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1、写美女的英语美文写美女的英语美文【篇一:写美女的英语美文】beauty is often judged by our looks. are you skinny? is your skin spot free and perfectly smooth? all these factors come into play when people define beauty, but that is not what beauty is about. don t believe all the media you read, it will mislead you and never lead yo

2、u to happiness.人们常常根据外貌来评判我们的美丑。身材是否苗条?脸上有没有斑点?皮肤是否光滑?定义美的时候,都会考虑这些,但是那都不是美。不要一味的相信媒体传播给你的信息,它也会误导你,让你变得不开心。what defines beauty is your personality and your attitude.美的真正定义是和你个人的品格、态度有关的。here are the true traits of why you re a beautiful girl.为什么你可以被称之为美女,看看这些就知道。1. you are yourself around others 你就

3、是你you don t let others hold you back from being yourself. to many people, showing your real face to others is terrifying. but you are always yourself.你不会让别人拖你后腿,让你做不成自己。对大部分人来说,都害怕在别人面前表现出真实的自己。但是你总能做你自己。you don t let others opinions scare you into being someone else. instead you choose to be you, f

4、laws and all. you are truly a beautiful girl if you possess this quality. people can often sense when you are being fake, or notice if you are reserved and afraid to speak. to be able to be yourself is inspiring and beautiful, because you are putting yourself out there (without fear).你不会因为别人的看法而胆怯,从

5、而变成另一个自己。相反的,不管怎样你都会选择做你自己。要是你具有这些品质,你就是一个真正的美女。一旦你说了假话,有所保留,不敢说的时候,人们就会感觉到,甚至是注意到。能够做自己是很能鼓舞人的,也会让你因此而更美丽,因为你展现了真正的自己(不要害怕)。2. you know how to talk 你知道如何说话you know how to speak to others, with confidence and kindness. you know the importance of communicating properly. you do not shy away from conve

6、rsation, but speak when necessary, without having an aggressive manner.你知道怎样自信友好的和他人交流。你也明白交流适度的重要性。你不会因为害羞而不敢与人交流,必要的时候一定会说出来,也不会咄咄逼人。you know the value of showing interest in others, instead of speaking about yourself and yourself only. people want to know you are interested in speaking to them as

7、 well as listening to them.你明白表现出对他人谈话内容感兴趣的重要性,不是一味的只谈论你自己。人们想知道你对他的说话内容是否有兴趣,是否也愿意听他们说。3. you are independent 你很独立you are someone who is independent and does not need someone to do things. this means you are not shy about doing tasks on your own, whether it s going to a workout class alone or goin

8、g to do the shopping on your own. you are confident in your own abilities and understand that you can do things alone. you never need direction from others because you trust your own instincts.你是一个很独立,不是事事都需要别人为你做的那种人。这就意味着不管是在教室独自做事还是独自逛街,只要是在做自己的事,你就不会害羞。你对自己的能力很有自信,也知道你可以独自完成。因为相信自己的直觉,所以也不需要别人的指

9、导。people love confident inp人们通常都喜欢那些有自信、喜欢独立完成任务的人。那展现出了你的自信。那些对自己缺乏自信的人往往表出粘人,优柔寡断(需要别人为他做决定)的特点。别人就认为你很自卑,不自信。4. you care about more than just yourself 你在乎的不仅仅是你自己you care about others more than just yourself. this means that you show interest in others and you are not solely self-focused. you don

10、 t talk about yourself, but ask others about themselves and are concerned by what they say.你在乎的不仅仅是你自己。这就是说你会对他人的事情有兴趣,不仅仅只关注你自己。你不会谈论自己,但是会询问他人,关心别人的说话内容。when they tell you about their current problems, you show concern and want to help make them feel better.别人对你说他们目前状况的时候,你会表现出你的担心,你想要帮助他们。people

11、love this because it shows that you are interested in them and not waiting to talk about yourself. people love people who care and invest in a relationship.人们喜欢这种人是因为你表现出你在意别人,不是等着只谈论你自己的事。人们喜欢这种在意别人,愿意付出自己的人。5. you have an open mind 心胸开阔you do not have a closed mind, but you accept other people s b

12、eliefs, without criticizing or judging them for it. you understand that we all have different opinions.你心胸开阔,不会批评或是评断别人,你会接受别人的看法。你明白每个人都会有不同想法。this makes you a beautiful person because it means you are not judgmental and open to all kinds of people in your life. you give the impression that you are

13、 carefree, not allowing others opinions to cloud your thoughts.那会让你成为一个真正的美女,因为你不会妄加评断别人,能够接受你生命中出现的各类人。你会给人留下的印象就是:不会在意太多,不会让别人的意见左右自己的看法。6. you don t strive for perfection 你不会要求事事都尽善尽美you understand that you can t spend your time aiming for perfection. you know that no one is perfect and you can o

14、nly give your best.你知道自己不会浪费时间去追求事事的完美。你知道人无完人,你只能让自己尽量做到更好。everyone has flaws or makes mistakes, it s a part of the learning process. being a perfectionist only leads to a restricted life, meaning you will miss out on life s opportunities. you aren t focusing on making sure every little detail is p

15、recise, but instead you are opening your mind up to new experiences.每个人都有缺点,每个人都会犯错,这需要不断地学习和改进。成为一个完美主义者只会局限自己的生活,也意味着你会错过生命中的很多机会。你不在乎每件小事都要做的那么精确,但是你能打开思维,迎接新事物。7. you are happy 你很快乐you feel that being yourself makes you happy. after all, why should we let our flaws stop us from being happy? bein

16、g happy is more important than focusing on the negatives. you embrace yourself for who you are and don t focus on any mistakes you may make.你会觉得自己很快乐。为何我们要让自己的缺点让自己不快乐呢?毕竟快乐起来要比精神消极更重要。你在意的是你自己是怎样的一个人,而不是在意你可能会犯的错。choose happiness and you ll find it is the most beautiful thing you can wear! if i had

17、 a choice between being around the moping person and the happy one, i know i d choose the happy one.快乐起来,你会发现这是你拥有的最美的东西。要是让我在闷闷不乐和快乐之间做选择,我知道我会选择快乐。8. you smile often 经常微笑one of the most beautiful things in life is smiling. it shows you are a happy and positive person, something that will attract o

18、thers to you.世上最美的东西就是微笑。那说明你很快乐,是个积极上向上的人,也会增加对别人的吸引力。you smile because you are happy. you smile because it releases those endorphins that bring you extra happiness. you smile at others because it is polite and friendly (and you are glad to see them).微笑是因为你很快乐。你的微笑会释放出一种激素,会为你带来更多的快乐。对别人微笑是礼貌、友好的表现

19、。your smile shows that you are fond of life. that you are not sitting back, moping about the little things.微笑表现出你对生活的喜爱。微笑不会让你坐以待毙,为小事儿自怨自艾。9. you are optimistic 你很乐观you look at the world through optimistic eyes. this means you do not look at the negatives in life. instead you focus on what you can

20、learn from a bad experience.你会乐观的看待整个世界。也就是说你不会关注生活的消极面。相反,你会从不好的事件中吸取教训。you always look at life with love and excitement. you look at what can go right in a future scenario, not at the worst outcome.你总会带着爱,积极地看待生活。你会乐观的看待未来,不是关注最坏的结果。10. you are prepared to show your flaws 你愿意展示出你的缺点this can be a h

21、ard thing to do, as it means allowing people to see your faults. this is also why it is a beautiful quality to possess, as it shows that you are being yourself.这个做起来有些难,因为这就意味着你允许别人看见你的缺点。这也是让你美的原因,因为这就是真实的你自己。in conversations you are willing to let go your insecurities. you are willing to share sto

22、ries to help others out and not be worried by what they will think. you can open up to others and speak with confidence, without focusing on your faults.交流时,你愿意让别人看见你不安的底线。你愿意分享自己的故事去帮助别人,不在意别人的看法。你可以不在意自己的缺点,很自信的对他们敞开心扉与人交流。true beautiful is never about looks. what makes you beautiful is being kind

23、, carefree and happy.真正的美绝不在外表,让你变美的是善良,无虑以及快乐。【篇二:写美女的英语美文】in the very old time there lived a king in a far country. he was a very strong and very clever man. he never listened to others advice, and, when he and himself agreed upon2 anything, the thing was done. when everything moved smoothly in hi

24、s country, he was kind and gentle; but, whenever there was a little trouble, he didnt get angry and he was kinder and gentler still, for nothing pleased him so much as to make wrong thing right3.suddenly, one day, he had a good idea. he ordered his people to build an arena4 in the centre of the city

25、. so the people worked hard for several months. then the arena of the king was built. in his arena, the people saw more than soldiers fighting soldiers, or men fighting animals. they enjoyed more than the sight of blood. in the kings arena, the people saw the laws of the country at is wha

26、t happened when a man was accused of6 a crime. if the king was interested in the crime, then the people were told to come to the arena. they came together and sat there, thousands of them. the king sat high up on his seat. when he gave a sign, a door below him opened. the accused person stepped out

27、into the centre. directly opposite him, on the other side of the arena, were two doors, they were close together and looked the same7. it was the duty and the right of the person on trial8 to walk directly to these doors and open one of them. he could choose either of the doors. only chance helped h

28、im or didnt help him. if he opened the unlucky one, the biggest hungriest tiger immediately jumped upon9 him and tore him to pieces10 as a punishment for his crime. women cried, and the thousands of people walked home slowly.but, if the accused person opened the other door, a beautiful lady would st

29、ep out. to this lady he was immediately married, as a reward of his innocence11. no matter whether he might already have a wife and family or not, he had to marry the lady; the king didnt allow anything to interfere with12 his great plan of reward. then another door opened, and a priest13, followed

30、by singing and dancing girls, walked to where the pair stood. the wedding was quickly and cheerily held. then the happy bells rang, and the innocent man, with children throwing flowers on his path, led his bride14 to his home.this was the way the law worked in the kings country. its perfect fairness

31、 is clear. the criminal could not know which door the lady was behind. he opened either he pleased. at the moment he opened the door, he did not know if he was to be killed or married. on some occasions the tiger came out of one door, and on some out of the other. the people of the country thought t

32、he law was good: the accused person was immediately punished if he was guilty, and, if innocent, he was rewarded at once, whether he liked it or not.the arena was a very popular one. when the people gathered together on one of the great trial days, they never knew whether they were to see a terrible killing or a merry wedding. this uncertainty15 caused an interest of the people.this king had a very beautiful daughter, and with a mind as hot and hard as his own. she was the apple of his eye16, and was loved by him above everything. and in his country l

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