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Can you play the guitar知识点汇总及练习.docx

1、Can you play the guitar知识点汇总及练习Can you play the guitar一、重点句型掌握 1.- Can you dance? - 2. -What can you do? -I can play the guitar. What can you do? 是对主语会干的动作进行提问。如:He can play the piano.(对划线部分进行提问)答案是: 3. -What club do you want to join? -I want to join the music club.二、. 重点单词和词组 1. join v. 参加 加入 它是短暂性

2、动词,不能和一段时间连用。后加组织名称或人称代词 join the army /Party/ football team / the music club 参军/入党/加入足球队/音乐俱乐部 She joins us for dinner. 她与我们共进晚餐。join in 通常指参加某种活动(注意是活动), 尤其指和其他人一起参加某项活动,相当于take part in May I join in the game?我可以参加这个比赛吗 I hope you”ll all join in the discussion.我希望你们大家都参加讨论。 (1). My brother the arm

3、y in 2002.(2). May I the competition?(3). We are playing football. Do you want to ?(4). You are welcome to us.参考答案:1. joined 3. join in 4. join in 5. join2. swim 动词,游泳 swimmer 游泳者 swimming 名词,游泳Do you like swimming?你喜欢游泳吗? 常用词组:have a swim游泳;go swimming去游泳 用swim的适当形式填空 I often go to in the pool(水池).

4、3. musician 音乐家 music 音乐4. show n. 演出 表演 School Show 学校演出 TV show 电视节目 talk show 谈话节目 talent show 才艺表演 on show 正在展出 v. 出示 展示Please show your ID card. 请出示你的身份证。 show sb. sth. show sth. to sb. 改写句子:I will show you the way = 5. little adj. 作定语 小的 少的 a little bird 小鸟 修饰不可数名词 几乎没有 表否定意义。Theres little wat

5、er in the bottle. a little 有一点 a little/a few/ litte/ few 的辨别()1.Thisisaveryoldsong,so_youngpeopleknowit.a.fewb.littlec.afewd.alittle()2.Thereis_inkinmypen.Wouldyougiveme_?a.little/alittleb.alittle/littlec.few/afewd.afew/few()3.MrSmithisquitebusytoday.Hehas_meetingstoattend.a.littleb.alittlec.fewd.a

6、few6. play 玩,打 用法如下: 1)当play 后接球类或棋类名词时,该球类或棋类名词前不用定冠词the。 play basketball 打篮球, play volleyball 打拍球 ,play chess下国际象棋 2)当play 后接乐器名词时,该乐器名词前要用定冠词the。 Play the piano 弹钢琴, play the guitar弹吉他, play the violin拉小提琴*玩游戏 用 play或play the填空 He can _basketball,but he cant piano I want to guitar.I dont want to

7、football.7,.and,but和or的用法 (1) and“和”连接两个相同成分 常用在肯定句中。 I am a boy and she is a girl.我是男孩 她是女孩。 (2)but“但是”表示转折关系 前后意思相反。 She likes thrillers but she doesnt like comedies. (3)or“或者”表示选择关系。常用在疑问句、否定句中。 I dont like comedies or thrillers.我不喜欢喜剧和恐怖片。 Do you like basketball or soccer ball ?你喜欢篮球还是足球 选择题:1.

8、Mr. Smith is an English teacher _ he teaches us English.A. orB. andC. but2. Would you like to go to the concert with me tonight? Id love to, _ I cant. I have a lot of homework to do.A. orB. andC. but3. When you are learning English, use it as often as possible, _ you might drop it.A. orB. andC. but1

9、Go along the street,_ youll find the shop2I know him _ I cant remember his name3. You may go with him _ stay at home8,paint 与 draw注意与draw的区别:paint指用颜料等绘画;而draw指用钢笔、铅笔等画。【经典例句】 The artist paints in water colors.这位画家以水彩画画。 Alan draws a map and tell me how to get there.【考点聚焦】 1)派生词:painter n .画家paintin

10、g n .画 paint 还可以表示 给上颜料(油漆)eg: We paint the door blue.三. 重点句型 1. What club do you want to join? 你想加入什么俱乐部 what,n 什么 What time is it now? 现在几点了。 你喜欢什么颜色 _ 你想买什么样的车 _ 你喜欢什么运动 _ 2. Are you good with kids? 你与孩子们相处得好吗 (1)be good with =be friendly with=get on well with sb 与相处得得好。如 My aunt is good with kid

11、s.=My aunt gets on well with kids.我阿姨和孩子们相处得好。 be good to 对某人友好 我的老师对我们都很友好。_ be good at 擅长 我擅长游泳。_ (2)good adj. well adv. 用来修饰动词或形容词。 He is a good student. 他是一个好学生。He cant play the guitar well. 他弹不好吉他。1、He plays basketball_? A.good B.well 2,He is a teacher.3. Can you help kids with swimming? 你能帮孩子们

12、学游泳吗 help sb. with sth/ doing sth. 帮助某人某事 help sb. (to) do sth. 帮助某人做某事 You can help me with (carry) the things.He often helps me (study) English.4. Why do you want to join the club? 你为什么想加入这个俱乐部,常回答用because 引导的句子 Why do you want to join the music club? 你为什么想加入音乐俱乐部 因为我喜欢音乐。_ 5. May I know your name

13、? 我可以知道你的名字吗 6.I can do Chinese kung fu. 我会表演中国功夫。do Chinese kung fu意为“表演中国功夫”,其中的do是实意动词。7.You can be in our school music festival. 你可以参加我们学校的音乐节。be in意为“参加,加入”8.Please call Zhang Heng at 622-6033. 请给张恒打电话拨打622-6033。call sb at + 电话号码 意为“给某人打电话拨打号9. Whats your address? 你的地址在哪里?问“你的地址在哪里?”疑问词是what而不是

14、where. 如:Whats your e-mail address?四. 语法要点 can【can的才艺展示】 1.表示能力,通常指在体力或脑力方面的能力,意为“能;会”。如: He can speak English.他会说英语。 2.表示许可,意为“可以”,这时可以和may通用,但是比may较正式。如: Can I use your pen?我可以用你的钢笔吗? 3.表示可能性,意为“可能”,这时常出现在否定句中。如: It cant be true.这不可能是真的。 4.表示提供帮助。如: Can you help me?你可以帮助我吗? 【can的个性展示】 1.与动词原形“形影不离” 在句中,can

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