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美丽心灵A Beautiful Mind英文版电影台词.docx

1、美丽心灵A Beautiful Mind英文版电影台词美丽心灵(英文版)Mathematicianswon the war.Mathematicians brokethe Japanese codes-and built the you.The stated goal of the Sovietsis global Communism.In medicine or economics,in technology or space,battle lines are being drawn.To triumph,we need results-

2、publishable,applicable results.Now who among youwill be the next Morse?The next Einstein?Who among you will bethe vanguard.of democracy, freedom,and discovery?Today, we bequeathAmericas future.into your able hands.Welcome to Princeton,gentlemen.Its not enough Hansen wonthe Carnegie Scholarship.No, h

3、e has to have itall for himself.Its the first timethe Carnegie Prize.has been split.Hansens all bent.Rumor is hes got his sightsset on Wheeler Lab,the new militarythink tank at M.I.T.Theyre only takingone this year.Hansens usedto being picked first.Oh, yeah,hes wasted on math.He should be runningfor

4、 president.There could bea mathematical explanation.for how bad your tie is.Thank you.Neilson,symbol cryptography.Neils here brokea Jap code.Helped rid the worldof fascism.At least thats whathe tells the girls,eh, Neils?The names Bender.Atomic physics.- And you are?- Am I late?Yes.Yes, Mr. Sol.Oh, g

5、ood.Uh, hi.- Sol. Richard Sol.- The burden of genius.- There he is.- So many supplicants,and so little time.Mr. Sol.How are you, sir?Ah, Bender.Nice to see you.Congratulations, Mr. Hansen.Ah, thank you.Ill take another.Excuse me?A thousand pardons.I simply assumed youwere the waiter.Play nice, Hanse

6、n.Nice is not Hansensstrong suit.Honest mistake.Well, Martin Hansen.It is Martin, isnt it?Why, yes, John, it is.I imagine youre gettingquite used to miscalculation.Ive read your pre-prints-both of them.The one on Nazi ciphers,and the other oneon non-linear equations,and I amsupremely confident.that

7、there is nota single seminal.or innovative ideain either one of them.Enjoy your punch.Gentlemen, meet John Nash,the mysteriousWest Virginia genius.The other winnerof the distinguishedCarnegie Scholarship.Oh, okay. Oh, yeah?Of course.Oh, Christ.The prodigalroommate arrives.Roommate?Oh, God, no.Ugh.Di

8、d you know that havinga hangover is-is not having enough waterin your run your Krebs cycles?Which is exactlywhat happens to you.when youre dyingof thirst.So, dyingof thirst.would probably feel.pretty much likethe hangover.that finallybloody kills you.John Nash?Hello.Charles Herman.Pleased to

9、 meet you.All right, well done.Well, its official.Im almost human again.Officer, I sawthe driver who hit me.His name was Johnny Walker.Whew.Well, I got in last nightin time for.English departmentcocktails.Cock was mine,the tail belongedto a particularly lovelyyoung thing.with a passion for.D.H. Lawr

10、ence.Youre not easilydistracted, are you?Im here to work.Hmmm, are you? Right.I see.Crikey!Is my roommate a dick?Hmm?Listen.If we cant break the ice,how about we drown it?So whats your story?You the poor kidthat never got to goto Exeter or Andover?Despite my privilegedupbringing,Im actuallyquite wel

11、l-balanced.I have a chipon both shoulders.Maybe yourejust better.with the old integersthan you are with people.My first grade teacher,she told me.that I was bornwith two helpings of brain,but only halfa helping of heart.Wow!She sounds lovely!The truth is that I-I dont like people much.And they dontm

12、uch like me.But why,with all your obviouswit and charm?Seriously, John.Mathematics-Mathematics isnever going to lead youto a higher truth.And you know why?Cause its boring.Its really boring.You know half these schoolboysare already published?I cannot waste timewith these classes.and these books.Memo

13、rizingthe weaker assumptionsof lesser mortals!I need to look the governing dynamics.Find a truly original idea.Thats the only wayIll ever distinguish myself.Its the only waythat Ill ever-Matter.Yes.All right,whos next?No, Ive played enough Gofor one day, thank you.Come on.I- I hate this g

14、ame.Cowards, all of you!None of you riseto meet my challenge?Come on, Bender.Whoever wins,Sol does his laundryall semester.Does that seem unfairto anyone else?Not at all.- Look at him.- Nash!Taking a reverseconstitutional?Im hoping to extractan definetheir movement.Oh.Psycho.Hey, Nash,

15、I thoughtyou dropped out.You ever goingto go to class or-Classes willdull your mind.Destroy the potentialfor authentic creativity.Oh, oh, I didntknow that.Nash is going to stun us allwith his genius.Which is another wayof saying.he doesnt havethe nerve to compete.You scared?Terrified.Mortified.Petri

16、fied.Stupefied. by you.No starch.Pressed and folded.Let me askyou something, John.Be my guest, Martin.Bender and Sol herecorrectly completed.Allens proofof Peyrots Conjecture.Adequate work.without innovation.Oh. Im flattered.You flattered?Flattered.And Ive gottwo weapons briefs.under security review

17、by the D.O.D.Derivative drivel.But Nash achievements:zero.Im a patient man, Martin.Is there an actualquestion coming?What if you never come upwith your original idea?Huh?How will it feelwhen Im chosenfor Wheeler.and youre not?What if you lose?Ah, there it is.You should not have won.Hmmm.I had the fi

18、rst move,my-my play was perfect.The hubrisof the defeated.The game is flawed.Gentlemen,the great John Nash.Youve been in herefor two days.You know Hansensjust published another paper?I cant even find a topicfor my doctorate.Well, on the bright side,youve invented window art.This is a groupplaying to

19、uch football.This is a cluster of pigeonsfighting over bread crumbs.And this here is a womanwho is chasing a manwho stole her purse.John, you watcheda mugging.Thats weird.In competitive behaviorsomeone always loses.Well, my niece knows that,John, and shes about this high.See, if I could derivean equ

20、ilibrium.where prevalence isa non-singular event,where nobody loses,can you imagine the effectthat would have.on conflict scenarios,and arms negotiations.When did you last eat?When did you last eat?.currency exchange?You know, food.You have no respectfor cognitive reverie,you know that?Yes. But pizz

21、a-Now, pizza I haveenormous respect for.And of course beer.I have respect for beer.I have respect for beer!Good evening, Neils.Hey, Nash.Whos winning? You or you?Evening, Nash.Hey, guys.Hey, Nash.Hes lookingat you for sure.Hey, Nash.Neils is tryingto get your attention.Youre joking. Oh, no.Go with G

22、od.Come back a man.Fortune favors the brave.Bombs away.Gentlemen, might I remind youthat my odds of success.dramatically improvewith each attempt.This is goingto be classic.Maybe you wantto buy me a drink.I dont exactly knowwhat Im required to order for youto have intercourse with me,but coul

23、d we assumethat I said all that?Essentially were talkingabout fluid exchange, right?So, could we justgo straight to the sex?Oh, that was sweet.Have a nice night,asshole!Ladies, wait!I-I especially likedthe bit about fluid exchange.It was really charming.Walk with me, John.Ive been meaningto talk wit

24、h you.The faculty is completingmid-year reviews.Were deciding which placementapplications to support.Wheeler, sir.That would bemy first choice.And actually,I dont really havea second choice, sir.John, your fellowshave attended classes.Theyve written papers.Theyve published.Im still searching, sir,fo

25、r my-Your original idea, I know.Governing dynamics, sir.Its very clever, John,but Im afraid.its just not nearlygood enough.May I?Thank you.Ive been workingon manifold embedding.My bargaining stratagemsare starting to showsome promise.If you could justarrange another meeting,if youd be kind enough,wi

26、th Professor Einstein-Ive repeatedly askedyou for that.Now, John.Id be able to show himmy revisions on his-John? John.Do you see what theyredoing in there?Congratulations. Thank you so much.Congratulations,Professor Max.Thank you, sir.Thank you.Its the pens.Reserved for a memberof the department.tha

27、t makes the achievementof a lifetime.Now, what do you see, John?Recognition.Well done, Professor.Well done.Well, try seeingaccomplishment.Is there a difference?John,you havent focused.Im sorry,but up to this point,your record doesnt warrantany placement at all.Good day.And my complimentsto you, sir.

28、Thank you so much.I cant see it.- Aah!-Jesus Christ, John.I cant fail.This is all I am.Come on, lets go out.I got to getsomething done.John!- I cant keepstaring into space.-John, enough!Got to face the wall,follow their rules,read their books,You want to dosome damage? Fine-But dont mess t

29、heir classes.Come on!Go on, bust your head!Kill yourself.Dont do it.Dont mess around.Bust your head!Go on,bust that worthless headwide open.Goddamn it, Charles!What the hell is your problem?!Its not my problem.And its not your problem.Its their problem.Your answer isntface the wall.Its out there.where youve been working.That was heavy.That Isaac Newton fellowwas right.He was onto something.Clever boy.Dont worry, tha

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