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1、海洋经中的游艇经济1海洋经中的游艇经济1Oceanic Economy定义:人类在开发利用海洋资源过程中的生产、经营、治理等活动的总称。Definition: Oceanic economy involves the production, operation and management based on the use of oceanic resources. 现代海洋经济包括为开发海洋资源和依靠海洋空间而进行的生产活动,以及直截了当或间接为开发海洋资源及空间的相关服务性产业活动,如此一些产业活动而形成的经济集合均被视为现代海洋经济范畴。要紧包括海洋渔业、海洋交通运输业、海洋船舶工业、海

2、盐业、海洋油气业、滨海旅行业。Contemporary oceanic economy mainly involves the production based and business operation based on direct or indirect development of oceanic resources, which ranges from oceanic fishing industry, Shipbuilding Industry, sea salt industry to Offshore oil and gas industry and coastal tour

3、ism industry.海洋经济中的游艇经济Yachting industry游艇经济属于海洋船舶工业、滨海旅行业等相关产业的一部分,下面让我们一起分析游艇经济的具体进展形势。Yachting industry originates from shipbuilding industry and coastal tourism industry, the growth and development of yachting industry will be elaborated in the following. 游艇经济的分析The analysis of yachting industry

4、世界游艇经济进展时期The development of yachting industry worldwide游艇、高尔夫、私人飞机,被世界公认休闲业含金量最高的三大领域。 世界游艇经济进展经历了三个时期:Yacht, golf, and private airplane are considered the top three causal activities and facilities worldwide. The development of worlds yachting industry has gone through three phases.第一时期:游艇私人消费时期。游

5、艇素有海上行宫之称,世界上最早的游艇产生于三百多年往常的英国。自那时起,游艇就成为西方上流社会地位和身份的标志。Phase 1: yachts are purchased as personal properties to show royal and upper class status. 第二时期:游艇会或游艇俱乐部消费时期。Phase 2: Yachts appear in yacht clubs or organizations. 第三时期:游艇的大众消费时期。这一时期是游艇经济进展的深度延展时期,游艇经济由于显著的综合经济效应,成为一个地区经济进展程度的一种标志。Phase 3: Y

6、achts can be affordable by more people, which is considered a symbol that suggests a degree of economic development.游艇经济产业链Yachting industrial chain游艇经济完整的产业链为,从游艇制造到游艇俱乐部的服务、再到与游艇相关的度假、休闲、旅行及各种商务活动,并包括游艇驾照培训和考核、专用码头建设和治理、游艇修理、俱乐部建设和运营治理、零配件制造、内部环境装修、专业保险等。Yachting industry chain primarily involves

7、services offered by yachting clubs, business and casual activities related to yachting industry, training and certificating, repairment and construction, club founding and operation, etc.游艇除了是一种有品位的休闲旅行方式外,更重要的是它作为一个地区经济进展程度的标志和吸引投资的形象,被誉为都市的名片,会对当地的餐饮、交通、公共服务、修理保养及配备等具有带动作用,并有助于优化水上旅行业的结构,具有显著的综合经济

8、效应。Yacht is not only a high quality mean of tourism, but also a local image that is able to draw business investment, which is helping accelerate local economic growth.市场规模market世界游艇年消费额高达400亿美元,与万吨邮轮市场相当,并以每年10% 的速度增长。假如加上相关的修理、治理、娱乐等费用,全球每年的游艇经济收入超过500亿美元。全球发达国家平均每171人就拥有一艘游艇,挪威、新西兰等地更高达每8人拥有一艘,就连

9、内陆国家瑞士也达到每69人拥有一艘。中国尽管海岸线总长3.2万公里,其中大陆海岸线18万公里,岛屿海岸线14万公里,但人均拥有游艇数量上专门落后这也预示着增长的潜力。The annual cost in the purchase of yachts is 40 billion dollars, in contrast with liners, the number is consistently increased by 10 percent each year. In developed countries, every 171 people owns a yacht averagely,

10、furthermore, in Norway and New Zealand the number is up to 8, however, the average number is much less in China even though we have 32 thousand -kilometer-long coast line, which is also a good sign for potential growth. 据中国交通运输协会邮轮游艇分会调查:从全球看,游艇消费市场是多元化的,游艇的价格从一二十万元到几亿几十亿元人民币不等。既有贵族富豪专属的超级游艇,但更多的是白领

11、阶层、中产阶级买得起的帆船、钓鱼艇、快艇、休闲艇。According to the research by CCYIA, the purchase of yachts is varied worldwide, the price ranges from 200 thousand to billions of RMB, including luxury yachts for wealthy and casual yachts for middle class and white collars.北美占世界游艇市场份额的559,大多数游艇销售单价在15万5万美元之间,豪华游艇的销量只占25;欧洲市

12、场占世界游艇市场份额384,出售的游艇较为大型和豪华,但平均单价也只有11万美元,合80万人民币。美国共有1700万游艇用户,其中70是帆船,80是5万美元以下的中小游艇,前几年美国市场出售的游艇平均单价为27639美元,不到20万人民币;欧洲84的游艇也是几万欧元的中小游艇帆船。North America is comprised 55 percent of the worlds yachting market, and most of the yachts that were sold cost from 15 thousand to 50 thousand dollars, luxury

13、 yachts only accounts for 2.5 percent. Europe is the second place and accounts for 38.4 percent of the market, many yachts that were sold in Europe are eighter luxurious or full-size, of which price is only 110 thousand dollars or 800 thousand RMB. In America, the yachts that have been sold in the p

14、ast few years are averagely worth 27639 dollars, less than 200 thousand RMB.游艇制造业的分析The analysis of Yacht Building 从全球游艇市场总体看,美国、意大利、法国和英国等欧美国家主导着市场。从生产量看,美国每年建筑休闲游艇2万艘左右,居世界第一位。2007年法国和英国的产量分居二、三位,年产量分别为7900艘和3300艘。而休闲游艇的全球出口三大国分别是法国、英国和德国,三个国家的年均出口量分别为4300艘、2100艘和1900艘。In general, yachting industr

15、y is led by the US, Italy, France and England. In terms of production, America builds 20 thousand casual yachts a year and tops the market, which is followed by France and England. France, England and Germany export the biggest number of yachts, the number is 4300, 2100 and 1900 respectively.游艇制造业最突

16、出的特点是它的高附加值,供应链长,配套环节多,生产方式复杂,技术程度高,劳动力密集,运用的工艺精巧,产业链关联性大,涵盖金属加工、化工、木器制造、复合材料、涂料、电子仪器、电器设备、通信、航海器材,雷达和卫星导航,通信等各种技术。21世纪是海洋的世纪,进展游艇制造业是海洋经济的朝阳产业,更是许多国家和地区进展经济的新增长点,能够带动一大批相关和配套产业,为社会经济带来庞大的进展机遇。The most attractive feature of yachting industry is the produce of high added value and the access to vario

17、us advanced technology. The business competition in 21st century will be focused on the development of oceanic resources, followed by the growth and proseprity of other related industries, bringing more opportunities to the society. 中国大陆游艇消费市场分析市场分析The analysis of the consumption of Yachts in Mainla

18、nd, China 我国是一个海洋大国,拥有9万个湖泊、6500个岛屿、18万公里海岸线,具备游艇消费的自然地理条件。中国游艇的进展差不多进入了17个省,其中有64个都市正在进行山水资源的开发和码头资源建设。就私人游艇而言,中国各地已涌现近百个正式注册营业的游艇俱乐部,还有一批正在规划和建设中。China is a large country with 90 thousand lakes and rivers, 6500 islands and 18 thousand -kilometer coast line, which bears a natural geographic advanta

19、ge for the consumption of yachts. Yachting industry has expanded to 17 provinces in China, 67 cities among which are starting to develop mountain and water resources and build docks. In reference to private yachts, hundreds of officially registered yachting clubs have appeared.中国的中等收入阶层家庭6年后将达1亿个,户均

20、拥有资产62万元。这1亿中产阶层家庭确实是潜力庞大的游艇消费市场。社科院报告也指出,中国现时期中产阶层占就业人口15并将以每年1的速度增长。在今后35年里,游艇休闲、运动将成为人们娱乐生活的重要选择,游艇海上运动将成为海洋旅行、个性消费和追求品味的新亮点。The number of middle class family in China will rise to 1 billion in 6 years, the average property will be 620 thousand RMB. The 1 billion middle class family will be the m

21、ain attraction to the consumption of yachts. The study shows that the number of Chinese middle class population will be raised by 1 percent each year. In the next 3-5 years, yachting will be our primary choice when it comes to oceanic tourism and stylish activities.据游艇资深经营者分析,买一艘游艇的费用应该不高于本身资产的10,因此

22、说假如买一艘50万元的游艇,本身资产应该在500万元以上,如此就局限了专门多人以买车、买房那样的热情去购买游艇。在中国游艇经济的起步进展时期,游艇租赁将有力推动游艇消费,让更多的都市白领零距离接触游艇、了解游艇、享受海上生活。Yachting expert says, one shouldnt spend more than 10 percent of his property in buying a yacht. It means that if you are likely to buy a yacht that costs 500 thousand then you should at

23、least own 5 million. That saying would have stopped a lot of people from buying yachts like the way they pay for cars or houses. At the beginning stage, providing renting service can allow more white collars to experience and learn more about yachts and oceanic lifestyle. 游艇业与海南国际旅行岛 Yachting indust

24、ry in Hainan province游艇业作为新兴产业受到专门多地点领导的高度重视,纷纷对游艇业的进展寄予厚望,把它作为都市品牌。由中国交通运输协会和海南省旅行进展委员会、海口市人民政府联合举办的博鳌国际旅行论坛2020海口游艇经济主题论坛作为中国游艇新兴产业的年度盛会,也是走近游艇生活的又一平台。在海口游艇经济主题论坛上,成立了全国游艇俱乐部协作联盟,宣布中国第一家游艇交易所落户海口,举办游艇展现、试乘和游艇婚礼等活动,公布20202020中国游艇产业进展报告,发表博鳌国际旅行论坛海口游艇进展宣言。Many provinces place emphases on the develop

25、ment of yachting industry and try to make it local image. 2020 Haikou Yachting Forum was held in Boao and claimed the establishment of National Yachting Club Association League and the first yacht bourse. 海南省进展游艇产业的优势The advantage for developing Yachting industry in Hainan province一、 地理位置优越。海南省位于我国的

26、最南端,是唯独的热带地区。海域面积宽敞,光热条件优越,长夏无冬,水域温度适中,水质优良,常年可开展户外旅行活动。另外,海岸线长、港湾众多,滨海旅行资源丰富。这些都为开展游艇旅行提供了坚实的自然资源条件。1. Hainan is located in the southest area of China and only tropical area with massive maritime space and modest temperature of water. Besides, Hainan has long coast line and a big amount of bays, al

27、ong with a wide range of oceanic tourism resources, holding a certain edge to develop yachting industry. 二、国家政策的支持。中央政府明确提出海南建设国际旅行岛是国家进展的重大战略部署,国务院各有关部门要高度重视,进一步解放思想,在政策、资金、项目安排等方面给予专门扶持。海南省政府出台的海南省游艇治理试行方法更是中国第一部专门规范游艇产业进展的地点性规章,从出台即日起境内外非经营性活动的游艇在海南检验登记将更加宽松、认证更加灵活、出入境手续更加简便、通关更加快捷、游玩观光的空间更大。2. A

28、s planned, Hainan is going to be built to be a international tourism destination. Hainan will gain support from central government regardless of policy or financial aid. 三、迅速进展的旅行业优势。作为中国唯独的热带海洋岛屿地区,海南旅行资源条件优越,旅行业进展迅速。专门是国际旅行岛建设以来,出现不断加快进展态势。2020年上半年,海南省接待过夜国内外游客1441.93万人次,同比增长8.94%。其中,接待国内游客1403.55

29、万人次、接待入境游客38.38万人次,分别同比增长8.86%、12.06%。3. As the only one tropical island, Hainan was born with natural edge and advantage to develop tourism. Especially since the prililege was granted, Hainan tourism industry is booming. During the first half of 2020, 1441.930,000 tourists paid their visit to Haina

30、n, increased by 8.94 percent compared to last year. There were 1403.550,000 domestic visitors and 380 thousand foreign visitors, and increased by 8.86 percent and 12.06 percent respectively. 海南应充分发挥资源和政策优势,制定好游艇产业以后进展的规划,加快基础设施建设,进一步开放相关政策, 抓好游艇业与旅行业的契合点,借鉴国外成功的进展模式,进展游艇经济,促进海洋经济。相关行业促进政策Hainan shou

31、ld take advantage of its natural resources and privilege to improve public facilities and promote the development of yachting industry and oceanic economy based on a long-term plan.1、2020年12月1日,国务院下发关于加快进展旅行业的意见,首次提出,把旅行业培养成国民经济的战略性支柱产业;要培养新的旅行消费热点,支持有条件的地区进展邮轮、游艇等新兴旅行;把邮轮、游艇等旅行装备制造业纳入国家鼓舞类产业名目。 1.

32、December 1st, 2020, the state council affirmed the importance of developing tourism industry and creating new tourism spots, encouraging the development of liner and yachting industry.2、2020年1月4日国务院公布了国务院关于推进海南国际旅行岛建设进展的假设干意见,正式对海南国际旅行岛进展目标进行了批复。意见中提到积极进展邮轮游艇产业,这也让地点政府进展游艇产业有了底气。 2. January 4th 2020, the state council made official approval for Hainan to develop yachting industry.3. 随着2020年1月1日起游艇安全治理规定的施行,意味着游艇跨海区巡游成为可能,这是我国游艇航行的又一重大突破。 3. As the implementation of the Yacht safety regul

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