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1、英语高考英语阅读理解教育文化专题训练答案【英语】高考英语阅读理解(教育文化)专题训练答案一、高中英语阅读理解教育文化类1阅读理解 Limiting kids recreational(消遣的) screen time to less than two hours a day, along with enough sleep and physical activity, is associated with improved cognition(认知), according to a study published in The Lancet Child & Adolescent Health.

2、 The study included about 4,500 US children aged 8 to 11 and measured their habits against the Canadian 24-Hour Movement Guidelines for Children and Youth. It found that 51% of the children got the recommended(建议) nine to eleven hours of uninterrupted sleep per night, 37% met the recreational screen

3、 time limit of two hours or less per day, while 18% met the physical activity recommendation of at least 60 minutes of accumulated physical activity a day. Only 5% of the children in the study met all three recommendations; 30% met none at all. The researchers found that as each recommendation was m

4、et by a participant, there was a positive association with global cognition, which includes memory, attention, processing speed and language. Those who met all three had the most superior global cognition, followed by those meeting the sleep and screen time recommendation and finally the screen time

5、 recommendation alone, according to the study. Other organizations, such as the American Academy of Pediatrics have guidelines in place to help with the management of childrens screen time. The organization suggests putting realistic rules or limits in place for how long your children are on their s

6、creens, knowing who they are talking to and what they are doing. The amount of recommended screen time depends on the age of the child. Besides, parents should also make sure to encourage physical activity and have bedroom rules such as creating tech-free zones.(1)Who are the target readers of this

7、passage? A.Researchers.B.Teachers.C.Parents.D.Children.(2)What is the main idea of this passage? A.A study on childrens screen time is published.B.The US children fail to meet movement guidelines.C.Organizations are concerned about childrens cognition.D.Limitation on childrens screen time is linked

8、to better cognition.(3)According to the passage, which of the following might contribute least to cognition? A.The screen time limit.B.Sleep hours.C.The physical activity time.D.Sleep hours and the screen time limit.(4)Why does the American organization suggest creating tech-free zones? A.To make su

9、re children have enough physical playtime.B.To make sure children have enough sleep time.C.To make sure children have recreational time.D.To protect children against radiation.【答案】 (1)C(2)D(3)C(4)B 【解析】【分析】本文是一篇说明文,建议父母们要把孩子的屏幕消遣时间限制在2小时之内、保证孩子有足够的睡眠和锻炼,因为这样做可以让孩子有更好的认知能力。 (1)考查推理判断。根据第一段中的“Limiting

10、 kids recreational(消遣的) screen time to less than two hours a day, along with enough sleep and physical activity, is associated with improved cognition(认知), according to a study published in The Lancet Child & Adolescent Health.”可知,本文主要建议父母们要把孩子的屏幕消遣时间限制在2小时之内、保证孩子有足够的睡眠和锻炼,这样做可以让孩子有更好的认知能力。所以本文的目标读者

11、是父母们,而不是研究人员、老师或儿童。故选C。 (2)考查主旨大意。本文主要建议父母们要把孩子的屏幕消遣时间限制在2小时之内、保证孩子有足够的睡眠和锻炼。根据第三段中的“Those who met all three had the most superior global cognition”告诉父母们如果他们这样做可以让孩子有更好的认知能力。故选D。 (3)考查推理判断。根据第三段中的“Those who met all three had the most superior global cognition, followed by those meeting the sleep and

12、 screen time recommendation and finally the screen time recommendation alone, according to the study.”可知,满足三个要求的人认知能力最好,接下来是满足睡眠时间以及屏幕消遣限制时间,最后是满足屏幕消遣限制时间。据此推断,体育锻炼对认知能力影响最小。故选C。 (4)考查推理判断。根据最后一段中的“Besides, parents should also make sure to encourage physical activity and have bedroom rules such as c

13、reating tech-free zones.”可知,the American Academy of Pediatrics建议父母们给孩子设立睡眠规则,例如“tech-free zones”,目的是确保孩子在卧室里有足够的睡眠时间。故选B。 【点评】本题考点涉及细节理解,推理判断和主旨大意三个题型的考查,是一篇教育类阅读,要求考生在捕捉细节信息的基础上,进一步根据上下文的逻辑关系,进行分析,推理,概括和归纳,从而选出正确答案。2阅读理解 Before you make friends, you have to decide who you want to be your friends. M

14、ost people like to have friends who like to do the same kind of things they do. The quickest way to make a friend is to smile. When you smile, people think you are friendly and easy to talk to. It may not be easy at first to smile, but remember most people will stay away from a scaled or angry looki

15、ng. One easy way to stall a conversation with someone is to say something nice about him. Think about how great you feel when someone says something nice to you. Doesnt it make you want to keep talking to that person? Ask your new friends questions about themselves. Whos their favourite singer, wher

16、e do they live, what do they do after school are all good questions to start a conversation. Make sure you have something to add to the conversation, too. Then someone asks you a question, do have an answer for it. There is nothing that will stop a conversation quicker than a shrug for an answer. Ki

17、ds who show an interest in other kids and who are kind and friendly make good friends. Remember, everyone wants to be around people who like to do similar things and people who are nice to them.(1)This passage gives us some advice on _. to make friendsB.who you can make friends to st

18、art a conversationD.the importance of smile(2)Most people like to make friends with those _. A.who are sad every dayB.who share the same interestC.who are fond of talkingD.who say bad things to them(3)According to the third paragraph, most people enjoy talking to one _. A.who is always smilingB.who

19、seems to be friendlyC.who praises themD.who points out their shortcomings(4)What does the underlined part in this passage mean? A.Being very proud.B.Making no answer.C.Knowing nothing.D.Not hoping to answer.【答案】 (1)A(2)B(3)C(4)B 【解析】【分析】本文是一篇说明文,在你交朋友之前,你必须决定你想成为谁的朋友,大部分人想要叫朋友都做同样的事情。作者介绍了如何交朋友最快捷的方

20、式是微笑,以赞美的方式开始话题,还要投其所好,这样的话才能交到更多的朋友。 (1)考查推理判断。根据第三段中的” The quickest way to make a friend is to smile. “以及第四段中的One easy way to start a conversation with someone可知,本文讲述如何人交朋友,最快捷的方式是微笑,以赞美的方式开始话题,还要投其所好,这样才能交到更多的朋友,故选A。 (2)考查细节理解。根据第二段中的do the same kinds of things they do及最后一段中的do similar things可知,志

21、趣相投的人容易成为朋友,故选B。 (3)考查推理判断。根据第四段中的”One easy way to start a conversation with someone is to say something nice about him. Think about how great you feel when someone says something nice to you.“和某人开始交谈的一个简单方法就是说他的好话。想一想,当某个人总是说你好话的时候,你感觉有多棒。可推知选C。 (4)考查句义猜测。根据第五段中的”There is nothing that will stop a c

22、onversation quicker than a shrug for an answer.“当你对别人的回答不屑时,谈话就会立刻结束。可知选B。 【点评】本题考点涉及细节理解,句义猜测和推理判断三个题型的考查,是一篇教育类阅读,考生需要准确掌握细节信息,并根据上下文的逻辑关系,进行分析,推理,从而选出正确答案。3阅读理解 A friend is better than fortune. A friend is worse than poison in some cases. The two sentences above have opposite meanings and seem to

23、 be unreasonable but they can be explained as follows: the first refers to all good friends who drive us towards good while the second all bad ones who lead us into bad ways. My ideal friend is of course a good friend whose goodness is shown below he has no bad habits such as smoking and drinking. H

24、e lives in frugality (节俭). He studies hard so as not to waste his golden time. At home he honors his parents and loves his brothers; at school he respects his teachers and shares the feelings of his classmates. He treats those truly who are true to him. In a word, he has all the good characteristics

25、 that I dont have. I can follow him as a model. With his help I can be free from all difficulties. Indeed, if I have such a person as my friend, I shall never fear difficulty and I shall never know the existence of the word failure.(1)This passage tells us _. to make friends with t

26、o help friendsC.what kind of person the writers friend isD.what kind of person we should make friends with(2)According to the writer, an ideal friend refers to _. A.a friend without bad habitsB.a famous manC.a perfect manD.a respectable man(3)From the passage we can learn that _. A.the writer and hi

27、s ideal friend have a lot to learn from each otherB.the writer has a lot to learn from his ideal friendC.the writers ideal friend has a lot to learn from himD.the writer has only a little to learn from his ideal friend(4)From the second paragraph, we can infer the writer is sure that _. A.friendship

28、 means a great deal to himB.nothing can be done without friendsC.he who does not smoke or drink must be a good friendD.good friends should always help each other【答案】 (1)D(2)C(3)B(4)A 【解析】【分析】本文是一篇说明文,介绍了我们应该交哪种朋友。我们应该交那种在学校尊敬老师,在家爱戴父母认真学习,珍惜时间的朋友。 (1)考查推理判断。纵观全文可知,本文讲述的是我们应该交哪种朋友。我们应该交那种在学校尊敬老师,在家爱戴

29、父母认真学习,珍惜时间的朋友。故选D。 (2)考查推理判断。根据第三段可知理想的朋友就是那些完美的人。故选C。 (3)考查推理判断。根据第三段中的“I can follow him as a model.他是我的楷模,我能从他身上学习到很多东西。故选B。 (4)考查推理判断。从文章内容可知我很看重生命中的好朋友,一位友谊对我来说意义重大。故选A。 【点评】本题考点涉及推理判断题型的考查,是一篇教育类阅读。考生需要根据上下文的逻辑关系,进行分析,推理,从而选出正确答案。4阅读理解 Almost none of us have the time to read everything wed lik

30、e to read. Yet we lose countless hours to daily activities that bring us little joy like taking buses and waiting in line. What if we could turn these little blocks of unoccupied time into precious and rewarding moments for learning and reflection? Founded in 2012, iReader, a micro-learning app on mobile phones, brings the biggest ideas from best-selling books through 15-minute audio (音频) and text. So far, more than 3,000 books have been included, ranging from psychology and parenting to management and economics, with new titles added every day. Reader is pioneering a new method of r

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