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第十一单元 文档.docx

1、第十一单元 文档第十一单元 健康 主题相关英汉词语general hospital 综合医院Childrens hospital 儿童医院 obstetrics and gynecology hospital妇产医院maternity hospital 产科医院plastic surgery hospital 整形外壳医院tumour hospital 肿瘤医院mental hospital精神医院Eye and ENT hospital (ear-nose-throat) 五官科医院clinic 医务所Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) hospital 中

2、医院the department of internal medicine/medical department 内科the department of surgery/surgical department 外科dental department 牙科ENT department 耳鼻侯科the department of traditional Chinese medicine中医科registration office 挂号处outpatient department门诊部inpatient department 住院部nursing department 护理部consulting r

3、oom 诊室waiting room 候诊室emergency room 急诊室operating room 手术室X-ray department 放射科laboratory 化验室blood bank/pharmacy 血库/药房medica/surgicat/isolation/observation ward内科病房/外科病房/隔离病房/观察室director of the hospital医院院长head of the medical/surgical department 内科/外科主任doctor/physician/surgeon 医生/内科医生/外科医生traditional

4、 Chinese medicine doctor 中医( 医生) dentist 牙医nurse/head nurse 护士/护士长head of the nursing department护理部主任laboratory technician 化验员patient/emergency case病人/急诊病人英译汉(一)Looking Forward to a Laugh? Good for You!1Laughter may be the best medicine, but even looking forward to having a good laugh can boost the

5、immune system and reduce stress, U. S. researchers reported on Wednesday. Just anticipating a happy, funny event can raise levels of endorphins and other pleasure and relaxation-inducing hormones and lower production of stress hormones2, a team at the University of California Irvine said. This team

6、tested 16 men who all agreed they thought a certain video was funny3. Half of them were told three days in advance they would watch it. Those who knew in advance they would see the video started experiencing biological changes right away4. When the men watched the video, levels of cortisol, a stress

7、 hormone, fell 39 percent. Epinephrine fell 70 percent, while levels of the feel-good hormone endorphin rose 27 percent and growth hormone levels rose by 87 percent. “Growth hormone is very beneficial to the immune system,”according to the team. This all suggests that anticipation of a funny event c

8、an lower stress and stimulate the immune system, Lee Berk, an assistant professor of family medicine and researcher in complementary and alternative medicine who led the study said. Berk and others had already shown that actually watching a funny video, or just laughing at a jke, could make healthfu

9、l changes in the levels of hormones involved in stress and lower blood pressure5. “You have been thinking about it all day, so you experience a change in biology even before you get there,” Berk said. “That is therapeutic.” Berk said the finding strengthens the advice6 that everyone lighten up a lit

10、tle to live longer. “Anticipation is half or two-thirds the fun,” he said. 课文词汇boost提高;增强;推进immune免疫的Hormone荷尔蒙,激素biological生物的;生物学的cortisol考的素(-种应激激素) 参考译文开怀大笑能延年,笑意浓浓亦益寿1笑也许是-贴良药,据美国研究人员星期三报道:即使心里期待着开怀大笑一次,也能增强免疫系统,减少压力。加州大学欧文分校的-个研究小组表示,仅仅期待发生-件快乐、有趣的事,也能提高内啡肤和其他令人愉悦放松的激素的分泌水平,并降低应激激幸的产2。该小组测试了16

11、名对象。这些人都认为某部录像片滑稽好看3 。其中-半人提前三天被告知他们将观看此片。 那些提前知道要看录像片的人,体内立即开始产生了生物学上的变化4。当这些人观看该片时,考的素(-种应激激素)的水平下降了39 。肾上腺素下降了70 。而令人愉快的内啡肤水平则上升了27 % ,生长激素上升了87 。研究小组认为,“生长激素对免疫系统十分有益”。领导该项研究的家庭医学助理教授及辅助和替代医学研究员李 伯克说,这-切都表明时有趣事件的期待也能减轻压力,刺激免疫系统。 伯克和他的同事已经证明,观看-部滑稽的录像片或者仅仅听到-则笑话而开怀大笑的确能使与压力相关的体内激素水平产生有益健康的变化并降低血压

12、5 。“由于你整天都在想着这件事,所以还没发生这件事你就经历了生物学上的变化,”伯克说,“这具有治病健身作用”。 伯克还认为该研究成果印证了“轻松愉快能长寿”这句老话6。他说:“乐趣的-半或三分之二在于期待。” 译文评析1 标题的翻译不必局限于原文标题,可以根据语篇的内容另起炉灶。本译文的标题既概括了语篇的整个内容,又体现了汉语的音节美和对仗类。2 本句要分清修饰关系,levels of 修饰endorphins 和hormones 而hormones 又被other Pleasure and relaxation-inducing 修饰,弄清楚修饰成分就不会翻译错了。下面这则译文就没搞清楚修

13、饰关系:据加州大学欧文分校的-个研究小组研究,仅仅是期待-件快乐、有趣的事件也能提高大脑内啡肤素(-种令人情绪愉快的物质)的产生,并减少压力荷尔蒙的分泌。3 此句定语从句在译文中处理成了并列句,以免累赘。4 我们应注意本句的翻译视角发生了变化,由原文的Those started Experiencing 调整为“ 体内 发生 ”,这是值得我们学习的。5 英语中副词位置比较灵活,-般可位于句首、句中、句末。原文中actually 就是修饰谓语动词,不是修饰动名词主语。译文将位置调整使之直接修饰谓语。6 译文将strengthens the advice 译为“印证 老话”比机械地硬译要恰当得多。

14、英译汉(二)Americans With Bad Habits Claim “Excellent”Health Nearly one in five1US workers claims to he in excellent health despite being overweight, smoking, drinking excessively or seldom exercising, according to a newly published survey, in the nationwide study of 1,450 employed adults released by Oxf

15、ord Health Plans Inc. , 17 percent described their health as excellent hut displayed not-so-excellent habits. Of those people, 55 percent claimed they were at least 25 pounds (11 kg) overweight, 31 percent smoked, 21 percent drank at least three glasses of alcohol a day. 29 percent drank at least fo

16、ur cups of coffee or tea, and 36 percent never exercised, it said. In addition, a quarter of them said they were likely to eat fried foods and salty or sugary snacks. “Denial is dangerous when it comes to2 your health. it exacts a heavy toll down the road,” Alan Muney, executive vice-president3 of O

17、xford, said in a statement. The study also showed people with healthier habits such as frequent exercise and good diet are most motivated at work, ranking4 8. 9 on a 10-point scale, and most useful on the job, scoring4 9 on a 10-point scale. Those with the healthiest habits were the least likely to

18、lose sleep over their jobs and least likely to miss personal or family activities due to work. Of those workers with the most detrimental habits, 37 percent said they sat at their desks all day, 41 percent took no breaks at work and 18 percent were most likely to lose sleep over work. 课文词汇snack 小吃to

19、ll 损失、栖牲、破坏的程度denial拒绝;否认,否定motivate激发,刺激,给与动机 参考译文有坏习惯的美国人自称健康“极佳” 根据-项新发表的调查结果,近五分之-的美国工作人员声称自己很健康 尽管他们体重超标、吸烟酗酒或很少锻炼身体。牛津卫生计划公司发布的这份全国性调查研究涉及1450 名在职成人,其中17 的人把自己的健康说成“极佳”,而又展示了不那么完美的生活习惯。该报告说,这些人中有55 说自己至少超重25 磅(11 千克), 31 的人抽烟,21 的人每天至少喝烈酒三杯,29 的每天至少喝四杯咖啡或茶,36 的人从来不锻炼。此外,四分之-的人说自己常吃油炸食物以及太咸或太甜的

20、快餐。牛津公司执行副总裁阿兰 缪尼在-项声明中说:“否认事实会危害你的健康,会在生命之路上通你付出高昂代价。”该报告还表明,生活习惯比较好的人,比如经常运动和膳食合理者工作最积极主动,在10 分制的评分表上得分4为8 . 9 分;他们也是工作中最有贡献的人,此项得分4为9 分。那些生活习惯最健康的人最不容易因工作紧张而失眠,也最不会因工作而错过个人或家庭活动。在那些生活习惯最精糕的人中间,37 的人说他们闷坐终日5 , 41 的人没有工间休息,18 的人最容易因工作紧张而失眠。 译文评析1这里的one in five = = one out of five / one-fifth ,“五分之-

21、”之意。2. when it comes to 是英语习语,意为“涉及到、提到、谈到”Vice-president 副总裁。这里注意英语中副职的表达: vice-premier 副总理vice -chairman 副主席vice -minister 副部长vice -govemor 副省长deputy director 副主任vice -mayor 副市长deputy secretary -general副秘书长associate professor 副教授vice -dean 副系主任 associate editor 副主编associate chief -udge 副审判长 assist

22、ant headmaster (中小学)副校长deputy manager411 经理 vice -commander 副司令员4英语在表达同-个事物时往往要避免重复,而用同义词或者其他的手段来替 代,而汉语则喜欢重复,这和其语音文字的特点有密切关系。从美学心理的角度出发,为了读起来顺口,听起来悦耳,文章往往追求音节的整齐划-和匀称,这样就出现了词语的重复。划线部分的ranking 和scoring 在英语中就是同义词,在译文中译成了同-个词“得分”。再如:The question of what is to be done to regulate and control exploitati

23、on of the Seabeds is no longer a theoretical matter. It is a problem of international concern. 该做些什么来调节和控制海底开发,这一问题早已不再是理论问题,而是全世界关注的问题。5将原文译为“闷坐终日”比直译为“整天坐在办公桌前”更形象,更富表现力。英汉翻译技巧(十一)英语否定结构的翻译带否定意义的词是比较容易译错的,有的是因为否定是隐性的;有的是因为否定的射向不同;有的是由于否定的范围和重心不易确定。 一、隐形否定此类否定既无特定句型,又无否定词其否定含义多为习惯用语或引申义,颇费解,也最易出错切不

24、可望文“生译”,如: Catch me making the same error again. 我决不再犯同样的错误。 1 dare him to jump. 我谅他也不敢跳。 1 am wiser than to believe that. 我再蠢也不会相信这件事。 You are telling me! (= Tell me about it! ) 这事还用你说? Keep it dark !这事不可泄露出去。 She bears her age well 她一点不显老。 Its anyones guess 这事谁也不清楚。 He would be the last man to say

25、 such things. 他决不会说这样的话。 This is the last place where I expected to meet you. 我万万没有想到会在这儿碰上你。二、否定词的射向在汉语中,往往否定什么,否定词就放在什么前面。而英语并不完全一致。英语中有这样一种情况,当用think , believe , suppose , imagine , expect , anticipate , guess 等动词后,后面的宾语从句若是否定时,其否定词往往从从句转移到高一级的语言形式上-主句的谓语动词上。He doesnt expect we need worry. 他认为我们不

26、必着急。But you cannot say this of Fowler 5 Dictionury of Modeo English Usage. It is a valuable work. 1 do not think anyone writes 50 well that he cannot leam much from it. 但是,福勒的 现代英语用法辞典 却不是这种情况。这是一本很有价值的书。我认为,任何人,无论文章写得多好,他也会从中得到许多益处。三、否定的范围和重心汉语中凡处在否定词后面的,都处于否定的范围之内。而英语则有所不同,也就是说,否定词后面的,有可能都处于否定的范围之

27、内,也有可能某些成分在否定范围之外。But two systems are not necessarily identical, or even very similar because they have some properties in common. 显然,根据卜下文,identical 和或similar 不应在否定的范围之内。应该这样译才对:但是这两个系统并不因为有某些共同的特性就一定是完全相同的,或者是十分相似的。The number of people who consult psychiatrists today 15 not , as is sometimes felt

28、, a symptom of increasing mental ill health 误译人们有时觉得,今天这么多人去找精神病医生咨询,并不表明精神病患者的日益增 多 该句意思完全译反了。误译没有意识到,在这个否定句中,否定的重心是在as is sometimes felt。所以正确的译法是: 今天这么多人去找精神病医生咨询,并不像人们有时感到的那样说明精神病患者的日益增多 还有,all , eve 尽,each , both , tota , whole , always 等词用在 否定句中表示部分否定。如:He cannot drive all of the Cars. 他不是每种汽车都

29、能开。Both the instruments are not precision ones. 这两件仪器只有一件是精密仪器。 主题相关汉英词语开展全民健身运动launch a nationwide physical fitness campaign;carry out physical fitness programmes involving all our people健身运动;健美操body-building exercise ; fitness exercise健美娱乐中心body-building and recreational center 健身娱乐设施fitness and e

30、ntertainment facilities健美热the beauty craze保健食品health-care food微量元素trace element 他病了。He is ill./ He has fallen ill./ He has been/was taken ill他得了严重的伤风感冒 He is ill with/suffering from a bad cold. 他因患流感而病倒He is down with the flu.他在发烧He is running a fever/temperature.你感觉好吗?Are you feeling well/feeling a

31、ll right?你有什么病?你有什么不舒服?Whats your trouble? /Whats the matter with you? / Whats wrong with you?我感到头晕发冷。1 feel dizzy / chilly我呼吸有困难。1 have difficulty in breathing .我全身寒战。I m shivering all over我头疼得厉害喉咙痛咳嗽得厉害Ive got a bad headache/a sore throat/a had cough.我老打喷嚏,还流鼻涕。1 sneeze a Iot and have a running nose .我感到恶心想吐。I feel sick. /I feel like vomiting. /1 want to throw up. 你嘴唇发紫。Your lips have turned blue .我痰中有血。There is blood in my sputum.口水;唾液saliva我没胃口我什 么也不想吃。1 have no appetite . / 1 don t feel like eati ng anything伤口发炎了。Th

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