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1A Unit 3牛津英语1A教案.docx

1、1A Unit 3牛津英语1A教案OXFORD ENGLISH 1AUnit 3 My abilities Period 1 Lets actTeaching aims:1. Language focus:.Using imperatives to give simple instructions .Locate specific information in response to simple instructions .Using modeled phrases to communicate with other learners.2. Language skills:a. Listen

2、ingLocate specific information in response to simple instructions.a. SpeakingUse modeled phrases to communicate with other learnersPre-task 1. 1.Show the puppet and model to students.e.g.: Show me your book.2.Repeat the commands and ask the students to act them.3.Show a picture of a tree.T: How many

3、 circles? Lets count.S: One , two, three, four, five.T: oh, five years old.4. Show some other pictures of trees and ask students to practice the phrase:eg: T: How old?S: . years old./ One year old.5. T: The tree is five years old. How old are you?S: Im years old.6. Students practice the pattern in p

4、airs.Post task activities 1.Llisten to the tape on page 13 and repeat.2. Do a survey : Ask and find out your classmates ages.Report: eg: Alice is seven years old.3. Encourage students make a new dialogue.“Meet your new classmate”eg: A: Im A. How are you? B: Im fine. Im B. A: How old are you? B: Im s

5、even years old.二次备:给学生做示范,Raise your hand./Put it down./Show me your book. 由学生模仿老师的动作做相同的动作,练习边做边说。老师发出指令,学生做动作,或叫一个学生在前面发出指令,其他同学做动作。同桌练习、小组比赛。Show me your的变换,让学生换用学过的不同物品说这句话,两个人一个人说,另一个人听后作出相应的动作。Period 2 Lets talkTeaching aims:Language focus:1.using formulaic expressions to ask for ones age and

6、responding.2.Use modelled phrases to communicate with other learners.3.Open an interaction by eliciting a response.Language skills:How old are you ? Im five years old.Pre-task preparation1. Say some rhymes2. Do some quick responseeg: Hi!,How are you? How old are you?3.Listen to a song on page16,try

7、to understand the meaning by teachers presentation.While-task procedure1.Teacher sings the song and ask :What can I do? Then answer by himself ”I can sing.” 2. Students look at the pictures, word cards and read the word.3. Students repeat the word, phrase, rhyme after A. sing song B. sin

8、g a song C. sing, sing I can sing.sing, sing I can sing a song.4. Students practice the rhyme with their partners.5. Teacher act the other two new words and show the cards.6.Encourage students make some new phrases and small rhymes by using the new draw, draw I can draw a book.7. Students

9、try to match the pictures and new word cards.8. A guessing gameStudent 1 acts the new word by using his voice, the other students back to S1 and guess what can he do.Post-task activity1. Listen to the song on page 16 twice.2. Encourage students try to sing the song after the tape. 二次备:复习学过的数字。让学生猜猜老

10、师的年龄,引出How old are you?Im .years old.同桌互相问答,小组比赛。出示一幅小孩的图片,让学生用这个句型猜测图片上人物的年龄,猜对的人活接近的人加分。由于How are you?和How old are you?比较接近,为了不使孩子们弄混,特别注意对这两个句子的操练和辨别。Period 3 Lets learnTeaching aims:1 Language focus:1.Using verbs to indicate momentary actions .Eg: read sing dance jump 2.pronounce words properly.

11、2 Language skills:Learn the verbs.Pre-task preparation1. Sing the song by actions.2.Students watch the scream and say the sentences one by one as fast as the cards change.While-task procedure1. Teacher says and I can dance. Can you dance?Students answerS1: Yes, I can dance.S2: No.2. Encourag

12、e more able students to ask their S3: Can you dance? S4: Yes, I can dance./ No.3. Students identify the three words by saying “I can ”4. Hold the word cards and ask them to read aloud.( dance, jump, write)5. listen to the tape and repeat on page14.6.Ask students to match the word card

13、s and the pictures.二次备:本节课学习的是几个动词,在讲这几个单词时,请几名同学在前面表演动作,下面的同学边看边听边学着说。一个同学说出一个动词,另一个同学作出相应的动作;也可以由一个同学作出一个动作,另一名同学说出该动词是什么,然后进行小组比赛。在讲动词的发音时,write和read, dance和draw较容易混淆,着重操练这几个单词的发音。Period 4 Lets playLets learnTeaching aims:Language focus:1. using modal verb “can” to express abilities .2. using for

14、mulaic expressions to express thanks .3. open an interaction by expressing ones abilities.Language skills:Speaking Pronounce correctly words in connected speech by linking words together and using appropriate stressListeningIdentify key words in an utterance by recognizing stress Recognize alliterat

15、ive and rhyming words Pre-task preparation1. Hold up the six action word cards and ask individual students to read and do the actions.2. Put up the picture cards for the new words on the board. Ask individual students to come up and choose a artain card.then put up the corresponding word card next t

16、o it and read the word .3. Practice the sentence : can you draw (sing ,dance ,write ,read ) you can do many things.While-task procedure1.Open the students book to page 15. Tell the story in the students mother tongue.2.Read the story in English ,imitating a girls voice ,explain the meaning of “can”.

17、 3.Play the tape .the students look at each picture in their books, listen and repeat . 4. T: What can may do ? what does she say ? Invite individual to repeat Mays words and do the actions.5. Practice reading the story once or twice with the students as they point to each picture :walk around to se

18、e if they are able to follow the sequence correctly.Post-task activities1. Write the six action words on the board read one of the word and ask individual students to come up and circle. The word you just read ,then practice reading the words together.2. Put a book ,a pencil and some paper, and a ca

19、ssette tape on the table in front of you.3. Ask you act out each action ,Ask students to say “I am -.”4. Open the students book to page 16 .Point to each picture and disscuss.5. Read the verses of the song slowly ,Let students repeat word on this for a while.6. Let them listen to the song .Sing for

20、them a few times, Sing for them allow them to sing with the tape.二次备:把上节课所学的单词放在句子I can .中。老师发问Can you.?学生用句子进行回答,也可以边做动作边说。用该句型和单词进行英汉互译的练习。让一名同学在前面指出一个单词,其他同学做造句练习。Period 5 Lets enjoyLets learnTeaching aims:Language focus:Using formulaic expressions to greet peoplee.g. How old are you?. I am 6 yea

21、rs old.Language skill:SpeakingOpen an interaction by greeting someone politelyPre-task preparation1 Greet the students as they come into the classroom How old are you? 2 Point to picture and say verbs. Students point to you and repeat.3 Put the picture card and word card for actions on the board and

22、 say them.Students repeat.While-task procedure 1 Play the cassette tape for the song once. Students listenand look at the picture in their books, clapping their hands.2 Play the song again. Encourage students to sing along with you and the cassette tape. Add actions to the song.3 Students sing the s

23、ong and do the actions.Post-task activities1 Depending on individual students abilities, invite them to sing the song.2 Divide the class into groups. Sing it with the ppt.3 Select groups to sing their modified songs to the class.二次备:复习前几节课所学的单词和句型,把单词和句子运用到歌曲中。先听两遍歌曲,讲解歌曲的意思,然后教唱歌曲,让学生自编动作,边做边唱。用所学过的单词替换书上的歌词,试着练习改编歌曲。

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