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本文(上海市浦东新区第一教育署学年六年级英语下学期期中阶段质量调研试题牛津上海版五四制.docx)为本站会员(b****8)主动上传,冰豆网仅提供信息存储空间,仅对用户上传内容的表现方式做保护处理,对上载内容本身不做任何修改或编辑。 若此文所含内容侵犯了您的版权或隐私,请立即通知冰豆网(发送邮件至service@bdocx.com或直接QQ联系客服),我们立即给予删除!


1、上海市浦东新区第一教育署学年六年级英语下学期期中阶段质量调研试题牛津上海版五四制上海市浦东新区第一教育署六年级英语下学期期中阶段质量调研试题(完卷时间:75分钟 满分:100分)题号Part 1Part 2Part 3总分得分考生注意:答题时,考生务必按答题要求在答题纸规定的位置上作答,在草稿纸、本试卷上答题一律无效。Part 1 Listening(第一部分 听力 )I. Listening Comprehension(听力理解)(共25分)A. Listen and choose the right picture (根据你听到的内容,选出相应的图片)(5分) A B C D E F B.

2、 Listen to the dialogue and choose the best answer to the question you hear(根据你听到的对话和问题,选出最恰当的答案)(8分)6. A) Collecting stamps B) Playing computer games C) Reading books D) Cycling7. A) At the station B) At the airport C) In a plane D) In a park8. A) At 9 oclock B) At 10 oclock C) At 11 oclock D) At 1

3、2 oclock9. A) Drink a lot of hot water B) Eat some honey C) Drink some cold water with honey D) Drink some hot water with honey10. A) By car B) By bicycle C) On foot D) By plane11. A) 38 kilograms B) 44 kilograms C) 46 kilograms D) 50 kilograms 12. A) A doctor B) A nurse C) A singer D) A teacher13.

4、A) Once a day B) Three times a day C) Four times a day D) Twice a dayC. Listen to the passage and tell whether the following statements are true or false(判断下列句子是否符合你所听到的内容,符合的用“T”表示,不符合的用“F”表示)(6分)14. DavidhasbeeninAmericanforhalf a year.15. Davidhastodomuchhomework.16. TherearemanysportsatDavidssch

5、ool.17. Davidwould rather have coke than drinkwater.18. Davidknowswhyheissometimesill.19. Davidloves his life in America.D. Listen to the passage and complete the following sentences(听短文,完成下列内容,每空格限填一词)(6分)20. There are many _ things to see and to do.21. You can go to different kinds of _, plays and

6、 films.22. You can go shopping to buy things from all _ the world.23. Every year many people move to cities _ there are chances to find jobs.24. But there are too many people in some big cities. Sometimes these people cant find jobs or _ places to live in.25. Too many people living in a small place

7、make it hard to _ the cities safe and clean.Part 2 Phonetics, Grammar and Vocabulary(第二部分 语音、语法和词汇)II. Look at the phonetics and complete the blanks (根据所给音标完成句子) (共5分)26. Chinese people _ selbret the Dragon Boat Festival every year.27. John is a business man. He _ trvlz a lot.28. Danny got to the ai

8、rport two hours before the _ dpt time.29. Why do I always have a _ hedek.30. Staying _ is very important to all of us. heliIII. Choose the best answer(选择最恰当的答案)(共15分)31.Find the word with a different sound in the group.A) suitcase B) pack C) passenger D) palace32.He comes from _ Asia country but it

9、is far away from ours.A) a B) the C) an D) /33.How much does it _ to travel to Tokyo by plane?A) take B) spend C) cost D) make34.We will leave _ Paris _ 6:54 tomorrow afternoon.A) in; at B) for; at C) to; on D) at; at35. We need to practise _ English every day.A) read B) reading C) to read D) have r

10、ead36. You have already eaten _ sweet food. A) too few B) too many C) too much D) too enough37. _ is it from your home to the cinema? About 15 minutes by underground.A) How often B) When C) How long D) How far38. More than five _ tourists come to visit Tianan men Square during the holidays.A) thousa

11、nd B) thousand of C) thousands of D) thousands39. English may be a little harder to learn, _ it is a very important subject.A) and B) but C) or D) instead40. There is _ with the washing machine. A) wrong anything B) anything wrong C) something wrong D) wrong something41. I _ Beijing for two years.A)

12、 have been to B) have gone to C) have been in D) have come to42.His job is _ after sick animals. A) look B) looks C) looking D) to look43. I _ stay at home if it is cold outside.A) would like B) would rather C) like D) have44. There _ an exhibition about great cities in Asia next week.A) is B) will

13、have C) will be D) is going to have45. I have lost my suitcase and I cant find my hotel. I can help you. _A) All right. B) Never mind. C) OK. D) Dont worry.IV. Complete the following passage with the words or expressions in the box. Each can only be used once(将下列单词或词组填入空格,每空格限填一词,每词只能填一次)(共5分)A. sto

14、le B. photo C. left forD. come back from E. hot F. looksMr Hill arrives at London Airport, at the end of a three-week holiday in France. Usually he wears a beard(蓄着胡须). Because it has been 46 there, he has taken it off. But his passport photo shows him with his beard.An officer 47 at the photo for a

15、 moment, and says, Excuse me? Please sit down. With this, he walks away, shows the photo to a second officer, and says, I know that face. The second officer looks at the 48 and asks where Mr Hill has come from. When he hears that Mr Hill has 49 Paris, the second officer smiles and says, An Englishma

16、n with a beard 50 a painting in Paris on Friday. And that man looks just the kind of man V. Complete the sentences with the given words in their proper forms (用括号中所给单词的适当形式完成下列句子。每空格限填一词)(共5分)51.He is _ than before. (heavy)52.What is the _ time of MU586? (arrive)53. Mike swims _ a week to keep fit.

17、(two)54. Children are playing in the garden _. (happy)55. Tom will be tall and slim in ten _ time. (year)VI. Rewrite the sentences as required.(按要求改写下列句子。每空格限填一词)(共12分)56.The Smiths have already moved into a new flat. (改为一般疑问句) _ the Smiths moved into a new flat _?57. He would like to be a pilot. (保

18、持原句意不变) He _ _ be a pilot.58. Mike plays basketball three times a week. (对划线部分提问) _ _ does Mike play basketball?59.We had to finish the work before 10 oclock yesterday. (改为否定句) We _ _ to finish the work before 10 oclock yesterday.60.Tourists can find many temples and beaches in Bangkok. (对划线部分提问)_ _

19、 tourists find in Bangkok?61. puzzles, is, favourite, activity, my, doing, indoor (连词成句)_.Part 3 Reading and Writing(第三部分 读写)VII. Reading comprehension(阅读理解)(共23分)A. Choose the best answer(根据下列内容,选择最恰当的答案)(6分)ADVERTISEMENTHONGNAN RESTAURANTTEL:83386223Add: 635 Grand RoadOpen: Mon. to Fri.7:00 a.m.-2

20、:30 p.m.5:00 p.m. -9:00 p.m.Sat. & Sun.7:30 a.m.-2:00 p.m.5:00 p.m.-10:00 p.m.HISTORY MUSEUMTEL:87796960Add:69 Hong Kong RoadOne of Garden Citys largest museums specialized (专门) in history of the native (本地) people.Open: Mon. to Fri.9:00 a.m. 5:00 p.m.Sat. & Sun.9:00 a.m. 3:00 p.m.BAIHE SHOPPING CEN

21、TERTel:87872738Add:5300 Shanghai RoadOpen: Mon. to Fri. 10:00 a.m.-11:00 p.m.Sat. & Sun.9:00 a.m.-10:30 p.m.FULL HOTELTel:83338989Add:368 East Huanshi RoadEvery dayBreakfast: 6:30 a.m.-9:00 a.m.Lunch: 11:30 a.m.-2:00 p.m.Dinner: 5:30 p.m.-10:00 p.m.Coffee Shop: Mon. to Fri. 7:00a.m.-10:00 p.m.Sat. &

22、 Sun. 8:00a.m.-10:00 p.m.62. IfyouwanttogooutforlunchonSunday, youcancallat_.A) 83386223or83338989 B) 87679690or83386223 C) 83338989or87872738 D) 87872738or87679696663. Ifyouwanttobuyanewdress, youcangoto_.A) 69HongKongRoad B) 368EastHuanshiRoad C) 5300ShanghaiRoad D) 635GrandRoad64. If you want to

23、have coffee, you can go to _.A) 69HongKongRoad B) 368EastHuanshiRoad C) 5300ShanghaiRoad D) 635GrandRoad65. _ justopenfor threehoursintheafternoononweekends.A) FullHotel B) HongnanRestaurant C) HistoryMuseum D) BaiheShoppingCenter 66. On Sunday morning, the coffee shop in Full Hotel will open at _.A

24、) 6:30a.m. B) 7:00a.m. C) 7:30a.m. D) 8:00a.m. 67.Youcanknow_whenyouvisitHistoryMuseum.A) thehistoryofSouthChina B) thehistoryofGarden CitysnativepeopleC) thehistoryofShanghai D) thehistoryofHongKong B. Choose the best answer and complete the passage(选择最恰当的选项完成短文)(6分)During the day we work and play,

25、 at night we sleep. Our body rests while we sleep. In the _68_ we are ready to work and play again. Our body grows most while we are asleep. Children who are tired usually need _69_ sleep. We can learn our lessons better _70_ we have had plenty of rest. Our body needs plenty of air when we sleep. _7

26、1_ we do not get enough fresh air, we will feel tired when we wake up. While in bed we _72_ not cover our heads. Our lungs (肺)need to get enough fresh air. If we _73_ our window at night, we can have plenty of fresh air. Cool air is better than warm air.68. A. afternoon B. morning C. evening D. midn

27、ight69. A. more B. several C. many D. lots of70. A. before B. beside C. after D. in front of71. A. If B. However C. But D. When72. A. need B. may C. must D. might 73. A. close B. turn up C. turn on D. openC. Fill in the blanks with the proper words(在短文的空格内填入适当的词,使其内容通顺。每空格限填一词,首字母已给出)(5分)Today is Ap

28、ril Fools Day, so we could cheat our English teacher, Miss Zhang. We erased (擦去) the lessons name and c_74_ English into Chinese. When Miss Zhang came into the c_75_, all of us pretended to be taken by a big surprise and said to her, “Miss Zhang, its time for Chinese not for English.” H_76_, when sh

29、e has g_77_ out of the classroom, we all laughed. Miss Zhang knew what had happened and came back. Then she took a lot of pages of paper out of her bag and said, “Today, lets have an exam.” We were all s_78_. But Miss Zhang began to laugh, “Ladies and gentleman, its April Fools Day.”D. Answer the questions(根据以下内容回答问题)(6分)Bill is only fifteen years old, but hes already very rich. Two years ago, Bill began a football website for young people. I became interested in computers when I was 8 because my fathers job was with computers. As

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