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1、高中英语综合练习一 高中英语综合练习一1. His burning eyes suggested that he_angry. A. had got B. should get C. must get D. get2. I was about to leave my house_the phone rang. A. while B.when C. as D. get3. Watching children,_when they dont know youre doing so, is really a pleasure.A particularly B. hardly C. similarly

2、 D. likely4.It was not until then_I came to know that knowledge_only from practice. A.that,comes B. that, came C. when,come D. when, had come5. He_you more help,even though he was very busy.A. might have given B. might give C. may have given D. may give6. We _last night, but we went to the concert i

3、nstead. A. must have studied B. might study C should have studied D. would study7. The girl_back to her home alone. A. dare to go B. dares to go C. dare going D. dare not to go8. Mrs Smith didnt come last night,did she?No. we_for her.A whole night was wasted. A. couldnt have waited B.mustnt have wai

4、ted C. didnt need to wait D. neednt have waited9. Tom went to the dentist last month. He_a toothache. A. may have B.must have had C. can have D. should have had10. My goodness, I just missed my flight. .That too hail, but Im sure you_ it if you_ A. had caught,had hurried B. could have caught,had hur

5、ried C. could catch,would hurry D. could have caught. hurried11. Has the doctor arrived yet? .No,she_an hour ago. A. has to come B. ought to have come C. should come D. used to come 12.It had been raining for four days when they arrived at the oil field . Things _easy for them. A. cant be B. shouldn

6、t be C. mustnt have been D. couldnt have been13. .I couldnt get you on the phone this morning.We_tennis in the yard when you phoned. A. could he playing B. must be playing C. must have been playing D. must have played14. Do you feel like_there or shall we take a bus?.Id like to walk. But since there

7、 isnt much time_.Id rather you_a taxi. A. walking, left, took B. walking, left, take C. to walk, leaving, take D. to walk, leaving, took15. The police_the murderer everywhere_he suddenly appeared in a theatre. A. searched, when B. were searching,when C. were searching for,when D. was searching for,w

8、hile16. The stranger talked to us_he were our familiar friend,but we know he was just pretending to he. A. as though B. even though C. as that D. even if17. He signed the papers_I could stop him. A. when B. unless C. before D. until18._you want to buy a car, you must_your living expenses in order to

9、 save enough money. A.Now that,cut down B. Now that,cut off C. Since,cut up D. Since,cut away19. No matter how frequently_,the works of Beethoven always attract large audience. A. performing B. performed C. to be performed D. being performed20. I have just come in to see if I can be _any assistance

10、to them. A. with B. on C. at D. of21. Since the death of her mother,she has been all day crying at home_. A. strongly B. deeply C. heavily B. bitterly22. He is all right_he is left to do the job in his own way. A. for fear B. so long as C. in case D. meanwhile23. And finally,when night at last came,

11、 the street_and only the rubbish _sadly blowing in the cooling night wind. A. emptied, remained B.silenced,left C. calmed, lay D.changed,piled24.When he reads books,his habit is to make a mark_the meaning is unclear to him. A. there B.wherever C. the place D. in which25.If you are_about Australian c

12、ities, just read the look written by Dr Johnson. A. interested B. anxious C. upset D.curious26. Jack stood there staring and he appeared_what I said. A. that he didnt understand B.not to have understoodC. that he had not understood D. not having understood27. Its time we_some steps to prevent pollut

13、ion. A. will take B. shall take C. take D. took28. It was at the very beginning_Mr Fox made the decision_we send more firefighters here. A. when,which B. when, that C. then,so D. that, that29. I knocked at the door for two minutes_he came to open it. A. when B. before C. until D.as30.Does it make an

14、y_to quarrel about where to hold the sports meeting? A. meaning B.opinion C.sense D. advice31.Why did Mr Green sell his house?It only_it was small _he sold it. A. when,so B. because,that C. that,so D. when,that32. . Do you like me to come to see you?._!It would give me much pleasure. A. Rather B. Fa

15、irly C. Quite D. Really33. His_description of the football match attracted_viewers to stay in front of the screen than ever. A. live,many more B. lovely,much more C. living, much more D. lively,many more34. We have to think of_difficulties before we started the work. A. some others B. other some C.

16、such as D. all such35. I havent seen her_the time_she had the accident. A. for, when B. since, as C. since,when D. for, that36. We found the river dangerous_ A. to swim swim in C. swimming in D. for our swimming37. From his_face, I know he was really_after suchlong race. A. tired, tired B. tiri

17、ng, tired C. tired, tiring D. tiring, tiring38. Without your advice, I_. A. would fail B. would have failed C. should fail D. would have been failed39. .Why are you in such a hurry? .Because we are afraid of_in the rain. A. catching B. caught C. being caught D. having caught40. Forty percent of the

18、land_into rice fields. A. have turned B. have been turned C has been turned D. has turned41.The heavy rain_me coming to the party yesterday. A. stopped B. made C. allowed D. let42. .Why was the special meeting called?_the new president. A. Electing B. To elect C. Elected D. Elect43. Everybody lent a

19、 hand,_the sowing was done in time. A. so that B. in order that C. so D. A or C44. Mr White is still _ a visit abroad. He wont be back_the end of this month. A.on,until B. in, until,by D. at,in45. He wore a heavy coat_catch a cold. as not to order not to not D.both A and B46. Foo

20、d,_rice, bread and vegetables,_wasted by the students .,are B. such as,are C.such as,is D. for example,are47. Is it true_the rain stops,it will become hot here? A.when B.that when C. whenever D. that48.The number of colour TV sets made each year has grown_. A.three hundred thousand B.three hu

21、ndreds thousand C. three hundred thousands D. three hundred of thousand49. Not all the students can understand the text. This sentence means_. A. None of the students can understand the text B. Few of the students can understand the text. C. Some of the students can understand the text while some ca

22、nt. D. All of the students can understand the text.50.Is he content to accept our offered price?.Yes,He cares about the quality. Money is_to him. A. everything B. anything C.nothing D. something51. He was lucky in the accident . But his_car is under repair. A.destroyed B. ruined C. hurt D.damaged52.

23、 After the new technology was introduced, the company produced_,cars in 1995 as the year before. twice many many twice C.twice as many D. twice many as53. He_to drive me home but I refused, for I didnt want to trouble him. A.managed B.offered C. considered D. insisted54. The boy is often n

24、oticed_school alone very late. leave B. leave C. leaving D. left55. His suggestion_considerable. sounding B.sounds C. looks D. hears56. He could feel his heart_wildly when he entered the hall. A. beating B.beaten C. to be beaten D. to beat57 . What are you talking about?.The chemical works

25、 and its owner_ we have just visited. A.that B.which C.whom D. what58. This kind of plant grows best_it is warm and rainy. A.where B. which C.that D. in which59. My parents_invited to Toms wedding. A. both have been B.have both been C. have been both D. had been both60. That must be_dictionary, this

26、 is yours. A.somebodys else B. somebody elses C. somebody else D. everybody elses61. There are many books here,_are English books,_are maths books. A.Some, other B.Some,the others C.Many, others D.Many,the others62._I used to play a lot of sport, but I seem to have lost interest now . A.At the same

27、time B. At the time C. All the time D. At one time63.As I felt better, my mother and the doctor_me to take a holiday. A. suggested B. hoped C. considered D.advised64. There are many kinds of bikes on sale that I cant make a decision_to buy. A what B. which C how D.where65. Among these books, I only_

28、this one.It is my_book. A like,most favorite B.enjoy,favorite C prefer to,favorite D. feel like,most like66._once is better than to hear a hundred times. A.See B. You see C. Seen D.To see67. Before she went abroad she spent as much time as she could_English. A practising speaking practise speak

29、ing C practise speaking D. to practise to speak68. What he said was_to learners of geography. A.great use B.great useful C.of great use D.of very use69.Mr Brown has been elected_director of the factory. A. the B.a D./70. The rules of the club_ A.dont permit smoking B. arent permitted smoking C

30、dont permit to smoke D. arent permitted to smoke71. . Hasnt Mr L arrived yet? .No,but I_he_here by this time. A.thought,would be B. think,is C dont know,are D. think, will be72. Thank you very much for_ your valuable time. A.saving B.offer C.sparing D. affording73. It needs further discussion_well go outing tomorrow morning. A. whether B.if C that D. which74. It was not until

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