the subject-matter insured, where the Assured or their servants are privy to such unseaworthiness or unfitness.6 War Exclusion ClauseIn no case s

15、hall this insurance cover loss damage liability or expense caused by6.1 war civil war revolution rebellion insurrection, or civil strife arising therefrom, or any hostile act by or against a belligerent power6.2 capture seizure arrest restraint or detainment (barratry and piracy excepted), and the c

16、onsequences thereof or any attempt thereat6.3 derelict mines torpedoes bombs or other derelict weapons of war6.4 confiscation nationalization requisition or pre-emption.7 Strike Exclusion ClauseIn no case shall this insurance cover loss damage liability or expense7.1 caused by strikers, locked-out w

17、orkmen, or persons taking part in labour disturbances, riots or civil commotion7.2 resulting from strikes, lock-outs, labour disturbances, riots or civil commotions7.3 caused by any terrorist or any person acting from a political motive.8 Nuclear Exclusion ClauseIn no case shall this insurance cover

18、 loss damage liability or expense arising from any weapon of war employing atomic or nuclear fission and/or fusion or other like reaction or radioactive force or matter.5 一般除外条款本保险不承保:5.1 可归因于被保险人故意渎职的灭失或损害5.2 通常磨损,通常锈蚀,或逐渐变质(gradual deterioration)5.3 密秘丢失,在还箱时发现的无法解释的损坏或损害5.4 因保险标的的固有缺陷和性质引起的灭失或损害5

19、.5 由于延迟直接造成的灭失或损害,即便该延迟是由承保风险之一造成者(根据上述第2条应支付的费用除外)5.6 由于破产或财务困境引起的灭失或损害5.7 由于下述原因引起的灭失或损害:船舶或驳船的不适航船舶、驳船或运输工具不适合安全运载保险标的若被保险人或其代理人对此种不适航或不适运有私谋。6 战争除外条款在任何情况下,本保险不承保由于下列原因造成的灭失,损害,责任或费用:6.1 战争、内战、革命、叛乱、暴动或由此引起的内乱,或任何交战团体之间的敌对行为6.2 捕获、扣押、扣留、管制或拘押(欺诈恶行和海盗除外),及这些行为引起的后果或进行这些行为的企图6.3 被遗弃的水雷、鱼雷、炸弹或其他被弃遗

20、的战争武器6.4 没收、国有化、征用或先占7 罢工除外条款在任何情况下,本保险决不承保下列灭失、损害或费用7.1 由罢工者、闭厂工人或参与劳资纠纷、暴乱或民事骚乱的人造成者7.2 由于罢工、闭厂、劳资纠纷、暴乱或民事骚乱引起者7.3 由任何恐怖分子或出于政治动机的人员造成者。8 核除外条款在任何情况下,本保险决不承保由于应用原子或核裂变和/或核聚变或其他类似反应或放射性力量或物质的任何战争武器引起的灭失、损害、责任或费用。下述除外条款与协会货物保险条款中的除外条款对应:在协会集装箱定期保险条款中的除外 在协会货物保险条款中的除外5.1对应 4.45.5对应 4.55.7对应 5.1对这些除外的

21、解释见上述第19至23页有关协会货物保险(A)条款的评论。第5.2款的除外是基于1906年海上保险法第55条第2款C项规定的习惯除外。“通常锈蚀”(ordinary corrosion and rust)及“逐渐变质”(gradual deterioration)仅仅是通常磨损的现象和例子。“5.3 Mysterious disappearance, unexplained loss and loss discovered upon taking inventory”(密秘丢失,在还箱时发现的无法解释的损坏或损害)这些措词反映了由被保险人承担证明其遭受了某项损失及根据“一切险”承保的灭失或损害

22、应是意外原因造成的举证责任的一般法律原则。见第13页的解释。“5.6 Loss damage or expense arising from insolvency or financial default”(由于破产或财务困境引起的灭失或损害)本款与协会货物保险条款第4.6款的不同之处在于造成灭失或损害的破产或财务困境的人们是不特定的。或许伦敦保险市场将该除外引进集装箱保险的现行格式,是为了能够拒绝在将来万一出现与Integrated Container Services Limited v. British Traders Insurance Co.Limited 案 相似的事实情况下的责任

23、。在该案中,集装箱所有人,索回了根据施救条款而发生的费用,这些费用是为了确保释放在已破产的租箱人经营场所的部分集装箱而支付的。除了一个方面以外,战争、罢工和核除外(第6,7和8条)与协会货物保险条款第6,7和4.7款的规定相同。不同之处在于第6.2款列举的“战争”危险“捕获、扣押、扣留、管制或拘押”不仅是那些除了海盗行为之外的,而且那些由于船长、船员的欺诈恶行引起的亦除外。这意味着,如果一艘船上运载着被保险人的集装箱的船舶,由于船长非法走私,而被外国政府当局扣押或拘押(如在Cory v.Burr案 的情形),保险人对由此产生的损失或被保险人根据施救条款为索回他们的集装箱而产生的费用便负有赔偿责

24、任。保险范围9 Limits ClauseEach container is covered, including whilst on deck, within the sea and territorial limits specified in the Schedule below. Breach of these limits held covered at a premium to be agreed, subject to prompt notice being given to the Underwriters.10Sale or Hire ClauseIf a container

25、 insured hereunder is sold leased or hired to a party not named as an Assured, the insurance of that container shall terminate automatically unless the Underwriters agree in writing to continue to cover.This Clause 10 shall prevail notwithstanding any provision whether written, typed or printed in t

26、his insurance inconsistent therewith.9 限制条款每个集装箱,包括装载于甲板上者,均按下列附表规定的海域或领域承保。若违反这些限制,取决于迅速通知保险人,并按约定的保险费,本保险得续保。10 出售或出租条款如果某个保险集装箱被售与或出租给某个未被载明为被保险人的其他人,除非保险人书面同意继续承保,本保险将自动终止。本保险即便有任何与本条规定不符的任何条款,无论是书写的,印就的还是打印的,均以本第10条为准。第9和第10条亦可换个标题“重要提示”(prompt notice)。第10条清晰地默示当集装箱所有人就其商业运作出租其部分集装箱时,所有人和经营人必须作

27、为保险单项下的共同被保险人。对于此种安排的任何变更,诸如转租,必须通知保险人并要求其书面同意继续承保,否则所涉及集装箱的保险将终止。集装箱经营人,应知晓他与其货物客户安排的根据固定设施的集装箱的目的地,如果任何目的地超出订立保险合同时在保险单附表上批注的地理限制时,第9条要求他迅速通知保险人。11 Cancellation ClauseThis insurance may be cancelled by either the Underwriters or the Assured giving 30 day notice (such cancellation becoming effectiv

28、e on the expiry of days from midnight of the day on which notice of cancellation is issued by or to the Underwriters).11.1 In the event of cancellation by the Underwriters, they shall allow pro rata daily net return of premium to the Assured.11.2 In the event of cancellation by the Assured, the Unde

29、rwriters shall allow such return of premium as may be agreed.11 取消条款本保险可以由被保险人或被保险人提前30日发出通知而取消(此种取消在保险人签发或收到取消通知30日之午夜届满之时生效)。11.1 如果由保险人取消,允许按日比例向被保险人退还净保险费11.2 假如被保险人提出取消,保险人将按约定退还保险费如果保险人或被保险人希望取消保险单,要求提前30日发出通知。12 Assignment ClauseNo assignment of or interest in this insurance or in any moneys

30、which may be or become payable hereunder is to be binding on or recognised by the Underwriters unless a dated notice of such assignment or interest signed by the Assured, and by the assignor in the case of subsequent assignment, is endorsed on the Policy and the Policy with such endorsement is produ

31、ced before payment of any claim or return of premium thereunder.12 转让条款本保险利益或依本保险得付或应付款项的转让,除非经被保险人,在后继转让时经受让人,签署载有日期的此种转让通知批注在保险单上,并在支付赔偿或退还保险费前,将如此批注的保险单提交给保险人,不约束保险人,或为保险人承认。本条与协会船舶定期保险条款第21条相同。见第150页。CLAIMS13 Insurable Interest Clause In order to cover under this insurance the Assured must have an insurable interest in the subject-matter insured at the time of the loss.14 Notice of Claim ClauseIn the event of accident whereby loss or damage may result in a claim under this insurance, prompt notice shall be given to the Underwriters or, if the container is abroad, to the

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