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译林版8B英语UNIT 8单元知识点归纳及练习题.docx

1、译林版8B英语UNIT 8单元知识点归纳及练习题8B英语UNIT 8单元知识点归纳及练习题8B Unit8 一、词汇句型大汇总1. Will more trees be planted this year? 今年会种更多的树?2. Trees are good for us. 树对我们有益。3. I like digging in the garden. 我喜欢在花园里挖土。4. Reduce air pollution by riding bicycles. 通过骑自行车减少空气污染5. save water by taking shorter showers 通过少洗澡来节约水6. sav

2、e energy by turning off the lights 关灯节约能源7. protect the environment by recycling waste 通过循环利用废料的方式保护环境8. What should we do to live a green life? 为了过上环保的生活我们该做什么呢?9. used to drive me to school 过去开车送我去学校10. take the underground 乘地铁11. cause serious air pollution 产生严重的空气污染12. Its wise for people to cho

3、ose public transport or ride bicycles. 人们选择坐公交或骑车是很明智的。 13. take shorter shower to save water 缩短淋浴时间来节约用水14. remember to turn off the lights 记得关灯1. a country with high mountains and clean blue lakes 一个拥有高山和清澈湛蓝湖水的国家2. try to keep it that way 努力保持它的原貌3. be separated into different groups 被分成不同的组4. Ev

4、en old clothes and shoes can be recycled. 甚至旧衣服旧鞋业被循环利用。5. an organization for recycling clothes 一个循环利用衣服的组织6. be sold in charity shops 在慈善商店出售7. be given to the poor 给贫困的人8. be sent to factories for recycling 送到工厂进行循环利用9. send to 把送给10. have many laws to protect the environment 制定许多保护环境的法律11. be no

5、t allowed to cut down trees 不允许砍树12. will be punished 会被惩罚13. drop litter in a public place 在公开场合丢垃圾14. be fined by the police 被警察罚款15. laws to limit air and water pollution 控制空气和水污染的法律16. our greatest treasure 我们最大的宝藏17. depend on 取决于18. use energy from the sun 利用太阳能19. cost very little 花费很少20. run

6、 out 用光21. produce little pollution 少产生点污染22. World Environment Day 世界环境日23. What have you done for the environment? 你为环境做了什么?24. do something to make a difference 采取措施发挥作用 1. When is the show to be held? 什么时候举办展览?2. What will be displayed at the show? 展览上将会陈列什么?3. What will be discussed at the show

7、? 展览上将会讨论什么?4. one of the biggest problems 最大的问题之一5. throw rubbish into. 把垃圾扔进6. act to improve the environment 行动起来改善环境7. we will have a chance to talk about 我们将有机会谈论8. make the world a better place 把世界变成一个更美好的地方1. turn off the tap when brushing teeth 刷牙时关上水龙头2. take showers for less than ten minut

8、es 洗澡少于十分钟3. recycle empty bottles 循环利用空瓶子4. do a lot to help protect the environment 5. try our best to do 尽我们的所能去做6. look nicer with more trees around 周围有很多树看起来更美7. be harmful to our health 对我们的健康有害 8. keep soil in place 保持水土1. have a wider use 有更广泛的用途 2. be dug up from the ground 从地下挖掘出来1. change

9、 for the worse 变得更糟2. We should also reuse water if possible 如果可能的话我们也应该重复使用水。 3. in order to save water 为了节约水4. Recycling is also a good way to help reduce pollution. 循环利用也是一种帮助减少污染的好办法。5. develop a green lifestyle 6. watch less TV 少看电视7. make a big difference to the earth 对地球产生大的影响 二、语法大聚焦一、构成 学习一

10、般将来时的被动语态,首先应掌握其各种结构形式。 1肯定式will(shall)be动词的过去分词 2否定式will(shall)notbe动词的过去分词 3疑问式Will(Shall)主语be动词的过去分词? 简略回答Yes,主语will(shall)No,主语wont(shant) 现在,请看实例: A) 肯定句:Anew stadium will be put up here 否定句:A new stadium will not(wont)be put up here 疑问句及简略回答:Will a new stadium be put up here?Yes,it willNo,it w

11、ont 特殊疑问句及回答:What will be put up here?A new stadium B)A lot of athletes will be invited to BeijingBut those who have used illegal drugs will not be invited(但那些使用违禁药物的将不被邀请。)Will some world-famous singers be invited?Yes,they willWho else will be invited?Some judges and sports officials,of course 二、其他

12、结构 表示将来意义的被动结构还有:1be going to be done;2be to be done;3will(shall)get done等。例如: Some old buildings are going to be put downThe 29th Olympic Games is to be held in Beijing in 2008 The workers will get paid before the end of December 同学们也要注意这些结构的否定式、疑问式等。例如:These trees are not going to be cut downAre t

13、hese trees going to be cut down?Yes,they are The machines are not to be repaired tonightAre they to be repaired tomorrow?Yes,they are 三、注意事项 使用一般将来时的被动语态时,应注意以下两点: 1在时间、条件状语从句中,应使用现在时表示将来时。同样,应使用现在时的被动语态表示将来时的被动语态。例如:He says he will leave the company if he is punished for this 2使用一般将来时被动语态时,学生易遗漏被动式

14、中的be。四、单元综合练习一、单项填空 (15%)( ) 1. Some people fear that _ air pollution may bring about changes in _ weather around the world.A. /; the B. the; / C. an; the D. the; a( ) 2. If the apples _ well, they may become bad soon in such hot weather. A. are not kept B. dont keep C. wont be kept D. wont keep ( )

15、 3. The river smells terrible. People must _ dirty things into it. A. be stopped to throw B. be stopped from throwing C. stop to throw D. be stopped from throw ( ) 4. I believe that those mountains _ with trees in a few years time. A. are covered B. will be covered C. are covering D. will cover ( )

16、5. The new traffic rules say people _ if they do not follow the rules. A. will fine B. were fined C. are fine D. will be fined ( ) 6. Im not sure if I can hold a party in the open air, because it _ the weather. A. stands for B. depends on C. lives on D. agrees with ( ) 7. In the past, the water in t

17、his river _ terrible _ hot summer days. A. smells; on B. is smelt; in C. smelt; on D. was smelled; in( ) 8. Farmers have been busy _ the crops since Friday. A. to harvest B. harvested C. will harvest D. harvesting ( ) 9. Another two months will be needed before the bridge _.A. completes B. is comple

18、ted C. has completed D. will be completed( ) 10. There used to be lots of fish in the lake. Yes, but there are very _ now. A. few B. fewer C. little D. less ( ) 11. _ is it from Suzhou to Beijing?It used to be a long way, but now, it takes only five hours to get there by high-speed rail. A. How soon

19、 B. How much C. How far D. How long( ) 12. Do you think we should accept that offer? Yes, we should, for we _ such bad luck up till now, and time _ out.A. have had; has been run B. had; is running C. have; has been run D. have had; is running ( ) 13. Be careful. A car may hit you. Thank you. I _ I _

20、 so close to the traffic. A. didnt know; am standing B. dont know; am standing C. didnt know; was standing D. didnt know; would stand( ) 14. Do you have Jays CDs? Sorry, they are _. But we will get some more next week because they _. A. sold well; are selling out B. sold out; sell well C. selling we

21、ll; sold out D. sold out; sells well( ) 15. I really thought I would get the job. Oh, well, _, Jason. A. you are right B. best wishes C. I also thought that D. better luck next time 二、完形填空 (10%)In1963, Gaylord Nelson, a senator (参议员) of the United States, began to worry about our 1 . Senator Nelson

22、knew that our world was getting dirty and that many of our plants and animals were dying.He wondered 2 more people werent trying to solve (解决) these problems. He talked to others and to the President. They decided that the President would go 3 the country and tell people about these concerns (关注). H

23、e did, 4 still not enough people were working on the problem.Then, in 1969, Senator Nelson had another 5 . He decided to have a special day to teach 6 about the things that needed changing in our environment. He wrote letters to all of the colleges and put a special article in Scholastic Magazine to

24、 tell them about the 7 day he planned. On April 22, 1970, the first Earth Day was held. People all over the country made promises to 8 the world. Since then, Earth Day has spread all over the world. People know that there are problems we need to work on, and this is 9 day to look at the earth and se

25、e what needs changing. Isnt it great?One person had an idea and kept working 10 everyone began working together to solve it. See what happens when people care about our world.( ) 1. A. country B. city C. earth D. community( ) 2. A. why B. when C. how D. where( ) 3. A. across B. down C. over D. aroun

26、d ( ) 4. A. but B. and C. so D. or( ) 5. A. dream B. idea C. job D. problem( ) 6. A. anyone B. none C. everyone D. someone( ) 7. A. special B. enjoyable C. exciting D. famous ( ) 8. A. break B. enjoy C. save D. face( ) 9. A. his B. her C. their D. our ( ) 10. A. because B. until C. if D. through 三、阅

27、读理解 (20%) (A)Most of the heat gets trapped (抑制) by glass of the greenhouse and keeps the inside warm. Some of the heat goes outside. The rise in temperature is a result of the greenhouse effect (温室效应). And it helps keep the earth warm enough for people, plants and animals to live on. There are some

28、natural gases like CO2 around the earth. These gases create (产生) something like a blanket around us. The blanket lets in the heat (热量) of the sun and keeps it near the ground. It is like how a real greenhouse works.The light of the sun passes through the glass of a greenhouse. It is important to und

29、erstand the greenhouse effect and how it works. Some of the things we do every day can change the temperature of our earth. If factories, cars, and other things are making lots of new waste gases, the earth will get warmer. In the end, it will become too hot for us to live on.( ) 1. The underlined w

30、ord “it” in the passage means _. A. the temperature of the earth B. what many scientists think C. the greenhouse effect D. the gas around the earth( ) 2. The blanket around us is made up of _. A. wood B. plants C. gases D. sunlight( ) 3. Which is the best title for the picture? A. How a Greenhouse W

31、orks B. Planting Flowers in a Greenhouse C. Why the Heat Gets Trapped D. The Importance of the Sun( ) 4. Which is the right order? a. The earth will get warmer. b. Cars make a lot of new waste gases.c. The heat is trapped. d. The gases let sunlight in. A. a-d-b-c B. b-d-c-a C. d-c-b-a D. c-b-a-d( ) 5. Where is the passage probably taken from? A. A story book. B. A fashion magazine. C

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