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1、138新单词2010届湖南考试说明新增词汇表1. alien eiljn adj. 1. 外国的, 外国人的2. 陌生的3. 性质不同的4. 外星的 5. 不相容;相抵触;格格不入 n. C 1. 外国人, 外侨, 局外人2. 外星人2. angel eindl n. U 天使,像天使般好心的人 Brooke is such an angel. Shes kind and helpful to everyone3. assembly sembli n. C U 会议 attend an assembly参加会议General Assembly of The United Nations 联合国

2、大会4. awesome :sm adj. 令人敬畏的;极好的 The view from the top of the Grand Canyon was awesome.5. backpack bkpk n. C 1. 背包 2. (双肩)背包Angela puts her books in her backpack and carries them to school.6. Bible baibl n. 圣经 At Friday Night Live, we have a good time studying the Bible in English.7. billboard bilb:d

3、 n. C 广告牌,这里指立于路边的大型广告牌 8. booklet buklit n. C a small book, usu. with a paper cover 小册子9. bump bmp v.& n. bump(against,into)碰,撞;颠簸着前进10. calf kf n. C 1. 小腿 Kneading(揉,捏) a painful calf muscle. 2. 小牛The cow cast a calf. 母牛早产下一头小牛11.capable keipbl adj. 1. 有能力的, 有技能的2. 能力强的;足以胜任 capable of retraction;

4、 能收回的;capable of being drawn back. 能拿回的。12. cashier ki n. C 1. 出纳员; 2. 收银台Are they accountant or cashier? 他们是会计员还是出纳员? 13. charity triti n. U 1.慈爱, 仁慈; 救济金 2.慈善团体 3.宽厚, 宽容, 宽大 Judge other people with charity. 待人要宽厚。14. charm t:m n. U 魅力, 吸引力 妩媚 15. chase teis v. 追捕, 追逐 eg. My dog likes chasing rabbi

5、ts. 我的狗喜欢追兔子。n. 追捕, 追猎 打猎 Do you like riding in the chase?你喜欢骑马打猎吗?16. claim kleim n. U 1.主张, 断言 His claim to own the house is valid.他主张对此屋的所有权有效。2.(根据权利而提出的)要求 You have no claim on my sympathies.你无权要求得到我的支持。3.(尤指对财产、土地等要求拥有的) (应得的)权利;所有权,要求权 vt. 声称, 断言17. clip klip n. C 1.(塑料或金属的) 夹子, 回纹针, 别针 Faste

6、n these sheets of paper together with a clip, please.请用回形针将这些纸别在一起。2.剪, 修剪 Give the hedge a clip.把树篱修剪一下。3.剪报, 电影或电视片段 Clips from the movie will be presented on video.这部影片的剪辑将制作成录像。4.非正猛打,(用手)猛击,抽打 She gave him a clip on the ear.她打了他一记耳光。5.用复数修剪器;大剪刀;指甲刀 18. combat kmbt n. C U 战斗, 格斗, 斗争,打仗 He was a

7、warded a cross for gallantry in combat.他因在战斗中表现英勇而被授予十字勋章。vt.与战斗, 与斗争 The police are now using computers to help combat crime.警方现在使用电脑打击犯罪活动。19. community kmju:niti n. C 1.社区, 社会, 团体 He refuses to join any community.他不参加任何团体。2.大众, 公众 The job of a politician is to serve the whole community.政治家的职责是为全体

8、大众服务。20. compact kmpkt adj. 装填紧密的, 整齐填满的, 紧密的, 坚实的 It was a compact package.这是个捆得很紧的包裹。21. complicate kmplket v. 1.使复杂化 These events will greatly complicate the situation. 这些事件将使局势变得极其复杂。22. compose kmpuz vt.1.组成, 构成 These twelve men are believed to compose the jury. 据信, 陪审团是由这12人组成的。2.使安定, 使镇静,使平静

9、I heard him ask her to compose herself.我听到他叫她镇定。3.撰写(信函、讲稿、诗歌等)Yesterday he composed a piece of music.昨天他作了一首曲子。 vi. 1.构图;构成 He photographs any scene that composes well. 他把任何构图美好的风景都拍摄下来。2.创作(乐曲、诗歌等); 为谱曲 He teaches music and also composes.他教音乐, 也作曲。23. concentrate knsntreit vt. & vi.1.专心于; 注意; 集中(注

10、意力); 聚精会神 I cant concentrate (my attention) on my studies when Im hungry.2.集中, 聚集, 使集中(或集合、聚集) The general decided to concentrate his forces near the capital.这位将军决定把他的部队集中在首都附近。vt. 浓缩 An acid solution is concentrated when it has very much acid in it.当酸性溶液里含有很多酸时, 它就被浓缩了。24. conquer kk vt. 1.攻克, 征服 W

11、e have conquered the enemy.我们战胜了敌人。2.破除, 克服 I conquered my dislike for mathematics.我克服了讨厌数学的毛病。vi. 得胜 25. conscious kns adj. 1.神志清醒的;有知觉的;有意识的 He is badly hurt but still conscious.他伤得很重, 不过神志还清醒。2.知道的; 注意到的;意识到 I was not conscious of having made a mistake.我没意识到犯了错误。26. contest kntest n. C 1.比赛, 竞赛,

12、竞争 We entered a fishing contest.我们参加了钓鱼比赛。2.搏斗, 争论, 纷争 This is mans contest with nature.这是人与大自然的搏斗。3.争夺,竞争(控制权或权力) 27. context kntekst n. C 1.背景, 环境, 2.上下文, 语境 You can always tell the meaning of a word from its context.你常可以从上下文中猜出词义来。28. copyright kpirait n. C U 版权, 著作权 Copyright expires 50 years af

13、ter the death of the author.版权在作者死后50年即行终止。29. corridor krid: n. C 走廊, 通道 The corridor opens into Mr. Browns office.这条走廊通到布朗先生的办公室。2.走廊(一国领土通过他国境内的狭长地带)30. crisis kraisis n. C U 1.危机, 危急关头 When a crisis comes they have gone.当危机来临时, 他们已经走了。2.决定性时刻, 关键阶段 Keep a cool head during the crisis.在危急关头要保持清醒的头

14、脑。31. criticize kritisaiz v. 评论, 批评;批判;挑剔;指责 ,评价 32. current krnt adj. 1.现在的, 现行的 They suggested measures to overcome current difficulties.他们提出了克服目前困难的措施。2.通用的, 通行的, 被普遍接受的 This word is no longer in current use.这个字已经不再通用了。3.流行的,盛行的33. cute kju:t adj. 1.漂亮的, 娇小可爱的What a cute baby she is!她是多么逗人喜爱的婴儿啊!

15、2.聪明伶俐的, 精明的 The little girl is very cute.那个小女孩非常聪明。3.有性吸引力的;性感的 有魅力的34. cybercrime saibkraim n. C the illegal use of computers and the internet crime committed by means of computers or the internet 网络犯罪35. define difain v. 精确地解释; 界定 Please define the words.请准确地解释这些字的意义。They defined him as a rogue.他

16、们确定他为骗子。36. definition definin n. C 1.定义, 释义;(尤指词典里的词或短语的)释义, 解释 I made a definition for this word.我给这个字下了定义。37. depression dipren n. U 1.忧伤, 消沉, 沮丧 He suffers from acute depression.他患有严重的忧郁症。2.经济大萧条, 不景气时期 Business depression usually causes misery among the working class.商业不景气常使工薪阶层受苦。38. despite d

17、ispait prep. 不管, 尽管, 任凭 Despite the fact that she is short, she is an excellent basketball player.尽管她个子矮, 却是个出色的篮球运动员。39. dialect dailekt n. C 方言, 土语 He wrote a play in a local dialect.他用当地方言写了一个剧本。40. Dr= doctor dkt C 1.医生, 大夫 2.博士 41. dramatic drmtik adj. 1.戏剧的, 剧本的 He enjoys the dramatic arts.他喜爱

18、戏剧艺术。2.戏剧性的, 激动人心的 His speech was dramatic.他的演说激动人心。3.引人注目的, 给人深刻印象的 She plays a very dramatic woman with flashing eyes.她饰演一位双眼闪光的引人注目的妇人。42. element elimnt n. C 1.(化学)元素 2.成分, 要素Cells are the elements of the human body.43. emotion imun n. C U 强烈的感情;激情;情感;情绪 Love, hatred and grief are emotions. 爱、恨和

19、忧伤都是强烈的情感。He spoke in a voice touched with emotion.他以激动的声音说话。44. enclose inkluz v. 1.(用墙、篱笆等)把围起来 The wall encloses the hospital.围墙将那所医院围在里面。2.把装入信封, 附入 He enclosed a cheque for 500 dollars.他附寄了一张500美元的支票。45. essential isenl adj. 1.必不可少的, 绝对必要的; 非常重要的 Food is essential for life.生命离不开食物。It is essenti

20、al that you should come home early.(虚拟语气)你有必要早点回家。2.本质的, 实质的, 基本的 There are essential differences between the two.46. estimate estimeit n. 1.估计, 估价 The painters estimate for painting the whole house was 1000 dollars.油漆匠对油刷整个房子的估价是1000美元。2.报价 We got estimates from three different contractors before a

21、ccepting the lowest.我们得到三个承包商的报价后, 接受了最低的报价。3.(对人或物的品质特性的)意见,看法;判断;评价 I dont know her well enough to form an estimate of her abilities.我对她不太了解, 无法对她的能力做出判断。47. evil i:vl adj. 1.邪恶的, 坏的,恶毒的 He is an evil man with evil ideas, and leads an evil life.他是一个满脑子恶念头的邪恶的人, 过着一种罪恶的生活。2.讨厌的, 使人不舒服的,令人作呕的 What a

22、n evil smell!多么臭的气味!It was an evil night.这是一个坏透了的夜晚。48. eyebrow aibrau n. C 眉毛 Her eyebrow is well penciled. 她的眉毛画得很好。49. facility fsiliti n. C U 1. 设备, 设施 The machine is only servicing facilities.这部机器只是辅助设备。2.(学习、做事的)天资,才能,天赋50. factor fkt n. 1.因素, 要素 Industry and modesty are the chief factors of h

23、is success.勤奋和谦虚是他成功的主要因素。2.【生物学】基因,遗传因子(= gene) 51. faint feint v. 晕倒, 昏倒 The young soldier fainted in the hot sun.那个年轻的士兵在炎炎烈日下晕了过去。52. fake feik adj. 假的, 冒充的 These are fake diamonds.53. fascinating fsineiti adj. 迷人的, 有极大吸引力的 The changing vivid colours of the sunset are really fascinating.日落时变化多端的

24、色彩确实使人心醉神迷。54. feature fi:t n. 1.特征, 特色 The islands chief feature was its beauty.这个岛的主要特色是风景秀丽。2.复数面貌,相貌,容貌 The veil she was wearing obscured her features.她戴的面纱遮掩了她的面容。3.特写, 专题节目;美国英语(报纸、杂志等上面的)特写文章,特辑( feature story)55. financial fainnl adj. 财政的, 金融的 The company was in deep financial difficulties.5

25、6. flavour fleiv n. C U 1.味; 味道;(食物或饮料的)味道; (某种)味道 2.特色, 特性, 气氛 57. gene di:n n. C 生基因 You have good genes from your parents, so you should live a long time. 58. hack vi.1.劈, 砍 He hacked at the branch until it fell off.他朝着树枝砍, 直到砍下来为止。vt. 1.狠踢, 乱踢 2.应付(某情形) I have been doing this job for years,but I

26、 just cant hack it anymore.59. halfway hfwei adj&adv. 1.半途(的),中间(的) Halfway up the hill,the engine packed up. 走到半山腰,发动机熄火了。2.折中方案;妥协办法 We really wanted to build a completely new hospital, but we didnt have the money, so this extension is a kind of halfway house.我们非常想新建一所医院,但是没钱,扩建算是折中方案吧。60. hint hi

27、nt n. C 1 .暗示, 示意 He gave me a hint that I was being cheated.他暗示我在受人欺骗。2.细微的迹象, 少许, 微量 Theres a subtle hint of garlic in the sauce.调味汁里稍微有一点蒜味。61. horizon hraizn n. C 1.地平线 2.范围, 界限, 眼界 3.可望见的东西 4.眼界,视线;(知识、阅历、兴趣等的)范围;见识 62. household haushuld n. C 1.同住在一所房子里的人, 一家人, 户 I grew up as part of a large h

28、ousehold.我生长在一个大家庭。The whole households were up early.全家人都起得很早。He was the head of a household.他是户主。63. human being hju:mn bi:i n. C 人类 a human being ; human beings64. impact impkt n. C 影响, 作用 The computer had made a great impact on modern life. 65. individual individjul adj. 1.个别的, 单独的, 个人的 Each ind

29、ividual house has its own yard. n. C 个体每栋房子都有各自的庭院。2.独特的 She has her own individual style of doing things.她有自己独特的行事风格。66. infect infekt v. 1.(受)传染Whole societies become infected by these vices.整个社会都被这些恶习所腐蚀。2.污染 Waste gases infected the air.废气污染了空气。3.影响 Marys high spirits infected all the girls in t

30、he class.玛丽的兴致感染了全班的女孩。67. inject indekt v. 1.(给)注射(药物等) The doctor has injected him under the skin.医生已给他皮下注射了一针。2.(给)添加,增加(某品质) We hope to inject interest into our party.我们希望我们的聚会更有趣味。3.(给)投入(资金) 68. intellectual intilektjul adj. 智力的; 理智的, 善于思维的 Maths is an intellectual exercise. 数学是一种智力训练。She is an intellectual woman.她是一个有才华的女人。intellectual property rights知识产权2.有才智的;智力发达的 69. interact intrkt v. 1.相互作用影响, 互相配合 The two ideas interact.这两种看法互相影响。2. 交流;沟通;合作 70. interfere intfi v. 1.干预; 调停As he is always interfering, I told him to mind his own business.因为他常来指手画脚, 所以我让他少管闲事。2.妨碍 If

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