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3、习策略目标积极与他人交流,共同完成学习任务,并能通过多种学习方式交流学习成果,善于表达,积极交流自己的假期生活,并利用所学知识积极与他人交流和探讨,共同获得进步。单元课时安排:6课时第一课时 A Lets learn & Do a survey and report一、课时教学内容与目标1.四会单词或词组:cleaned, washed, watched, stayed, cleaned my room, washed my clothes, stayed at home, watched TV.2.理解句子: How was your weekend? It was fine, thanks

4、. What did you do? I stayed at home and watched TV.3.学唱歌曲Last weekend.二、考点单词和词组的翻译或拼写。三、学困点和易错点学习单词或词组、句子及掌握动词过去式的读音。四、教学活动教学程序效果反馈与修正Step1 Led-in1、Go over the words:young-younger, old-older, tall-taller, short-shorter, long-longer,small - smaller, big-bigger, stronger.2、Free talk :T: Im 28. How old

5、 are you? S: Im 12years old.T: Im 1.65meters. How tall are you? S: Im 1.61 meters. T: Im 48kg.How heavy are you? S: Im 40kg. T: I often clean my room on the weekend. What do you do on the weekend?S: I often clean my room on the weekend. (多操练)T: Today well learn Unit2 Last weekend. (板书教读)Step2 Presen

6、tationLets learn1. New phrases: cleaned, washed, watched, stayed, cleaned my room , washed my clothes, stayed at home, watched TV.(1)T 板书下列单词的原形clean, wash, watch, stay,并用I often clean my room /造句。(2)T 板书以上单词原形并且加ed后,用I cleaned my room /last weekend 造句。(3)学生观察两个词组的不同之处.T:eg: cleaned 是clean的过去式,当我们要表

7、达过去发生的事情时,就要用动词的过去式,规则动词的过去式一般在原型后面加ed. cleaned的ed 发/d/. 师带读.(4)用同样的方式教stay/stayed at room,wash/washed my clothes, watch/watched TV. 注意:washed, watched的ed 发/t/.2. T: How was your weekend? S: It was fine ,thanks.T: What did you do? S: I stayed at home and watched TV.3. Listen to the tape of Lets lear

8、n and follow it.Step 3. 合作交流,师生共建1.领读Lets learn 中的短语及句子,并纠正读音。2.自编chant,边做动作边chant :What did you do? I cleaned my room. What did you do? I washed my clothes. What did you do? I stayed at home. What did you do? I watched TV. (注意:do 的过去式did ).3.教学Do survey and report :学生利用表格,进行问卷调查。4.学唱歌曲Last weekend.

9、Step 4. 达标检测一、看图片,选词组。Awatched TV B. stayed at home C. cleaned my room D. washed my clothes E. played football 1_ 2._ 3. _ 4. _ 5. _二、写出下列动词的过去式。1. wash_ 2.stay_ 3.watch_ 4.clean_ _三、读一读,选一选。( )1.你想问同学周末过得怎样,可以说:_.A. How was your weekend? B. How old are you?( )2.你想问同学有多高,可以说:_.A. How heavy are

10、you? B. How old are you?( ) 3.你想告诉同学:你周末过得很好,可以说:_.A. Im taller than you. B. It was fine.( )4.你想问同学上周末做了什么?可以说_.A. What did you do last weekend? B. What are you going to do next weekend? ( ) 5.你想说:它比我们俩加起来还高,可以说:_.A. It taller than both of us together. B. Its taller than the elephant.Step5 Homework1

11、. 抄写新单词,句子。2. 完成配套的相关练习。五、板书设计Unit 2 Last weekendWords: cleancleaned washwashed watchwatched stay -stayedSentences:-How was your weekend ? -Im fine, thanks.-What did you do? -I stayed at home and watched TV.六、课后反思第二课时A Lets try & Lets learn一、课时教学内容与目标1.复习单词或词组cleaned, washed, watched, stayed, cleane

12、d my room, washed my clothes, stayed at home, watched TV。2.四会句子:How was your weekend ?It was good, thank you .What did you do ? I stayed at home with your grandma .Did you do anything else?3.三会单词:drank, show.二、考点四会句子的连词成句或选择题。三、学困点和易错点掌握一般过去时的句式特点并能正确运用。四、教学活动教学程序效果反馈与修正Step1 Led-in1. Go over the ol

13、d words and phrases :T : clean S:cleaned /cleaned my room T: watch S: watched/watch TVT: stay S: stayed/stayed at home T:wash S: washed/washed my clothes2.Free talk :T: What do you do on the weekend? S: I often clean my room/T: What did you do? S: I watched TV/.3. Chant together.Step2 Presentation1.

14、 T:How are you today ? Ss: Im fine, thanks.板书: T: How was your weekend ? Ss: It was good, thank you. (is 的过去式was,师生互答)2、T: What do you often do on the weekend? Ss: I often watch TV.板书:T: What did you do last weekend? S: I stayed at home with your grandma.(教读)3、(1)单词:drink drank, drank是过去式,师带读,生跟读。引出

15、喝茶 drink teadrank tea . I drank tea last weekend .(2)句子: T:出示Mikes爷爷奶奶喝茶、看电视的图片,What did they do? 引导学生答:They drank tea and watched TV,师板书并教读: We drank tea in the afternoon and watched TV。4、板书呈现:show,childrens show,I watched some childrens show on TV. 学生说意思,板书并教读。5、T: What did you do last weekend ? S

16、: I watched TV/.T:Did you do anything else? Did you play football? Did you do your homework?.板书:Did you do anything else?学生说说意思并带读。6、学生小组阅读对话并回答问题。(1)What did mikes grandpa do last weekend?(2)What did mike do ?7、学生讲解对话,教师补充答疑。8、Listen to the tape of Lets talk and follow it.Step3合作交流,师生共建1.教读对话,分角色朗读

17、。2.学生灵活运用本课时单词、词组编对话。Eg: I washed my clothes/.3. Listen to the tape and finish Lets try .Step 4. 达标检测一、读一读,选一选。( )1.How was your weekend ? A.我们喝了下午茶还看了电视。 ( )2. How are you ? B.你还做了其他什么事吗? ( )3.I stayed at home with your grandma. C.你周末过得怎么样? ( )4.We drank tea in the afternoon and watched TV. D.你好吗?(

18、 )5.Did you do anything else ? E.我和你奶奶在家里。二、填一填,读一读,译一译。1. What _(do/did)you do last weekend?2. I _ (stay/stayed) at home with my mother yesterday.3. How _ (is/was) your weekend?4. Did you do _ (anything/any) else?5. We _ (drink/drank) tea last Sunday.三看图片,选句子。 1._ 2._ 3._ 4._ 5._AMike cleaned his r

19、oom last Sunday. B. Yao Ming is taller and stronger the man.C. This egg is bigger than that one. D. I drank tea in the afternoon. E. Chen Jie stayed at home yesterday.Step5 Homework1、正确的格式抄写句子,并写出中文意思。2、熟读P14Lets talk.五、板书设计六、课后反思第三课时 B Lets learn & Look and talk一、课时教学内容与目标1掌握四会单词、词组:had, slept, rea

20、d, saw, last, yesterday, before, read a book, saw a film, had a cold.2理解认读句子: What did you do last weekend ? I saw a film. Did you like it? Yes, I did .I t was great.二、考点单词和短语的拼写及翻译。三、学困点和易错点掌握不规则动词的过去式。四、教学活动教学程序效果反馈与修正Step1 Led-in1.Go over the words : cleaned, washed, watched, stayed, cleaned my r

21、oom, washed my clothes, stayed at home, watched TV2.Free talk:T:How was your weekend ? S: It was good, thank you .T: What did you do? S: I stayed at home and drank tea.T: Did you do anything else? S: Yes, I cleaned my room and washed my clothes.Step2 PresentationLets learn1、教学单词have-had ,sleep- slep

22、t ,read-read ,see-saw和相关词组.eg: 出示John感冒的图片T: John had a cold yesterday .So he didnt go to school .He slept all day .板书并教读:had a cold ,slept ,造句:I had a cold/read a book/saw a film/ last weekend.同样方法教read a book, saw a film.2、板书呈现短语:last weekend/last night/last Monday/yesterday/the day before yesterd

23、ay ,并告知学生所有与last相关的时间短语都是指过去的时间。T:What did you do last Monday ? S: What did you do last Tuesday? (用过去时间短语造句,可用开火车方式操练,)4、师生共同操练句子T: What did you do last weekend ? S:I saw a film.T: Did you like it? S:Yes ,I did. It was great.5、Listen to the tape of Lets learn and follow it.Step3合作交流,师生共建1.领读Lets lea

24、rn 中的短语及句子,并纠正读音。2.学生灵活运用本课时词组造句。3. Look and talk. T: What did John do yesterday? S: He slept.T: Did he sleep yesterday? S: Yes, he did.Step 4. 达标检测一、写出下列动词的过去式。1. sleep _ 2.have _ 3. do _ 4. read _ 5. is_ 6.see_二、看图片,选词组。Astayed at home B. had a cold C. slept D. saw a film E. read a book 1._ 2._ 3.

25、_ 4._ 5._三根据中文提示,选短语完成句子。A. had a cold B. yesterday C. saw a film D. draw some pictures E. slept all day1.My parents _(看电影)last night.2.Some children _(感冒)last month.3.Where did you go _ (昨天)?4.Tom was very tired .So he _(睡了一整天).5.Im going to _(画画)in the park.Step5 Homework1.学生正确的抄写四会单词及词组。2.背诵四会单词及

26、词组。五、板书设计六、课后反思第四课时 B Lets try & Lets talk一、课时教学内容与目标1掌握四会句子:I want to buy the new film magazine .What did you do last weekend ? Did you see a film ? No, I had a cold .I stayed at home all weekend and slept.并能在实际情境中运用。2.能听说认读单词:magazine、better、faster.3.能够完成Lets try部分听录音选出正确答案。二、考点四会句型的连词成句题。三、学困点和易错

27、点掌握四会句型, 流利朗读Lets talk 部分中对话以及magazine的发音。四、教学活动教学程序效果反馈与修正Step1 Led-in1. Go over the old words: had, slept, read, saw, last, yesterday, before, read a book, saw a film, had a cold. Eg: T: have S: had, had a cold, I had a cold.2. Free talk T: How was your weekend? S: It was good.T: What did you do l

28、ast weekend? S: I saw a film /. (替换练习)Step2 Presentation1. 教学单词magazine. fastfaster,goodbetter .T 出示杂志,Whats this ? Its a magazine.T:I want to go to the bookstore, I want to buy the new magazine.板书并教读。 板书句子:Im happy you feel better now. Its faster than walking.板书句子:Did you see a film ?-No, I had a c

29、old. I stayed at home all weekend and slept.教读,帮助学生理解意思。2. Listen to the tape of Lets talk twice.3. Ask Ss to read the talk for twice then answer the questions.(1) Did John see a film last weekend ? (2)What did he do ?4.学生讲解对话,教师补充答疑。5. Read the dialogue together.Step3合作交流,师生共建1. Role play.2.灵活运用本课时单词、词组及句子编对话。Eg: Lets . What did you do?3. Listen to the tape and finish Lets try.Step 4. 达标检测一、看图片,选句子。A. They saw a film last night. B. John had a cold.C. He slept all day. D. She stayed at home last weekend. E. She read a book 1._ 2._ 3. _ 4. _ 5. _二、选择填空。( )1.-_you sing English son

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