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1、高三英语综合思维训练对比练习100题高三英语综合思维训练对比练习100题高三英语综合思维训练对比练习100题1. (1)Tom got the first place, _ made his parents happy.(2)Tom got first place, and _ made his parents happy.A. as B. which C. that D. this2.(1)_ is well known to all, the earth is round. (2)_ is well known to all that the earth is round.A. That

2、B. with C. It D. As3.(1)Its good _ you to take a walk after supper every day.(2)It was really stupid _ him to refuse the invitation.A. of B. to C. for D. at4.(1)He is unfit for the job, _?(2)He isnt fit for the job, _?A. isnt he B. is he C. doesnt he D. does he5.(1)Is this museum _ you visited the o

3、ther day?(2)Is this the museum _ you visited the other day?A. that B. where C. in which D. the one6.(1)He said that Mary had done it, _?A. hadnt she B. hadnt Mary C. didnt he D. did he(2)Its my sons birthday next week, and I have to do my best for that, _?A. isnt it B. is it C. havent I D. dont I7.(

4、1)I watched TV last night. _. _.A. So I did B. So did I C. So I was D. So was I(2)Mr. Chen is a teacher and works very hard, _ his wife.A. So does B. So is C. So it is with D. It is same with8.(1)It is 10 years sine we _ school.A. left B. have left C. had left D. leave(2)This is the first time I _ h

5、ere.A. was B. am going C. have been D. came9.(1)Lets start at once, _?(2)Let us go, _?A. will you B. shall we C. do you D. do we10.(1)There are many trees on _ side of the street.(2)There are many students watching the volleyball match on _ side of the playground.A. all B. both C. every D. each11.(1

6、)Mr. Johnson must have come back yesterday, _?(2)He must have waited here for a long time, _?A. hasnt he B. havent he C. mustnt he D. didnt he12.(1)_ knows the truth will tell you about it, I think.A. Who B. That C. No matter who D. Whoever(2)Dont trust him, _ he says.A. what B. no matter what C. wh

7、atever D. B and C13.(1)“_ can the work be done?” In five hours.(2)_ have you studied English? For six years.A. How long B. How soon C. How often D. How far14.(1)Zhang Ming is taller than _ in his class.A. any students B. anyone C. any other student D. others(2)He studies English harder than _ in his

8、 class.A. any students B. any boys C. anyone D. any girls15.(1)Shall we have her _ there?(2)Shall we get her _ there?A. to go B. go C. went D. gone16.(1)The experiment has failed. I suggest you _ again.A. trying B. will try C. would try D. try(2)Her expression suggested that she _ angry.A. be B. was

9、 C. were D. being17.(1)They usually have a Party meeting on Saturday afternoon, _?A. dont they B. havent they C. do they D. have they(2)He hasnt any brothers, _?A. has he B. does he C. hasnt he D. A and B18.(1)Waiting for her _ me three hours.(2)Well _ three days in finishing the work.A. took B. cos

10、t C. pay D. spend19.(1)He wanted nothing but _ there.A. stayed B. staying C. to stay D. stay(2)He would do anything for you but _ you money.A. lend B. to lend C. lent D. lending20.(1)The workers made machines _ the farmers.(2)The officer made his men _ the farmers.A. help B. to help C. helped D. hel

11、ping21.(1)I managed to make myself _.A. hear B. heard C. to be heard D. hearing(2)The earth must be made _ more people.A. supported B. supporting C. to support D. support22.(1)_ care for nobody but himself will never get along well with the others.A. That B. These C. Those who D. Who(2)_ fails to fi

12、nish the task given should be criticized.A. Any one who B. Anyone whoC. Anyone which D. Any one23.(1)East of the village _ a lake five years ago.(2)He _ his hand on my shoulder.A. lie B. lay C. laid D. lain24.(1)Someone is asking for you, May be he will have _ you.A. the word with B. a word withC. s

13、ome words to D. words to(2)She used to have _ with her husband.A. a word B. the word C. words D. some words25.(1)Our teacher entered the classroom, _.(2)Our teacher entered the classroom, with _.A. a book in hand B. book in handC. a book in his hand D. book in his hands26.(1)_ many times, but he sti

14、ll couldnt understand it.(2)_ many times, he has already known how to do it.A. Having been told B. Having toldC. He had been told D. Though he had been told27.(1) To prevent the air _, something will have to be done.A. to pollute B. to be polluted C. from polluting D. from being polluted(2)The bad w

15、eather prevented us _.A. from going out B. to go outC. gone out D. went out28.(1)It was not _ that the police arrived and caught the thief.(2)The book will be printed _.A. before long B. before C. long before D. long29.(1)_ the sight of the jewels Mathildes eyes shone brightly.(2)_ sight of his old

16、friend in the street, he felt very happy.A. At B. In C. Out of D. Catching30.(1)_, we all went to the park.(2)_, and we all went to the park.A. Being a fine day B. Because the fine dayC. It was a fine day D. It being a fine day31.(1)To all the people here _ the honour for the success.(2)China _ the

17、Third World is a developing country.A. belong B. belongs C. belongs to D. belonging to32.(1)_ what the schoolmaster said, the girls face turned red.(2)_ what the schoolmaster said, she was encouraged.A. After she heard B. After hearing C. To hear D. To be heard33.(1)Do you remember _ the policeman b

18、efore?A. seeing B. to see C. saw D. to be seen(2)Please remember _ your hands before dinner.A. washed B. being washed C. to wash D. washing34.(1)The letter “X” can _ an unknown number.A. be used to express B. be used to expressingC. use to express D. use for expressing(2)Johnson _ up now.A. used to

19、get B. is used to getting C. is used to get D. used to getting35.(1)Ill do whatever I can _ my English.A. improve B. to improve C. improving D. to improving(2)He said he could _ me with my English.A. to help B. helping C. have helped D. help36.(1)_ hearing the news, he rushed out.A. On B. In C. By D

20、. At(2)They enjoyed _ the news of his safe return.A. on B. in C. by D. at37.(1)Shanghai is in _.(2)Shanghai belongs to _.A. the East of China B. the east of ChinaC. East China D. the East China38.(1)_ from Beijing to Shanghai!(2)_ from Beijing to shanghai?A. How a long way it is B. What a long way i

21、s itC. How far is it D. What a long way it is39.(1)They have invited us to visit their country, _ is very kind of them.A. that B. it C. which D. what(2)They have invited us to visit their country. _ is very kind of them.A. That B. It C. Which D. What40.(1)There _ no bus, we had to go by bike.(2)Ther

22、e _ no bus. We had to go by bike.A. was B. Being C. had D. is41.(1)He insisted that I _ with him.A. went B. go C. would go D. going(2) She insisted that she _ correct.A. should be B. be C. was D. were42.(1)As your spoken English improves, _ your written English.A. so does B. thus will C. so will D.

23、does so(2) He likes playing football, _ his brother.A. so will B. so does C. does so D. will so43.(1)I havent heard from him for a long time.What do you think _?A. was happening B. to happen C. having happened D. has happened(2)_ did you talk with just now?A. Which B. What C. whom D. Whose44.(1)We c

24、ant have you _ so fast.A. drove B. driven C. drive D. to drive(2)The two cheats had the light _ all night long.A. to burn B. burn C. burnt D. burning45.(1)Last year they had the schoolroom _.A. to rebuilt B. rebuild C. rebuilding D. rebuilt(2)He said he had a lot of work _.A. to do B. do C. did D. d

25、one46.(1)_ these pictures, I couldnt help thinking of those days when I was in London.(2)_ from the top of a thirty-storied building, London looks magnificent.A. Seeing B. To see C. Seen D. Saw47.(1)The question _ now at the meeting is very important.(2)The question _ at the meeting last week is ver

26、y important.A. discussing B. discussed C. being discussed D. to be discussed48.(1)The funny story made up by Tom made us _.A. laugh B. laughed C. to laughing D. to laugh(2)Our teacher tried to speak louder in order to made himself. _.A. hear B. to hear C. hearing D. heard49.(1)Youve bought a new Eng

27、lish dictionary. _.(2)Youve bought a new English dictionary. _.A. So have I B. So did I C. So I have D. So I did50.(1)The more we work for country, _ we will feel.A. happier B. the happierC. to more happier D. the more happily(2)The more words you know, _ you can read.A. the more easier B. the easie

28、rC. the easily D. the more easily51.(1)_ you need more practice is clear.(2)_ we need is more time.A. What B. When C. Which D. That52.(1)A singer and dancer _ present at the party.A. were B. was C. has D. have(2)A boy and girl _ playing with snow together.A. are B. is C. has D. have53.(1)More than 70 percent of the population of our country _ peasants.(2)Only 20 percent of the population of this country _ farming population.A. has B. have C. i

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