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1、cj系列测井绞车培训讲义CJ系列测井绞车培 训 讲 义一、 产品介绍本机用于测量油井的斜度和深度,结构上采用液压机械无级变速,操作方便,运转平稳,变速范围大,提升重量大,测量深度深,电器元件可根据用户要求采用防爆或非防爆装置,安全可靠。绞车配有计数器部件,显示测量深度,并能有效地保护油井测量设备,比国内同类产品有较大的优越性,是油田测井的理想设备。本产品在生产过程中,可能根据用户意见或因工艺、材料等方面的原因对产品结构进一步改进,如有与本说明书不符之处,请用户以实际结构为准。CJ10A型测井绞车参照本说明书。ONE BREIF INTRODUCTIONThis machine is used

2、for logging the depth and deviation of oil well, with stepless speed regulation, easy operation, safety and stability in working, wide range in speed regulation, big power in lifting, high ability in logging depth, moreover electric parts can be employed with exploiting proof services, or no-proof s

3、ervices according to the using situation of users, so the machine is very dependable. This windlass still can appear the depth of oil well for its counter parts and protect other oil well logging machines. So it is ideal machine for well-logging in oil field.The product was improved in the process o

4、f production according to users needs or to technological and material requirements. If users find differences between the catalogue and the actual construction, please take its real construction as the standard.The operation manual of CJ10A well-logging winches refers to this manual.二.主要技术指标型 号: CJ

5、6000 (F) CJ7000(F)测量深度: 6000m 7000m功 率: 7.5Kw 7.5Kw液压系统额定工作压力: 15.7MPa 15.7MPa最大提升力: 4077N 4077N钢丝绳直径: 2.5mm 2.5mm形 式: 齿轮变速加液压无级变速 卷筒各档最大转速变速手柄位置卷筒最大转速(r/min)91170 外形尺寸: 长宽高 (mm)= 895920975 重 量: 800kg TWO MAIN TECHNIC SPECIFICATIONModel: CJ6000 ( F ) CJ7000(F)The depth of logging: 19685 ft 22965 ftP

6、ower: 7.5 Kw 7.5 KwWorking pressure of hydraulic pressure systems: 2276 psi 2276 psiMax lifting power: 916 lb 916 lbDiameter of the steel wire: 0.098 in 0.098 inMeans: Diameter gear and hydraulic stepless speed regulationThe max rotational speed of all gearsSite of handleThe max speed(r/min)91170Ove

7、rall dimension: length width height ( in ) = 35.2436.2238.39Weight: 1762 lb三、 绞车吊运及安装1、吊运吊运时,应使用起重吊钩起吊,轻起轻放,不得碰撞其它部件。2、安装本机应安装在平坦坚实的地面上,离井台的距离,以保持钢丝与水平夹角为10左右(仰角)为最佳,当需要安装在井台上时,必须使用随机附件滑轮,以保持此角度。THREE THE CONVEY AND FITNESS OF THE MACHINE1. ConveyDuring convey, it should be up and down slightly and

8、should not be bumped with others.2. FitnessThe machine should be located on plain and strong earth. The up-angle with well platform should be kept about 10 ( between steel wire and the horizontal ). When it should be fitted on the well platform, the spare parts is necessary to kept to this angle.四、

9、绞车的使用1、 液压系统用油:在夏季,采用L-HM46液压油。在冬季,采用L-HM32液压油。2、 变速箱内用油:在夏季,采用L-AN68齿轮油。在冬季,采用L-AN46齿轮油。3、 钢丝绕在计数器传动轮的沟槽内,绕一圈后用压紧轮压紧伸出。4、 绞车使用前的准备工作(1) 检查各部螺栓、螺母是否拧紧。(2) 检查油箱内液压油是否在油标线的范围内。(3) 检查变速箱内润滑油是否在油标螺母之内。(4) 检查各个阀动作是否灵活。(5) 链条张紧是否合适,否则应予调整。(6) 检查计数器绕向是否正确。(7) 检查三位四通阀手柄是否在空档位置。(8) 检查刹车是否可靠。(9) 检查微调阀是否在最小位置。

10、(10) 联接绞车的测量装置。5、 检查完毕后准备开车接通电源启动电机试运转,观察油泵转向是否正确,否则应换相联接。6、 测井绞车的起动运转(1) 接通电源启动电机,使用电动机带动齿轮泵,空运转2-5min。(2) 把变速箱的手柄扳到所需的档位,在把三位四通阀扳到正向或反向,然后调节微调阀,使滚筒转动,由慢到快。(3) 推荐各档次下的使用工作压力,另外为保证钢丝绳的使用安全,绞车的最大液压工作压力由溢流压力15.7MPa控制。(4) 运转过程中,经常倾听有无异常声音。一旦发现应立即停车检查。7、绞车的停车与换向。(1)绞车的停车可把三通位四通阀扳到停车位置。如遇特殊情况也可扳刹车手柄制动。(2

11、)滚筒换向运转:改变液压马达转向来实现,将微调阀关闭,至马达转速为0时,把三位四通阀扳到反向。8、绞车变速(1)机械变速:必须把三位四通阀手柄扳到空档位置后,扳动变速箱手柄,依次到、位置,实现变速。在运转中不得运用机械变速。(2)在机械变速的各挡位上,用调节微调阀的开度大小,实现液压无级变速。FOUR THE OPERATION OF THE MACHINE1. The hydraulic pressure system oil: L-HM46 hydraulic oil in Summer and L-HM32 hydraulic oil in Winter.2. Oil in gearbo

12、x: L-AN68 gear oil in summer and L-AN46 gear oil in winter.3. The steel wire is sited in the counter trough, and taken out after being circled one time strictly.4. Preparation before operation:(1) Examine all nuts and bolts.(2) Examine hydraulic oil in oil box (see to it that it is under the line of

13、 dipstick line).(3) Examine the lub. oil in gearbox (see to it that it is under the line of dipstick bolt line).(4) Examine all valves.(to keep it work flexible).(5) Examine the chain (to keep it work flexible).(6) Examine the counter part (see to it that it go the right direction).(7) Examine the g

14、ear handle (to keep it in the site of neutral gear).(8) Examine the brake (to keep it work dependable).(9) Examine the trimming valve (to keep it at min site).(10) Connect the logging service of the windlass.5. Prepare to operate after examining Examine if the oil pump turn the right direction after

15、 closing the throttle gate, otherwise change direction.6. The operation of the machine(1) Close the switch handle to let the gear pump work with generating set, operating 2-5 minutes without loading.(2) Put the handle to the needed gear, then locate the valve to the site of positive direction or opp

16、osite direction, then adjust the trimming valve to make the cylinder roll from slow to fast.(3) Select the working pressure of all gears. Moreover, to protect the safety during operation, the max hydraulic pressure is under 2276 psi when at gear.(4) The windlass should be stopped at once when strang

17、e sound is heard.7. Stop and change direction(1) The windlass can be stopped by 3-site and 4-way value (to its stop site),it also can be stopped by hand brake when emergency appears.,(2) To change the direction of rolling cylinder: it can be realized by changing hydraulic motor, close trimming valve

18、 till the rational speed is “0”, convert the 3-site and 4-site valve to opposite direction.8. To change its speed (1) Machinery speed changing after 3-site and 4 way handle is put to neutral gear, locate the gearbox hand from to accordingly. This action is prohibited during working. (2) While at or

19、gear site, adjust the trimming valve to realize it.五、 绞车使用中的注意事项1、 绞车使用中应注意压力表的示值,不要超过各档次下的推荐最大使用压力,以免造成钢丝绳的拉断。(档压力9.0Mpa,档压力15.7Mpa) 2、 注意油箱和变速箱内的油量。3、 切忌在马达的转动中,扳动变速箱手柄,以免损坏变速箱。 4、 切忌在马达转动时,直接用三位四通阀换向。应先将微调阀关闭,使马达转速为0时,再用三位四通阀换向,以免损坏马达。5、 正常使用中,不要轻易用刹车手柄。6、 溢流阀部件的溢流压力出厂时已经调好,使用中不允许随意调整。7、 计数器压轮的松紧

20、要适度。8、 工作中活动钻具必须缓慢平稳。FIVE ATTENTION DURING OPERATION1. The number appeared in pressure watch should not exceed the max pressure mentioned before to protect the steel wire.2. Notice the oil volume in oil box and gearbox. ( gear pressure 1305 psi, gear pressure 2276 psi)3. Gearbox handle is prohibited

21、 to pull white the motor is in operation to protect the gearbox.4. Turning direction by 3-site and 4-way valve directly while the motor is in operation is prohibited. The right way is to close the trimming valve till the motor stops, then turn direction by 3-site and 4-way valve.5. Do not use brake

22、handle while in usual operation.6. Overfull pressure of overfull valve parts has been adjusted well and should not be changed freely in operation.7. The pressing wheel of number counter parts should be adjusted well.8. The drilling tool should be used slowly and stably while in operation.六、 测井绞车的常见故

23、障绞车常见故障及排除方法表常见故障原因排除方法泵排不出油1、 泵没有转动或转速低或转向不对2、 泵吸入空气、油箱内油量不足、滤油器堵塞1、 检查键是否掉了,调整转速,纠正转向2、 油箱加油,清洗滤油器、排气压力上不去1、 系统溢流阀或其他元件失调,压力失调,压力表指示不准2、 油泵内泄露太大1、 检修溢流阀或压力表2、 检修油泵间隙泵外漏泵轴油封或其它密封件损坏更换油封或0型圈马达或各阀体外漏马达油封或其它密封圈损坏更换油封或0型圈管接头漏油螺丝松动或垫圈损坏拧紧螺丝或管接头更换垫圈不正常发热1、 泵超速运行2、 油箱油量不足3、 马达、变速箱或卷筒轴承异常磨损4、 吸油管不畅通1、 降低转速

24、2、 油箱加油3、 更换轴承或加黄油4、 清洗吸油管道系统变速箱换档困难1、 换档齿轮方向不对2、 拨叉脱落1、 可稍微转动一下卷筒然后换档2、 砸紧拨叉销子计数不准1、 计数器损坏2、 压紧松紧程度不合适1、 更换计数器2、 调整压紧轮噪声过大1、 吸油管系统和泵轴油封漏气2、 变速箱齿轮啮合不好3、 链子松紧不合适4、 链子联轴节松动1、 更换油管或油封2、 调整变速齿轮,将变速手柄处于正确位置3、 调节链子松紧4、 装紧联轴节SIX USUAL BREAK DOWNSUsual breakdowns and fixing means.USUAL BREAKDOWNSCAUSESFIXIN

25、G MEANSOil does not go out from pump.1. The pump does not roll or roll too slowly or wrong changing direction.2. Air in pump. Oil in oil box is not enough. Oil filter is blocked up.1. See if key lose, adjust rotational speed, change direction.2. Add oil, clean oil filter exit air.Pressure not enough

26、.1. Overfall valve or other parts doesnt work, pressure watch doesnt work.2. Oil pump leaks too much.1. Examine overfall valve or pressure watch.2. Examine oil pump clearance.Pump leaks.Pump bearing seal or other seal does not work.Change seals.Motor or other valve parts leak.Motor seal or other sea

27、l does not work.Change seals.Pipe joints leak.The nuts flexible or livestock damaged.Lock the nuts or change livestock.Unmoral heating.1. Pump overspeed working.2. Insufficient oil in oil box.3. Motor gearbox or cylinder bearing worn out.4. Oil intake pipe blocked up.1. Lower the rotational speed.2.

28、 Add oil.3. Change bearing or add lub. oil.4. Clear oil-intake pipe.Gears become difficult to be shifted.1. The shifting-gears go the wrong direction.2. The fork unlock.1. Turn the cylinder first before shifting gears.2. Lock the fork.Number counter unprecise.1. Counter parts dont work.2. Pressing d

29、egree isnt fitful.1. Change the counter parts.2. Adjust pressing wheel.Too big noise.1. Oil-intake pipe system and pump-bearing, seal leaks.2. Gears in gearbox cant clench well.3. The chain is not fitful.4. The chain joint unlock.1. Change oil pipe or oil seal.2. Adjust gears, locate gear handle to

30、the right place.3. Adjust the chain.4. Lock the bearing joint.七、 维修保养测井绞车的维修保养是保证测井绞车正常运转和延长使用寿命的主要措施,必须认真执行。1、 日常保养(1) 检查各联接部件和各管接头有无漏油现象,查出原因及时消除。(2) 检查各部螺栓、螺母、螺钉是否松动,如有及时消除。(3) 注意压力表、计数器工作是否正常,如不正常应及时维修或更换。(4) 向链条松边内外链板间隙中和双排链子联轴节处注油。(5) 液压元件应尽量保持清洁,以便于检查和发现故障。液压元件应尽量减少拆卸。检修时,应保持环境和零件清洁。(6) 液压系统有

31、空气时可能产生回弹、噪声、动作不灵等现象。此时可使机体件重复运动多次排出空气。如仍排不出时,可拧下油管接头,排出空气。(7) 液压系统温度不得超过90。变速箱和卷筒支撑等轴承处不得超过60。如有过热现象,应检查系统是否堵塞,溢流阀是否失灵,各部轴承和齿轮是否有异常磨损。(8) 刹车手柄应灵活,发现有明显损伤,及时更换。(9) 刹车手柄应灵活,如不灵活及时检修。(10) 时刻注意钢丝绳或钢丝情况,发现有断股或严重刻痕情况,及时截掉,以免发生拉断现象。2、 一级保养测井绞车运行50100小时后,除进行每日保养外,还应进行下列保养。(1) 清洗油箱、变速箱滤清器,使用清洁的煤油或汽油清洗。(2) 检查张紧轮的螺母是否松动,如松动应先调整链条再拧紧螺母。(3) 检查液压油变速箱润滑油,如有严重污染应放出,用清洁煤油或汽油清洗后,按规定换上新油。(4) 向各黄油嘴加黄油。(5) 向自动排线机构丝杠上涂润滑油。3、 二级保养

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