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1、英语基础模块2试题英语基础模块2试题使用教材:英语基础模块2 试题范围:全册出版社:高等教育出版社 版次:第1版一从下列单词中选出划线部分读音不同的一项( )1. A. action B. career C. cash D. chat ( ) 2. A. now B. flower C. town D. grow ( ) 3. A. design B. diet C . imagine D . describe ( ) 4. A. room B . book C. look D . good ( ) 5. A. other B . those C . mother D. north ( ) 6

2、. A. countryside B . house C. found D. loud ( ) 7. A. warm B . farm C . smart D. farther ( ) 8. A. vacation B. umbrella C. opera D. creative ( ) 9. A. cough B. housewife C . about D. mountain ( ) 10. A. already B. bread C. cheap D. sweater二对下列的短语进行英汉互译1.自由女神像 _ 2 made in Germany _3. make a shopping

3、list _ 4. 预约,约会 _5. 对热衷的,喜好 _ 6. get rid of bad habits _7. enjoy the beautiful scenery _ 8. 你的优势是什么? _9. 看动画片 _ 10. I laughed till I cried! _三从下列选项中选出一个最佳的选项 ( ) 1. What is the weather like in your hometown?A. Its my hometown. B. I love my hometown. C. Its great. D. It is good, thanks.( ) 2. My moth

4、er told me _ careless again after I broke a teapot. A. not be B. no be C. not to D. not to be ( ) 3. With the help of a map, we had no difficulty _ the city. A. in finding B. to find C. in searching D. to search( ) 4. All the students _ finish all the homework in time. A. are made to B. are made of

5、C. are made D. are made in ( ) 5.We must practice _ English every day. A. to speak B. spoke C. speaking D. in speaking( ) 6. Could you please _ me how to use the computer? A. show B. give C. take D. taught( ) 7. - _? - Size 6. A. What do you want B. How many do you want C. What size do you want D. W

6、hat big shoes do you want ( ) 8. My father _his work after supper. A. goes on do B. goes on doing C. goes on to do D. goes to ( ) 9. What was the date yesterday?A.It was Saturday. B. It was 23rd, June. C. It was cloudy. D. It was sunny.( ) 10. In 1980, a third building _ near the first two.A. comple

7、ted B. was completing C. were completed D. was completed 四 完形填空1Toms father is a doctor, and ever since Tom was a little boy, his parents have wanted him 1 a doctor, too. Tom, however, would rather be an artist. All his life Tom has loved to draw and paint, and he has painted 2 fine pictures. People

8、 say that he is a born artist.Toms parents say that it would be 3 for Tom to become an artist. His father tells him that doctors can help people and artists cant. His mother tells him that artists cant ever make 4 money to support themselves. Tom has no choice but to obey his parents.Tom is now in m

9、edical school, 5 he is not very happy. He doesnt mind doing hard work, but he finds studying medicine 6 . He doesnt like hospitals, and he gets sick every time he sees blood.Tom is still thinking 7 becoming a professional artist, but he isnt sure whether his dream will come true. He doesnt know 8 he

10、 will support himself if his parents dont help him. He wishes he didnt have to worry about money. He wants to please himself and 9 his parents happy too. But he has no idea how he can. 10 Tom is sad all day.( ) 1. A. becoming B. becomed C. to become D. having became( ) 2. A. a great many B. a great

11、deal C. a lot D. a large quantity( ) 3. A. good B. right C. clever D. foolish( ) 4. A. any B. some C. enough D. plenty of ( ) 5. A. but B. and C. unless D. otherwise( ) 6. A. excited B. exciting C. tired D. tiring( ) 7. A. / B. of C. to D. that( ) 8. A. that B. how C. why D. when( ) 9. A. make B. ob

12、lige C. let D. have( ) 10. A. Thats B. So C. Since then D. However2My life is always filled with sadness and little joy. However, no matter what happens, I can always face it bravely.Last year, I couldnt believe the 1 that I was allowed to enter the only key high school in my hometown. Then I rushed

13、 to my home and told my parents. But my father didnt seem as 2 as I was. He just kept smoking without saying a word and my mother put her head down and couldnt help 3 .I knew very well what my family was 4 . My mum had been ill in bed for 2 years. We lived a hard life and I couldnt continue my schoo

14、ling. I felt so upset but I could say 5 to my parents. I decided to help my father with his work 6 my family.To my surprise, things completely changed 7 the beginning of the new term. My head teacher came to my family with some money, which had been 8 by my schoolmates. He encouraged me, “Always hav

15、e a dream.” With tears in my eyes, I stepped into the key high school.I have been studying hard since I entered the high school. Whenever I meet difficulties, I always 9 my teacher and schoolmates. I have a college dream and I must work hard for it, no matter 10 hard life is . Just as a great man sa

16、ys, “When one door shuts, another opens in life.”( ) 1. A. idea B. story C. news D. thought( ) 2. A. nervous B. excited C. interested D. worried( ) 3. A. crying B. laughing C. saying D. shouting( ) 4. A. about B. before C. against D. like( ) 5. A. nothing B. something C. anything D. everything( ) 6.

17、 A. support B. to support C. supporting D. supported( ) 7. A. after B. since C. before D. on( ) 8. A. raised B. spent C planned D. saved( ) 9. A. dream of B. think of C. hear of D. talk of ( ) 10. A. what B. which C. that D. how3Erica dreamed many times about going fishing. But her father wouldnt 1

18、. “Its much too dangerous for you,” hed say. Erica tried to change her fathers mind. 2 her father only said, I dont want you to be unhappy. Im just worried about you. Erica couldnt understand 3 her father wouldnt let her go fishing. She could swim very wellmuch better than some of her friends. You s

19、aid I should always try new things, Erica said to her father. You said that thats the 4 way people grow inside. Ericas father said, “But sometimes a new thing can be dangerous”. Is going on boats dangerous? asked Erica. Then why do you do it? Benny Nathan is younger than I am. But he goes fishing al

20、l the time. Ericas father said, But youre not as 5 as Benny. Erica knew her legs werent very strong. But her arms were. She had to 6 her father that she was strong. That Saturday when Benny came over, Erica asked him to race her in the swimming pool. Her father came along to 7. This is a special rac

21、e, Erica said. You can only use your arms, not your legs. Benny started off quickly, but soon his arms became 8. Erica began to pull ahead. She got to the end of the pool 9 .After the race was over, Ericas father said, I was wrong. You can take care of yourself-on a 10 , or other places. Two days la

22、ter, she was on a boat heading out to the deep sea. Her father was sleeping next to her on a chair. ( ) 1. A. want B. hope C. agree D. like ( ) 2. A. As B. Before C. But D. When ( ) 3. A. why B. how C. that D. if ( ) 4. A. other B. fast C. different D. only ( ) 5. A. strong B. tall C. young D. small

23、 ( ) 6. A. tell B. show C. teach D. call( ) 7. A. welcome B. wait C. watch D. choose ( ) 8. A. short B. tired C. thin D. busy ( ) 9. A. first B. second C. last D. most ( ) 10. A. train B. plane C. boat D. Bus4The tourist business has become a very big1Millions of people now 2their holidays in other

24、countriesThe travel companies(公司)say that holidays in 3places help people to understand each otherThis must help towards peace(和平)and love among the 4These ideas may bring good business,5they are not true to lifeVery 6of todays tourists want to know the people of the countries they are 7 They want a

25、 week or two of sun shine to lie on the 8by the seaMost tourists do not want to discover things for 9They 10want to travel and stay with their own families or friends for the whole holidayThe tourist business is really very easy for the travel companies( )1Abusiness Bwork Cthing Dmatter( )2Alive Bpa

26、ss Ccost Dspend( )3Abeautiful Bfamous Csame Dstrange( )4Aworld Bnations Cstates Duniverse( )5Awhile Band Cbut Dor( )6Afew Ba few Clittle Da little( )7Avisited Bvisiting Ctravelled Dtravelling( )8Aboat Bship Csand Dbank( )9Ahimself Bherself Cthemselves Ditself( )10Ajust Bstill Cyet Dvery much5Dear Je

27、nny,Hows it going? Are you busy with your study these days?Ive been back at school _1_ nearly four weeks.Im very glad to tell you that great _2_ have taken place in our school this term. First of all,were asked to “clear our plates” when having our meals and say _3_ to wasting.Some of us used to ord

28、er more than what we could eat. That was a big waste of food.Now we need to _4_ the food we order.We should also stop wasting in some other ways.For example,we should turn off the lights when we _5_ the classroom.And our school has opened up some fields for us to learn how to grow vegetables.Each cl

29、ass is given a small garden and our class has decided to grow some tomatoes and beans(豆类)in our _6_ time.I think thatll be very interesting. Maybe Ill be able to _7_ you some beans weve grown by ourselves next time! Whats more,we have only two classes in the afternoon _8_ we have more time for after

30、school activities.Im one of the traffic safety volunteers in our school.After school, we take turns to go to the streets near our school and ask people to _9_ the traffic rules.I think we are having a different school life now!Please write back soon and tell _10_ more about your school.Yours,Wang Wei( ) Bfor Con Dat( )2A.changes Bthings Cinterests Dlessons( )3A.yes Bhello Cno Dthanks( )4A.clean Bpay Ccook Dfinish( )5A.leave Breach Copen Dbuild( )6A.busy Bfree Chappy Dsad( )7A.plant Bbuy Cpost Dlend( )8A.because Bwhen Cbefore Dso( )9A

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