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1、浙江月学前儿童家庭教育自考试题000002气象 MeteorologyI.气候 Climate 北极气候 arctic climate 赤道气候 equatorial climate大旱 serious drought 大气辐射 atmospheric radiation 大气候 macroclimate 大气环流 atmospheric circulation / general circulation of atmosphere 大气湿度 atmospheric moisture 大气污染 atmospheric pollution 大气压 atmospheric pressure 多雨气

2、候 rainy climate 多云 cloudy 风季 wind season 副热带冬季干旱气候 sub-tropical dry climate 副热带湿润气候 sub-tropical humid climate 干旱 drought 干燥气候 arid climate / dry climate 高地气候 highland climate高山高原气候plateau climate高原气候 plateau climate 古气候 paleoclimate 海滨气候 littoral climate海啸tsunami 海洋性气候marine climate / maritime clim

3、ate / ocean climate 寒潮cold wave 寒带frigid zone 寒流 cold current 旱季 dry season 旱周期 period of drought (黄)梅雨mould rains / bai-u/ plum rains 极地气候 polar climate 极地冰原气候polar ice field climate 极地高山气候 polar mountainousclimate极地苔原气候polar moss climate 积温 accumulated temperature / cumulative temperature季风气候 mons

4、oon climate 酷暑 scorching 冷气团 cold air mass 梅雨季节 plum rain season 闷热 sultry / stuffy 漠境气候 desert climate 泥石流 mud-rock flow 暖流 warm current 气候图 climate map 气候学家 climatologist 晴天 clear 秋老虎 old wives summer / autumnal summer heat 热带风暴 tropical storm 热带气候 tropical climate热带草原气候tropical grassy climate热带多雨

5、气候 tropical rainy climate 热带海洋气候 tropical marine climate 热带季风气候tropicalmonsoon climate热带沙漠气候 tropical desert climate热带雨林气候 tropical rainforest climate热带气旋 tropical cyclone storm / tropical revolving storm 热对流 thermal convection 热辐射 emission of heat / heat radiation / thermal radiation 热浪 heat wave /

6、 hot wave 人工气候室 psychrometric room / phytotron 人造气候 artificial climate 三伏天 dog days 森林气候 forest climate山地气候 mountain climate闪电 lightning / bolt 生物气候 bioclimate 湿季 wet season 室内小气候 cryptoclimate 湿热天气 sticky weather 湿润气候 humid/ moist climate太阳辐射 solar radiation 苔原气候 damp climate 温带气候 temperate climate

7、温带草原气候temperategrassy climate温带大陆性气候temperate continental climate温带干燥气候 temperate arid climate 温带海洋性气候temperate marine climate温带季风气候temperate monsoon climate温带阔叶林气候temperatedeciduous broad-leaved forest climate温带沙漠气候temperatedesert climate温带雨林气候 temperate rainforest climate 西伯利亚寒流 Siberian cold curr

8、ent 相同气候 homoclimate 小气候 microclimate 汛期 flood season / high water season 亚寒带气候 sub-glacial zone climate 亚热带气候 sub-tropical climate 亚热带草原气候sub-tropical grassy climate亚热带地中海气候sub-tropical Mediterranean亚热带季风气候sub-tropical monsoon climateor Etesian climate亚热带沙漠气候sub-tropical desert climate严寒 bitter col

9、d / severe cold / frostiness 沿海气候 coastal climate阴天 overcast / cloudy day 永冻气候 eternal frost climate/ climate of eternal frost 雨林气候 rainforest climate II. 台风 Typhoon尘暴 dust storm 尘卷 dust devil 尘旋 dust whirl 大风警报 gale warning大风沙 sand storm 大风信号 gale cones/ gale signal 风 wind 穿堂风 draught 顶头风 head wind

10、 反信风 reverse trade wind 风向wind direction 风眼 eye (of a storm)和风 breeze 恒风 constant wind 季风 monsoon疾风 gusty wind 飓风hurricane厉风 severe gale 龙卷风 tornado陆风land wind陆龙卷风 landsprout / tornado 逆风 contrary wind / adverse wind 强台风 violent typhoon 热风 hot wind飒飒风声 sough 沙暴 sandstorm / saltation 沙卷风 desert devil

11、 / sand whirl 山风 mountain wind顺风 fair wind / tail wind / favorable wind 顺转风 veering wind 台风 typhoon 微风 breeze向岸风 on-shore wind 信风 trade wind 旋风whirlwind /cyclone贼风 draught / draft阵风gust of wind 风暴 wind storm 风害 wind burn 风级 wind force scale 风力 strength of wind / wind force 风力等级(蒲福风级) beaufort / Beau

12、fort Wind Scale 0级 无风 clam 1级 软风 light air 2级 轻风 light breeze 3级 微风 gentle breeze 4级 和风 moderate breeze 5级 清劲风 fresh breeze 6级 强风 strong breeze 7级 疾风 near gale / moderate gale 8级 大风 fresh gale 9级 烈风 strong gale 10级 狂风 storm / whole gale 11级 暴风 violent storm 12级 飓风 hurricane 风速 wind speed/ wind veloc

13、ity 台风警报 typhoon warningIII. 云 Cloud 波状云 wave cloud / billow cloud层积云 stratocumulus (Sc)层云 stratus (St)成层云 stratiformis 淡云 humilis 多云 cloudy 复云 duplicatus 高层云 altostratus (As)高积云 altocumulus (Ac)高云 high cloud / high-level cloud 虹 rainbow 积层云 cumuloutratus 积雨云 cumulonimbus (Cb)积云 cumulus (Cu)卷层云 cirr

14、ostratus (Cs)卷叠积云 cumulocirrus 卷积云 cirrocumulus (Cc)卷毛云 fleecy cloud 卷云 cirrus (Ci)雷电云 thunder cloud 密(厚)云 spissatus 蘑菇云 mushroom cloud 浓云 congestus 暖云 warm cloud 少云 partly cloudy 碎云 fractus 无云 cloudless 雨层云 nimbostratus雨云 nimbus / rain cloud 云层 cloud layer 云端 high in the clouds 云朵 cloud formation /

15、 small cloud 云高 height of cloud 云海 a sea of clounds 云块 cloud mass 云类 cloud variety 云量 amount of clouds / cloud amount/ cloud cover 云幔 veil 云帽 cap 云幕高度 ceiling 云片 cloud sheet 云图 cloud atlas/ cloud chart/ cloud picture 云团 cloud cluster 云系 cloud system / nephsystem 云向 cloud direction 云霄 the skies 云型 cl

16、oud pattern/ cloud type 云烟 cloud and mist 云种 species of cloud 云属 genus of cloud 云状 cloud form 中云 mediocris 中(层)云 medium cloud / middle cloud IV. 雨 Rain 暴风雨 storm / tempest 暴雨 rain gush / cloudburst 暴雨径流 rainfall runoff 尘雨 dust rain 大暴雨 torrential rain / downpour 大雨 heavy rain 地形雨 geographic rain 冻雨

17、freezing rain / frozen rain / glaze / glazed frost 黑雨 black rain 黄雨 sulphur rain 季风雨 monsoon rain 间隔雨 intermittent rain 降水量 amount of precipitation / precipitation 降雨 rainfall 降雨分布 rainfall distribution 降雨频率 rainfall frequency 降雨强度 rainfall intensity 降雨状况 rainfall regime 雷雨 thunderstorm 冷锋雨 cold fro

18、nt rain 毛毛雨 drizzle 梅雨 mouldy rain / plum rain 绵雨 continuous rain 暖锋雨 warm front rain 滂沱大雨 downpour 倾盆大雨 heavy downpour / torrential rain 晴空雨 serein 人工降雨 artificial rainfall / rain-making 人造雨 artifial rain / rain making 水龙卷;海龙卷 water sprout 水汽 (water) vapo(u)r / aqueous vapo(u)r 水蒸气 water vapo(u)r /

19、 steam 酸雨 acid rain 细雨 drizzle 小雨 drizzle / light rain血雨 blood rain 霪雨 excessive rain 鱼鳞天 mackerel sky 雨暴 rain storm 雨冰 rain ice 雨层云 nimbostratus (Ns)雨带 rain-band 雨点 raindrop 雨季 rainy season 雨林 rainforest 雨期 rainy season / rain spell 雨水 rainwater / rainfall / rain 雨丝 very light rain 雨凇;冻雨 glaze / gl

20、azed frost / frozen rain 雨云 nimbus (Nb)阵雨 showery rain / shower 中雨 moderate rain 骤雨 passing heavy shower V. 冰,雪,雾等 Ice, Snow and Frost etc. 雹 hail 雹暴 hailstorm 雹块 hailstone 雹石 hailstone 雹灾 hail damage 暴风雪 tempest / blizzard wind / snowstorm 冰雹 hail / hailstone 冰点 freezing point / ice point冰冻 freeze

21、冰河 glacier 冰块 pack / pack ice 冰裂 icequake 冰凌 sleet and ice 冰瀑 ice cascade 冰山iceberg 冰天雪地 a world of ice and snow 冰灾 ice damage 冰柱 icicle 薄冰 thin ice 薄雾;霾 haze 彩霞 rosy clouds 朝露 morning dew 朝霞 morning glow / rosy clouds of dawn / rosy dawn 初霜 first frost 大雹 heavy hail 大风雪 blizzard / driving snow 低雾 g

22、round fog 冻害 freeze injury 冻雾 freezing fog 浮冰 floe ice 高雾 high fog 谷雾 valley fog 黑霜 early frost hidden 虹 rainbow 虹彩 iridescence 积冰 ice accretion / ice deposit / icing积雪 accumulated snow / snow cover/ snow deposit / perpetual snow 假雾 mock fog 降雹 hail / hail shooting降雹区 hail fallout zone 结冰 ice up 开冻

23、melt 雷 thunder 雷暴 lightning storm / thunderstorm 雷暴区 thunderstorm belt 雷暴雨 thunderstorm rain 雷电 thunder and lightning 雷击 bolt / thunderstrike / thunder-struck 雷鸣 thunder / thunderclap 雷霆 thunderbolt 雷雨 thunder storm 雷雨天 thundery weather 雷阵雨 thunder shower 露 dew 露点 dew-point 露珠 dew drop 迷雾 dense fog

24、M雪;雪粒 snow grains 浓雾 dense fog 霹雷;霹雳 thunder clap / thunder crack / thunderbolt 平流雾 advective fog 轻霜 light frost 轻雾 light fog 融点 melting point 融雪 thawy snow 软雪 ripe snow 瑞雪 timely snow / auspicious snow 沙雪 sand snow 山雾 hill fog / mountain fog 闪电 lightning 湿雪 water snow / wet snow 霜 frost 霜冻 frost 霜度

25、 degree of frost 霜害 frostbite / frost injury 霜花 frostwork 霜季 frost season 霜期 frost period/ frost season霜日 frost day 晚霞 evening glow / setting sun / the glow of sunset / sunset clouds 晚霞;落照 afterglow 无霜期 frost-free period/ frost-free season/ frostless season 五色晕 pleochroic halo 雾 fog 雾霭 mist 雾滴 fog-d

26、rop 雾气 fog / mist / vapour 雾凇 rime 雾雨 fog rain 霞 rosy clouds / sunglow 下露 dew-fall 霰;雨夹雪;冻雨 sleet 小冰山 bergy bit 雪 snow 雪暴 snowstorm / blizzard 雪崩 snow slide / (snow) avalanche 雪堆 snow-drift 雪花 snow drop / snowflake 雪量 snowfall 雪片;雪花flake / snowflake 雪球 snowball 雪人 snowman 雪灾 snow injury 烟雾 smoke fog

27、 / smog 阴霾 haze 永久积雪 firm snow 永久雪线 permanent snowline 雨(夹)雪;霰 sleet 雨夹雪 rain and snow 云雾 cloud and mist / mist 晕 halo 晕轮 aureole 阵雪 snow shower 终霜 last frost 重霜 heavy frost 重雾 heavy fog VI. 气温,湿度 Temperature & Humidity 标准温度 standard temperature 高温 high temperature 过冷 overcooling 寒潮 cold air outbrea

28、k / cold wave 寒流 cold current 绝对温度 absolute temperature 空气湿度 air humidity 零度 zero / zero cold front 零度以下 subzero 气温 air temperature 热浪 heat wave 湿度 humidity 室内温度 indoor temperature 室外温度 outdoor temperature 相对温度 relative temperature 严寒 chill / killing freeze / severe cold 炎热 parching heat / scorching

29、 heat 最低温度 minimum temperature 最高温度 maximum temperature VII. 海洋气象Ocean Weather 波长 wavelength 波高 wave height 波级 state of wave 波浪 wave 潮差 tidal range 潮流 tidal current 潮水 tide 潮位 tidal level 潮汐 tide 潮汐表 tide table 潮汐预报 tide prediction 潮汛 spring tide 赤道海流 equatorial current 春潮 spring tide 大潮 spring tide

30、 风海流 wind current 风浪等级 seas disturbance scale 0级 平静 calm (glassy)1级 微波 calm (rippled)2级 微浪 smooth (wavelets)3级 细浪 light seas 4级 小浪 moderate seas 5级 中浪 rough seas 6级 大浪 very rough seas 7级 强浪 high seas 8级 巨浪 very high seas 9级 狂浪 monster waves / extremely high seas 海岸洋流 littoral current 海冰 sea ice 海潮 ocean tide 海风 sea wind 海浪 sea wave 海流 ocean current 海雾 sea fog 海啸 tsunami / tidal wave 海洋风 ocean wind 海洋观测 marine observa

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