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1、商务条款合同范本ENGINEERING AND TECHNICAL SERVICE CONTRACT设计和技术服务合同MADE BY AND BETWEEN合同双方SHANDONG NANSHAN ALUMINIUM CO., LTD.山东南山铝业股份有限公司AND和?CONTRACT NO: NSLQ-03.83B-20100530合同号:NSLQ-03.83B-20100530LONGKOU, SHANDONG, P. R. CHINA中国山东龙口30th May 20102010年05月30日CONTACT INFORMATION联系资料The Buyer :Address :Telep

2、hone :Telefax :E-mail :COMMERCIAL Contact买方 :地址 :电话 :传真 :电子邮件 :商务联系人The Seller :Address :Telephone :Telefax :E-mail:COMMERCIAL Contact:L/C CONTACTE-MAIL:卖方 :地址 :电话 :传真 :电子邮件:商务联系人:信用证联系人For the purpose of integration of new Cleaning/Tension leveling, edge trimming line, This Contract is made by and

3、between the Buyer and the Seller, whereby the Buyer agrees to buy and the Seller agrees to sell the under-mentioned engineering and commissioning service according to the terms and conditions stipulated below:本合同由买卖双方共同制定,买卖双方同意按如下条款和条件购买和提供下列设计和服务:1. Designation and Price: 品名和价格: 1.1 Engineering of

4、 software, which is related to equipment to be rendered in Germany: EUR 51.200,00 (Namely: EUR Fifty One Thousand Two Hundred Only); 在德国进行的、跟设备相关的软件设计费用:51.200,00欧元(大写:伍万壹仟贰佰欧元整)1.2 Commissioning Service: EUR 204.800,00 (Namely: EUR Two Hundred and Four Thousand Eight Hundred Only) 技术服务费:204.800,00欧

5、元(大写:贰拾万肆仟捌佰欧元整)2. Pricing:价格:Total Contract Price: EUR 256.000,00 (Namely: EUR Two Hundred Fifty Six Thousand ONLY). This Total Contracted Price is firmed and fixed. 合同总价为:256.000,00 欧元(大写:贰拾伍万陆仟欧元整)。本合同总价是一个固定不变价格。3. Time Schedule时间计划:Erection (supervision), installation and commissioning of the?d

6、rive path and WMS integration for each of the processing lines will be executed in several phases. Each of these phases will last approx. two (2) weeks. For details, please refer to the time schedule as per “Attachment to Contract (Technical Spefication)”.各条处理线连接的自动运输系统路径及仓库管理系统集成的安装(指导)和调试将分成数阶段进行。

7、每个阶段将持续大约两(2)周时间。具体情况请参见合同附件(技术规格书)中关于时间进度表的规定。The Buyer will announce the readiness for installation with immediately following commissioning at least four (4) weeks before the intended starting date of installation.在需要开始安装时,买方须至少提前四(4)周通知安装准备工作已就绪,并能立即接着调试。In case the L/C for this contract cant be

8、 opened as per 4.1, then the time schedule will be postponed accordingly.如果本合同的信用证未能按照4.1的规定开具,则时间进度表将相应顺延。4. Terms of Payment: 支付条款:4.1 Within thirty (30) days after signature the contract, the Buyer shall issue an Irrevocable Letter of Credit in favor of the Seller at sight through a first class i

9、nternational bank. The amount of L/C should be equal to 100% (one hundred percent) of the Total Contract Price, namely EUR 256.000,00 (Namely: EUR Two Hundred Fifty Six Thousand ONLY). 合同签署之后三十(30)日内,买方应该通过一家一级的国际银行以卖方为受益人开具不可撤销信用证。该信用证以卖方为受益人。信用证的金额为合同总价的100%,即256.000,00欧元(大写:贰拾伍万陆仟欧元整)。The Letter

10、of Credit will allow twenty-one (21) days for presentation of the documents. 信用证允许的交单期限为二十一(21)天。Date and Place of Expiry: Twelve (12) months from date of opening L/C, Germany失效的时间和地点:开证之日起十二(12)个月,德国The Buyer shall send the application to the L/C to the Seller in order to mutually agree its terms.买

11、方应该将信用证开证申请单发给卖方审核,以便对条款达成一致意见。The Letter of Credit shall pay in the following manner and percentage:信用证按下列方式和比例支付:The bank information of the seller for LC:卖方信用证银行资料:Account Name: Account Number: IBAN: Bank Name: Bank address: Swift Code: 4.1.1 20% (twenty percent) of the Total Contract Price under

12、 the L/C, namely EUR 51.200,00 (Namely: EUR Fifty One Thousand Two Hundred Only); shall be payable at sight by the Buyer to the Seller against presentation of the following documents from the Seller through the Bank designated by the Buyer and found them in order:信用证下的20%,即51.200,00欧元(大写:伍万壹仟贰佰欧元整),

13、应由买方在收到卖方的下列单证并经审核无误后通过买方指定的银行以信用证方式即期向卖方支付: A. One (1) Readiness Notice for the software preparation issued by the Seller to the Buyer; 一(1)份由卖方向买方 出具的“软件备妥通知” B. Signed commercial invoice in three (3) originals and three (3) copies;签字的商业发票,正本三(3)份,副本三(3)份; Note: The originals of Tax Paid Certifica

14、te for Engineering Services, or the originals of the Tax Exemption Certificates will be provided to the Buyer before this payment is due.备注:正本的设计服务完税证明或免税证明在本笔付款前提供给买方。4.1.2 80% (Eighty percent) of the Total Contract Price, namely EUR 204.800,00 (Namely: EUR Two Hundred and Four Thousand Eight Hundr

15、ed Only), shall be paid by the Buyer to the Seller after completion of installation and commissioning of the?? drive path and WMS integration for each processing line, i.e. for each of the four (4) processing lines 20% (twenty percent) of the Total Contract Price, namely EUR 51.200,00 (Namely: EUR F

16、ifty One Thousand Two Hundred Only EUR ONLY), shall be paid by the Buyer to the Seller by L/C at sight against presentation of the following documents from the Seller through the Bank designated by the Buyer and found them in order:合同总价的80%,即:204.800,00欧元(大写:贰拾万肆仟捌佰欧元整),应在每条处理线自动运输系统路径及仓库管理系统集成的安装(指

17、导)和调试完成后(即四(4)条处理线,每条线占合同金额的20%,即51.200,00欧元,大写:伍万壹仟贰佰欧元整),由买方在收到卖方的下列单证并经审核无误后,通过买方指定的银行以信用证方式即期向卖方支付:A. Signed commercial invoice in three (3) originals and three (3) Copies;签字的商业发票,正本三(3)份,副本三(3)份;B. An acceptance certificate of the contract equipment signed by the applicant and the beneficiary i

18、n one (1) original and one (1) copy for each of the four (4) processing lines;由受益人和申请人对这四(4)条处理线分别签署的合同设备验收证书,正本一(1)份、副本一(1)份;Note: The originals of Tax Paid Certificate for Technical Services, or the originals of the Tax Exemption Certificates will be provided to the Buyer before each payment is du

19、e.备注:正本的技术服务费完税证明或免税证明在各笔付款前提供给买方。4.1.3 A warranty guarantee in the amount of 10% (ten percent) of the Total Contract Price valid until expiration of the warranty period will be issued in favor of the buyer by the seller, after completion of installation of the last processing line only. 在完成最后一条处理线的

20、安装之后,由卖方向买方出具一份金额为合同总价的10%的、有效期至质保期结束的质保期保函;4.2 The banking charges of the Buyer incurred in China for the execution of the present Contract shall be borne by the Buyer and all banking charges incurred outside China shall be borne by the Seller.双方为执行本合同在中国发生的银行手续费应由买方承担,在中国之外发生的银行手续费应由卖方承担。5. Warran

21、ty of Quality and Warranty Period:质量保证及验收:5.1 The Seller shall be responsible for any defect of malfunctioning due to defective design or workmanship or material during the warranty period of twelve (12) months after the Acceptance Certificate of the corresponding processing line has been signed by

22、both parties.在各条处理线的验收证书分别被双方签署后十二(12)个月的质保期内,卖方应该对由于设计缺陷、制造工艺或材料的缺陷而引起的故障负责。5.2 Seller shall not be liable for defects or damages resulting from unsuitable or improper use or faulty erection by the Buyer or a third party, natural wear and tear, faulty or negligent handling (especially excessive exp

23、osure to strain etc.), unsuitable operating media or substitute material, poor quality of construction work, unsuitable building land as well as chemical, electro-chemical or electrical influences that are not attributable to faults on Sellers part or any repairs or alterations made without the Sell

24、ers consent. 对于因买方或第三方的不当使用、错误安装、自然损耗、错误操作或疏忽大意(尤其是受力过度等)、不当操作介质或替代材料、施工质量差、建筑地面不合适以及化学的、电化学或电的等不可归咎于卖方的原因,或者没经过卖方同意自行修理或更换所导致的缺陷或损害,卖方将不承担责任。5.3 If there is no defect by the Seller, the Buyer shall forward a certificate to the Seller for the acknowledgement of the expiration of the warranty period

25、for the commissioning service in one (1) original and one (1) copy within seven (7) working days after the warranty period expires.如果非卖方原因,在质保期结束后七(7)个工作日内,买方应该向卖方出具一份确认合同质保期结束的确认书,正本一(1)份、副本一(1)份。5.4 It is the mutual understanding that the present extension of the WMS & A.C.T. System is a self-cont

26、ained project and therefore does in no case extend or otherwise have effect on the warranty obligations of the equipment and/or services which were delivered under earlier contracts. 双方一致认为:目前对WMS和A.C.T.系统的增容只是一个配套项目,因此在任何情况下,都不得延长先前合同所交付的设备和/或服务的质保期或对其质保期产生影响。6. Acceptance: 验收6.1 After the successf

27、ul functional tests for each processing line have been successfully carried out in site and all the functions as per “Attachment to Contract (Technical Specification)” have been proven, the Contract equipment shall be accepted by the Buyer and both parties shall sign a Acceptance Certificates for ea

28、ch processing line. If there is no defect by the Seller, the Buyer shall issue and sign the Acceptance Certificate within seven (7) days after the final acceptance for the respective processing line.在现场对每条处理线成功地进行性能考核并实现合同附件(技术规格书)所规定的全部功能后,买方应该对该合同设备进行验收,由双方对每条处理线签署验收证书。如果非卖方原因,买方需分别于各条处理线最终验收后七(7)

29、日内签署验收证书并交付卖方。6.2 In case the Acceptances are delayed for reasons beyond the Sellers control, Acceptances are deemed to have occurred at latest two (2) months after the commissioning is started for the respective processing line. 如果由于卖方不可控制的原因导致验收迟延,则各条处理线在分别开始调试后最迟两(2) 个月将视为验收。6.3 Minor defects or

30、deficiencies that do not affect the operation of the Equipment shall not entitle the Buyer to withhold Acceptances. These defects or deficiencies shall be added to a punch list and will be rectified by the Seller.买方不能因为并不影响合同设备运行的小毛病或小缺陷而拒给验收证书。这些毛病和缺陷将被列入遗留问题清单,由卖方负责整改。7. Claims:索赔:7.1 After the so

31、ftware is finished, the Seller will send a notice of readiness to the Buyer. Then the Buyer will announce the readiness for installation with immediately following commissioning at least four (4) weeks before the intended starting date of installation and invite the Sellers engineer to come to the Buyers site. 当软件工作完成后,卖方将向买方发出一份备妥通知。据此,买方可以确定安装时间,并在需要开始安装时,至少提前四(4)周通知卖方安装准备工作已就绪并能立即接着调试,并邀请卖方的工程师来买方现场。 In case the Sellers engineer fails to arrive at site as per 7.1, the buyer can claim to the selle

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