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1、仁爱版九年级英语下册第六单元教案Unit6 Topic1 SectionA 教学设计. Material analysis 本课是九年级第六单元第一个话题的第一课时,主活动为1a和4,以Michael与康康关于中国象棋的对话开始,通过对个人爱好的谈论引出关于电视节目的中心话题,讨论了各类电视节目以及不同节目形式的内容,在谈论的同时表达各自不同的偏好和爱好。我们将学习用prefer和would rather .than.等句型来准确地描绘自己偏好的电视节目。通过本课的学习,学生将进一步认识到听前预览的重要性,提高自己的听说技能,敢于用英语表达自己对电视节目的不同看法。.Teaching aims

2、 1. Knowledge aims:1)Word and phrases:actress, would ratherthan, ending2)Grammar:掌握prefer 和 would rather. than.句型。2. Skill aims:1)能听懂有关电视节目的对话,并能够提取有用信息;2)能用英语谈论一些电视节目。3. Emotional aims:1)敢于用英语表达对电视节目的不同看法。2)了解几部著名的科幻影片。4. Learning strategies1)搜集相关资源,储存现有的知识。2)学会有效地进行听前预览,预测要听到的对话的内容。. The key point

3、s and difficult points1. Words and phrases: actress, would rather.than.,ending2. Sentences:1) I hear that you can play Chinese chess very well.2) In my spare time, I prefer watching TV, especially TV plays.3) I would rather watch sports shows than those ones.So would I.4) Which kind of program do yo

4、u prefer, TV plays or sports shows?I prefer sports shows. Teaching aids多媒体课件,电影阿凡达、泰坦尼克号李小龙憨豆先生的图片,纪录片迁徙的鸟和卡通片大闹天宫的片断。. Teaching procedures Stage(time period)InteractionpatternsTeacher activityStudent activityRemarks1Getting students ready for learning(3-5 mins)Class activity1.Greeting.2.Ask student

5、s to talk about what they often do in their spare time. Students act out their own conversations about what they often do in their spare time. Introduce what activities they like better. 讨论学生喜爱的业余活动来激发学生的兴趣。2Revision(3 mins)Pair workLead to the revision: ask them to ask and answer about what TV prog

6、ram they like better.Ask and answer about what TV program they like better.Example:A: What TV program do you like better?B: I like . I prefer 用熟悉的表达喜爱的方式引出本课的重点句型。3Pre-listening(3 mins)Class activityPlay some videos about different TV programs, or show some pictures about them, and introduce differe

7、nt TV programs in brief. Watch the video about different TV programs, and know something about them.教师也可口头介绍各类电视节目,让学生对要听到的内容有一定了解,唤起他们求知的欲望。4While-listening(5 mins)Individual work1. Show the table of 1b, and ask students to read through the table.2. Play the record of the conversation. Guide studen

8、ts to listen and note.1. Read through the table before listening. And try to guess some words they will fill in.2. Listen to the conversation and write down the answers or the capital letters of the words. 1.做好听前预览是完成听力任务的保障。2.提醒学生做好记录。5Post-listening(15 mins)Class activity1.Organize students to che

9、ck the answers. 2.Play the flash of 1a.1.Report the answers. 2.Watch the flash of 1a, and mark something important and difficult.提醒学生:电视节目的首字母要用大写。听力任务完成后,学生可以结合课本上提供的有效信息进行讨论,从而达到听和说的结合,彼此相互促进。Group work1.Ask students to discuss the key and difficult points in groups. 2.Point out the key and diffic

10、ult points.3.Organize students to retell the main information of 1a based on the conversation of 1a.4.Ask students to talk about the phrases of 2a and guess the Chinese meanings. 5.Ask students to make a conversation about their favorite programs with partners, using the TV programs in 2a.1.Students

11、 discuss in groups to understand the conversation further in groups.2.Note the key and difficult points.3.Retell the main information of 1a based on the conversation of 1a.4.Talk about the phrases of 2a and guess the Chinese meanings.5.Make a conversation about their favorite programs with group mem

12、bers, using the TV programs in 2a.6Pre-listening(3 mins)Individual work1.Explain the movie about each picture. Ask students to match the movies with their explanations. 2.Introduce some information about Jane Eyre.3.Ask students to read through the questions and choices.1.Guess the type of the movie

13、s. Then translate the sentences into Chinese. At last, match the movies with their explanations.2.Listen to the teacher and take some notes.3.Read through the questions and choices before listening. And they may choose some of the answers according to the knowledge their know.7While-listening(3 mins

14、)Class workPlay the record of 4.Listen to the conversation and choose the correct answers. 8post-listening(5 mins)Class activityOrganize students to check the answers. Report the answers. 9Summarizing and assigning homework(3 mins)Class activity1.Ask students to sum up the key points.2.Repeat the ke

15、y points.3.Ask them to find more TV activities on TV or Internet after class and talk about them.1.Sum up the main content of this class. 2.Read through what they have learnt after the teacher.3.Search on TV or Internet for more TV programs and talk about them.鼓励学生课后通过查找网络和电视更多地了解本课中提到的电视节目,在下节课进行分享

16、;学会用多种形式来表达自己喜好的电视节目,并通过讨论来分享。. Blackboard designTopic 1 I would rather watch sports shows than those ones.Section A1. actress n. 女演员 actor n. 男演员2. in ones spare time 在某人空闲的时间3. prefer sth./like. better 更喜欢4. In my spare time, I prefer watching TV. 我业余时间更喜欢看电视。5. would rather do.than do . 喜欢做胜过做6.

17、I would rather watch sports shows than those ones. 我宁愿看体育类节目也不愿看那些。Unit6 Topic1 SectionB 教学设计. Material analysis本课是九年级英语第六单元第一话题的第二课时,本课的主活动为1a和2a。话题由Kangkang 对Maria的关心展开,然后谈到了两个人都喜欢的科幻电影。通过对这几部科幻电影的剧情简介,学习了如何用英语描述一部影片。1a对话和2a语篇的学习是为1b, 1c, 2b, 2c任务做铺垫,训练学生提取信息,判断正误的技能。通过本节课的学习,鼓励学生通过日常生活和学习活动中的交谈,用

18、所学语言谈论和描述喜爱的电影。.Teaching aims 1. Knowledge aims:1)Words and phrases:be based on, with the help of., be put on2)Functions:谈论科幻电影2. Skill aims:1) 能听懂有关科幻电影的对话,并能够提取有用信息,做出选择和判断。2) 能读懂科幻电影剧情简介,并正确回答与之相关的问题,做出判断。3. Learning strategies: 1) 能通过电影标题判断剧情的主要内容。 2) 根据已掌握的电影知识理解相关的英语对话和短文。. The key points and

19、difficult points1. Words and phrases: be based on, with the help of., be put on2. Sentences:1) This movie is based on a science fiction story.2) To test his idea, he travels 800 000 years into the future with the help of his own invention3) It will be put on in the National Theater on Aug. 25th to 2

20、9 th. . Teaching aids多媒体课件,时间机器、外星人、火星任务的海报。. Teaching procedures Stage(time period)InteractionpatternsTeacher activityStudent activityRemarks1Getting students ready for learning(3 mins)Class activity1.Greeting.2.Get some students to report the homework.1.Greeting. 2.Introduce a TV program according

21、 to their notes.学生根据课后笔记中的关键词进行复述。2Pre-listening(3 mins)Pair work1.Ask students to look at the picture of 1a and guess what they are talking.2.Ask students to read 1b first and guess the answers. 1.look at the picture of 1a and discuss what they are talking. 2.Know about the program and people who w

22、ill be mentioned in this conversation.假设情境,探索新知。教师可利用图片创设情境引入本课所描述的人物。听前预览帮助学生了解所听内容。3While-listening(10 mins)Class activityPlay the record and check the answers of 1b.Listen to the conversation and complete 1b. 4Post-listening(10 mins)Class activity1.Play the flash in parts and explain the language

23、 points in it.2.Play the record again. 3.Encourage students to ask anything they cant understand.1.Watch the flash and check the answers. Finish 1c. 2.Read the conversation after the record. Pay attention to the pronunciation and intonation.3.Understand the difficulties with the help of the teacher.

24、 在听录音的基础上进行仿读,培养学生正确的语音语调。聚焦难点,处理加工。汇报时根据小组成员实际情况进行任务分配,英语出色的成员复述内容多的部分,英语基础不是很好的学生,由小组分配复述简单的部分,根据时间等因素也可由小组代表一人完成任务。Group workAsk students to work in groups of four to retell the information based on 1a. Encourage students to report in groups.Work in groups of four to practice retelling the inform

25、ation based on 1a. Give a report of 1a.5Pre-reading(2 mins)Individual work1.Guide students to look at the pictures of 2a, and encourage students to say something about the three movies. 2.Ask students to read the questions of 2b.1.Look at the pictures and say something about the three movies accordi

26、ng to the knowledge they know.2.Read through the sentences of 2b and guess what the passage mentions.教师可出示更多相关的图片来介绍这三部电影。6While-reading(7 mins)Individual work1.Play the flash in parts and explain the difficulties in it. Guide students to check the answers of 2b.2.Ask students to read the sentences

27、of 2c and read 2a to finish 2c. 1.Watch the flash of 2a and take some notes. Check the answers with their partners. Then two students report the answers to the whole class. Complete 2b.2.Read the sentences in 2c carefully and understand their meanings. Then read 2a and finish 2c.鼓励学生先互相核对答案,然后再全班核对。

28、7Post-reading(2 mins)Individual work1.Check the answers of 2c with the students. 2.Ask students to introduce the three movies according to 2a. 1. Check the answers.2. Introduce the three films according to the information of 2a. 培养学生的综合运用语言的能力。8Summarizing and assigning homework(3 mins)Class activit

29、y1.Ask students to sum up the key points.2.Repeat the key points on the blackboard.3.Assign homework. 1.Sum up the main content of this class. 2.Read through what you have learnt after the teacher.3.1) Read and practice the conversation of 1a. 2) Write down the key words of the conversation to intro

30、duce their favorite movie.3) Search more information about some famous movies. 教师引导学生自主总结。主动获取知识,预习下节课并收集相关资料。. Blackboard design Topic 1 I would rather watch sports shows than those ones.Section B1. in a tired voice 以疲惫的声音说2. in surprise 惊奇地3. be based on 以为基础;取材于4. with the help of 在的帮助下5. put on

31、上演,上映6. You look a little tired today. 你今天看起来有点累。 Unit6 Topic1 SectionC 教学设计. Material analysis本课是九年级英语第六单元第一话题的阅读课,本课的主活动为1a和3。1a介绍了时代英语网站上娱乐版的几条新闻,通过完成判断正误任务让学生体验如何在短文中提取有效信息并对相关内容做出判断;1c的连线任务训练学生的寻读技巧和根据语境猜词的能力;通过的短文填空对所学内容进行信息输出,最后设置的写作任务训练学生的综合语言运用能力,并要求学生学会在教师的指导下对自己的作品进行修改。通过本节课的学习,鼓励学生尝试阅读简短的英语新闻,敢于运用所学语言知识进行情感交流。.Teaching aims

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