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1、江西省吉安市学年高一英语上册期中考试题2命题人: 审题人: 备课组长:第一部分 听力(共两节,满分30分)第一节(共5小题;每小题1.5分,满分7.5分)1. What is the probable relationship between the speakers? A. Operator and caller B. Boss and secretary C. Customer and repairman2. When will the meeting begin? A. At 9:00 B. At 9:30 C. At 10:003. Where is the conversation

2、probably taking place? A. At a ticket office B. In a bookstore C. At a train station4. What does the woman want to watch? A. A football game B. A movie C. A talk show5. What are the speakers doing? A. Drawing pictures B. Cleaning the house C. Discussing the kitchen doors第二节(共15小题;每小题1.5分,满分22.5分)听第6

3、段材料,回答第6、7题。6. When did the man change his job? A. Two days ago B .Two weeks ago C. Two moths ago7. What do we know about the mans new job? A. His boss is a kind woman B. He earns less than before C. He lives far away from the new company听第7段材料,回答第8、9题。8. Why doesnt the woman want to talk with the m

4、an at where they are? A. It is too noisy B. It is too far away C. It is too crowded9. What does the woman want to talk about with the man? A. The mistakes in his note B. Her ideas about the trip out west C. Their plan for the weekend听第8段材料,回答第10至12题。10. Why does the man go to the travel agent? A. He

5、 has booked a tour with the agent. B. His son wants to book a tour with the agent. C. He wants to ask for some advice from the agent.11. What is the mans idea for the holiday? A. It should be in a European country. B. It should include many kinds of delicious. C. It should be different from the ones

6、 they had before.12. Why does the mans son want to go to France? A. Because he likes French food. B. Because he wants to live in France. C. Because he is studying French at school.听第8段材料,回答第13至16题。13. What is Salisbury like? A. Its quiet all year round. B. Its a big, attractive town C. It has a beau

7、tiful church and lovely bars.14. When is Salisbury busy? A. In spring B. In autumn C. In summer.15. What is it about Salisbury that mainly attracts people? A. A pretty landscape(风景)painting. B. Its natural beauty. C. Its colorful night life.16. Which is one of the characteristics of Salisbury? A. It

8、 has changed a lot over the years. B. There isnt much industry C. It doesnt have anything modern听第10段材料,回答第17至20题。17. Which countrys customs are being talked about? A. India B. Spain C. Iran(伊朗)18. When do unmarried girls hold a cloth on the newly-wed couples heads? A. Before the marriage ceremony(仪

9、式) B. During the marriage ceremony C. After the marriage ceremony.19. What do many other cars accompanying the newly-wed couples(新婚夫妇的)car do? A. Drive to the nearby towns. B. Play music while driving. C. Follow the newly-wed couples car to their new house.20. Who will put the brides hands into the

10、hands of the bridegroom? A. The brides(新娘的)mother B. The brides father C. The brides parents.第二部分 阅读理解(共两节,满分40分)第一节(共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。A When I was a kid, I always used to wonder how on earth my father could work outside in the winterwithout a coat, eve

11、n when it was -20. I would ask, “Arent you cold, Dad?” “No,” hed reply, “Im not cold-working too hard to be cold.” Once when I was quite young, perhaps five or so, I went ice-fishing with Dad. It was a bright,clear day-and bitterly cold. After wed been out on the ice for a little while, my feet star

12、ted getting cold. “Daddy, my feet are cold.” I said.“Walk around. Make some circles in the snow and see how many differentpictures on the ground you can make. That will get your feet warm.” He saidI still remember thinking at that time, “How can that make my feet warm? Something must be wrong with D

13、ads mind.But he was my father, after all. So I kept walking drawing lines and circles in the snow. Very soon I was having so much fun working in the snow. I forgot about my feet being cold. Now, all these years later, I know, too, from personal experience how my father was able to take hiscoat off a

14、nd work outside in the winter wearing just a shirt, a cap and gloves. Because I do it, too. “Arentyou cold?” my husband asked one winter day. “No,” I replied. “Im not cold-working too hard to be cold.” I hope my husband has decided Im both tough and smart. But I guess quite a bit of the time he thin

15、ksIm foolish. Now, wherever Dad is in that great big farm in the sky-Im sure he cant help but smile whenever I take mycoat off while Im working outside in the winter.21. When the authors feet felt cold, her father advised her to _.A. go home alone first B. keep walking in the snowC. draw pictures in the snow D. light a fire on the ice22. Hearing her fathers advice, the writer thought her father _.A. forgettable B. warm-hearted C. crazy D. cruel23. What might the writers husband think of her?A. Tough B. Smart C. Brave D.

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