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1、广州七下U7reading词汇+祈使句及感叹句+语法选择专题Unit7 Reading 重点词汇回顾Step 1: 同步题型分析 1. Key Words 1. ordinary adj. 普通的,平凡的【用法】Stars are just ordinary people. They are not special.【拓展】反义词:extraordinary 不平凡的,不同寻常的 【例句】The boys knowledge was out of the o .2. feeling n. 感觉;情感【用法】- I really feel angry with him. - I know the

2、 feeling.【拓展】feel 觉得,感到 (后跟形容词) 类似用法的感官动词: look sound taste smell These songs sound very nice. The clothes feel very soft.【例句】1. Guys, you must feel _ after such a long journey. Lets take a rest. A. tired B. well C. good D. angry2. I dont feel today. I must go to see a doctor.A. good B. well C. bett

3、er D. best 3. order n 命令,顺序【用法】Soldiers have to obey orders. The names are in alphabetical order.【拓展】v 命令 order sb to do sth The teacher ordered the students to leave the classroom. 【例句】 The doctor her in bed. A. orders, stay B. orders, to stay C. orders, to staying D. orders. staying 4. advice n 建议

4、【用法】He gave me some useful advice. Advice是不可数名词,表示“一条建议”是须用a piece of advice, 类似的单词有news。【拓展】Advice的动词形式为advise 相关句型:advise sth / doing sth 建议某事/ 做某事advise sb how to do sth 建议某人如何做某事advise sb to do sth 建议某人做某事advise (sb) (that) 主语+ (should)do sth / (should) be doneThe doctor advised him to lose weig

5、ht.【例句】1. He came to ask me for _ how to learn Spanish. A. an advice on B. some advice on C. some advices on D. good advices about2. She advised that the work _ at once. A. is done B. be done C. was done D. would be done3. As I felt better, my doctor _ me to take a holiday. A. suggested B. hoped C.

6、considered D. advised4. People are not _ to play computer games. Unfortunately, they attract too many people. A. practised B. advised C. suggested D. promised5. I _ John _ to see if Mary was there. A. suggested; rang up B. hoped; to ring up C. advised ; ring up D. made; ringing up5. agree v 同意 【用法】(

7、1)agree with sb/sth 表示同意某人的意见、想法、分析、解释等。I quite agree with you. 我完全同意你的意见。We agree with what you say. 我们同意你所说的。 (2)agree to sth 后面接某些名词,表示同意做某事。 He agreed to the plan. 他同意了这个计划。 agree on sth 就某事达成共识(3)agree to do sth 同意做某事We agreed to leave early.【拓展】反义词 disagree不同意 【例句】用agree的正确形式填空1. Iaskedhimtohe

8、lpmeandhe_.2. Iquite_theirsuggestions.3. Thedateforthenextmeetingwas_.4. Iquite_whatyousaid.6. complete adj. 完整的;整个的 【用法】He has got the complete works of Lu Xun.【拓展】complete v. 完成 Please complete the exercise in 10 minutes. completely adv. 完整地;全体地 I completely forgot that it was your birthday! 【例句】Y

9、ou must your homework today. A. complete, complete B. completely, completely C. complete, completely D. completely, complete 7. aloud adv. 大声地,高声地【用法】I read the story aloud to my younger sister.【拓展】比较loud、aloud、loudlyloud可作为形容词,作为副词时loud、aloud、loudly都有“大声地”意思,但用法有所不同。 1、 loud的意思是“大声地、高声地、响亮地”。在动词tal

10、k , speak, shout, laugh等后面,一般用loud,在非正式的谈话中尤其如此,loud有比较级,但往往不用最高级。例如:1.)Speak louder, I cant hear you. 2.) They laughed loud and long. 3. )Dont talk so loud. 2、aloud的意思是“出声地”,指使声音能被听到,而不止是在脑子里默默的说,它往往与read ,think等动词连用,但是aloud修饰call, cry等动词时,可以作“高声地、大声地”解.aloud没有比较级形式。例如:1.)The teacher asked him to r

11、ead the poem aloud. 2. )He called aloud for help. 3.)I was just thinking aloud. 3、loudly的意思是“高声地”经常可与loud通用。但在较正式语言中即表示“吵嚷不休的噪声”的意味,常用loudly. 例如:1.) Dont shout so loud/loudly. 2. )When they were arguing, they talked so loudly that the people in the next room could hear every word.8. narrow adj. 狭窄的【

12、用法】There is a narrow gap between the bed and the wall.【拓展】反义词 wide 宽的,宽阔的9. height n. 高度 【用法】Please tell me your height and weight.【拓展】high adj. 高的 类似的词:weigh v. weight n.10. smile n/v 微笑 smile at sb She smiled at everyone when he was a little boy.There is a big smile on everyones face.11. crowd n.

13、人群 【用法】Jason pushed his way through the crowd.【拓展】crowded adj. 拥挤的; be crowded with 拥挤. The bus is crowded with people.2. 重点短语句型1. Water has no taste at all. 水根本没有味道。【用法】(1)no在这里做限定词,意为“没有,无”,相当于not any。上面的句子也可以改为Water does not have any taste at all. (2)(not) at all 意为“根本也(不),完全(不)”,用于加强语气。例如Im not

14、surprised at the news at all. 【例句】翻译:他对音乐会一点兴趣都没有。 _2. Now, hes sitting in his favourite chair too tired to laugh or play. 现在,他正坐在他最喜欢的椅子上,太累了,笑不动,也玩不动。 【用法】 “too + 形容词/副词 + to do ”简称为too.to结构,在大多数情况下表否定意义,译为“太而不能”,如:The boy is too young to go to school. 这个男孩年龄太小,不能上学。He walked too slowly to get the

15、re on time. 他走得太慢,不能按时到达那里。有时,在too.to句型中加入for sb,用来提示动词不定式的逻辑主语,起限制作用,限制不定式所表示的动作只是对它的逻辑主语而言,使句子的意思更具体、更明白。如:English is too difficult for me to learn well. 英语太难,我学不好。This question is too difficult for me to answer. 在too.to句型中,如果整个句子的主语和后面不定式的宾语指的是同一个事物,那么不定式的宾语不能重复,必须省掉,有时甚至后面的to do也可以省掉。This box is

16、 too heavy for me to carry it. This box is too heavy for me to carry. The car is too expensive for him to buy it. The car is too expensive for him (to buy ). 句型可以与so.that ,adj.+enough 进行转换 【例句】变换下列句型:1. a. The box is so heavy that I cant carry it.b. The box is _ heavy_ _ _ carry. c. The box i

17、s not _ _ for me to carry. 2. a. The maths problem isnt easy enough for me to work out. b. The maths problem is _ difficult _ I cant work it out. c. The maths problem is _ difficult _ _ _ work out.3. Soon hell go to bed. 【用法】 Go to bed意为“去睡觉”。bed之前不能加定冠词the,也不能加this, that, your, my等词,因为是固定词组。 注意:比较g

18、o to bed和go to sleepgo to bed的意思是“去睡觉”,而go to sleep意思是“入睡,睡着”。因此go to bed并不等于go to sleep。She usually goes to bed at nice and goes to sleep a few minutes afterwards. 【例句】翻译:1. 我通常11点睡觉。 2. 昨晚我激动得不能入睡。 4. Then I see him working, on the building site. 【用法】see sb doing sth表示“看到某人正在做某事”,see sb do sth 表示“

19、看到某人做某事”。前者强调正在进行或反复进行的动作,后者表示看到整个过程。 I saw him crossing the road. 我看到他正在过马路。 I saw him cross the road. 我看到他过了马路。 【例句】I often see her _ in the park. A. running B. run C. runs D. to run 5. He s walking on a narrow piece of wood not worried about the height (be) worried about “为.担忧”=worry about (worry

20、 是一个动词) 【例句】The childs mother was _ about his safety when he didnt come back from school at the usual time.A. afraid B. worried C. concerned D. careful6. rush out 冲出去 A bus stops,and the people rush out.7. hurry to 匆匆赶往 = go to. hurriedly I hurried to my office this morning. =I went to my office hur

21、riedly this morning. Step 2: 课堂达标检测一、重点词汇、短语诗歌普通的,平凡的感觉;情感命令建议大声地;高声地组同意不同意完整的水井淋浴狭窄的高度迅速移动卖方微笑人群短语考察一点也(不)为担忧报摊冲出去一群匆忙去工作 二、首字母填空1. -Simon will probably be a fireman.-Yes. I a with you.2. I usually buy a newspaper from the s at the street corner on my way home.3. I like reading the p from the Tang

22、Dynasty.4. The girl with a big s is my younger sister. She is always very happy.5. Please answer these questions in c sentences.6. I come from a(n) o family. My father is a worker and my mother is a nurse.7. He had a f of excitement after hearing the news.8. Soldiers must obey the o from the officer

23、s.9. I will take youre a and change my bad habits now.10. The c looked at three men arguing. They didnt know what had happened.11. Read the passage a and then find out the unknown words in it.12. Please discuss the problems in g of six.13. I usually take a s before I go to bed.三、单项选择题 1. You look .

24、You need to see a doctor.A. good B. well C. pale D. badly2. The General soldiers together in 20 seconds. A. ordered, get B. ordered, to get C. ordered, to getting D. ordered, getting3. I _ Jack _ me when he arrived in Guangzhou. A. advised ; to ring B. hoped; to ring C. suggested; rang D. made; ring

25、ing4. We agree what you say. A. with B. to C. at D. on5. She is so nice that she at everyone. A. smiles B. laughs C. smile D. cries6. He was too sad to last night A. go to bed B. go to sleep C. get to asleep D. be sleep 7. I saw him some books in the library at 8:00 this morning. A. read B. reads C.

26、 to read D. reading8. Can you tell the _ between the two brothers? No, I cant. They look very _. A. different; similar B. different; different C. difference; similar D. difference; different四、完成句子1. 一只漂亮的鸟儿在高空快乐地歌唱。A beautiful bird was singing happily in the sky. 2. 父母总是为孩子们担心。Parents always their c

27、hildren.3. 从门的后面冲出来一只棕色的猫。From behind the door a brown cat.4. 今天早上我没有赶上公交车,因此我匆忙赶到办公室。I didnt catch the bus on time, so I my office this morning.5. 树太高了,你爬不上去。The tree is high for you climb up.6. 我今天感觉很累,所以晚上我会早点睡觉。I feel tired today, so I will early tonight.7. 他们看到一群孩子在沙漠,感到很惊奇。They were very surpr

28、ised to see children in the desert.8. 今天早上我刚好看到她往银行方向走过去。 I her towards the bank this morning.9. 我对这条新闻一点都不惊奇。Im surprised at the news .10. 她翻身起床,冲了个澡,然后穿上衣服。She rolled out of the bed, _ _ _ and got dressed.Step 3:知识点回顾1. 词汇短语 2. 错题回顾祈使句及感叹句的用法Step 1: 导入 1. 祈使句No Smoking! No Parking! Dont be silly!

29、Be quiet!2. 感叹句What a fine day! 多么晴朗的天啊!也可以这么说 How fine the day is! How time flies! 时光飞逝!Step 2: 专题精讲一、祈使句 1. 祈使句是以动词开头的用以提出请求、给予指引、给出警示、提出建议、发出命令或指示、表达祝愿等。有时出于礼貌,会在祈使句的开头或结尾加上please。如:Post the letter for me. 替我寄出这封信。Turn right at the comrner. 在拐角处右转。Look out! Theres a car coming. 小心!有辆车开过来了。Dont see that film. Its terrible. 别看那部电影,太糟糕了。Be quiet! 安静点!Have a good journey! 旅途愉快!从以上例句中我们可以看到,祈使句通常没有主语。但隐含在句子中的所指对象应该是“你”或“你们”,也就是接收要求、命令、指令的对象。2. 祈使句的肯定句式: 一般分为三种类型。(1) 行为动词原形+其它成分。如Make the sentences after the model. (2)

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