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1、江苏省南京市秦淮区学年七年级下学期期末英语试题无答案2017-2018学年度第二学期第二阶段学业质量监测试卷秦淮区七年级英语第I卷 选择题(共55分)(请将答案涂在答题卡上)一、听力(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)第一部分 听对话, 回答问题 本部分共有5小题,每小题你将听到一段对话,请从A、B、C三个选项中选出与你所听内容相符的选项。(听两遍)1. What animals will Tom go to see first? A. B. C.2. What is Ricy doing? A. B. C.3. Which sign are they taling about? A. B.

2、 C. 4. What day is it today? A. B. C. 5. Where is the woman going?A. To the supermaret. B. To the par. C. To the cinema.第二部分 听对话或短文, 回答问题听一段对话,回答第6-7小题。(听两遍)6. What was Emily maing sweet rice caes for? A. Dinner. B. Lunch. C. Breafast. 7. What did Emily do after the sweet rice caes burned?A. She tol

3、d her sister about it.B. She made rice caes again. C. She bought some rice caes.听第一篇短文,回答第8-10小题。根据短文内容,选择正确答案, 完成信息记录表。(听两遍)The School Trip1. The students will meet at the school gate.2. The students will go to the par by 8 .3. The students will row a boat for 9 minutes.4. The students will fly ite

4、s in the afternoon.5. The football match will start at 10 .8. A. bus C. bie9. A. 30 B.60 C. 9010. A.200 B.230 C. 330 听第二篇短文,回答第11-15小题。(听两遍)11. What is Georges boo about?A.The poor family. B.Stories from his life. C.How to read fast.12.When did George learn to read?A.In 2013. B. In 2015. C.In

5、2017.13. Who sent George to wor when he was very young?A. His father. B. His uncle. C. His teacher.14. Where was the school for the old people? A. Near his home. B.Far from his home. C. In another city.15. What is the main idea of this story?A. Life is so good. B. Reading is fun. C. Never stop learn

6、ing.二、单项填空(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)从A、B、C和D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。16. What are you going to be when you grow up? I lie volleyball. So I want be player lie Hui Ruoqi. A. a B. an C. the D. /17. Would you lie to share the room your brother? A. and B. on C. of D. with18. When we are in trouble, we need to tal t

7、o. A. someone B. anyone C. everyone D. something19. What do you now about u Beihong? He was a famous artist in the last .A. dynasty B. century C. future D. term20. Simon often helps his sister with homewor. A. he B. she C. his D. her21. It is late. I have to go away now. All right. We you could stay

8、 long with us.A. thin B. are thining C. thought D. will thin22. beautiful your dress is! Where did you get it? Than you. It is a gift from my friend.A. How B. How a C. What D. What a23. Which of the following is true about words in alphabetical order (字母顺序)? price present doctor drinA. B. C. D. 24.

9、I never him after he went to the USA. Maybe you should write to him first. A. hear from B. hear of C. hear about D. hear out25. Why are you so busy these days? We are woring together to money for children in poor areas. A. pay B. raise C. send D. cost26. It is amaing! Ale play the piano very well wh

10、en he was only four.A. would B. could C. can D. should27. doctors and nurses wor hard in this new hospital. A. Two thousand of B. Two thousands C. Two thousands of D. Two thousand 28. There an interesting TV show Readers on CCTV 1 this evening.A. is B. will have C. will be D. has29. We will have a t

11、rip to Gingo Lae Par in Jiangning net wee. _. Im sure we will have a good time there. A. No problem B. Youre welcome C. That sounds good D. By the way30. Where are you, Neil? I cant see you here at the party. _. Im on the bus and just three stops away. A. Im afraid not B. Im coming C. Hurry up D. Lo

12、o out三、完形填空(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分) 阅读下面短文,从各题所给的A、B、C和D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。If you want to buy boos, you will go into a booshop and pic up a boo. In this way, you can feel the 31 of paper and the smell of print (印刷品). Many people enjoy it very much. But now online (在线的) booshops and e-boos are 32 . Trad

13、itional (传统的) booshops have to change their own styles.Online booshops usually have more 33 of boos than traditional booshops. So some traditional booshops plan to have only one ind of boos. 34 maes some readers love them even more. If you lie 35 , you can visit the Popular Holdings in Shanghai. Thi

14、s booshop has a lot of boos about films. It also has pictures from 1920s Shanghai 36 the walls and some models from famous films on the floor.Some traditional booshops try to become 37 for people to mae friends and enjoy life. The Eslite Booshop in Taipei doesnt only have boos. It also has fashion s

15、hops, tea houses and art corners. You can tae part in “boo club” meetings there, or tal with 38 writers. They write good boos and most people now them very well.A great booshop can help people read in many ways. If you visit a new city, would you lie to 39 a good booshop there and 40 your reading ti

16、me?31. A. care B. noise C. style D. touch 32. A. strange B. healthy C. free D. popular33. A. ideas B. inds C. facts D. shows34. A. This B. Each C. What D. Which35. A. cinemas B. pictures C. films D. videos36. A. on B. at C. above D. below37. A. dreams B. signs C. messages D. places38. A. smart B. ca

17、reful C. famous D. lucy39. A. follow B. find C. wish D. complain40. A. start B. reply C. notice D. practise四、阅读理解(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分) 阅读下列材料,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出最佳选项。AIm thanfulI am thanful for my dog and my cat,And my teddy bear so soft and fat.I am thanful for potatoes,And for nice ,And for all

18、the nice food that my mum coos.I am thanful for my mum and my dad.They both love me whether (是否) I am good or bad.I am thanful for the flowers,And cool summer showers (阵雨).All the pretty thingsAround me mae me glad.41. The teddy bear in the poem is . A. fat B. cool C. glad D. pretty42. Some words in

19、 the poems rhyme. Which word may it be in “And for nice ,”? A. eggs B. carrots C. tomatoes D. lemons 43. What can we learn from the poem?A. My dad coos all the nice food.B. Summer showers are never cool.C. Something pretty maes me happy.D. My parents give me the teddy bear.BYou may drin bottled wate

20、r if you need some water to drin. But plastic (塑料的) bottles are bad for the environment (环境). Is there a way not to use a bottle? Try the Ooho bubble.It is a small ball of water. The ball is soft and the water is in it. It has no color, no smell and no taste. It is made from a ind of sea plant and e

21、ven ids can eat it.You can mae a hole in the soft ball to drin from the Ooho bubble. Or you can just put the whole thing into your mouth.Three young men from the Imperial College London made the Ooho bubble. It is good for the environment. And one soft ball only costs 0.14 yuan, so it is much cheape

22、r than a plastic bottle.But there are still many problems. Each water ball doesnt have much water. You may have to drin all the water in it when you dont need too much. Or some may feel its not clean to hold the water bubble in their hands.44. What is the Ooho bubble?A. It is a small ball of water.

23、B. It is made from sea water.C. It has many inds of colors. D. It has a hole in the soft ball.45. Three men made the Ooho bubble because it can . A. cost nothing B. be good for health C. have much water D. protect the environment46. Which of the following is NOT the problem for the Ooho bubble?A. Yo

24、u must drin all the water in it every time.B. It doesnt have enough water in the soft ball.C. It is not clean to use hands to hold the bubble.D. You can put the whole bubble into your mouth.COne night in winter, a bear came into the city of Ottawa in Canada. It waled through the streets and found so

25、me food in rubbish bins and began eating. In the morning, someone saw the bear in the street and called the police. They came and too the bear bac to the forest. But what happens in other countries when big animals come into cities?In Paris, France, baboons (狒狒) come into the city when they are hung

26、ry. Sometimes they go into itchens and tae nice food from fridges! They can mae people afraid. And the city can be dangerous for baboons too. Sometimes, there is a lot of traffic in the street. Cars may hit them. Peoples food is very bad for their teeth. It has a lot of sugar. Now, if people find th

27、ese animals, they can tae them to the animal centers.There are 35,000 dogs without homes in Moscow, Russia. They live in pars, streets, old houses and train stations. In winter, many people give them food and water. Some people even mae small houses for the dogs in their gardens. In some cities, you

28、 can see small animals lie birds, snaes, mice and rabbits every day. But sometimes, big animals can be dangerous. We need to stop them coming into the city without hurting them. 47. What happened to the bear in Ottawa?A. People found it in the streets rubbish bin.B. The police helped it go bac to th

29、e forest.C. It found food in fridges and began eating.D. The police too it to the animal center fast.48. Baboons come to Paris because they .A. lie the sugar food B. want to find some nice food C. lie to play outside D. want to mae people afraid49. To help dogs without homes in winter, people .A. le

30、t them go into the itchen B. give them food and clothes C. mae small houses for them D. tae them to the old houses50. Which of the following is TRUE in the article? A. Peoples sugar food is very bad for bears teeth.B. People cannot see many small animals in the city.C. Every dog can live in the small house in Moscow.D. Cities and big animals are dangerous to each other.DThere lives a girl, Molly. She has a mother, a father and two oldersisters, Polly an

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