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英语演讲稿Amanda Palmer在Ted英语演讲The Art of aAsking请求的艺术中英.docx

1、英语演讲稿Amanda Palmer在Ted英语演讲The Art of aAsking请求的艺术中英英语演讲稿Amanda Palmer在Ted英语演讲:The Art of aAsking请求的艺术(中英) Amanda Palmer Ted英语演讲:The Art of aAsking请求的艺术Amanda Palmer: The art of asking Amanda Palmer: 请求的艺术So I didnt always make my living from music.For about the five years after graduating from an up

2、standing liberal arts university ,this was my day job.I was a self-employed living statue called the 8-Foot Bride, and I love telling people l did this for a job, because everybody always wants to know,who are these freaks in real life?我以前并不靠音乐谋生。 自从我五年前 从一所正派的文理学院毕业起 这是我白天的工作。 我是一座个体经营的、名为“8英尺新娘”的活

3、雕像, 我喜欢告诉别人这是我的工作。 因为大家都想知道, 这些怪人在真实生活中到底是什么样的?Hello.I painted myself white one day, stood on a box,put a hat or a can at my feet,and when someone came by and dropped in money,I handed them a flower and some intense eye contact.And if they didnt take the flower, I threw in a gesture of sadness and l

4、onging as they walked away.大家好。 我每天把自己涂白,站在一个盒子上, 在脚边放一顶帽子或者一个罐子, 如果有路过的人向里面投钱 我递给他们一朵花,并且和他们进行强烈的眼神交流。 如果他们没有收下花, 我就表现出悲伤和充满渴望的样子 看着他们慢慢走远。(Laughter)(笑声)So I had the most profound encounters with people,especially lonely people who looked like they hadnt talked to anyone in weeks,and we would get t

5、his beautiful moment of prolonged eye contact being allowed in a city street,and we would sort of fall in love a little bit. And my eyes would say, “Thank you. I see you.” And their eyes would say, “Nobody ever sees me. Thank you.”我与人有着最深层次的接触, 尤其是那些看起来 好几个星期都没有与人交流的孤独者 我们共享一个美好的时刻 城市街道上可以发生的一次漫长眼神交

6、流, 我们都感觉好像有点爱上对方。 我的眼睛会说,“谢谢。我看到你了。” 他们的眼睛则会说, “从来没有人在意我的存在。谢谢你。”And I would get harassed sometimes.People would yell at me from their passing cars.”Get a job!”And Id be, like, “This is my job.” But it hurt, because it made me fear that I was somehow doing something un-job like and unfair, shameful.

7、有时候我会被骚扰。 开车路过的人从车里对我大喊。 “找份工作去!” 我的反应是“这就是我的工作。” 但是这让我很伤心 因为这让我感觉我的工作不正经 不公平和可耻。I had no idea how perfect a real education I was getting for the music business on this box. And for the economists out there, you may be interested to know I actually made a pretty predictable income, which was shockin

8、g to me given I had no regular customers, but pretty much 60 bucks on a Tuesday, 90 bucks on a Friday.It was consistent.我没想到站在这个盒子上谋生的经历 竟会对我的音乐事业有如此深刻的意义。 经济学家们你们可能会对这一点感兴趣, 我的收入其实相当稳定, 因为我没有固定的顾客 这一点让我自己也非常吃惊 我一般周二挣60美元,周五挣90美元。 我的收入是稳定的。And meanwhile, I was touring locally and playing in nightclu

9、bs with my band, the Dresden Dolls.This was me on piano, a genius drummer.I wrote the songs, and eventually we started making enough money that I could quit being a statue , and as we started touring, I really didnt want to lose this sense of direct connection with people, because I loved it.同时,我还在本

10、地巡演 与我的乐队the Dresden Dolls一同在夜店演出。 这是我在弹钢琴,旁边是一位天才鼓手 我还搞歌曲创作, 我们的收入逐渐增加,最终,我不需要再做活人雕塑赚钱了, 我们开始巡演之后 我依然不想失去这种 与人直接交流的感觉,因为我喜欢这种感觉。So after all of our shows , we would sign autographs and hug fans and hang out and talk to people,and we made an art out of asking people to help us and join us, and I wou

11、ld track down local musicians and artists and they would set up outside of our shows, and they would pass the hat, and then they would come in and join us onstage在舞台上, so we had this rotating smorgasbord of weird , random circus guests.所以我们在表演结束之后一定会签名 拥抱我们的歌迷,和人交流互动, 我们将请求他人给予帮助或加入我们的过程 变成了一门艺术,我会找

12、来当地的音乐家和艺术家 在我们的演出门口表演, 他们会传递一个帽子, 随后他们进入演出场馆和我们一起登上舞台 也就是说,我们有着不断更替的、各种各样的、随机的、古怪的表演嘉宾。And then Twitter came along, and made things even more magic, because I could ask instantly for anything anywhere. So I would need a piano to practice on, and an hour later I would be at a fans house. This is in

13、London. People would bring home-cooked food to us all over the world backstage and feed us and eat with us. This is in Seattle.后来,微博(Twitter)的出现 让事情变得更加神奇,因为 我可以在任意时间和地点提出任何要求。 我可能会需要一架钢琴练习, 一个小时之后,我就在歌迷的家里弹琴。这件事发生在伦敦。 在世界各地都有人 把自己做的食物送到我们的后台并和我们一起享用。Fans who worked in museums and stores and any kin

14、d of public space would wave their hands if I would decide to do a last-minute, spontaneous , free gig. This is a library in Auckland. On Saturday I tweeted for this crate and hat, because I did not want to ship them from the East Coast, and they showed up care of this dude, Chris from Newport Beach

15、, who says hello. I once tweeted, where in Melbourne can I buy a neti pot? And a nurse from a hospital drove one right at that moment to the cafe I was in, and I bought her a smoothie and we sat there talking about nursing and death.这是在西雅图。 如果我临时决定搞一场即兴的演唱会, 在博物馆、商店或者任何其它公共场所工作的歌迷 就会向我们发出邀请。 这是奥克兰的一

16、家图书馆。 周六我发微博希望有人为我提供木板箱和帽子, 因为我不想把它们从东海岸带到这里, 最终来自纽波特比奇(Newport Beach)的Chris 为我提供了这两样道具,他也向大家问好。 我曾经发微博问墨尔本哪里有卖洗鼻壶(neti pot)? 一位在医院工作的护士开车 直接把它送到了我在的咖啡馆里, 我给她买了一杯沙冰 我们坐在一起聊护理和死亡。And I love this kind of random closeness , which is lucky, because I do a lot of couchsurfing. In mansions where everyone

17、in my crew gets their own room but theres no wireless, and in punk squats , everyone on the floor in one room with no toilets but with wireless, clearly making it the better option .我喜欢这样幸运的、随机的亲近感觉 因为我常常做沙发客。 在豪宅里,我们的每一位团队成员都有自己的房间, 但是没有无线网,在朋克乐迷占据的废弃房屋里, 所有人都睡在一间房间的地板上,没有卫生间 但是有无线网,这一优势使得第二种方式成为了更

18、好的选择。(Laughter)(笑声)My crew once pulled our van up to a really poor Miami neighborhood and we found out that our couchsurfing host for the night was an 18-year-old girl, still living at home, and her family were all undocumented immigrants from Honduras .我的团队曾经把车 停在一个非常贫穷的迈阿密社区 我们发现当晚招待我们的是一个 依然与父母同住

19、的18岁女孩, 他们一家人都是来自洪都拉斯的非法移民。And that night, her whole family took the couches and she slept together with her mom so that we could take their beds. And I lay there thinking, these people have so little. Is this fair?那天晚上,他们一家人 都睡沙发,她和她妈妈挤在一起 让我们睡他们的床。 我就躺在那里想, 这些人拥有的东西这么少。 这样公平吗?And in the morning, h

20、er mom taught us how to try to make tortillas and wanted to give me a Bible, and she took me aside and she said to me in her broken English, “Your music has helped my daughter so much. Thank you for staying here. Were all so grateful.” And I thought, this is fair. This is this.早晨,她妈妈教我们做 玉米薄饼(tortil

21、la),还想给我一本圣经, 她把我叫到一边,用支离破碎的英语对我说, “你的音乐对我女儿的帮助很大。 谢谢你能住在这里。我们都很感激。“ 然后我想,这很公平。 就是这样。A couple months later, I was in Manhattan, and I tweeted for a crash pad , and at midnight,Im ringing a doorbell on the Lower East Side, and it occurs to me Ive never actually done this alone. Ive always been with m

22、y band or my crew. Is this what stupid people do? (Laughter)Is this how stupid people die?几个月之后,我在曼哈顿 发微博希望找一个过夜的地方,午夜时分 我在下东区(Lower East Side)按一户人家的门铃, 然后我突然意识到我从来没有一个人借宿过。 我以前一直和我的乐队或者团队在一起。 这是不是愚蠢的人做的事情?(笑声) 愚蠢的人是不是就是这样死的?And before I can change my mind, the door busts open. Shes an artist. Hes a

23、 financial blogger for Reuters, and theyre pouring me a glass of red wine and offering me a bath, and I have had thousands of nights like that and like that.我还没来得及改变主意,门就打开了。 她是一位艺术家。他是路透社的一位金融博客写手, 他们给我倒了一杯红酒 让我洗澡 我经历过成千上万个这样的夜晚。So I couchsurf a lot. I also crowdsurf a lot. I maintain couchsurfing

24、and crowdsurfing are basically the same thing. Youre falling into the audience and youre trusting each other. I once asked an opening band of mine if they wanted to go out into the crowd and pass the hat to get themselves some extra money, something that I did a lot.所以我常常做沙发客,也经常人群冲浪(从舞台上跳下,被观众接住)。

25、我认为做沙发客和人群冲浪 其实是一个概念。 落入人群中 信任他人。 我曾经问一支为我们开场的乐队 他们愿不愿意到人群中去,传递帽子 筹一点额外的钱,我经常这样做。And as usual, the band was psyched , but there was this one guy in the band who told me he just couldnt bring himself to go out there. It felt too much like begging to stand there with the hat. And I recognized his fear

26、 of “Is this fair?” and “Get a job.”和往常一样,乐队非常兴奋, 但是其中有一位成员告诉我 他没有办法说服自己这样做。 拿着帽子站在那里感觉实在是太像乞讨了。 我意识到这种恐惧就是我想到“这公平吗?”和听到“找份工作去!”的时候的感受。And meanwhile, my band is becoming bigger and bigger. We signed with a major label. And our music is a cross between punk and cabaret.Its not for everybody. Well, ma

27、ybe its for you. We sign, and theres all this hype 宣传leading up to our next record. And it comes out and it sells about 25,000 copies in the first few weeks, and the label considers this a failure.同时,我的乐队发展得越来越好。 我们和一家主流厂牌签约。 我们的音乐是朋克和卡巴莱(cabaret)的集合体。 不是所有人都能接受。 也许你会喜欢的。 签约之后,公司举办了大量的宣传活动为我们的新唱片造势。

28、 唱片推出之后仅仅几周就卖出两万五千张, 但是我们的厂牌认为这是一张失败的专辑。And I was like, “25,000, isnt that a lot?”我当时就说,“两万五千张,不是很多吗?”They were like, “No, the sales are going down. Its a failure.” And they walk off.他们说,“不,销量在下降。这是一张失败的唱片。” 随后他们就抛弃了我们。Right at this same time, Im signing and hugging after a gig, and a guy comes up t

29、o me and hands me a $10 bill, and he says,”Im sorry, I burned拷 your CD from a friend.”(Laughter)” But I read your blog, I know you hate your label.I just want you to have this money.”与此同时,一次演唱会结束之后,我为歌迷签名与他们拥抱的时候 一个人走上前来 给了我一张10美元的纸币, 他说: “不好意思,我从朋友那里翻录了你的CD。” (笑声) “不过我读了你的博客,我知道你不喜欢你的厂牌。 我希望你收下这笔钱。

30、”And this starts happening all the time. I become the hat after my own gigs, but I have to physically stand there and take the help from people, and unlike the guy in the opening band, Ive actually had a lot of practice standing there. Thank you.这样的事情现在常常发生。 我们的演唱会结束之后,我变成了那个收集钱币的帽子, 我就站在那里,接受人们的帮助,

31、 和之前开场乐队的那个成员不同 我在这方面拥有丰富的经验。 谢谢。And this is the moment I decide Im just going to give away my music for free on line whenever possible, so its like Metallica over here, Napster, bad; Amanda Palmer over here, and Im going to encourage torrenting, downloading, sharing, but Im going to ask for help, b

32、ecause I saw it work on the street.那一刻我决定 我要抓住可能的机会 在网上免费共享我的音乐。 当时Metallica正在声讨(音乐分享网站)Napster 而我Amanda Palmer却在唱反调,鼓励 BT、下载、分享,但是我会请求人们的帮助 因为这种方式在街头是行得通的。So I fought my way off my label and for my next project with my new band, the Grand Theft Orchestra,I turned to crowdfunding , and I fell into those thousands of connections that Id made, and I asked my crowd to catch me. And the goal was 100,000 dollars. My fans backed me at nearly 1.2 million, which was the biggest music crowdfunding project to date.所以我和厂牌斗争,结束了合作, 并

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