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1、266505000规格书 铁锂Specification Approval Sheet 规格确认书MODEL/型号: 26650/3300(3300mAh 3.2V)Prepared By/Date编 制/日 期Checked By/Date审 核/日 期Approved By/Date批 准/日 期杨勇CustomerApproval客户确认Signature/签 字Date/日 期Company Name/公司名称Company Stamp/公司印章Amendment Records/修正记录Revision版 本Description/记 述Prepared by 编 制Approved

2、 by批 准Date/日 期AFirst Publish杨勇2015/5/20 Content/目录 1. Scope/适用范围Page 42. Model/型号Page 43.Cell Specification/电芯规格说明Page 4/54. Battery/Cell performance test Criteria/电池性能标准Page 6 4.1 Appearance inspection by visual/外观目测Page 6 4.2 Environmental test condition/外界环境条件Page6 4.3 Electrical characteristics/

3、电气特性Page 6/74.4 Mechanical characteristics/机械特性Page 74.5 Safety performance/安全性能Page 85. Cell initial Dimensions/电芯初始尺寸Page 96. CAUTIONS IN USE(谨慎使用)Page 107. Period of Warranty/保质期Page 108. Storage of the Batteries/电池的存放Page 109. Other The Chemical Reaction/其它化学反应Page 1010. Note/注释Page 101 Scope/适用

4、范围This specification is applied to the reference battery in this Specification and manufactured by Shenzhen BODA Power Battery Technolgy co.,Ltd本规格书适用于本书中所提及的深圳市博大电源电池科技有限公司提供的电芯。2 Model/型号:266503 Cell Specification/电芯产品规格No.Items/项目Specifications/规格Remark备注1Nominal Capacity标称容量3300mAh0.2C Standard

5、discharge0.2C 标准放电2Minimum Capacity最小容量3150mAh3Nominal Voltage标称电压3.2VMean Operation Voltage即工作电压4Delivery voltage交货电压 3.13.3VWithin 10 days from Factory在出厂10天内5Charge Voltage充电电压3.6V0.03VBy standard charge method标准充电方式6Standard charging method标准充电方式0.5C constant current,3.6V constant voltage charge

6、 to 3.6V,continue charging till current decline to 0.01C0.5C恒流3.6V恒压充至电流0.01C,时间约4h(供参考)7Charge current充电电流0.2C660mAStandard charge, charge time about 8h(Ref)标准充电,时间约4h(供参考)0.5C1650mARapid Charge, charge time about: 4.0h(Ref)快速充电,时间约4.0h(供参考)8Standard discharging method标准放电方式0.2C constant current di

7、scharge to2.0V, 0.2C恒流放电至2.0V9Cell Internal Impedance单电芯内阻20mInternal resistance measured at AC 1KHZ after 50% charge半电态下用交流法测量内阻3 Cell Specification/产品规格(continuous/续上表)No.Items/项目Specifications/规格Remark备注10Maximum charge current最大充电持续电流1C3300mAhFor continuous charging mod连续充电模式11Maximum discharge

8、current最大放电持续电流1C3300mAhFor continuous discharge mod连续放电模式(初始放电容量3200mAh)12Operation Temperature and relative humidity Range工作温度和湿度范围Charge/充电0456025%R.H.Charge at a very low temperature such as blew 0,will be get a lower capacity and reduce cycle life of the battery低温充电效率会下降,会影响电池使用寿命Discharge/放电-2

9、0606025%R.H.13Storage temperature for a long time长时间储存温度-20256025%R.H.Do not storage exceed half year. Must charge once when storage for half year. must charge the battery which with protect circuit when storage for three months.不可超过半年,达到半年须充电一次带保护板电池3个月充电一次4 Battery/Cell performance test Criteria/电

10、池性能标准4.1 Appearance inspection by visual/外观目测 There shall be no such defect as rust, leakage, which may adversely affect commercial value of battery.电池外观应没有锈渍、污渍、漏液等影响商业价值的缺陷存在。4.2 Environmental test condition/外界环境条件 Unless otherwise specified, all test stated in this product specification are condu

11、ct at below test condition 所有测试应按以下环境条件进行,除非特殊指定外。 Temperature: 2025 Relative Humidity:60%25% R.H.4.3 Cell Electrical characteristics/电气特性NoItems/项目Test Method and Condition/测试方法及条件Criteria/标准1Rated Capacity at 0.2C(Min.)0.2C最小额定容量After standard charge, the capacity shall be measured on 0.2C dischar

12、ge till the voltage discharge to2.0V,标准充电后,放电至2.0V,截止,测量0.2C放电容量3150mAh100%Rated Capacity at 0.5C(Min.)0.5C最小额定容量After standard charge, the capacity shall be measured on 0.5C discharge till the voltage discharge to 2.0V,标准充电后,放电至2.0V截止,测量0.5C放电容量3024mAh96%Rated Capacity at 1C(Min.)1C最小额定容量After stan

13、dard charge, the capacity shall be measured on 1C discharge till the voltage discharge to 2.0V,标准充电后,放电至2.0V 截止,测量1C放电容量2961mAh94%2Cycle Life循环寿命Charging and discharging battery as blew conditions0.2C standard charge to3.6V end-off0.2C standard discharge to 2.0V cut-offContinuous charge and discharg

14、e for 500 cycles ,the capacity will be measure after the 500th cycle充放电按以下条件:0.2C标准充电至3.6V,0.2C标准放电至2.0V,连续充放电循环500周,在第500周结束后测量容量70% of initial capacity3Capacity retention 容量保持The battery to be charge in accordance with standard charge condition at 2025,then storage the battery at an ambient temper

15、ature 2025 for 28 days.Measure the capacity after 30 days with 0.2C at 2025 as retention capacity将电池在2025标准充电后储存在2025的环境中28天28天后,测试电池在2025环境下0.2C放电容量作为保持容量Retention capacity容量保持85%4Temperature Dependence of discharge capacity(放电温度特性) Cells shall be charged per 3.3.1 and discharged 0.2 C5A to 2.0 vol

16、ts. Except to be discharged at temperatures per Table 3. Cells shall be stored for 3 hours at the test temperature prior to discharging and then shall be discharged at the test temperature. The capacity of a cell at each temperature shall be compared to the capacity achieved at 23 C and the percenta

17、ge shall be calculated. . 电池按3.3.1规定充电。按表3的温度中放电,电池必须先在该试验温度中放置3个小时。Each cell shall meet or exceed the requirements of Table 3温度中的放电容量应不小于表3的要求Table 3 (表3)Discharge Temperature(放电温度)-20-1002360Discharge Capacity (0.2 C5A)(放电容量/0.2 C5A)40%50%80%100%95%4.4 Mechanical characteristics/机械特性NoItems/项目Test

18、 Method and Condition/测试方法及条件Criteria/标准1Free fall test自由跌落测试The battery to be fully charged in accordance with standard charge condition, then drop the battery three times from a height of 1,0 m onto a concrete floor. The batteries are dropped so as to obtain impacts in random orientations.电池按照标准充电

19、条件充满电,然后从1m高度跌落电池到一个水泥地面,随机跌落三次。No Fire, 不起火,不爆炸2Vibration test振动测试After standard charging, fixed the cell to vibration table and subjected to vibration cycling that the frequency is to be varied at the rate of 1Hz per minute between 10Hz and 55Hz, the excursion of the vibration is 1.6mm. The cell s

20、hall be vibrated for 30 minutes per axis of XYZ axes. 将标准充电后的电芯固定在振动台上,沿X、Y、Z三个方向各振动30分钟,振幅1.6mm,振动频率为10Hz55Hz,每分钟变化1Hz。No explosion ,No leakage, No fire无泄漏,不起火,不爆炸4.5 Safety performance/安全性能NoItems/项目Test Method and Condition/测试方法及条件Criteria/标准1Thermal exposure test高温热冲击测试Each fully charged cell, s

21、tabilized at room temperature, is placed in a circulating air-convection oven. The oven temperature is raised at a rate of 5 C/min 2 C/min to a temperature of 130 C 2 C. The cell remains at this temperature for 10 min before the test is discontinued.充满电的电池温度稳定到常温后,放置入循环空气烘箱里,从常温以5 C/分 2 C/分的速率升至130C

22、后,在130C放置10分钟No explosion, No fire无起火,无爆炸2Short test短路测试(20)The fully charged battery is to be short-circuited by connecting the positive and negative terminals of the battery with resistance load not exceed 100m.Tests are to be conducted at room temperature 2025. 在室温2025把充满电的电池的正负极用不超过100m的负载连接起来,连

23、接起来使电池外部短路 No explosion, No fireThe Temperature of the Battery surface not exceeded than 150无起火,无爆炸电池表面温度不超过1503.Short test短路测试(60)The fully charged battery is to be short-circuited by connecting the positive and negative terminals of the battery with resistance load not exceed 100m.Tests are to be

24、conducted at room temperature about 60-65 在室温约为60-65把充满电的电池的正负极用不超过100m的负载连接起来,连接起来使电池外部短路No explosion, No fireThe Temperature of the Battery surface not exceeded than 150无起火,无爆炸电池表面温度不超过1504Forced discharge test过放电测试A discharged cell is subjected to a reverse charge at 1C for 90 min.将电芯放完电,再用1C反接充电

25、90分钟No explosion, No fire无起火,无爆炸5Over charge test过充电测试After standard charge, continue to charge with a constant voltage 10V per a cell, holding 8h.电芯标准充满电后,以10V的恒定电压继续充电,保持8小时No explosion, No fire无爆炸,无起火5 Cell initial Dimensions/电芯初始尺寸 NOItemsUnits :mm1diameter/直径(D)26.000.503Height/高度(H)65.000.50Dr

26、aw/制图Checked/审核Approved/批准杨勇6 CAUTIONS IN USE(谨慎使用)To ensure proper use of the battery please read the manual carefully before using it. (为确保正确使用电池,使用前请仔细阅读本细则) . Handling(电池操作) Do not expose to, dispose of the battery in fire.(不要靠近和放置电池于火中) Do not put the battery in a charger or equipment with wron

27、g terminals connected. (在充电器或设备仪器中不要把电池接错电极) Avoid shorting the battery(避免电池短路) Avoid excessive physical shock or vibration.(避免电池过多的物理撞击和震动) Do not disassemble or deform the battery.(不要解剖和使电池变形) Do not immerse in water.(不要把电池浸泡在水中) Do not use the battery mixed with other different make, type, or mod

28、el batteries. (不要和其它不同类型的电池混和使用) Keep out of the reach of children.(放置电池于儿童不易接触的地方) . charge and discharge(充电和放电)。Battery must be charged in appropriate charger only.(电池必须用适当的充电器充电) Never use a modified or damaged charger.(不要使用改装或损坏的充电器) Do not leave battery in charger over 24 hours.(不要把电池放置于充电器超过24

29、h) . storage(储存):Store the battery in a cool, dry and well-ventilated area.(应把电池置于凉爽、干燥及通风良好的区域) . disposal(电池处理) Regulations vary for different countries. Dispose of in accordance with local regulations.(电池处理要符合当地的规定)7 Period of Warranty/保质期The period of warranty is one year from the date of shipment. Great Power guarantees to give a replacement in case of cells with defects proven due to manufacturing process instead of the customer abuse and misuse. 电池的保质期从出货之日算起为一年。如果电池的缺陷是在制造过程中形成的而不是由于用户滥用及错误使用造成,本公司负责退换电池。8 Storage of the Batteries/电池的存放The batteries should be stored at room t

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