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1、英语教学法考试试题docxWORD格式英语教学法考试试题Information for the examinees:This examination consists of THREE sections. They are:Section T: Basic Theories and Principles (30 points, 20 minutes)Section Il: Problem Solving (30 points, 50 minutes)Section IH: Mini-lesson Plan (40 points, 50 minutes)The total marks for t

2、his examination are 100 points. Time allowedfor completing thisexamination is 2 hoars.Section I: Basic Theories and PrinciplesQuestions 1-15 are based on this part.Directions: Choose the best answer from A, B or C for each question. Write youranswers on theanswer sheet.1.What kind of cohesive device

3、s is used to link sentences through signaling relationships between sentences by means of anaphora or backreference? ( )A. Cohesive devices that indicate meaning relationships between orwithin sentences,such as apart from, in order to, since, homever, not only,and but also.B. Grammatical devices tha

4、t establish links to form the cohesion of a text, such as ix,this, the, here, that, and so on.C. Lexieal devices that use the repetition of key words or synonymouswords to link sentences together.2. What will a good writer usually do in the pre-writing stage of thewriting process? ( )A. Make decisio

5、ns on the purpose, the audience, the contents, and theoutline of the writing.B.Concentrate on getting the content right first and leave the details like correcting spelling, punctuation, and grammar until later.C. Develop a revising checklist to pinpoint the weaknesses of his/herwriting and focus on

6、 the flaws likely to appear in their drafts.3. Writing exercises like completion, reproduction, compression, andtransformation are mainly the type of exercises used in which writing task?( )A.Controlled writing.B.Guided writing.C.Free writing.4.Which type of grammar tends to teach you how the gramma

7、r is used bythe people rather than how it should be used? ( )A.Descriptive grammar.B.Prescriptive grammar.专业资料整理WORD格式C. Traditional grammar.5. Whenstudents are given the structure in an authentic or near authenticcontext and are asked to work out the rule for themselves, what kind ofmethod their te

8、acher is using? ( )A.Deductive grammar teaching.B.Inductive grammar teaching.C.Traditional grammar teaching.6.In which stage of the Presentation-Practice-Production approach will students have the chance to use the new language freely and incorporateit into their existing language? ( )A.Presentation

9、 Stage.B.Practice Stage.C.Production Stage.7.How can we help students to memorize a new word more effectively?( )A. Put the new word in a context, relate it to known words, and use illustrations.B. Pre-teach the new word of a text, pronounce it correctly, and groupit.C. Put the new word in a list of

10、 unconnected words with illustrations.8. Which of the following techniques can best present the wordpollution?( )A.Show or draw a picture.B.Give a definition or an example.C.Demonstrate the meaning by acting or miming.9. Whether two wordsgo together with each other or not is an issue:0 what?( )A. Co

11、nnotation.B. Register.C. Collocation.10. Among the following factors that may affect a plan, which onelessonincludes classroom size ( )A. Human factors.B. Physical conditions.C. Syllabus and testing.11.What are the most important parts of a lesson plan?()A. Textbooks and classroom aids,.B. Anticipat

12、ion of problems and flexibility in dealing withthem.C. Objectives of the lesson and procedure to achieve them.12.Why do we need to design tasks to supplement the textbook?()A. Textbooks usually are not well written.B. Textbooks need adaptations to fit the needs 0f their targetstudents.C. Textbooks o

13、nly cover a limited amount 0f language skills.专业资料整理WORD格式13.Among the five subcategories of classroom management, that is people, language, environment, organization and tools, which o the followingelements can be classified under environment? ( )A. Textbook, exercise book, teachers book; and black

14、board,B. Interaction between teacher and students.C. Arrangement of desks and chairs.14. What role does a teacher take to create an environment in whichlearning can take place? ( )A. Instructor.B. Manager.C. Assessor.15. Whole class teaching, pair work, group work, and games are activitiesunder whic

15、h subcategory of classroom management? ( )A.People.B.Environment.C.Organization.Section II . Problem SolvingQuestions 16 18are based on this part.Directions: Below are five situations in the classroom. Each has a problem.First, identify theproblem Second, provide your solution according to the commu

16、nicative language teachingprinciples. You should elaborate on the problem(s) and solution (s)properly. Write youranswer on the Answer Sheet.I6. In a writing class, the teacher asks the students to write an articleabout theirhometown. To help the students, the teacher also provides awell-written arti

17、cle abouthometown by a famous writer as a sample. Students are instructed tofollow the styleand the organization of ideas of the sample article.专业资料整理WORD格式17.In a grammar class, the teacher teaches the use of some and any in the followingway:A. Explains the rules of their usage.B.Provides some exam

18、ples to illustrate the usage of the two words.C.Ask the students to do pattern dills.D. Ask the students to apply the rules to given situations.18.When teaching a new reading passage, the teacher writes all the new words on theblackboard and asks the students to look them up in dictionaries. Then th

19、e teacherexplains the meaning of these new words in simple English, usually by providing someexamples of their usage. Sometimes, the teacher may provide the Chinese versions forthese words. After dealing with the vocabulary, the teacher will then shih heir focus tothe reading passage.专业资料整理WORD格式英语教

20、学法试题答案Section I: Basic Theories and Principles30 points1.B2.A3.B4.A5.B6.C7.A8.B9.C10.B11. C12. B13. C14. B15. CSection : Problem Solving30 points16.Problem: The teachersinstructionto the studentsis too generaland it may leavethe studentswithtoo much room to choose from.There isno help providedfor th

21、e studentsto develop a sense of purpose and a sense of audience. Without a sense of purpose andaudience, the students may either feel confused by all possible things that could be includedin the writing, or just follow the contents covered in the sample article.Solution: The teacher could first narr

22、ow down the topic by providinga situation for thestudents, such as writing a tour guide for their hometown. Then, help thestudents to workout possible contents that could be included in the writing, suchas location, population,resources for tourism, places of interests, etc. The teacher couldalso he

23、lp the students todecide the writing Style based on their writing purpose andtargeted audience.17.Problem: The teacher teaches grammar in a deductive way. This approach is usuallymechanical and dull. The students learn the rules passively with littleinvolvement in theprocess of working them out. Sin

24、ce rules are sometimes too restrictive, there are lots ofexceptions that may confuse the students. This method is usually more concerned with formthan use. If students meet the new structure in isolated sentences, they may not get a feelfor when and how to use the structure. They are still very like

25、ly to goon using itincorrectly.Solution: Bring in the inductive grammar teaching approach. Bycombining the twoways of teaching grammar together, the teacher can achieve a much better result than using专业资料整理WORD格式either way exclusively. The teacher could first give thestudents a context and ask them

26、towork out the rules. After collecting the students suggestions, the teacher could then tellthem the existing rules and explain exceptions to the rules. This way, the students will beactively involyed in the thinking process and may understand the rules better. They will alsobe aware of the fact tha

27、t grammar rules are worked out by people observing the use oflanguage, so they may change as peoples use of language may change.18.Problem: The students taught in this way are mainly receiving passive knowledgefrom the teacher. They merely learn to understand these vocabularies, rather than how tous

28、e them. The new words are not taught from a context, and there is no practiee of usingthem in an authentic or a near authentic situation. The studentslearn these newwords in an efficient way.Solution: The students need to learn passive knowledge and active knowledge at thesame time. The teacher coul

29、d use various means to help the students to understand thevocabulary, For some, they can use illustrations, for some, they definitions, and forothers, they can guess from the context. The teacher could also use different ways to helpthe students to use the new words. Exercises like information gap, crossword, quiz, orrecording new words all can help the students to learn vocabulary in a more efficient way.will notcan use专业资料整理

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