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1、大学英语词汇练习详解Test2大学英语词汇练习详解 Test 2 Test 2 1. This kind of medicine has the power to _poison.A.splash B.resist C.adopt D.occupy 这种药物有抗毒的功效 答案: B A splash 使液体溅起 There was splash in the pond, and a big goldfish bobbed up. 水池里扑通一声,一条大金鱼窜了起来。 B resist 抵抗,抗拒;忍耐;反对,抵制 E.g. She cannot resist giving him advice

2、. 她忍不住给他提建议 =She she could not help but give him advice E.g. I couldnt resist peeking in the drawer. 我不由得偷看了一下抽屉里面 Resistance n E.g. Generally speaking there was no resistance to the idea. 一般说来,没有人会反对这个观点。 C adopt 采用,采取,采纳; 收养; 正式接受,接受; 批准; e.g. In no way am I going to adopt any of his methods. 我绝对不

3、会采纳他的任何方法。 Cf. Adapt 适应,改编 e.g. He is going to adapt his play for television. 他想把他的剧本改编成电视剧. e.g. You should adapt yourself to the new environment. 你应该适应新环境.D occupy 占领; 使用,住在; 使从事,使忙碌; 任职; E.g. Even quite small aircraft occupy a lot of space. 哪怕很小的飞机也要占很大的空间。 E.g. How much memory does the program o

4、ccupy? 这个程序占用多少内存? Cf: 已占用的,在使用的,无空闲的;Occupied, in use, no idle;I saw three camp beds, two of which were occupied. 我看见了3张折叠床,其中两张已有人占了2. He is easily _ so I do not like to talk with him.A.defended B.afforded C.created D.offended 他很容易生气,所以我不喜欢和他说话。 答案:D A defend vt.& vi.辩护;保卫;(足球、曲棍球等)防守;进行辩护;E.g. We

5、 are determined to defend our motherland at all costs. 我们决心不惜任何代价保卫祖国.e.g. The accused man had a lawyer to defend him. 被告有一律师为他辩护.Defense n 美国国防部 United States Department of Defense 缩写为 USDOD ; B afford 能承受,能负担 He could not afford luxury food on his pay. 靠自己的工资他买不起奢侈的食品。C create v创造 ,创作; 产生 e.g. The

6、 main purpose of industry is to create wealth. 工业的主要宗旨是创造财富。 Creative adj 创造性的,有创意的 Creation n 创造D offend vt. 触怒; 得罪,冒犯; 使反感令人不适; I try to offend the least amount of people possible. 我尽量少得罪人。 Offensive adj. 无礼的,冒犯的,唐突的; 讨厌的 Offended adj 生气的, E.g. Theyll be offended if you dont go to their wedding. 你

7、若不参加他们的婚礼,他们会生气的。3.I am _ to believe that he wont come back to see his wife again. A.inclined B.puzzled C.accompanied D.performed 我认为他不会再来看他的老婆了。 答案: AA incline :倾向于inclined adj. 搭配: be inclined to 倾向于,侧重于,往往,有意E.g. I am inclined to daydream. 我喜欢空想。E.g. The news makes me inclined to change my mind.

8、这条消息使我产生改变主意的念头.B puzzle n& v 迷惑 ,困惑 puzzled adj 赶到迷惑,困惑C accompany 陪伴,伴随;伴奏 e.g. Ill accompany you home. 我陪你回家. accompanied adj Children must be accompanied by an adult. 儿童必须要有大人陪同。D perform 执行;完成;演奏 It is the obligation of citizens to perform military service. 服兵役是每个公民的义务.4.Before you mail this le

9、tter, you should check again whether you have _ it or not.A.sunk B.sighed C.sought D.sealed 寄信之前,你应该再次检查信件是否封口。 答案: D A sunk 过去分词 其动词原形为: sink 下沉,沉没 E.g. He looked very pale; his cheeks had sunk in. 他脸色苍白, 双颊塌了下去. B sigh 叹气,悲鸣 e.g. With a sigh, she leant back and closed her eyes. 她叹了口气,身体向后倚靠,闭上了眼睛。

10、 C sought 动词原形为 seek 寻找,探寻; 追求,谋求 Drivers are advised to seek alternative routes. 驾车者被告知需另寻其他路线。 seek your fortune 外出寻找发财机会;外出闯荡;闯世界 D seal 密封; 盖章; 决定; 封上 Write your letter and seal it in a blank envelope. 信写好后把它装进空白信封里封好。5.After talking for nearly ten hours, he _ to the governments pressure at last

11、.A.expressed B.yielded C.decreased D.approved经过长达十小时的谈判,他最终屈服于政府的压力。 A express 表达 expression n 表达方式 expressive adj 富于表达的 B yield 放弃,屈服; 生利; 退让,退位; 出产(作物);产生(收益、效益等);提供 Will she yield to growing pressure for her to retire? 面对要求其隐退的压力越来越大,她会屈服吗? The research has yielded useful information. 这项研究提供了有用的资

12、料。 C decrease 减少,减小; 减少量; The demand for tea is on the decrease ( each year ). 茶叶的需求量 ( 逐年 ) 递减. D approve 批准; 认可; 核准; 为提供证据;搭配: approve of 同意 赞成词形变化 :approval n disapprove v 不同意,不赞成 disapproval n 6.My hands and feet were _ with cold as I waited for the bus. A. cliff B.still C.stiff D.stick等公交车的时候,我

13、的手和脚都冻僵了。答案: C A cliff 悬崖,峭壁; 复数形式只在词尾加-s e.g. He stood on the edge of the cliff. 他站在悬崖边上。 B still adv 仍然,静止地 adj. 不动的,静止的; e.g. English has hurt me a thousand times, but I still regard it as my first love. 英语伤我千百遍,我待英语如初恋。 e.g. He watched the still water over the side of the boat. 他看着船边平静的水。 C stif

14、f adj. 严厉的; 僵硬的,坚硬的; 呆板的,拘谨的; 顽固的; I was scared stiff when I realized what Id done. 当我意识到自己的所作所为时,我吓坏了。 D stick 粘贴,插入 棍棒 stick to 坚持 e.g. She stuck to her story. 她坚持自己所说的。7.This problem is beyond his ability and he can not _ it. A.slip B.pack C.gain D.solve 这个问题超出他的能力范围,所以他不能解决。 答案: D A slip 滑,滑脱; 犯

15、过失,出错; (时间)不知不觉地过去; She slipped over on the ice and broke her leg. 她在冰上滑倒把腿摔断了。 B pack n&v 包打包 塞进; 拥进; Pack the fruits and nuts into the jars and cover with brandy. 把水果和坚果放进罐子里,用白兰地酒浸泡。 A pack of cigarettes 一包烟 C gain 得到,获得,赢得,增加 E.g. I was able to gain invaluable experience over that year. 在那一年里我有幸

16、获得了非常宝贵的经验。 e.g. he country gained its independence ten years ago. 这个国家十年前赢得了独立。 e.g. Some people do gain weight after they stop smoking. 一些人戒烟后体重确实会增加 D solve 解决 e.g. He assured us of his ability to solve the problem. 他向我们保证他有能力解决这个问题. Solution n 解决问题的方案8.When you buy the spare parts for your car,

17、try to get the _ ones from the authorized dealer.A.genuine B.generous C.genius D.gentle 为车子购买备用胎的时候,尽量从授权经销商那里获得正品。 答案 A A genuine adj. 真正的; 坦率的,真诚的; 血统纯粹的,纯种的; e.g. Is the painting a genuine Picasso? 这幅画是毕加索的真迹吗? B generous adj. 慷慨的,大方的; 丰盛的; 肥沃的; 浓厚的; C genius 天才,天赋 D gentle adj. 温和的; 文雅的; 高尚的;9.I

18、f you use _, you can get a higher quality picture.A.wax B.shame C.goose D.slides 如果使用幻灯片,画面质量更清晰。 答案 D A wax n 蜡,打蜡 用蜡拔毛Wax gallery 蜡像馆 B shame 羞愧; 羞辱; 可耻的人; 羞愧感 Shameful adj 可耻的,羞愧的 Shamed adj 赶到羞愧的 C goose 天鹅,傻瓜 复数形式 geese D slide 幻灯片 打滑,滑落 E.g. The US dollar continued to slide. 美元继续贬值。 E.g. he dr

19、awers slide in and out easily. 这几个抽屉好推好拉。10.Who _ this country, the people or the president? This question is not easy to answer.A.frightens B.differs C.displays D.governs 是谁在管理这个国家?是人民还是总统?这个问题很难回答。 答案:D11.This year our university does not have any _ to continue the international student exchange p

20、rogram. A.function B.fundamental C.funeral D.funds 今年我们学校没有资金来继续开办国际留学生计划 答案: D A function 功能,作用; 应变量,函数; 职务; 重大聚会; vi. 有或起作用; 行使职责; A complex engine has many separate components, each performing a different function. 一个复杂发动机有很多独立零部件,每个零部件具有不同作用。 The main function of the merchant banks is to raise c

21、apital for industry. 商业银行的主要职能是为产业融资。 Function as 起.作用, B fundamental adj. 基础的,基本的,根本的,重要的,原始的 C funeral 葬礼 不愉快的事情 D fund 资金, 基金; 储备; 现款;12.Who is the patient being _ on?A.painted B.operated C.tied D.fetched 现在做手术的这个病人是谁啊? 答案 B A. Paint 颜料,涂料,化妆 painting 油画 painter 油画家,漆匠 B operate 操作,运作,做手术 operate

22、 on 做手术 这里用的是现在进行时的被动语态 C tie 关系,领带,打结,系 D fetch 去取来 =go and bring back 13.Mary is _ of music but I am not.A.pause B.adventure C.grammatical D.fond 玛丽喜欢音乐,但是我不喜欢。 答案 D A pause 暂停 B adventure 冒险活动; 冒险经历; 奇遇; C grammatical adj语法上的,语法的 D fond adj 喜欢的,多情的,溺爱的 搭配:be fond of 喜欢14.This man has been proved

23、_ of murder.A.guilty B.spoil C.flash D.curious 这个人被判犯有谋杀罪。 答案 A A guilty adj. 内疚的,有罪的 搭配 be guilty of Weve all been guilty of selfishness at some time in our lives. 我们每个人一生中都有过自私自利的过失。They were found guilty of murder. 他们被判谋杀罪成立。 B spoil 损坏,糟蹋; 把(酒,肉等)放坏; 溺爱坏,宠坏(孩子等) Its important not to let mistakes

24、 spoil your life. 重要的是不要让错误毁了你的生活。 C flash 闪亮,发光 D curious adj 好奇的 搭配 be curious about 对.赶到好奇 Curiosity n 好奇心15.The international situation is very _ in the Middle East.A.delicious B.perfect C.delicate D.percent 中东的国际形势非常微妙/脆弱 答案 C A delicious 可口的 B perfect adj 完美的 C delicate adj. 微妙的; 熟练的; 纤弱的; 易损的

25、;e.g. Although the coral looks hard, it is very delicate. 珊瑚虽然看上去坚固,实际上非常易碎。E.g. Everything you see exists together in a delicate balance. 世间万物都处在微妙的平衡中。 D percent 百分之 percentage 百分率16.Even though he knew that I should study, he still _ me to go to the movies. A.recognized B.extended C.persuaded D.u

26、nexpected 虽然他知道,我该好好学习,但是人仍然劝我去看电影。 答案 C A recognize v vt. 认出; 识别; 承认; 名词形式为:recognition E.g. He did not think she could recognize his car in the snow. 他觉得她在雪天里认不出他的车子。 beyond recognition. 难以辨认,无法辨认B extend 伸出; 延伸; 增加; The caves extend for some 18 kilo-meters. 那些洞穴深约18公里。 Extension n 扩展,延伸 (电话)分机 Ex

27、tensive adj adj. 广阔的,广大的; 范围广泛的; 物广延的; 逻外延的; Extensive Reading泛读,泛读材料; Cf: intensive reading 精读C persuade 说服; 劝说; 使相信; 使信服; Can you persuade him out of his foolish plans? 你能说服他放弃他那愚蠢的计划 吗 ?D unexpected adj 想不到的,料不到的; 意外的; 忽然的; 突然的;17.We _ that it will take another four months to finish this plan. A.

28、grant B.estimate C.council D.check 我们估计,得再花四个月才能完成这个计划。 答案 BA. Grant vt. 承认; 同意; 准许; 授予; 拨款; 补助金; 授给物 She won a grant to develop her own business. 她赢得了一笔拨款,用以扩展自己的企业。 If you grant my request, you will earn my thanks. 如果你答应我的要求, 就会得到我的感谢.B estimate n.估计,预测; 报价,预算书; 评价,判断; Vt. 估计,估算; 评价,评论; 估量,估价; E.g

29、. I estimate that the total cost for treatment will be $12,500. 我估计治疗费用总共会有12,500美元。 I can give you a rough estimate of the amount of wood you will need. 我可以粗略估计一下你所需要的木材量。C council n.委员会; (郡、镇等)政务会; (尤指旧时讨论特定步骤的)协商会议; 市政(或地方管理)服务机构;D check vi. 核实,查核; 中止; 打勾 Id like to check the balance in my accoun

30、t please. 请查一下我的账户余额。 check in (at) (在旅馆、机场等)登记,报到 (in hotels, airports, etc.) check sthin 托运(行李) check out check out (of) check sb/sthout 结账(买单),离开(旅馆等) check over/throughsth 仔细检查;核对;核查18.He read the paper several times but he still _ some printers errors. A.overlooked B.ignored C.noticed D.outlined他把报纸看了好几遍,但还是漏掉了几个印刷错误。答案:AA overlook 忽略;忽视;未注意到, 俯瞰;俯视;眺望 宽恕 It was a slight overlook on my part. 这是我的一个小疏忽. He seems to have overlooked one important fact. 他好像忽略了一个重要的事实。 Pretty and comfortable rooms overlook a flower-filled garden. 漂亮舒适的房间俯视着花团锦簇的花园。 B ignore (故意) 忽

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