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本文(江西省南昌三中学年高二下学期期中考试英语试题 Word版含答案.docx)为本站会员(b****8)主动上传,冰豆网仅提供信息存储空间,仅对用户上传内容的表现方式做保护处理,对上载内容本身不做任何修改或编辑。 若此文所含内容侵犯了您的版权或隐私,请立即通知冰豆网(发送邮件至service@bdocx.com或直接QQ联系客服),我们立即给予删除!

江西省南昌三中学年高二下学期期中考试英语试题 Word版含答案.docx

1、江西省南昌三中学年高二下学期期中考试英语试题 Word版含答案南昌三中20122013学年度下学期期中考试高二英语试卷第卷(选择题 共115分)第一部分听力(共两节,满分30分)第一节(共5小题;每小1.5分,满分7.5分)听下面5段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听完每段对话后,你都有10秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。1. How did the man think the concert? A. It was wonderful. B. It was noisy. C. It was amazing

2、.2. What are the two speakers going to do first? A. Go on swimming. B. Go to the changing room. C. Have a drink.3. Which language does the woman think is easier? A. Spanish. B. English. C. French.4. What color does the man advise the woman to choose? A. Grey. B. Green. C. White.5. Where is the man g

3、oing? A. To the bus station. B. To Changchun Road. C. To a supermarket.第二节(共15小题; 每小1.5分,满分22.5分)听下面5段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,听完后,各个小题将给出5秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。听第6段材料,回答第6-7题。6. What does the man dislike about the shirt? A. Its style. B. Its price. C.

4、 Its color.7. Which color does the man like to wear? A. White. B. Blue. C. Red.听第7段材料,回答第 8-9题。8. Why did the man say he is not free? A. He has to work. B. He has to play basketball. C. He has to find a part-time job. 9. What can we learn about Jim? A. He is the mans friend. B. He is the mans brothe

5、r. C. He is the mans classmate. 听第8段材料,回答第 10-12题。10. What time did the man go to sleep last night? A. About 10:00 pm. B. About 11:00 pm. C. About 2:00 am.11. What was he doing at 10 pm yesterday? A. Doing his homework. B. Watching a football match. C. Sleeping.12. Where is the woman going? A. To th

6、e dining hall. B. To the food store. C. To the classroom.听第9段材料,回答第 13-16题。13. Why cant the man talk to the driver? A. It is forbidden to talk to the driver when the bus is moving. B. The driver is far away from him. C. It is not easy to approach the driver.14.Where is the man going? A. To South Tow

7、n. B. To the railway station. C. To a hospital.15. What does the woman probably do? A. She is a doctor. B. She is a conductor. C. She is a teacher.16. What time will the last bus go back? A. At about five oclock. B. At about six oclock.C. At about seven oclock.听第10段材料,回答第 17-20题。17. Which company di

8、d the smartphone idea come from? A. HTC. B. IBM. C. Nokia.18. Which phone was first called a “smartphone”? A. The Nokia 9000. B. The GS88. C. The Nokia 9210.19. Where are most smartphones manufactured? A. In China. B. In America. C. In Korea.20. Who is the number one smartphone seller? A. Nokia. B.

9、Samsung. C. Apple.第二部分:英语知识运用(共两节,满分45分)第一节单项填空(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分) 从A、B、C和D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。21. Wang Hai, 22, from Jinan, told China Daily that he always check his Sina Weibo account whenever he the Internet.A. attracts B. accesses C. admits D. admires22. When asked about their opinions about th

10、e schoolmaster, many teachers would prefer to see him step aside younger men.A. in terms of B. in need of C. in favour of D. in praise of23. Remember that there is still one point we must make clear at the conference tomorrow.A. where B. why C. when D. that 24. He didnt feel a bit nervous when . No.

11、 He had a lot of time for it after all.A. interviewing; to prepare B. interviewing; preparing C. being interviewed; preparing D. interviewed; to prepare25. As the light turned green, I stood for a moment, not , and asked myself what I was going to do.A. moved B. moving C. to move D. being moved26.He

12、 spends a lot of time on his research basketball and chess. A. as well as play B. as well as playing C. as well as to play D. as well as played 27.Its the second time I to Shanghai. What great changes! Its ten years since I it last time. A. have been; left B. had been; left C. am; had left D. come;

13、had left28. Plastic parts can metal ones in many machines. But they dont last long.A. substitute with B. be replaced with C. take the place of D. in place of 29. They the negotiation out for three months. A. pulled B. drew C. delayed D. dragged30. The public of the environmental problem will make th

14、e government take it seriously.A. existence B. revolution C. awareness D. evidence31. Gone are the days when great literary masters themselves in a rich spiritual world even though they tolerated poverty.A. devoted B. absorbed C. applied D. occupied32. It is universally that dogs have an acute sense

15、 of smell .A. regarded B. replied C. acknowledged D. answered33. Topics for textbooks should be to the experiences and interests of students.A. concentrated B. relevant C. useful D. based34.The sense of is the most basic factor in achieving personal pleasure. A man can only sense the delight of life

16、 when he feels safe and safeguarded.A. security B. direction Cachievement Dresponsibility35.How about party? Cool! It was really great fun! Pity you werent there.A. the; B. a; a C. the; a D. a; 第二节 完形填空(共20小题;每小题1.5分,满分30分)阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,从短文后各题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。 Much meaning can be convey

17、ed with our eyes, so it is often said that eyes can speak.Do you have such kind of 36 ? In a bus you may look at a 37 , but not too long. And if he is 38 that he is being stared at, he may feel 39 .The same is true in 40 life. If you are looked at for more than 41 ,you will look at yourself up and d

18、own, to see if there is 42 wrong with you. If nothing goes wrong, you will feel angry toward others 43 at you that way.Looking too long at someone may seem to be rude and 44 . But things are different when it 45 to stare at the opposite sex. If a man glances at a woman for more than ten seconds and

19、46 to avert (移开) his gaze, his intentions are 47 , that is , he wishes to attract her attention, to make her understand that he is 48 her.49 , the normal eye contact for two people 50 in a conversation is that the speaker will only look at the listener 51 , in order to make sure that the listener do

20、es pay attention to what the former is speaking about, to tell him that he is attentive. If a speaker looks at you continuously when speaking, 52 he tries to dominate(控制) you, you will feel embarrassing.In fact, continuous eye contact is confined to 53 only, who will enjoy looking at each other tend

21、erly for a long time, to show affection that 54 cannot express.Evidently, eye contact should be done according to relationship between two people and the specific 55 .36. A. experience37. A. conductor38. A. looking39. A. interested40. A. social41. A. friendly42. A. anything43. A. interest44. A. atte

22、ntive45. A. comes46. A. starts47. A. dirty48. A. admiring49. A. Therefore50. A. engaged51. A. all the time52. A. in case53. A. mothers54. A. looks55. A. situationB. thoughtB. driverB. sensingB. stupidB. dailyB. reliableB. somewhereB. stareB. positiveB. hopesB. refusesB. unhealthyB. enjoyingB. Otherw

23、iseB. attractedB. from time to timeB. as ifB. childrenB. eyesB. circumstanceC. feelingC. touristC. tellingC. uncomfortableC. familyC. specialC. nothingC. appreciationC. aggressiveC. triesC. managesC. obviousC. cheatingC. AltogetherC. trappedC. all the wayC. even thoughC. loversC. smilesC. environmen

24、tD. attitudeD. strangerD. decidingD. angryD. schoolD. necessaryD. anywhereD. noticeD. activeD. seemsD. aimsD. unfairD. selectingD. HoweverD. invitedD. back and forthD. so thatD. teachersD. wordsD. condition第三部分:阅读理解(共20小题;每题2分,满分40分) 阅读下列短文,从A、B、C和D四个选项中,选出最佳选项。APeople travel for a lot of reasons. S

25、ome people go to see battlefields(战场) or other historic remains(遗迹) . Others are looking for culture, or simply want to have their own pictures taken in front of famous places. Most European tourists are looking for a sunny beach to lie on. Northern Europeans are willing to pay a lot of money for su

26、nshine because they have so little of it. People of the cities like London, Copenhagen and Amsterdam spend much of their winter in the dark because the days are so short, and much of the rest of the year is in the rain. This is the reason why the Mediterranean area has always attracted them. Every s

27、ummer many people travel to Mediterranean resorts( 游览胜地) and beaches for their vacation. They all come for the same reason:sunshine! The huge crowds mean lots of money for economies of Mediterranean countries. Italys 30 000 hotels are booked without a break every summer. And 13 million people camp o

28、ut on French beaches, parks, and roadsides. Spains long sandy coastline attracts more people than anywhere else. 37 million tourists visit there yearly. But there are signs that the area is getting more tourism than it can deal with. The Mediterranean Sea is already one of the most polluted seas on

29、earth. It is very obvious that many tourists dont go there for clean water. They allow traffic jams and seem to like crowded beaches. They dont even mind the pollution. No matter how dirty the water is, the coastline still looks beautiful. And as long as there is sunshine, its still better to stay t

30、here than to sit in the cold rain in Berlin. London, or Oslo.56. The best title for this passage might be “ _ ”. A. Historic remains B. Polluted beaches C. Travel for sunshine D. Journey to Europe57. Why did so many northern Europeans spend so much traveling for sunshine? A. Because they experience

31、little sunshine in their lives. B. Because they are willing to spend money on travel. C. Because their favourites are traveling to the world. D. Because they love to experience sunshine on the holidays.58. Though the Mediterranean area is polluted seriously, why does it attract so many tourists from Europe such as London, Copenhagen and Amsterdam? A. Because there are plenty of beautiful beaches and hillsides. B. Because Europeans have

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