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安徽省 江南十校 高三联考 份.docx

1、安徽省 江南十校 高三联考 份2016年安徽省“江南十校”高三联考英语试题参考答案与评分标准 I. 听力答案:参见听力原文中黑体字部分。1-5 CBACB 6-10 CABCA 11-15 ABBBA 16-20 CCAACII. 阅读理解:21. B。答案在第二段倒数第二句中serve adults audiences well。22. D。答案与第二段中leading roles in their own相对。23. C。 A错在most, original。B不是所有的角色都cute。 D中shared qualities无体现。所以答案C。24. A。纵观全文,说的是手工造纸的原料和步

2、骤。25. C。倒数第二段,通过several more drying steps,可知答案。26. A。 最后一段The paper is smoothed and pressed可知。D项use an iron 是smooth的具体 手段。27. B。 同24题。 28. D。 文章细节多次提到bathroom, toilet, answer natures call。29. A。 见文章第二段。30. D。 见第三段最后一句it has thigh bars that keep the astronaut from floating off the seat。31. B。 第三段主题尤其

3、是Water is always in demand in space。 32. B。 文章第二段最后一句尤其是细节junk food canceled out the benefit of all efforts。33. B。 段落大意。34. C。 文章主要关心的是肥胖及其引发的多种问题。35. A。 作者对政府的早午餐计划及其效果持不乐观态度。因此B、C、D选项均错。III. 七选五:36. E。第二段标题中foolish与bright相反,与bad 同义。37. C。 第二段the highest goal isnt simply to win, its to win somethin

4、g difficult此句中可体现。38. G。结构与第三段句首be prepared to呼应,句意上进一步说明科学家的困难。39. F。呼应标题。40. B。competitors 与real peers 同义,objectionable与out of science呼应。IV. 完形填空:文章大意:本文是一篇记叙文,文章讲述了一位小提琴家在一个暴风雨中和一位守灯塔老人的奇遇,使得他的思想和技艺得到升华。41. D。 be caught in (“遭遇到”)是固定搭配。42. C。 have a long talk with sb. (与某人进行长时间交谈)43. C。 44. B。 45

5、. A。 句意为:然后从暴风雨、灯塔和老人处获得某些启示,使得鲁道夫 内心的情操升华而与往昔迥异。46. D。 这里的world应该理解为“境界”47. A。 这里的felt指的是“感受;体验”,he had never known or felt作定语,修饰a world。48. B。 因为下文中提到了fire和starts,属于后提示,因此这儿要填的是fire。49. B。 这里考察的是with的复合结构,所以要填with。50. A。 pass的主语为时间,如:Three days passed。51. D。 the struggle of all men(人们的奋斗挣扎)52. A。

6、the greatness of all human spirit (全人类伟大精神)53. A。 never before 放在句首时要用倒装句型;正常语序应为:Rudolph had never played with such power before.54. C。 与室内谈话和演奏相对应的是外边的海浪和狂风,故用outside;outside在这里是副词。55. C。 整句话的句意为:塔顶强烈的灯光穿透黑暗与波涛汹涌的大海,投射出其拯救生灵的光辉;throw与beams构成动宾搭配,意为:投射光束。56. B。 breath hard(呼吸急促;呼吸困难);hard为副词,相当于dif

7、ficultly。57. C。 “, his wide old hand resting on his knees.” 这一部分是独立主格结构;his wide old hand相当于一个主语,resting on his knees相当于一个谓语;写成一个独立的句子就是:His wide old hand rested on his knees; rest在这儿意为“靠某物支撑”,如:She rested her elbows on the table.= Her elbows rested on the table.58. B。 这里用both,指代的是Rudolph和his music。

8、59. A。 wonder(神奇)both were works of wonder (两者均为神奇的杰作)。60. D。 true在这儿应译为“真正的;名副其实的”That is true. (这才是真正的音乐)。V. 语法填空:文章大意:一个人不要在意别人对你的看法,你该关注的是做你想做并认为是值得做的事情。61. a。 考查冠词用法;这儿用a依然是泛指“怪人”,并非指前面提到的那个怪人。62. made。 考查过去式的用法;这里made是和teased并列。63. professional。 考查的是形容词作定语的用法。64. have realized。 根据上下文的意思,这儿要用现在

9、完成时。65. but。 考查的是not but的固定搭配。66. telling。 这儿要用-ing形式,因为它和前面的reading并列,考查动名词作表语。67. thousands。 考查的是thousands of的固定搭配。68. probably。 考查的是副词修饰形容词的用法。69. why。 考查的是Thats why句式;这儿why being a nerd is awesome作is的表语。70. doing。 考查的是(be)worth doing的用法。VI. 短文改错We are in an age when people take picture everywher

10、e. They picturesenjoy it even when in a museum or invited for a meal. A report shows tothat teens in many countries, especially in China, is always seen taking arepictures update their websites with them. Besides, they are serious toabout getting 100 likes because of getting anything less is conside

11、red embarrassed. Some parents worry that this type of thinking embarrassingis far too competitively for teens. And some teens dont think so. “If I competitive Butgot wrap up in my likes or views, Id go crazy. Never let your values be wrappeddetermined by how someone else thinks. ” whatVII. 书面表达Dear

12、Sir or Madame,I am a middle school student. I am writing to express my dissatisfaction and disappointment about the unpleasant experience when I bought some books from the Internet the other day.The reason for my dissatisfaction and disappointment is that the books I bought online were beyond my exp

13、ectation. In the first place, they were poorly printed. In addition, some books are slightly damaged and even some pages are missing. Needless to say, the price of some books is even higher than that in our local Xinhua Bookstores.To solve these problems, I am writing this letter to you, hoping that my letter will arouse the attention of the public through this media. I am fully confident that they will improve their service with the supervision of the public opinion.I would be grateful if you could take my opinion into consideration.Yours sincerely,

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