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1、大二英语第四学期 festival is the most important festival in China. During Spring festival, people visit their relatives, sending their best wishes for a new year. Children are the happiest in spring festival. They will receive _that contain money as new year presents. They can also play _ and fireworks. Wha

2、ts more, they are given a lot of freedom, which they have dreamed of for a whole year. Questions:After the spring festival we may suffer a series of post-holiday syndromes such as: stress; a sense of frustration, fatigue and how do you feel? We walked through 2 years and this is the last term we wil

3、l cooperate together, there is no English class anymore next term, how should you do? We took an English exam last term , I thought all of us would get more than 90, but to my disappointment , some of us even failed it but I corrected your normal scoring which is not allowed in our school. So I thou

4、gh some of us didnt take English seriously, how do you think of the phenomenon about your scoring last term which derived from our normal practice?the next two years is the turning point in our college life, some of us have already set your goals and some of us still confused how to do and what to d

5、o ? how would you plan your following two years?take part in the entrance exam for postgraduate schools? Prepare for the civil service exam?Enhance our personal comprehensive qualities are most important, such as social communicative ability, your professional quality which are needed for your later

6、 job-hunting and further study. Keep informed of the current events and read more books, as for English, we should read more English magazines and newspapers.Use one or two sentences to describe news you have got from your holiday. Or list something meaningful during your holiday except eating, goin

7、g online, watching TVReading newsShrug off holiday blues导读:春节长假结束,白领和学生一族又将重返原有的生活状态,而这也让不少人吃不消,患上了(post-holiday syndrome)。如何摆脱乏力、抑郁等症状呢? Lu Wenfei, 22, is a senior student majoring in broadcasting and TV engineering at the Communication University of China.22岁的陆文飞(音译)是中国传媒大学广播电视工程系的一名大四学生。She enjoy

8、s chatting with her friends or playing Texas Hold em Poker on her iPad over this festive season. She plays all night and sleeps during the day.今年春节期间,她在iPad上同朋友们聊天,打打“德州扑克”,过得不亦乐乎。她总是玩个通宵,然后白天睡觉。“I like to put everything out of my mind when I have a chance to relax,” said the student from Shanghai.

9、“However, I find myself more exhausted and flat than when Im studying hard on campus.”家住上海的陆文飞表示:“一旦有机会放松一下,我就喜欢把所有东西都抛到脑后去。但我发现自己比在学校用功学习时还要筋疲力尽,没精打采。”With half of her holiday gone, Lu suffered a series of common post-festival syndromes: stress, fatigue and a sense of frustration.随着假期已经过去一半的光景,陆文飞开

10、始出现一系列常见的节后综合症症状:压力、疲乏以及挫败感。Exhausted and a bit concerned about her graduate project and finding a job, Lu fell ill with a fever.疲惫不堪再加上有些担心自己的毕业设计和求职状况,陆文飞最终病倒了,高烧不退。Lots of college students are hit by anxiety and depression before a new academic session. Too many parties, gaming and fat eating is

11、exhausting. has reported that some training agencies have offered tutorial service to help the youth to shift from “holiday mode” to “study mode”.每个新学期开始前,总是有很多学生遭受焦虑与抑郁的打击。没完没了的聚会、玩乐再加上油腻的饮食,这些都令人疲惫不堪。新浪网报道称,一些培训机构已经开始向年轻人提供相关的指导服务,帮助他们从“假日模式”转化到“学习模式”。Zhang Sheng, 19, a freshman at Nanjing Univers

12、ity has already begun to develop a phobia(恐惧,厌恶) at the thought of returning.南京大学大一新生,19岁的张盛(音译)一想到返校便会心生恐惧。He has yet to open any of the books on the recommended reading list, not to mention write any English journals.到目前为止,推荐书目上他一本书都没有读过,更别提去写什么英文日记了。He also had a headache over a dozen hard subjec

13、ts on the new semesters curriculum.新学期课表上一些艰深的课程也令他头疼不已。He wonders how he can throw off his lethargic le:dik无精打采的 holiday mood. He is right into watching live English Premier League soccer until 3 or 4 oclock in the morning, or following the popular British teen drama, Skins. “I have to pull myself

14、out of that state,” he said.他想知道怎样才能摆脱掉无精打采的节日情绪。现在他每天都要收看英超联赛现场直播直到凌晨三四点钟,或者追看英国热播的青春剧皮囊。他说:“我必须让自己脱离这种状态。”However, some students feel better about a return to study. Zhao Shumeng, 23, a journalism major from Peking University has a well thought-out plan for the rest of her holiday.然而也有一些学生对于重返校园感觉

15、还不错。23岁赵舒萌(音译)就读于北京大学新闻学专业,她深思熟虑后为剩下的假期制定了一系列计划。She plans to immerse herself in preparing for an incoming discussion of a group project. “It would be too late if I try to get a grip on everything at the start of the semester.”她计划全心备战接下来一项团队设计的讨论。“如果我在新学期开学后才开始投入其中,那就太晚了。”Li Wei is a director in char

16、ge of students administration work at the School of Foreign Language Studies at Ningbo Institute of Technology, Zhejiang University.李炜是浙江大学宁波理工学院外语学院主管学生管理工作的负责人。He suggests that young people ease themselves out of the holiday mood at least a week before the start of term.他建议年轻人在新学期前,至少提前一周时间来摆脱假期情绪

17、。“You could go to a local library or bookstore or you could contact your study buddies at university,” he said. “Its most important to make plans.”他表示:“你可以到当地的图书馆或书店,或者也可以同大学里的学习伙伴取得联系。最关键的是要制定计划。”His advice is echoed by Yu Baolong, a teacher of students work at Nanjing Medical University. He emphas

18、izes adjusting your biological clock back to normal as early possible and not leaving it to the final day or two of your holiday. “Imagine what you want to do next year, and draw a timetable, the more specific the better,” said Yu.李炜的建议得到南京医科大学主抓学生工作的教师于宝龙(音译)的赞同,他强调要尽早将自己的生物钟调整回正常状态,不要拖到假期最后的一两天。于老

19、师表示:“想好你接下来一年都要做些什么,拟制一份时间表,越具体越好。”Love is in the air, so is marriageValentines Day in this auspicious Year of the Dragon has couples across China stepping forward to give each other not only flowers and chocolates, but also the promise of lifelong love. Civil affairs officials in Beijing estimate t

20、hat 4,000 couples will marry on Valentines Day, and their Shanghai counterparts are expecting 2,000.According to marriage registration website of the Beijing municipal civil affairs bureau, about 1,400 prospective newlyweds have made appointments to register their marriage in the bureau offices of s

21、ix urban districts in Beijing - almost twice the number of last year.In Haidian district alone, more than 370 appointments were made for the day, compared with 26 on Feb 15, according to the Beijing municipal marriage and adoption registration services website.In Shanghai, the civil affairs offices

22、in Pudong, Putuo, Yangpu and other districts and counties were already fully booked as of the weekend.The booking surge on Valentines Day is associated with this being the Year of the Dragon, which is preferred by newlyweds, said Zhou Jixiang, head of marriage registration department in Shanghai mun

23、icipal civil affairs bureau.: normal performance(homework preparation and answers to my questions during the class)+attendance+presentation( 2-3students make a presentation each week, the one who is called hasnt prepared would get 0, and there isnt any chance in the later class)+group behavior+onlin

24、e workPresentation topics for 16 weeks Second week : What I have lived for?3. A battle between dream and reality4. 商业行贿商业行贿构思点拨上图表现的是在“尚方宝剑”严惩的威严下,一位从事商业贿赂的人落荒而逃。不言而喻,这幅图反映的是当今一种比较猖獗的社会现象:商业贿赂。深层次来讲,就是道德问题、责任问题。本文的内容和结构安排如下:第一段:描述图画;第二段:从两个角度分析影响+分析动机;第三段:建议措施。思维拓展此类文章可以展开的角度有:金钱观,商业道德建设、职业道德建设,公平竞争

25、。相似的图片比比皆是。请参考下图:参考图片高分范文There is no doubt that this cartoon vividly depicts a negative but rampant scenario in modern society: commercial bribery. Frightened by the sharp punishment sword, the man, carrying a large pile of money used as bribery, is trying his best to escape. What is conveyed by the

26、 drawing is both realistic and thought-provoking。The implication of the given picture can be elaborated in terms of the decline of work-moral values and the view on money. For one thing, commercial bribery has a very damaging and destructive effect on the whole society. Firstly, moral deficiencies a

27、s well as the humanity weakness revealed in the action of bribery may stain and pollute the atmosphere of professional ethics and cause others to copy. Secondly, fair competition may be threatened because bribery puts honest businessmen at a disadvantaged position. For another, the bad behavior of c

28、ommercial bribery is largely driven by “profit”, showing that those people who are involved in bribery do not have a right view on money. It is true that money is indispensable, but, there is no denying that money should be obtained and spent in a reasonable, wise and legitimate way。To eliminate the

29、 immoral behavior of bribery thoroughly, drastic actions should be taken and severe punishment measures should be adopted. Besides, a positive mental guidance on the right attitude to money should be popularized among the public. Only in this way can we have a fair and sound social environment。5.城市交

30、通城市交通思路点拨此图片描述的是一幅交通堵塞的场景。图片中,车一辆接着一辆地堵在街上,各种抱怨声不断。毫无疑问,这幅图反映的是城市交通的压力问题。同时,汽车过多就意味着尾气排放过多,所以这幅图同时又反映了环保和低碳问题。第一段:描述图画;第二段:分析交通堵塞给人和环境带来的影响;第三段:建议措施。思维拓展建议措施部分,还可以从如下角度提出:呼吁政府:投资完善基础设施、继续坚持限行的制度。倡导低碳出行:步行、骑自行车。倡导理智选择城市:人全部拥挤在大城市带来的负面影响。高分范文How horrible the traffic is! The picture depicts a scenario

31、of a terrible traffic jam in the street. In fact, the traffic jam is so heavy that it is more of a parking lot than a crowded street. Anxious passengers cannot take buses because there are few buses. Instead, the street is filled with too many private cars。Exaggerated as it is, the phenomenon is not

32、 uncommon nowadays. With the number of private cars increasing, traffic jams in metropolitans are bound to happen. Heavy transportation pressure in large cities may bring much inconvenience to people and exert negative impacts on the environment. On the one hand, when traffic jam happens, short distance in the past now seems to become terribly long, and drivers could do nothing but to wait. Therefore, a lot of preci

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