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八年级下Unit 2.docx

1、八年级下Unit 2Unit 2 What should I do? 【单元目标】1单词与短语stereo, loud, argue, original, serious, style, wrong, argument, either, teen, talk, family, tutor, haircut, caller, except, upset1. stay at home 呆在家 2. every night 每天晚3,play CDs 播放CD 4,too loud 太吵 5.out of style 过时的 6,enough money 足够的钱7. want to surpris

2、ed him 想使他意外 8,go to his house 去他家 9,give him a ticket 给他一张票 10,a ball game 一场球赛11,on the phone 通过电话 12,talk about their problems 谈论他们的问题13, talk about it on the phone 通过电话 谈论它 13,dont have any money没有钱 14,get some money 得一些钱15,pay for 支付 16,summer camp 夏令营 17,get a part-time job 做一份兼职工作 18,have a b

3、ake sale 卖烧烤 19. get a tutor得到一份家教 20. be original 新颖的21. be in style 时髦的22,the radio advice program 电台建议节目 26,the same as 与。一样 27,the same clothes as 与。一样的衣服 28,get different clothes 买不同的衣服 29,have a problem 有麻烦 30,at school 在学校 31,find out 发现,找出 32,last week 上周 33. Everyone was invited except me除我

4、之外每个人都被邀请了 34. Im very upset 我很难过35. fail my test 考试不及格36,after-school activities 课后活动37,busy enough 足够忙 38,after school 放学后 39,get home 到家 40. the same age as me 与我同岁41. get on well with sb 与某人相处很好42. want to fight with my cousin 想和我的表哥打架43.give me some advice给我一些建议 44. take her daughter to the pia

5、no lesson 带我的女儿去上钢琴课45. The tired children dont get home until 7:00 疲惫的孩子们直到七点钟才到家 46. have a quick breakfast 快快的吃完早饭47. pushy parents固执的家长 48. send their kids to all kinds of classes 把他们的孩子送往各种培训班49. compare them with other children把他们和其他的孩子相比 50. try to plan their kids lives 试图计划他们孩子的生涯51,as much

6、as possible 尽可能多52,too much pressure 太多的压力 53,get their kids a bit more time 给孩子更多的时间54. need organized activities 需要有组织的活动55,take part in 参加56,all kinds of 各种各样的 57,on the one hand 在一方面58,on the other hand 在另外一方面 59,by oneself 亲自60,have free time to relax有空闲时间放松60. have enough money to do sth.有足够的钱

7、去做某事61. over the phone 通过电话63. argue with sb. 和某人争吵64. to ones surprise 使某人惊讶的是65. write letters/a letter 写信66. write sb. a letter写给某人一封信67. write a letter to sb.写信给某人68. call sb. up 给某人打电话69. ring sb. up给某人打电话70. a ticket to一张去 的票71. a ticket for一张 的票72. feel sth 感到某人做某事73. feel sb.doing sth感

8、到某人在做某事74. There are lots of things you could do. 有许多你可以做的事情。75. borrow sth. from 从 借入76. make/earn some money 挣钱赚钱77. pay some money for sth付钱买78. look for 寻找79. get a job as a tutor找到一份家教的工作80. in fashion流行时髦时尚81. be in trouble有麻烦陷入麻烦之中82. fail to pass the exam考试不及格83. know about/of 知道有关了解有关 84. k

9、now sth about /of知道有关了解有关的情况85. a mother of three children一位三个孩子的母亲86. join a club加入参加一个俱乐部87. buy gifts for my family给我的家人买礼物88. need some money to buy 需要一些钱来买89. get some money to do sth弄到一些钱来做某事90. from activity to activity从活动到活动91. Its time for sth./doing sth.到做某事的时候了。92. Its time to do sth.做某事的

10、时候到了。93. I left my homework at home.我把我的作业落在家里了。94. have the same haircut as I do. 和我留着一样的发型95. learn sth from sb./sth.向学习96. learn how to do sth. 学习怎样作某事97. learn to do sth.学会做某事98. fight for sb./sth为而战99. fight with sb.和谁打仗100. some advice on一些有关的意见101. compare sth./sb. to把比作102. under the pressur

11、e of在的压力之下103. many different kinds of 许多不同种类的104. have time/trouble/problems/difficulties (in) doing sth. 有时间麻烦问题困难做某事105. be fit for适合106. complain about 抱怨107. pullout of 把从拉出来108. push out of把从拉出来109. be crazy at/ about非常喜欢110. compare A with B把A和B相比111. try doing sth试着做某事112. try to do sth试图做好某

12、事113. keep out不让进入阻止进入114. either or或者或者115. succeed in sth/doing sth在某一方面取得成功成功做某事116. fail to do sth做某事失败117. ask sb.for sth向某人要某物118. ask sb. to do sth叫某人做某事119. get sb. to do sth让某人做某事120. My friends were planning a birthday party for my best friend.我的朋友们正在为我的最好的朋友计划组织一个生日聚会。121. plan for为而计划122

13、. I cant think what I did wrong.我无法想象我所做的什么地方错啦。123. invite sb. to do sth邀请某人做某事124. invite sb to邀请某人到125. I dont know what I do.我不知道该做些什么。126. talk with sb. about sth.和某人谈论有关什么127. talk about sth. with sb. 和某人谈论有关什么128. be angry about / at sth./ with sb生某事的气生某人的气129. return sth to sb把某物还给某人130. ret

14、urn sb. sth= give sth back还给某人某物131. return to = go back to 返回到132. argue with sb. about sth.和某人争吵有关什么133. phone sb. 给某人打电话2目标句型: 1. What should I do? 2. Why dont you? 3. You could 4. You should 5. You shouldnt3语法情态动词的用法 【重难点分析】情态动词(Modal Verbs )* 情态动词也可称为“情态助动词 (Modal Auxiliaries)”,因为它和基本助动词(be,do,

15、 have)都属于助动词类。* 情态动词和其他动词连用,可表示说话人的语气。* 情态动词可表达建议、要求、可能和意愿等。* 情态动词没有人称和数的变化。* 常用的情态动词有:can, could, may, might, must, shall, should, will, would这九大情态动词;其他的还有ought to, need, dare 等。一、九大情态动词的时态关系:1. 现在式 can - 过去式 could2. 现在式 may - 过去式 might3. 现在式 shall - 过去式 should4. 现在式 will - 过去式 would5. 现在式 must - 过

16、去式 must (常用had to来代替)二、情态动词表示“可能”或“预测”(can, could, will, would, shall, should, must, ought to)(1)can 和 could 用于表示“可能”或“预测”:1. He cant be at home. (否定句) 他不可能在家。2. Can the news be true? (将情态动词 can 置于主语 the news 前就成疑问句) 这消息可能是真的吗?3. Anybody can make mistake. (只表示理论上的可能性) 任何人都可能犯错误。(2)may 和 might 用于表示“事

17、实上的可能性”或“预测”:1. It may rain tomorrow. (表示可能会发生) 明天可能会下雨。2. It may snow later this afternoon. (表示预测) 今天下午可能会下雪。3. You might be right. (表示有可能) 你可能是对的。(3)will 和 would 用于表示“预测”或“习惯性”:1. I think he will be all right now. (will be 表示一定会)我想他现在一定好了。2. That would be his mother.(would be 表示肯定是) 那肯定是他母亲。3. He

18、will sit there hour after hour looking at the river.(will 表示经常的) 他经常一连几个小时坐在那儿看着河水。(4)shall 和 should 用于表示“必定”:1. I shall be rich one day. (shall be ) 总有一天我会发达的。2. That should be Sam and his mother. (should be) 那准是Sam 和他的母亲。(5)must 用于表示“必定”,“必会”:1. This must be good for you.(must be 肯定) 这肯定对你是有益的。2.

19、All mankind must die.(表示必然会发生的事) 所有的人一定会死的。3. Mustnt there be a mistake? (mustnt 多用于疑问句) 那肯定会有错误吗?三、情态动词表示“许可”、“请求”(can, could, will, would, shall, should, may, might, must)(1)can 和 could 用于表示“许可”、“请求”:1. Can I go with you? (请求) 我能跟你一起走吗?2. Father said I could go to cinema. (表示过去的许可) 爸爸说我可以去看电影。3. C

20、ould I ask you something ? (请求,用 could 比 can 更婉转) 我可以问你一件事吗?(2)will 和 would 用于表示“请求”1. Will you kindly tell me the way to the post office?(表示客气请求) 请问到邮局怎么走?2. Would you give me your address? (用 would 比 will 表示更客气) 请你告诉我你的地址,好吗?(3)shall 和 should 用于第一人称,表示征求对方的意见1. Shall we talk? 我们谈谈好吗?2. What should

21、 we do next? (用should 比 shall 表示更客气) 下一步我们该怎么做?3. Shall he come to see you? (用于第三人称疑问句) 要不要他来看你?(4)may 和 might 用于表示“许可”(口语中多用 can )1. You may take a walk. (表示给予许可) 你可以散散步。2. You might read the story for me. (比may更婉转) 是否请给我读一读这故事。3.May I make a suggestion? 我可以提个建议吗?4. Might I take a look of your work

22、? 我看看您的大作行吗?5. Students may not make noise in the library. (may not 表示不许可或禁止) 学生不得在图书馆里吵闹。6. If I may say so, you are not right. (用于条件句,表示请求) 你是不对的,如果我可以这么说的话。(5)must 用于表示“禁止”,“不准”:1. Cars must not be parked here. (must not表示不许可) 此地不准停车。2. All of you mustnt fishing in the pool. (must not 语气方面比 may n

23、ot 更强) 你们不准在池里钓鱼。四、重要短语和表达法(Key Words)1argue v争论;争吵 argue with sb与某人吵架 I argued with my best friend我和我的好朋友吵架了。 Dont argue with him. 别和他争吵了。 2 either adv.(用于否定句)也 He doesnt have any money, and I dont, either他没有钱,我也没有。 I cant play chess. She cant, either.我不会下国际象棋,她也不会。 too 也(用于肯定或疑问句) Im a teacherHe i

24、s a teacher, too我是老师,他也是老师。 We are going hiking. Are they going hiking,too?我们要去徒步旅行,他们也要去吗? 3ask (sb)for sth向某人寻求某物;要 Dont ask for food every dayGo and find some work 别天天要饭,找点儿工作做。 I dont think you should ask your parents for some money.我想你不应向父母要钱。 If you have any problems, you can ask the policeman

25、 for help. 如果你有困难,可以向警察求助。 He didnt want to ask his teacher for his book back 他不想向老师要回他的书了。 4the same as. 与相同 The clothes are the same as my friends这些衣服与我朋友的一样。 Tom is the same age as Anna Tom is as old as Anna汤姆和安娜一样大。 Her backpack is the same as mine. 她的背包与我的一样。 5except 除以外;(不包括在内) My class has be

26、en invited except me Only I havent been invited除我以外,我的同学都被邀请了。 All the students went to the park except him Only he didnt get to the park They all toured America except her. 除了他以外,所有的学生都去美国旅行过。 besides 除以外(包括在内) We all went there besides him He went thereWe went there, too除他去以外,我们也都去了。 There are fiv

27、e more visitors besides me.除了我之外还有5倍访客6wrong adj错误的;有毛病的;不合适的 Is there anything wrong with you? 你哪儿不舒服? Whats wrong with you? 你怎么了?(你哪里不舒服?) Ive got a headache我头痛。 Whats wrong with your watch? It doesnt work.你的手表怎么了?它不走了。 adv错误地;不正确地;不对地 He answered wrong他答错了。 They knew they did wrong. 他们知道他们做错了。7ge

28、t on well with sb与某人相处融洽 The students will get on well with the teacher学生会和老师相处得非常好。 We get on well with each other我们彼此相处融洽。 Can she get on well with all the other students in her class? 她能与她班里所有的同学相处得好吗?8have a fight with sb fight with sb与某人打架 I dont want to have a fight with my cousin 我不想和我的堂兄打架。

29、They never fight with each other.They are really good friends. 他们从不打架,他们的确是好朋友。 五、主要句型(Key Sentences Structures) What should I do? You could write him a letter What should he do? Maybe he should say sorry to him What should they do? They shouldnt argue六、词语辨析 1. borrow sth. from sb. 从某人处借进某物 lend sth

30、. to sb. 把某物借给某人 borrow sth. from sb. 是指该句的主语从别人处(往里)借进某物 例:He borrowed the dictionary from Lucy yesterday. 他昨天从露西处借了那本字典. lend sth. to sb. = lend sb. sth. 是指该句的主语把某物(往外)借给别人用 例如:Could you lend me your car? 请你借给我你的车用一下好吗?2. get sb. to do 使做(以人为对象时,有“说服使做”的含义) He could get a tutor to come to his home. 他可以请一位家庭教师来他家。

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