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1、英语口语一.多看英语电影,积累大量生活用语 推荐几部片子,能学到大量的口语,多做摘录,每天朗读 1.老友记 2.肖申克的救赎 3.迪士尼的动画片(适合所有年龄层的英语,当然更适合初学者) 4.哈利波特(标准地道的英国口语) 5.公主日记(迪士尼出品的,口语简单) 6.飞越疯人院(主要觉得电影不错) 7.怪物公司(动画片) 不要找那些粗口很多的电影,尤其是美国的,学到脏话而已。越狱我很喜欢看,但里面学到的口语并不见得多哦。二.多找机会和英语好的同学交流,当然有何外国人交流的机会更好三.英语学习的三大要素 1.“age” 年纪越小学的越快,当然这并不是最关键的 2.“motivation”(动力)

2、这是最主要的, 你要明白自己为什么要学,你不想学没人能够逼你,有兴趣才能学的好,如何培养兴趣就是如第一点所说的,从看电影开始。 3.“exposure”(曝光)把自己暴露在学英语的环境里,天天看CCTV9,天天看英语电影,天天试着用英语对话,看到一个事物就试着想他英语的说法,这样就能学的快。四.单词量是基础,培养兴趣是前提,大量练习是必然,听说读写是齐头并进的。五.我看电影的一些语句的积累,我有机会就读几遍,到用的时候自然就说出来了。First time for everything. 凡是都有第一次。There is only so much of fortune a man really

3、needs and the rest is just for showing off.人真正需要的财富就这么一点,其他都是用来炫耀的。Miracles happen every day. 奇迹每天都在发生。Life is just like a box of chocolate you never know what you gonna get.生活就像一盒巧克力你永远不知道下一块是什么。Believe you me. 你相信我。Hes a little out of your league. 你有一点配不上他。Let me be crystal clear. 让我说清楚。Improvisin

4、g. 随机应变。Control your emotions. Discipline your mind. 控制你的情绪。训练你的心智。The more you care, the more you have to lose. 你越是在意,你失去的就越多。Whats the phase? 我该怎么说?Working hard is important, but theres something that matters even more.努力很重要,但有一件事更重要。She couldnt take he eyes off you. 她的眼睛根本就不离开你。Facing the stuff i

5、n real life is not like in school.面对生活中的问题是和学校中不一样的。Lets look on the bright side. 我们乐观点看好吗。You are on your own. 你得靠自己了。I cant be of more help. 我帮不上更多忙了。For now. 没多久了。Let me make quite plain. 我来把事说清楚。More commonly know as” ”. 通常都简称为“ ”。Ill just leave you to your thoughts. 我就让你静一下吧。That really was ill

6、uminating. 那真是让人茅塞顿开。In the presence of somebody 在某人面前Why would he keep me in the dark? 为什么他瞒着我?I reach my limit. 我到极限了。(我受不了了)I can vouch for that. 我可以保证。Everything gets control. 一切在掌握之中。That goes without saying. 那还用说吗。Handle fear 直面恐惧Become a textbook case. 成为教科书般的范例I think its do some good. 我认为那(

7、对你)有好处。Prepare somebody mentally 作好心理准备See a chandler-shaped hole at that door. 看到一个Chandler的人形洞在门上Tell me how to make things right. 告诉我如何补救.I have no choice but to do sth 我只好There is nothing less than(不好的事物) 和没什么两样Brand-new concept 崭新的概念Wed better all clear the consequence. 我们最好都清楚最后的结果。Without aut

8、horization 未经许可I thank every bit of that.我感谢你做的每一点。It so happened that I expected. 既来之则安之。Not particularly. 不见得。Quite a competitor. 强劲的对手I cant hear that enough. 那话我百听不厌。So you will get all the votes! 你一定会大获全胜!I know the short cut. 我知道捷径。Mans gotta do what a mans gotta do.男人必须做男人应该做的事情。I will take a

9、 pass. 我会想办法的。Life is full of interruptions and complications.生活总是充满了中断和复杂。Fire away. 尽管说吧!You maybe run out of chance. 你可能失去机会。Do you mean that? 你说的是真的吗?Its such a self-preservation thing.这是秘密私藏的东西。Thats gorgeous! 那真美妙/壮丽!No stings attached! 无条件奉送!Mr.Right-place-at-right-time 天时地利先生We are going aro

10、und circles. 我们在原地踏步。With all respect 恕我冒昧I think its a commercial break. 我想是插广告的时间了!Remember, I was a kid once. 别忘了,我也曾经是小孩子。Free as a bird. 空的要死。Thought as much. 我想就是这样。What do you reckon? 你觉得怎么样?Taste explosion? 试试新口味?That sounds fine. A little boring but fine.听起来不错尽管有一些无聊。Thats nothing you can d

11、o that cant be done. 世上没有做不到的事。You make a really good point. 你说的很有道理。I will give my best shot. 我会尽力的。Its a light-year ahead of its time. 这东西在它的时代超级先进!Dont be such a goody-goody! 别这么假正经嘛!Thats sort of you given. 你说的有道理。Can we please just drop this? 我们能换个话题吗?One thing leads to another. 一不做二不休I m tired

12、 of covering you two! 我再也不想替你们掩饰了!I never felt so alive! 我从来没这么兴奋!You look remarkably groomed today.你今天打扮的不错哦。Not even think about it. 想都不要想。No words can heal a broken heart. 没有言语能治愈心灵的创伤。Put your faith in what you most believe in. 把你的信仰放在你最深信的地方。A man at the start of a long journey whose conclusion

13、 is uncertain. 一个人开始了长途旅行,伴随着未知的结局。Im find Im so excited I can barely sit still or hold a thought in my head. 我发觉我很激动,几乎坐不住,我的思绪混乱。“Get busy living, or get busy dying.” 要么忙着工作,要么忙着死。Ill keep an eye out for you. 我期待你的到来。Help me to get my project on wheels.我需要一个人帮我一起工作。Much obliged. 非常感谢。All I want is

14、 to be back where things make sense.我只想回到适合我的地方。There is a harsh truth to face. 现实是很难面对的。I look back on the way I was. 我回首过往。 To me its just a made-up word. 对我来说只是一个掩饰的词。You have the right to remain silent, if you give up this right, anything you see can be held against you in court.(米兰达)A person sh

15、ould do anything to keep his mind occupied.一个人必须做哪怕任何事来消磨时间。Thats all it takes. 需要的就是这些。I imagine it appealed to his meticulous nature.我认为这归功于他一丝不苟的个性。You dont put me behind! 你不要耽误我的时间!Impeccable(完整无缺的) timing. 来的正是时候。From dawn until dusk 从黎明到黄昏Its good having you back. Place wasnt the same without

16、you.你回来真好。你不在的话一切都不一样。Just about finished. 就快结束了。Every man has his breaking point. 人都有脆弱的一刻。I guess I come down to(归结为) a simple choice.我想我只有一个选择。Im in the path of the tornado. 我遇上了麻烦。Do you catch my drift? 明白我的意思吗?Move on. 继续下去。We just have to put the stuff behind us. 我们只能把事放在脑后。Its got me up night

17、s. 让我晚上不能入睡。We got a situation here. 我们这里有点情况。I just want to put you at ease. 我只想让你放心。If we do that, we do it all the way. 100%. 如果我们做事,就坚持下去。用全力。Night drops as always. 一天又过去了。Get somebody elsewhere 把某人派到别处I have somebody to keep me company.我有XX陪着我。Id like to think it was something so beautiful it c

18、ant be expressed in word and makes your heart ache because of it.我想那是难以用言语形容的美境而且使你心伤。We will consider the matters closed. 所以我们是否将此事告一段落。Part that counts, anyway. 至少部分算(达到了)。As god as my witness! 上帝可以帮我做证!Ill give you a time tour. 我带你随便逛逛吧。Im not falling for that one.我才不会上当。Its exactly like it sound

19、s.确实是听上去那样。Its a feat engineering. 是一个宏伟的工程。Oh, forget it. 哦,算了。You have a very productive day.你过了很充实的一天。At ease, soldier. 稍息,大兵!I think you two could really hit it off.我想你们一定会来电。The ball is in ones court. 轮到谁出招了Somebody is using his head. 有人动了一番脑筋啊。Chip in 捐款Do you mind if I wash up? 你介意我去洗手间吗?Go f

20、or 选择,袭击I have to keep my schedule. 我必须遵守时间。Words get around. 话说回来。The time is ripe for action.行动的实际已经成熟。A person of ripe judgment 判断力成熟的人You are such a charmer. 你真吸引人!So long! 再见!Thats the way it has to be. 那是没办法的。Im baring my soul here. 我在这里掏心掏肺A: I didnt know you were hard up.我并知道你缺钱。B: I put up

21、a good front but I havent seen daylight for a long time.我只是装门面比较好罢了,我已经看不到曙光好久了。Hard up是缺钱的意思。It was no disgrace to be hard up.那时候,没有钱并不丢架。也可以指“缺少必需之物” He must be very hard up for a date if he has to invite someone like her to go out.他若约会那样的女孩一定是饥不择食了。Put up a front 可以是装门面或充阔佬Sometimes she puts up a

22、 front and pretends it doesnt matter. 她有时装腔作势扮作若无其事。See daylight 指“成功在望”Be waltzing right up to some place 大摇大摆去某地Off-duty 下班We are just going through a rough time. 我们正在度难关。Shes nuts. 她疯了!She is the one. 她就是真命天女。Simulation terminated. 模拟程式结束。Let me get this straight. 让我把这个搞清楚。The pleasures all mine.

23、 我很荣幸。Pleased to make your acquaintance. 很高兴认识你。Anything but that! 这东西除外!Welcome to my humble home.欢迎来到寒舍。Its my problem free philosophy. 这是我解决问题的哲学。You should get to put your past behind you.你应该把身后放在过去中。He looks blue. 他看起来有点伤心。Precisely. 完全正确。You deliberately disobey me. 你故意忤逆我。That was it? 就那个?(轻蔑

24、)Arrange heart-to-heart 促膝谈心Free to do all my way. 随心所欲做事。Not so long as Im around. 只要我在就不可能。Gotcha. 收到了。A smooth talker 一个能说会道的人We are way out of line. 我们是在太离谱了!Get someone all figured out? 看透某人Some people are just into appearance. 有些人只是以貌取人。I cant wait to see you.我迫不及待想见你。I think its like a crime

25、against the nature.我觉得这有点不合天理。I get a great kick out of it. 我很欣赏这一点。I cant accept your acceptance of our apology. 我不能接受你接受我们道歉的方式。Its just a little sudden. 只是有些突然。Its nothing to freak out about. 过去的事就过去了。(freak out生气)That would make more sense. 那样说似乎更有道理。These clowns wants to take us for a ride. 这些小

26、人想占我们便宜。Dont count on it! 别想了。I decide to leave it entirely up to the gods of fate.我决定(把事情)交给命运女神。He is leaving for China for good = for leave = forever 他永远离开的中国。In essence 实际上Actually,sort of。 事实上,算是吧And so on and so forth 等等I want my cut. 我要我那部分/我要分一杯羹。Sounds like hocus-pocus to me. 对我来说像是胡扯。you-k

27、now-who 那个你知道的人Thats really something! 的确有一套!Its freaking gone with wind. 的确很神奇Roger that. 收到了(消息)Are you fishing for doing sth? 你是不是想。(轻蔑的)We do not have some time to kill. 没有大把的时间可以去消磨。Bring it on! 尽管来吧!pay through the nose for it 出天价Its dangling off the tip of your tongue. 我知道你快要说出口了。Mind over mu

28、scle. 斗智不斗力/智慧至上。Whats the word Im searching for? 我想说什么来着?So long! 再见!At this very moment, I could embrace you in my arms. 在这非常时刻,我可以拥你入怀。Strap in! 坐好了!(皮带绑好)Its a mad house. 像疯人院一样。On the dot. 正好到点。No, not even close. 远远不够。Im all out of favor. 我无能为力。figure out fast 认清形势Everything, you do it down to

29、 the last detail. 每件事,你都精益求精。So dont run from who youve become. Embrace it. Grow from it. And youll never lose sight of what truly matters. 不要逃避你成为的样子,家伙。拥抱它,从中成长。 你将不会再失去真正对你有意义的东西.To be honest with you 老实说来Its a marvel of modern science. 是现代科技的产物。Does any one / No one care to touch this further. 有

30、人/没人想对此发表意见。I can only speculates as to the reasons why. 我只能说那是推论。Getting things off my chest. 胸中有些不吐不快。What I mean is that we spend most of our time not living in the moment. We are either regretting the past or worrying about the future. 我的意思是我们花太少的时间放在现在。我们既在悔恨过去又在担心将来。Its very sorry to burst tha

31、t bubble. 很遗憾去捅破那个美梦。Ill . if thats what it takes to get you to do sth . 我会做(某事)如果那让你You are a lucky dog. 你真是好运啊!to work on the relationship 修复关系like two idiots in love 像两个坠入爱河的傻瓜Thats the really something I cant cut out of my life! 那是在我生活中无法割舍的东西!Needless to say 毫无疑问There is no lack of moving stories of something .的感动故事并不缺乏Wipe out ones humiliation 抹去耻辱Out of sight, man! 惨不忍睹!Fact speak louder than words.事实胜于雄辩。I cant take it n

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