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1、新编简明英语语言学教程学习手册word可编辑打印语言学概论学习指导第一章III. Answer the following questions briefly.1.What features does human language have, which can not be found in animal communication system? 2.Why is spoken language given priority to written language in modern linguistics?3.What are the features of modern linguis

2、tics?第二章 语音学 一、导读2.1 语音研究2.2 发音机制 2.3 语音描写2.4 英语辅音描写2.5 英语元音描写2.6 语音特征和自然类I. Indicate the following statements true or false. Put T for true and F for false in the brackets:( ) 1. All vowels are voiced.( ) 2. +sonarant is only shared by all the vowels.( ) 3. Monophthongs and diphthongs are two major

3、 types of vowels.( ) 4. Sounds which are produced with both the upper lip and the lower lip are called bilabials.( ) 5.Acoustic phonetics focuses on the production of sounds from a physiological perspective.II. Choose the best answer among a, b, c or d, and put the letter you choose in the brackets:

4、( ) 1. The widely used symbols for phonetic transcription of speech sounds is _. A. International Phonetic Symbol B. International Phonetic Alphabet C. Narrow Transcription D. Wide Transcription( ) 2.When the tongue touches the alveolar ridge, the sound produced is described as _.A. alveolar B. pala

5、tal C. velar D. interdental( ) 3. In more detailed transcription (sometimes refered to as narrow transcription), a sound may be transcribed with a symbol to which a smaller symbol is added in order to mark the finer distinctions. The smaller one is called _. A. segment B. phonetic symbolC. marker D.

6、 diacritic( ) 4. _ is the future found in s z . t dA. +continuant B. +sonorant C. +sibilant D. +anterior( ) 5. _ possesses the features: +high +back +round -tenseA.u B u: C. : D. III. Write the articulatory description of the following phonetic symbols: 1. b 2. n 3. w 4. v 5. t 6. i: 7. 8. u: 9. 10

7、: IV. Write the phonetic symbol that corresponds to the articulatory description:1. bilabial stops 2. voiced alveolar stops 3. velar nasal 4. bilabial nasal 5. central vowels 6. alveolar fricatives 7. high back vowels 8. voiced interdental 9. palatal glide 10 voiceless palatal affricate VII. How are

8、 consonants described in terms of manners of articulation?第三章 音位学一、导读3.1 音位学3.2 音位和音位变体 3.3 音位的识别音位学家研究语言的音位系统时,他们区分音位和音位变体的基本过程如下:3. 4 区别性特征和非区别性特征3.5 音位规则3.6 音节结构3.7 音位序列3.8 超音段特征 I. Indicate the following statements true or false. Put T for true and F for false in the brackets:( ) 1. If sounds ap

9、pear in the same environment, they are said to be in contrastive distribution. ( ) 2. In English, the two liquids lr are allophones. ( ) 3. Supersegmatal features are non-distinctive features. ( ) 4. A syllable is not always composed of onset, nucleus and coda. ( ) 5. Tone is a distinctive feature.I

10、V. Below are some phonological rules described in formulae. Rewrite the rules in words.1.+voiced +consonant -voiced / -voiced +consonant 2.+consonant voiced +voiced / +vocalic -consonant +vocalic -consonant3.-voiced +stop +aspirated /# - -consonantal +vocalic +stressed4.+vocalic consonantal +nasaliz

11、ed / - +nasalV. Identify the difference between a hotdog and a hot dog.VI. How do you understand the difference between phonetics and phonology? 第四章 形态学 一、导读4.1词与词的结构4.2词素4.3 词素的类别4.4英语构词法. Fill the blanks with necessary words beginning with the letter given:1.The total number of words stored in the

12、 brain is called the l (the Greek word for dictionary),which can be understood as a mental dictionary.2.As the smallest free units of language, words unite sounds with meaning. In writing, words must have formal representation, called o .3.M is defined as the study of the internal structure and the

13、formation of words.4.The smallest meaningful unit of language is called a m .5.Words like went, which is not related in form to indicate grammatical contrast with the root, are called s .6.Some morphemes like water, desire, work, able, and there constitute words by themselves, They are f when they a

14、re components of words.7.Some morphemes like de-, dis-, -ish, -ing, are never used independently in speech and writing, They are always attached to free morphemes to form new words, These morphemes are called b .8.Complementary with er and est are more and most, which are put before adjectives and a

15、dverbs composed of two or more syllables, -er and more, est and most , are a 9. The process of putting affixes to existing forms to create new words is called d .10.C is a process that shortens a polysyllabic word by deleting one or more syllables, Bus (from omnibus), vet (from veterinarian) are goo

16、d examples. Answer the following questions:1. Use some examples to illustrate one of the forms of word formation compounding. 2. Illustrate “conversion” with some examples. 第五章句法5.1 语法性5.2 句子结构知识5.3 研究句法的不同方式5.4 转换. Fill the blanks with the appropriate words beginning with the letter given.1. Struct

17、ural grammar is characterized by a top-down process of analysis. A sentence is seen as a constituent structure. All the components of the sentence are its constituents. A sentence can be cut into section can be cut into sections. Each section is its immediate constituent. Then each section can be fu

18、rther cut into constituents. This on-going cutting is termed i c a .2. S is the analysis of Sentence Structure.3. A s c is a class of expressions that substitute for one another without loss of grammaticality. For example, in the sentence A naughty boy broke the window, a naughty boy can be replaced

19、 by he, a man, John, the man who has just left, and so on. All these belong to the same syntactic category called Noun Phrase.(abbreviated as NP). 4. The process of putting words of the same lexical category into smaller classes according to their syntactic characteristics is called s . 5. Some mate

20、rial processes also involve s , which essentially encodes the background of action, including time, location, manner, cause, reason, accompaniment, etc.6. Modality can be categorized into m and m according to the distinction of speech roles. Draw two tree diagrams of the following ambiguous sentence

21、:They can fish. . Paraphrase each of the following sentences in two different ways to show how syntactic rules account for the ambiguity of sentences:1.Smoking cigars can be nauseating.2.After a three-day debate, they finally decided on the plane. Tell whether polarity or modality is expressed in th

22、e following sentences, if modality, then identify the type (modalization or modulation):1.He often goes to the supermarket.2.I hardly heard the noise outside.3.You ought to give him the present.4.I have not been to that city. Identify the type of transitivity process in each of the following sentenc

23、es:1.Tom cooked the dinner.2.Mary owns the house.3.John likes the book.4.Tina is playing the game.5.Lisa told him the secret.6.There is a garden in front of my grandmas house.第六章 语义学一、导读6.1 意义研究6.2 指称和意义6.3 词汇意义的分类6.4词汇意义关系. Fill the blanks with necessary words beginning with the letter given: 1S is

24、 defined as the study of meaning.2A , m is what is communicated of the feeling or attitude of the speaker/writer toward what is referred to. Statesman is commending in sense while politician is derogatory.3S are words which have different form but similar meaning.4Synonyms of different r are words s

25、imilar in meaning but used in different spheres.5In traditional terminology, a are words which are opposite in meaning.6G a are pairs of words opposite to each other, but the positive of one word does not necessarily imply the negative of the other, or vice versa.7H are words which have the same for

26、m, but different meaning.8A p is a word which has several related senses.9H is a relation of inclusion. Tiger, lion, elephant are hyponyms of the word animal. Words like animal are called s .10The approach that analyzes word meaning by decomposing it into its atomic features is called c a . The foll

27、owing pairs of words or phrases are similar in meaning. Try to tell the difference between the two words or expressions in light of classification of lexical meaning:1. choir/chorus 2.enshroud/cover 3. pass away/die 4. mail/post 5. fetid/bad smell 6. beauty/siren 7. assassinate/murder. There are thr

28、ee kinds of antonymy. By writing C, G, or R in the bank, indicate whether the pair is complementary, gradable, or reversal opposites:1. rich/poor 2. male/female 3. dead/alive 4. husband/wife 5. come/go 6. ascend/descend. Indicate the statements true or false. Put T for true and F for false in the br

29、ackets:( ) 1. Prototype refers to the process by which people use language to classify the world around and inside them.( ) 2. The theory of prototypes proposed by Eleanor Rosch, solves the logical problem by a notion of degree of membership.( ) 3. Componential analysis can be applied to the analysi

30、s of all lexicons.( ) 4. Reference relates the sign to what it denotes in the word. Concept relates the sign to the mind.( ) 5. A polyseme is a word which has several related senses. ( ) 6. Hyponymy is a relation of inclusion. Tiger, lion and dog are hyponyms of the world animal.( ) 7. Reflected mea

31、ning is the associated meaning a word acquires in line with the meaning of words which tend to co-occur with it.第七章 语用学7.1 意义的语用研究7.2 指示语和指称.7.3言语行为7.4合作原则与会话含意7.5 礼貌原则(The Politeness Principle)7.6 关联理论7.7 会话结构IData analysis:1.What kind of pre-sequence is As first utterance in each of the following discourses?1)A: Are you doin

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