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1、连系动词与半连系动词快速记忆法连系动词与半连系动词快速记忆法一纯联系动词只有be, 半连系动词分类记,变化、不变固定的,找出规律很好记。1. 纯连系动词be.2. 表示变化的:become, get , grow3. 表示不变的:keep, stay, remain4.感官类的:feel, look, taste, smell, sound, appear, seem 5.实意动词变来的,需要固定搭配的:(注:这是记忆方法,不是连系动词的词义)1) 来去跑,转一圈,证明了come, go, run, turn, turn out, prove2) 坐站跑躺,早婚夭折,吹落抓,工作休息松动了,返

2、回sit, stand, lie,marry, die, blow, drop, hold, work, rest, loom; return30个单词很容易,固定搭配莫放弃,多看例句好好比,特殊情况要死记。二连系动词的特别:1. 连系动词后面接表语,be动词后可接:名词、形容词、数次、代词、副词、介词短语,非谓语动词记从句。2. 半联系动词后面有的可以接:形容词和名词;有的只能接形容词;有的后接名词有特殊规定。3. 半连系动词的疑问式和否定式需要用do/does/did来帮助。4. be动词的祈使句可以用do来帮助加强语气。三 例句体会与练习1单 词例 句注 解2be 是He is a te

3、acher. He is happy. It is five. Its me .He is in. He is in the room. My job is teaching.Its my pleasure to help you. The news is inspiring.The glass is broken. The news is that he will come here to help you.特别用法:Do be quiet.Dont be so noisy.He is being naught at the moment.She is being so kind to me

4、.最常用.主要就是在形容词前不能漏掉了。再就是特别现象:祈使句可用do来强调。偶尔有进行时态,表示展示现象。3become变成,当He became a teacher from a worker.How did he become so old?后接名词、形容词都可以。4get 变得When you get old, your memory gets worse.He is getting richer and richer.The ice is getting thicker and thicker.He is getting older and older.只能接形容词,表示状态的转变,

5、多用进行时态。5grow变得The weather is growing warmer and warmer.Mary grew more cheerful.侧重逐渐变化。6keep保持Keep silent, please.He always keeps his clothes clean.有要求保持原样7remain保持We must remain loyal to the Party.He always remains clam when he meets across troubles.有必要保持原样8stay仍然是The temperature has stayed hot this

6、 week.The door stayed closed. Nobody answered me.客观现象保持原样9come(多指)变好Her dream has come true.The handle has come loose. 这个把柄松了。This envelope has come unstuck. 这封信开了。Wrong never comes right. 错的永远不会变成对的。Your shoe-laces have come undone. 你的鞋带散了。The package is about to come unwrapped. 那个包快散开了。多指变好10go(多指

7、)变坏The children went wild with excitement. 孩子们欣喜若狂。She went pale at the news. 听了这消息她脸色变得苍白。He went mad in the end. 最后他疯了。Fish soon goes bad in hot weather. 大热天鱼很容易坏。The children must not go hungry. 孩子们不应挨饿。两者之后所接形容词通常各有其特点,有时还可从好坏方面去区别:即 come 用于“好”的变化,go 用于“坏”的变化。如:The meat has gone bad. 这肉变味了。Somet

8、hing has gone wrong with the radio. 这收音机什么地方出了毛病。Things will come right. 一切会顺利地进行。Her dream has come true. 她的梦想实现了。多指变坏11run变成I have run short of money. 我缺钱。My blood ran cold. 我的血都凉了。强调结果12turn转变成Her face turned red at the news.The leaves turned yellow.Her hair turned gray.表语名词前不要冠词13turn out 证明The

9、rumor turned out false.Pu Zhigao turned traitor.表明结果,消极的多14prove证明是The handbook proved most useful.这本手册证明很有用. The medicine proved satisfactory.结果证明这药疗效令人满意.证明结果15sit处于什么状态The tree doesnt sit right.The pole of the flag doesnt sit straight.所处状态16stand处于什么状态The children stood fascinated by the toys on

10、display.The door stood open.所处状态17lie处于什么状态This bed-sheet doesnt lie flat.Not an inch of land is allowed to lie waste.所处状态18marry当时的状态The girl married too young.He married too old.当时状态19die当时的状态The poor man died sad.The young girl died disappointed.当时状态20blow吹成什么样The door blew open just now.The flag

11、 blew broken.造成结果21drop落下后的状态The glass dropped broken.The man dropped dead.造成结果22hold保持某种状态The rule holds water in many instances.His idea holds true.注意习惯用法23work起到什么作用The hinges work loose after being oiled.If you try this method, your plan will work smooth.奏效24rest仍然是The mistake rests uncorrected.

12、Your answer rests wrong.This matter rests a mystery. 此事仍是一个谜。还有,还是25loom隐显The difficulties loom large only in the eyes of the sluggard.在胆小的人看来,困难总是大的。隐隐约约显得26return返回时的身份或状态He has been out for many years. He returned a commander.He returned a poor guy.返回时的状态,身份27feel感觉He feels very happy almost ever

13、y day.She felt sad yesterday.感觉28look看起来look like接名词look as if接从句She looks sad today.He looks pale.He looks like a scholar.She looks like your sister.He looked as if he hadnt had a good meal for a month.She looked as if he was very poor.看起来29taste尝起来The dish tastes good.This dish doesnt taste so good as it looks.味觉30smell闻起来The flowers smell sweet.The soup smells delicious.嗅觉31sound听起来The idea sound right.The plan sound great.听起来的感觉32appear显得When he saw me, he appeared surprised.He appeared scared.表象33seem似乎是The enemy seemed powerful but indeed was weak.Is seems right.有可能性

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