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19号四级考试答案 完整版.docx

1、19号四级考试答案 完整版2015年12月19号四级考试答案 (完整版)2015-12-19 10:40聂伟以下都是长沙新东方四六级解析团出品,转载请标明出处,谢谢!作文(一)聂伟题目:For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write anessay commenting on the saying“Learning is a daily experience and a lifelongmission.”You can cite examples to illustrate the importance oflifelong learnin

2、g. You should write at least 120 words, no morethan 180 words.参考范文:Currently in this constantly changing world, learningbecomes a seemingly convenient but actually more complex matter. Asan old saying goes,”Learning is a daily experience and a lifetimemission”.Apparently, the meaning of this saying

3、is that if we truly desireto learn something, we are supposed to devote our life toit.There are several reasons accounting for this viewpoint.For one thing, learning itself is an actually complicated andpainful matter, and as a result, it is advisablefor us to commit much more time even our whole li

4、fe to it. Foranother, it is exceedingly obvious that we are easy to forget whatwe learned, and accordingly, the significance of lifetime learningcannot be ignored. For example, memorizing vocabulary is commonlythe first step of preparing for an English test.However, it is pretty difficult for us to

5、put a huge number of newwords in our mind. Therefore, we can divide these words into somegroups and spend some hours each day on it in order to remember andunderstand these words.To sum up, lifelong learning lays a solid foundation tothe development of ourselves, and only when we realize thesignific

6、ance of lifetime learning can we understand theessence of learning.作文(二)任伟伟题目:For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write anessay commenting on the saying “Never go out there to see whathappens, go out there to make something happen.” You can citeexamples to illustrate the importance of being

7、 creative rather thanthe mere onlookers in life. You should write at least 120 words, nomore than 180 words.参考范文:As a famous saying goes, Never go out there to see what happens,go out there to make something happen. Simple as the sayingis, its meaning is profound and thought-provoking, which is mean

8、tto tell us that we aresupposed to be creative instead of acting as theonlooker.Conspicuous are the impacts of being creative and I would like toexplore the following aspects. To begin with, it is to leading a team to makeconstant progress what water is to fish, which can bebestillustrated by an exa

9、mple concerning an extraordinary basketballplayer, Yao Ming. Moreover,this kind of innovation also makes it possiblefor a nation to promote its international statusandimprove the comprehensivecompetitiveness.From my perspective, keeping creative is so essential thatadequate importance must be attach

10、edtoit. Only when we literally realize the key roleit plays can we become better selves in theforeseeablefuture.作文(三)曹林权球球题目:For this part, you are allowed 30minutes to write an essay commentingon the saying“Listening is more important thantalking.”You can cite examplestoillustrate the importance of

11、listening. You should write at least 120 words, no more than180 words.参考范文:As the most talented creature in thisplanet,wehuman beings are in possession of two kinds of most powerfulcapabilities, which are listening and talking. Compared withtalking, more often than not, the significance of listening

12、 is wayahead in our life.The most typical example of the importance of talking liesin the exchange among family members. When we are accustomed totalking without listening, in the process of which we might onlyfocus on ourselves, feeling of others are ignored and even hurt.Without listening, the ess

13、ential passport towardsmutual understanding, the relation among our family members may bitby bit go alienated .Besides , listening can also promote the efficiency ofteamwork and efficiency is of the utmost consequence in such afast-tempo society.Talking is a window through which we convey ourselves

14、,while listening is a door via which weunderstandeach other . A life without mutual listening isjust like a house without adoor.Carefullistening , so atleast it seems to me , is a necessity but not a luxury in our dailylife aswell asinourwork .听力(周祖筠,易哲)答案:BACDB ADDBC ACBDC BADBD CABBA选项:1.A. They a

15、dmire the courage of space explorers.B. They enjoyed the movie on spaceexploration.C. They were going to watch a wonderful movie.D. They like doing scientific exploration verymuch.2.A. At a gift shop.B. At a graduation ceremony.C. In the office of a travel agency.D. In a school library.3.A. He used

16、to work in the art gallery.B. He does not have a good memory.C. He declined a job offer form theart gallery.D. He is not interested in any part-time jobs.4.A. Susan has been invited to give a lecturetomorrow.B. He will go to the birthday party after thelecture.C. The woman should have informed him e

17、arlier.D. He will be unable to attend thebirthday party.5.A. Reward those having made good progress.B. Set a deadline for the staff tomeet.C. Assign more workers to the project.D. Encourage the staff to work in small groups.6.A. The way to the visitorsparking.B. The rate for parking in Lot C.C. How

18、far away the parking lotis.D. Where she can leave her car.7.A. He regrets missing the classes.B. He plans to take the fitness classes.C. He is looking forward to a better life.D. He has benefited formexercise.8.A. How to work efficiency.B. How to select secretaries.C. The responsibilities of secreta

19、ries.D. The secretaries in the manscompany.Long Conversation 19.A. It is more difficult to learn than English.B. It is used by more people thanEnglish.C. It will be as commonly used as English.D. It will eventually become a world language.10.A. It has words from many languages.B. Its popularity with

20、 the common people.C. The influence of the BritishEmpire.D. The effect of the Industrial Revolution.11.A. It includes a lot of words formother languages.B. It has a growing number of newly coinedwords.C. It can be easily picked up by overseastravellers.D. It is the largest among all languages in the

21、world.Long Conversation 212.A. To return some goods.B. To apply for a job.C. To place anorder.D. To make a complaint.13.A. He has become somewhat impatient with thewoman.B. He is not familiar withtheexact details of goods.C. He has not worked in the sales department forlong.D. He works on a part-tim

22、e basis for thecompany.14.A. It is not his responsibility.B. It will be free for large orders.C. It costs 15 more for express delivery.D. It depends on a number offactors.15.A. Report the information to her superior.B. Pay a visit to the saleswoman in charge.C. Ring back when she comes to adecision.

23、D. Make inquiries with some other companies.Section BPassage 116.A. No one knows exactly where they were.B. No one knows for sure when theycame into being.C. No one knows for what purpose they were.D. No one knows what they will.17.A. Carry ropes acrossrivers.B. Measure the speed of wind.C. Pass on

24、secret messages.D. Give warnings of danger.18.A. To protect houses against lightning.B. To test the effects of the lightning rod.C. To find out the strength of silk for kites.D. To prove that lightning iselectricity.Passage 219.A. She enjoys teaching languages.B. She can speak severallanguages.C. Sh

25、e was trained to be an interpreter.D. She was born with a talent for languages.20.A. They acquire an immunity to culture shock.B. They would like to live abroad permanently.C. They want to learn as many foreign languages aspossible.D. They have an intense interest incross-cultural interactions.21.A.

26、 She became an expert in horse racing.B. She got a chance to visit several Europeancountries.C. She was able to translate for aGerman sports judge.D. She learned to appreciate classical music.22.A. Taste the beef and give hercomment.B. Take part in a cooking competition.C. Teach vocabulary for food

27、in.D. Give cooking lessons on.Passage 323.A. He had only a third-grade education.B. He once threatened to kill his teacher.C. He grew up in a poorsingle-parent household.D. He often helped his.24.A. Careless.B. Stupid.C. Brave.D. Active.25.A. Write two book reports aweek.B. Keep a diary.C. Help with

28、 housework.D. Watch education.Section CWhen you look up at the night sky, what do you see? Thereare otherheavenlybodiesout there besides the moon and stars. One of the mostfascinatingofthis is a comet. Comets were formed around the same time the earthwas formed. They aremade up oficeand other frozen

29、 liquids and gasses.Now and thenthese dirty snowballs begin to orbit the sun just as the planetsdo. As a comet gets closer to the sun, some gasses in it begin tounfreeze. Theycombine withdust particles from the comet to form a huge cloud. As the cometgets even nearer to the sun and solar wind blows

30、the cloud behindthe comet thus forming its tail. The tail andgenerallyfuzzyatmosphere around the comet arecharacteristicsthat can help identify thisphenomenoninthe night sky. In any given year, about dozen known comets comeclose to the sun in their orbits. The average personcantsee them all of cours

31、e. Usually there is only one or two a yearbright enough to be seen with thenakedeye.Comet Hale-Bopp discovered in 1995 was an unusually bright comet.Its orbit boughtrelativelytothe earth within 122 million miles of it. But Hale-Bopp came a longway on its earthly visit. It wontbe back for another 4 thousand years or so.听力详细解析:2015年12月四级听力解析长沙新东方学校:周祖竣易哲Part 2 Listening ComprehensionSection A Conversations听力原文:1. M: Do you remember thewo

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