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1、10秋电子版初一牛津第8期2010年秋初一牛津报纸电子版第8期A2-A3版七年级(上)Chapter 3基础测试题Part I 听力部分(共15分)I.听录音,在A、B、C选项中选出你听到的句 子。每小题念两遍。(4小题,每小题0.5分)( ) 1. A. Do you often take a plane? B. Can you always take a ferry? C. Do you often take a ferry? ( ) 2. A. What number do you dial to call the police? B. What number do you dial t

2、o call an ambulance? C. What number do you dial to call the fire service? ( ) 3. A. Which people are arguing about the bag? B. What is the man doing with the bag? C. What is his father doing with the bag?C) 4. A. He stole my purse. B. He stared at my face. C. He reported a theft. ll.听录音,在A、B、C选项中选出与

3、你听到的 句子的意思最相近的句子。每小题念两遍。(4小题,每小题0.5分) ( ) 5. A. She showed her handbag to them. B. She threw out her handbag and let them see. C. She came out of her room and saw them. ( ) 6. A. Everyone shouted at the three people. B. Everyone looked at the three persons. C. Everyone laughed at the three people. (

4、 ) 7. A. I found my bike was lost. B. I gave my bike to someone else.C. I liked my bike very much. ( ) 8. A. The man got on the train hurriedly. B. The man climbed the tree quickly. C. The man ran fast to a bridge. III.听句子,根据所听内容选择最佳应答语。每小题念两遍。 (4小题,每小题0.5分)( ) 9. A. Im free. B. Yes, Im near the sch

5、ool. C. Because my house is not far from school. ( ) 10. A: Her purse was missing. B. I miss you. C. Her name is Wang Fang. ( ) 11. A. The police caught the thief. B. He was a brave man. C. Yes,he did, ( ) 12. A. Yes,I am. B. Thank you. C. You ate wrong. IV.听对话,根据对话内容选择最佳答案。对话念两遍。(4小题,每小题0.5分)( ) 13

6、. How did Wang Yong leave? A. By ship. B. By train. C. By plane. ( ) 14. What did Li Ming do yesterday? A. He visited his grandmother. B. He did his homework. C. He finished all the housework. ( ) 15. What will Mary and John do? A. They will beat them back. B. They will run away. C. They will dial 1

7、10. ( ) 16. How will Jack help Alice? A. He will take her to hospital. B. He will give her some medicine and water. C. He will try to comfort- her. AV.听短文,根据所听内容选择最佳答案。短文念两遍。(4小题,每小题0.5分)下面你有15秒时间阅读17-20题。( ) 17. How does the writer feel? A. Sad. B. Glad. C. Excited. ( ) 18. What do his teachers thi

8、nk of him? A. He is lazy. B. He is clever. C. He is quiet. ( ) 19. Where is the writer now? A. In America. B. In China. C. In Canada. ( ) 20. What does he like? A. The change of language. B. The change of culture. C. Differences. VI.听短文,做笔记。短文念两遍。(5小题,每 小题1分下面你有15秒时间阅读问题。Mom is a successful womanShe

9、 is wise and (21) _.She can repair some (22) _Like TV computers,fridges,washing machines and so on.She is warm-hearted.She is good at listening to others (23) _ and helping them.I cant forget her (24) _ It all depends on(取决于) (25)_ part II For Reading (共85分)L词汇。(每小题1分,共15分) A)根据句意及首字母提示补全单词,使句子 完整、通

10、顺。26. Soon the fire s_ carne and they quickly got everyone in the house out. 27. The car accident happened at the g_ of my school.28. They stole the car yesterday and now theyre in t_29. We d_ this beach while we were sailing around the island. 30. When he saw a lady faint(昏倒)in the street,he d_ 120

11、 at once. B)根据句意及汉语提示写单词,补全句子。 31. More and more_ (游客) come to visit China these years. 32. Id like to be a_ (士兵) when I grow up. 33. If you want t6 switch on the machine, press this _ (按钮). 34.-The thief was in _ (手铐) and the policeman led him away. 35. My father bought me a nice (钱包) as my 13th bi

12、rthday present.C)用所给词的适当形式填空,补全句子。 36. It was late. He e_ station to welcome his parents. 37. Soap opera is one of my favourite TV_. (program me).38. Recently, there were a lot of_ (rob in this area. You should be careful. 39. Look! The thief _ (stare) at the womans handbag. Lets tell her. 40. This

13、kind of snack usually reaches 10 cm in _ (long). II.句子。(每小题1分,共10分)A)按要求完成下列各题。每空一词。41. Carl always stole from us ten years ago.(改 为一般疑问句)Carl always from you ten years ago? 42. The police followed the dog into the forest. (改为同义句) The police _ _ the dog into the forest. 43. When David couldnt find h

14、is suitcase, he called the police.(改为同义句) When David_ his suitcase_ ,he called the police. 44. Her hair is as long as 85 cm.(改为同义句) Her hair is 85 cm _ _ .45. Three men broke the window and climbed into the room.(对划线部分提问) _ _ men_ the window and climbed into the room? B)根据中文提示,补全句子。每空一词。 46.昨天我在河岸的那

15、一边等你3但你却没有出现。I waited for you on_ _ _ _ the river, but you didnt show up. 47.其中一个旅游者马上将事故报告给警察二 One of the _ _ the accident to the police at once. 48.三年前谁处理这些案件的? Who_ _ these cases three years ago? 49.请伸出你的手,拉我上来。 Please_ _ your hand and pull me up. 50.我刚下公共汽车,就看见那边有两名妇女 在吵架。As soon as I got_ the b

16、us, I saw two women _ over there. III.单项填空。(每小题1分,共10分)( ) 51. -Did you see the_? -Yes. I saw them sitting under the _ A. woman doctors; apple trees B. women doctors; apples trees C. women doctor; apples tree D. women doctors; apple trees ( ) 52. -What_ to you? -I found my car_ A. is happening; miss

17、ing B. happened; missed C. is happening; missed D. happened; missing ( ) 53. -I saw three boys here just now. Where are_ two boys? -They_ to the supermarket. A. other; go B. the other; went C. the others; went D. others; go ( )54. -Dont_ the bus before it stops. A. get off; OK,I wont B. get of; OK,I

18、 will C. get off; OK,I will D. get of; OK,I wont ( ) 55. When the man said,Hold _ your purse and show it to me, the woman began_ with him. A. off; to argue B. on; arguing C. out; arguing D. down; to argue ( ) 56. - _ do you like Shenzhen, Mark? -I think it is one of the most beautiful in China. A. W

19、hat; city B. What; cities C. How; city D. How; cities ( )57. -Did you_ a ferry to Zhuhai last weekend? -No,I didnt. I went there A. by; by B. take; take C. take; by D. by; take ( )58. -Look! The man_ handcuffs is a robber. -Thats him! I saw him_ a lady in the street yesterday. A. on; robbing B. in;

20、robbing C. in; was robbing D. on; was robbing ( ) 59. - _ did the robbery take place? -It_ last Sunday morning.A. Where; takes placeB. Where; took placeC. When; takes placeD. When; took place( ) 60. Well_! You caught the last train_ time, or youll wait until tomorrow A. done; in B. done; on- C. did;

21、 in D. did; on IV.完形填空。(每小题1分,共10分) Do you want to be a freeter (飞特族)? Freeter is a Japanese expression for people _61 the age of 15 and 35 who have no full-time job or have _62 income(收入), not including housewives or students. Some freeters say that they _63 to,be freeters because they wish to real

22、ize (实现) their dreams. _64 say that they prefer this new way of life. There _65 both advantages and disadvantages of being a freeter. On the one _66 ,to be a freeter _67 one has more、time for themselves. If they live with _68 parents,they do not have any living costs and can _69 all their income on

23、their personal lifestyle. On the other hand,there are _70_ for freeters to start their own family. Starting a career(职业) also becomes more difficult because of the low income.( ) 61. A. at B. over C. under D. between ( ) 62. A. high B. low C. good D. bad ( ) 63. A. choose B. become C. want D. wish(

24、) 64. A. The other B. Other C. Others D. Another ( ) 65 A. have B. are C. has D. is ( ) 66. A. side B. way C. thing D. hand ( ) 67. A. lets B. makes C. means D. gets ( ) 68. A. his B. their C. your D. her ( ) 69. A. spend B. cost C. pay D. take ( ) 70. A. trouble B. need C. difficulties D. problems

25、V.阅读理解。(每小题1分,共10分) AColumbus was born in 1451 in Genoa,one of the cities in Italy . At that time,many European countries became stronger and stronger. Their ships reached Africa and Asia. They got gold,silver, silk,tea and other things from there. Columbus wanted to find another way to China and In

26、dia. At the age of 41,Columbus began his first voyage(航行)from Spain with three ships. After two months hard sailing,on October 2,1492,they got to an island in the Bahamas. After that,they reached Cuba. But on December 25, one. of his ships sank(沉没). Luckily,the went back to Lisbon on March 4, 1493.

27、Although they didnt get to rich countries or take back wealth, they discovered a new place that nobody had been to Columbus thought it was India and called the islands the West Indies. From 1493 to 1504, he sailed to,America three times. He reached most of the coast of southern America and set up ma

28、ny colonies(殖民地). On May 20,1506,Columbus died. 根据短文内容,选择最佳答案。( ) 71. When Columbus died,he was _ years old. A.55 B.51 C.48 D.41 ( ) 72. Columbus began his first voyage _ A. on October 2, 1492 B. on December 25,1492 C. on August 2, 1492 D. on March 4, 1493 ( ) 73. Which of the following is the right

29、 voyage order? A. SpainCubaLisbonBahamas. B. BahamasSpainCubaLisbon. C. CubaBahamasSpainLisbon. D. SpainBahamasCubaLisbon. ( ) 74. Columbus went back to Lisbon on March 4,1493 with ship(s). A. one B. two C. three D. no ( ) 75. Which of the following statements is NOT true according to the passage?A.

30、 Columbus wanted to find another way to China and India. B. Columbus began his first voyage from Spain with three ships. C. From 1493 to 1504, Columbus sailed to America twice and set up many colonies. D. Columbus discovered anew place that nobody had been to. BLast Sunday,I made a survey in my neighborhood (居住区). The topic is,Which safety problem are you most

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