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七年级英语下学期Unit 8单元教案.docx

1、七年级英语下学期Unit 8单元教案新目标英语七年级下Unit 8 Id like some noodles 单元教案教学内容本单元的中心话题是订餐或叫外卖。整个单元围绕着订餐者以核心话题展开。通过本单元的学习,要求学生能够运用would like 来表达自己对食物的需求,从而学会订餐或叫外卖,并在订餐过程中学会询问他人的个人信息(如地址、电话等)以及向他人提供自己的个人资料,并学会为面条和饺子写宣传广告。在学习培养学生的人际交往能力,并倡导学生在日常生活中的健康饮食,合理膳食。教学目标知识目标A:学习重点词:large,noodles,beef,chicken,mutton,potatoes

2、,cabbage,dumplings,porridge,soup,green tea, orange juice;掌握可数名词及不可数名词用法。B:掌握情态动词would用法及would like 用法C:学会如何订餐、叫外卖。能力目标A:运用would like 短语谈论自己所需求的食品。B:学会写面条和饺子的宣传广告。C:提高学生的交际能力社会实践能力。情感目标通过实践让学生体验学习英语的乐趣,培养学生自己做事情的能力,并在小组活动中培养合作精神教学重点、难点重点A:学习重点词:large,noodles,beef,chicken,mutton,potatoes,cabbage,dumpl

3、ings,porridge,soup,green tea, orange juice;掌握可数名词及不可数名词用法。B:掌握情态动词would用法及would like 用法难点写面条和饺子的宣传广告Period One课题准备教师:磁带,录音机,制作表格,课中两只手偶。学生:做好课前预习教学设计Teaching Steps 建议与说明Step one: New words 1. Present the new words. T: Hello, everyone! Do you like watching TV?Ss: Yes, I do. 利用歌曲导入新课(歌曲是一首有关食物的)T: Do

4、you like listening to music?Ss: Yes, I do. /No, I dontT: Me too. /But I like listening to music.T: Now lets look at the screen and listen to the song, after that, you will answer my questions. Clear?Ss: Yes.T: What can you hear in the song?S1: I can hear hamburgers, hotdogs, French fries, bread.T: W

5、hat else?S2: Pies, chicken, vegetables, and rice.T: A good answer.T: Now lets listen again(第一遍听只见歌曲的谱子在屏幕上,第二遍英文歌曲单词出现了)S1: Dumplings, noodles (学习好的学生之一回答)T: Youre so clever.(学生在一一回答歌曲中出现的旧单词老师操作多媒体课件,图片与单词出现在大屏幕上,当出现新单词,教师边教边建议与说明利用多媒体所创设的情景复习旧单词,让学生感受到今天的话题与食物有关。以旧知识来引出新单词领读)Now look at the pictur

6、e, what are these in Chinese?Ss:饺子,面条T: Yes, they are dumplings, Read after me, Dumplings, D-U-M-P-L-I-N-G-S.T: Do you like eating dumplings?Ss: Yes, I do. /No, I dont(T teach “noodles” in the same way)Step Two: Grammar1. Present the countable nouns and uncountable nouns.T: Look, How many dumplings

7、are there? Lets count. One, twoSs: FiveT: Right, what are those?(Show a picture of two potatoes)Ss: They ate potatoes.T: How many potatoes are there?Ss: Two.T: What about this one?Ss: Its broccoli.建议与说明本单元的单词基本都是有关食物的单词,根据这一特点,教师用图片来集中学习整个单元的单词。利用多媒体课件讲解可数名词与不可数名词的区别T: Can we count it? Can we say a

8、broccoli?Ss: Sorry, I dont know.T: We cant say a broccoli, because it is an uncountable noun. Nouns contain countable nouns and uncountable nouns. Countable nouns can be countable with numbers, and we add-s or-es to plurals. For example, we can say a potato, two tomatoes, and some apples while uncou

9、ntable nouns cant be countable with numbers, and they dont have plurals. For example, we can say milk, broccoli, but we cant say milks or broccolis. Do you understand?Ss: Yes. /No.2. Practice the new words.T: Good look at the pictures and fill in the chart according to the category.(Show the student

10、s some pictures of food, vegetables meat and drinks)FoodVegetableMeatDrink建议与说明利用多媒体课件中直接呈现语法利用多媒体课件,以单词归类的形式操练,巩固单词(Teach students new words “beef, mutton, cabbage, potato, juice, porridge, green tea, rice, soup and fish”)3. Practice the grammarT: Now lets have a discussion in groups of four. Look

11、at the pictures and fill in the chart, then tell us what kind of nouns these things are.countable nounsuncountable nouns(Give each groups a chart; ask them to finish it first and then each group gives a report)T: Now, Lets see the results.Step Three: Now drills 1.Prsen new drillsT: What kind of food

12、 would you like?S1: Id like T: let Ss practice the drill.T: What kind of vegetables would you like?S1: Id like T: Now lets look at the sentences and make a dialogue with you partners.建议与说明通过单词归类强化对可数名词和不可数名词的理解利用多媒体课件中让学生两A: What kind of would you like? B: Id like 2. Game time T: Now lets play a gam

13、e, OK? I have two new friends. (拿两个手偶放在手背后,然后拿出来问学生: Whats this? )Ss: Its a tiger T: Do you like it?Ss: Yes, I do(Show a duck in the same way)T: Now let pass these animals when the music stop, you will make a dialogue(让学生玩击鼓传花的游戏来练习口语练习新句型,以保证人人都开口说英语)3. Present the drill “what kind of noodles would

14、 you like? Id like beef and tomatoes noodles”T: Look at the screen. Where is it?Ss: It is a noodles house.T: Now I work in a restaurant, welcome to our restaurant, I teach new words“special”两对话操练新句型建议与说明利用多媒体课件创设一个餐馆的情景教句子和词组“Special” means the thing which is very cheap.T: Today, in my noodles house

15、 these are four special.T asks Ss: what kind of noodles?Ss: beef and carrot. / Cabbage and chicken. /Onion and mutton. / Eggs and tomatoes.4. Practice the drillT: I think different people may have different tastes. So Id like to know what kind of noodles you would like. Lets do pair work one by one

16、using these sentences.Turn to page 47, lets do activity 1b. Listen and check the noodles that the person orders.(Play the tape for the students twice)T: Now lets check the answers.5. Present the drill “what size bowl of noodles would you like?”T: Look, I have three bowls of noodles here, a large one

17、, a medium and a small one. I am hungry, so I would like a large bowl of建议与说明利用两两对话和听力形式操练巩固所学句型Noodles. What size bowl of noodles would you like?S1: I would like a large one, tooS2: Id like a (Ask four students to answer this question)(Write “what size bowl of noodles would you like? Id like a larg

18、e bowl of noodles.” on the black board)5. Practice the drill.T: A boy and a girl like noodles very much. So thy come to a noodles house one day. What do they order do you want to know? Open your books on page 48. Lets do activity 2a. Listen and check the names of the foods you hear below(Play the ta

19、pe for the students)T: Leys check the answers.Step four: TaskT: Now my house of noodles is very busy, so can you help me answers the phones for ordering food?Ss: Yes.建议与说明利用听力形式操练巩固所学句型设计任务是学生学会用电话订餐T: Now lets work in pairs.SA is a waiter in my restaurant. SB telephones us to order some food.(T giv

20、es Ss a piece of paper)Order formStep Five: summaryT: Today we have learned how to order food from a restaurant on the phone, I think we should eat healthier is the most important for us and health is everything.(老师利用课件展开健康食物和不健康的食物,最后老师给学生展示一张人民币问学生钱和健康哪个更重要,然后布置家庭作业)Home workHealth is very importa

21、nt; it is easy to have a healthy lifestyle, and it is important to eat a balanced diet Can you design a menu for the week?Ss: Yes.建议与说明在学生准备的过程中,课件展示订餐的过程,学生先看一遍,听一遍再准备在课后最后利用课件进行德育培养T: Lets have a discussion in groups of four, First fill in the form and each group should give us a report, and give reasons for the menuBreakfastLunchDinnerMondayTuesdayWednesdayThursdayFridaySaturdaySunday(本节课是本人上过的市级优质课一等奖的教案,如有不妥之处,还望专家指正)建议与说明

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