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1、国际商务英语一级口试答案Reference Key for Simulated Test of Chapter 1Section ASample TalkWhen meeting old or new customers or business partners, people seldom get directly down to business after exchanging greetings because that might be thought too business like, cold and abrupt. Both parties need a bit warmin

2、g-up. So they resort to small talk, talking about impersonal topics such as weather, food, local impression, etc.,among which, the safest and most popular topic is weather. People like talking about weather for it offends nobody, yet it affects everybodys life. It is of great concern to business peo

3、ple who travel a lot. Whenever they come to a new place, the first thing they notice is the weather difference. Besides weather, you can talk about local food, people or places of interest. But be sure not to touch upon sensitive political or religious issues especially when your stand is at odds wi

4、th your partner. If you do, amid heated discussion, you might lose your head, lose your temper and worst of all, lose the customer! Therefore, be careful with the choice of the topics for small talk. A congenial chat may pave your way to further business discussion while improper small talk may ruin

5、 your business opportunity.Section B Reference Key for Sentence Interpretation from Chinese to English:1. 您一定就是我们盼望已久的客人莫卡帕先生吧。You must be our long-expected guest, Mr. Mkapa.2. 但愿您在(中国)这里逗留愉快。I hope youve had a pleasant stay here. Section CSample DialogueZhang Xiaoqiang: May I sit here?Judy Smith: Y

6、es, please.Zhang Xiaoqiang: Another raining day, isnt it?Judy Smith: Does it rain like this all year long in Nanchang?Zhang Xiaoqiang: No, no. Only for a couple of months. Its called “plum rains season.” Its bad for the tourists though. Are you a tourist?Judy Smith: No, I came on a business trip to

7、inspect some orange orchards to see if there exists the possibility of starting a joint venture here.Zhang Xiaoqiang: Are you the secretary?Judy Smith: What made you think so?Zhang Xiaoqiang: You are so young and charming.Judy Smith: Im the Production Manager of Sunrise Juice in California.Zhang Xia

8、oqiang: Incredible! No kidding!Judy Smith: Too much said about me. What about you, the young and charming gentleman?Zhang Xiaoqiang: Im a cashier of Minsheng Bank Nanchang Branch. May I ask your name please?Judy Smith: Judy Smith. Just call me Judy. And you?Zhang Xiaoqiang: My name is Zhang Xiaoqian

9、g.Judy Smith: Can I call you Zhang Xiao?Zhang Xiaoqiang: No, no. Chinese names dont work that way. Contrary to English names, we Chinese put family name first, given name after. So Xiaoqiang is fine.Judy Smith: Xiaoqiang, nice talking with you.Zhang Xiaoqiang: The same to me, Judy.Reference Key for

10、Simulated Test of Chapter 2Section ASample Talk:Hello, everybody! Welcome to ABC Companys Show Booth1! Im a sales representative of ABC Company. Let me introduce our company to you. Please ask any questions at any time.Starting its operation2 in 1991, ABC has become a leading company in wire and cab

11、le industry. We have thousands of wire and cable products covering infrastructure3, automotive4, audio/video, computer networking, communication, medical and a lot more. The biggest advantage of our products is that they are environmentally friendly5 since our wire and cable are all free of lead and

12、 cadmium. For networking cable, we are the only Chinese company that is able to produce Cat 5E 25 pair cable and today we are OEM6 to more than ten big brands in networking and LAN cable markets.Im confident youll not regret using our products.Notes:1. booth: small, usually temporary, stall where go

13、ods are sold or displayed at a market, a fair or an exhibition摊位;展台2. operation: the work or activities done by a business, organization etc.公司营运;业务活动3. infrastructure: stock of fixed capital equipment in a country (for example, roads, railways, power-stations, water supply, etc) 基础设施;基础机构(国家的固定基本设备

14、,如公路,铁路,发电站,供水装置等)4. automotive: of automobile汽车的;自动机车的5. environmentally friendly: not damaging to the environment环保的6. OEM: original equipment manufacturer, a factory turning out products for other firms to sell under the latters brand names贴牌生产商Section B Reference Key for Sentence Interpretation

15、from Chinese to English:1.欢迎来到我公司参观,让我向您介绍一下我们的公司。Welcome to our company! Let me introduce our company to you.2.你们每年都花很多钱进行研发和产品升级吗?Do you spend a lot on research and development and upgrade your products each year?Section CSample DialogueSong Nan: Since we are new to each other, Id like to introduc

16、e our company to you.Rex White: Go ahead. Im all ears.Song Nan: Our company is a Sino-Italian joint venture established in the year 2,000, a happy and effective marriage, I should say, which combines the latest fashion and design in Italy with cheap raw materials and labor in China.Rex White: You ar

17、e doing good business, I suppose?Song Nan: You said it. What can beat shoes with good design and quality but reasonable prices? While our competitors have been forced to reduce production, weve been producing to our full capacity to meet the high demand of both domestic and overseas market.Rex White

18、: Are you making footwear for men, women or children?Song Nan: Mainly for men and women, which account for 80% of our output. Childrens shoes consuming the leftover bits and pieces of material take up the rest 20%. We are especially proud of our womens footwear.Rex White: What merits do they have?So

19、ng Nan: You must have often heard women complaining that the shoes are killing them. Youll never hear such complaint from women wearing our shoes thanks to the superior and scientific designing. Thats why they are so popular with so many women customers. Actually we have numerous loyal customers who

20、 only buy our brand of shoes for their footwear.Rex White: Thats really something. I heard the other day a number of footwear companies sponsored a race for women with high-heeled shoes on. Whats the outcome?Song Nan: Century Footwear won the first place. Some participants bruised their ankles, othe

21、rs broke the shoe heels. Our player reached the finish first, intact for herself and shoes.Rex White: What a crazy race! Thats pretty hard for the women participants.Song Nan: But no lack of volunteers. Do you know what the prize was? A pair of Century shoes!Reference Key for Simulated Test of Chapt

22、er 3Section ASample TalkIn the first situation1, when the person wanted on the phone is not available2, it wont do3 just to say “He is not in at the moment” and hang up4. You should ask the caller if he or she would like to leave a message. This not only makes it easier for future contact5, but also

23、 impresses6 the caller with good image of your company.When you receive a call of emergency7, you should be eager to8 help and try your best9 to ease10 the callers worries and vexations11 by promising to take action12 to solve13 the problem. Never grudge14 sentences of care for you can not convey15

24、your concern by means of expression or gesture16 on the phone. This is not only out of etiquette, but can lay a good foundation in building up good relations for future business success.When you receive a call of complaint17, what you can do is to explain18 the reason calmly19 and sincerely20. If th

25、e caller is very angry with what has happened, the most effective way to appease21 him is to promise22this wont happen again. Upon hearing this, the caller would feel rather mean if he pursues23 the matter any further.Notes:1. situation: set of circumstances or state of affairs, especially at a cert

26、ain time情况,状况,形势2. available: able to be seen, visited or talked to可会见的,可与之交谈的3. it wont do: it is not proper这样做不行,这样做不合适4. hang up: end a telephone conversation by replacing the receiver挂断电话5. future contact: communication in the future将来联系或交往6. impress: have a favourable effect on somebody给予某人深刻印象

27、7. emergency: sudden serious event or situation requiring immediate action紧急事件;紧急情况8. eager to: keen; full of interest or desire热心的;热切的9. try your best: do all that you can全力以赴;竭尽全力10. ease: relieve from pain, anxiety, discomfort, etc减轻或消除痛苦,忧虑,不适等11. vexation: state of being annoyed or worried烦恼;忧虑

28、12. take action: do something in response to what has happened采取行动;行动起来13. solve: find a way of dealing with a difficulty, problem, etc解决(困难,问题等)14. grudge: do or give something very unwillingly勉强做某事或给某物,舍不得15. convey: express what you are thinking or feeling without stating it directly表达;传达, 转达16.

29、gesture: expressive movement of a part of the body, especially the hand or head姿势;手势17. complaint: a written or spoken statement of dissatisfaction投诉;申诉18. explain: give a reason for something说明某事物的原因或理由;解释19. calmly: quietly and without excitement, nervous activity, or strong feeling镇定地;平静地20. sinc

30、erely: genuinely; in a way that is honest and true, and based on what you really feel and believe真诚地;诚挚地21. appease: make somebody or something quiet or calm, usually by making concessions or by satisfying demands使某人或某事物安静或平息22. promise: tell someone that you will definitely do something or that som

31、ething will happen许诺;答应23. pursue: continue trying to ask about, find out about a particular subject追究;追查Section B Reference Key for Sentence Interpretation from Chinese to English:1. 请让他给我回电话,我整个下午都不会外出。 Ask him to call me back, please. Ill be in all afternoon. 2. 占线,您愿意等一会儿吗?别挂断电话,我给你接通。 The lines

32、 engaged. Do you want to hold? Please hold while I put you through.Section CSample DialogueMs. X: Hello, Haidelberg Press. Can I help you?Zhang Sheng: Hello. Im calling to inquire about a late delivery. We have ordered some spare parts for fixing the printing machine, but till now we havent received the order yet. As a result, we had to stop production. Could you put me through to the manager of your Shipment Department?Ms. X: Yes,

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