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1、05网答案六年级英语05网答案六年级英语【篇一:六年级英语综合测试卷2013-05】=txt(总分:100分,完成时间:60分) 一、选出每组发音不同的选项。(5分) ()1. a. knee b. readyc. feetd. feel ( ( ( 二、按要求写单词。(10分) 1. chinese (复数)_ 2. right (同音词) 3. ask(对应词) 4. brush ( 第三人称单数)5. japan(形容词)6. play (名词) 7. tell(过去式)8. lie (现在分词) 9.ours(主格单数) (完全形式 三、根据首字母提示,完成对话。(5分)

2、 a: whats yhobby? b: i like p_volleyball. im good at p_. a: are you as tall as your twin brother? b: no, im s_ than my brother. but i can jump h_than him. .四、翻译词组(10分) 1.一幅世界地图2.sports meeting3.放学后 4. go on an outing 5.向左拐 the way 7.两棵苹果树 9.最好的季节10.stop thief五、用所给动词的正确形式填空 。(10分) (sing)in the c

3、lassroom. 2. lets go and join(they). 3. its time for class. let(talk). (go) to shanghai. 5. i (come) to your party. (play) the violin at the concert tomorrow. ( skate)well. 8. liutao likes (listen) to music and (make) model planes.六、单项选择。(18分) ( ) 1. let me_here. a. take some photo b. take some phot

4、os c. take some photos d.take any photos ( a. a;someb. some; a c. an; somed. an ; any ( _beside the telephone yesterday evening. _they now? a. were; were b. are; arec. were; are d. are; were ( ) 4. we live a. in; one b. on; first c.on; two / ( _some presents from my parents. a. ive got b. ive g

5、et c. im getting d. i get ( ) 6. its hot today. _your coat. a. put on b. take inc. take off d. take up ( ) 7. heres a hairdryer for _. ita. your; you b. your; yourc. you; youd. you; your ( ) 8. we shouldnt _a. litterb. littering c. littersd. littered ( ) 9. its time _ a. to b. have1c. for d. of ( )

6、10. there are some _on the playground. a . people b. peoples c. mansd. boy ( a. are b. do c. doesd. is ( a. careful b. carefullyc. be careful d. be carefully ( ) 13 .can you come and help me _my maths? a. in b. on c. withd. for ( _. a .study; study b. is studying; study;studying d. studying;

7、 studying ( )15. _ he going to play _piano? a . is; a b. can; an c.does;; the ( )16. theyre talkinga. to ; ofb. about; with; about d.with; at( a. at b. in c. on d. for ( _our english teacher. a. at ; her ; isb. / ; her ; arec. / ; hers ; is d. at ; her ; are 七、句型转换(14分) 对画线提问) _ did you

8、 2. can i go in?(作否定回答) 对画线提问) 4. they picked apples yesterday.(改否定句) they_ _ apples yesterday. 5.there are no time for dinner.(改为同义句) dinner. 6. kate and lily are playing computer games.(改一般疑问句) _ compter games? 7. i often do housework on sundays . (改一般疑问句) _housework on sundays? 8. are aboutthe pi

9、cture talking they look (, .)(连词成句) 八、单句改错(6分) ()1.i teach him chinese. he teaches my english. ab c d ( abc d ( ab c d ( ab cd ( ab cd ( a b c d九、翻译句子(12分) 1.本学期,我们学习九门科目。 2.穿着黄连衣裙的女孩正靠着窗子看雪。 the window. 3刚才你看见多少头棕色的奶牛? you see 4.不久我将小学毕业上中学。 i will middle school. 十、阅读短文,选择正确的答案,把字母编号填在括号里。(10分) (一)

10、 today is sunny and warm. after i played the violin, my uncle took me to the zoo in the morning. we saw monkeys, tigers, elephants and many other animals. we had lunch in kfc. after lunch, we went to the bookstore(书店), i bought a storybook and two magazines about sports. i was so happy. but my broth

11、er, tim felt ill. he had a fever. my mother took him to see the doctor. and then he stayed in bed. he was bored(无聊). ( )1. the weather is _ today.a. bad b. fine ( )2. i went to the zoo with my _. a. uncleb. brother ( )3. we _ good food in kfc.a. ate b. bought ( )4. i bought two _ about sports.a. sto

12、rybooks b. magazines ( )5.what was the matter with tim?a.he had a fever.b. he felt happy. (二)阅读下面的短文,根据短文内容,判断句子的对(t) 错(f)。 a father and his young daughter got on a bus and sat down. the conductor(售票员) came to them for their money. the father said,“i want one ticket(票).” then he gave the conductor s

13、ome money. the conductor looked at the girl, then he asked, “how old are you ?” the father started to speak,but the conductor stopped him. and the girl said“i am six years old at home, but four years old in buses or trains. father told that.”the fathers face turned red. he had to take some money out

14、 of his bag and gave it to the conductor. the conductor gave him one and a half(半) tickets. ( )1. the father and his young daughter were taking a car. ( )2. the conductor came to the father and his young daughter for their money. ( )3. the father wanted two tickets. ( )4. the girl is four years old.

15、 ( )5. the father had to take some money out of his bag and buys one and half tickets. 参考答案 一、bacbd 二、1 chinese 2 write 3 answer 4 brushes 5 japanese 6 player 7 told8 lying 9i10 number 三、 your playingpe shorterhigher 四、1 a map of the world 2 运动会 3 after school 4 去远足 5 turn left 6 顺便问一下 7 two apple t

16、rees 8 去划船和钓鱼 9 the best season 10 抓小偷 五、1 is singing 2 them 3 talking4 goes 5 to come 6 is going to play /will play 7 skate 8 listening making 9 stopped 六、1-5 cccba6-10 c daca 11-15 abcbd 16-18 cdd 七、 1 what do2 you dont 3 when 4 didnt pick 5 to have 6 are playing 7 do do8 look, they are talking ab

17、out the picture. 八、1 d me2 c are 3 c any 4 c makes 5 d your weekends 6 b is 九、1 this week 2 in by 3 how many did just now4 finish go to 十、(一) baaba (二) f t f f t【篇二:六上英语课堂作业本全册答案】xtunit1 1. bcd ae 2. 1) by bus 2) by train3) on foot by bike 1. cabfde 3. on footby bus by bike 3 1. on footby bike by bu

18、sby train / by car 2. 1) b2) a3) a4) b 4 3. traffic lights traffic rules stop wait go traffic rules 2. how can i by the no.8 bus 3. 1) on footby buson foot 2) near the post office 6 1. 1) b2) a3) b unit2 2. 2) zoo3) bookstore4) library 5) cinema6) post office 2. 1) next to 2) behind3) whereopposite

19、to 3 1. hospitalhow post office hospital next to 2. 1)hospital near2) librarynext to 3) on foot 3. 3)6) 1) 8) 2) 4) 4 2. 1) turn right 2) turn left3) go straight4) stop5) wait 3. north east rainy south hot west snowy plane 3. hospitalcinemaright straightleftonright 3. 1) b 2) c3) b 4)a unit 31. b a

20、a a 2. babbb 3. 1) d2) c3) a4) b 3 2. 1)笑脸 2)笑脸 3)哭脸 4)哭脸 3. 2 4 3 4 2. chinese dictionarypost cardmagazinecomic booknewspaper 3. 1) b2) c 3) a 4) b 3. where are youbuywhat are you going to buy when are you goingat 1. 1) b2) b3) a4) b5) b6) a 2. read books comic books bookstore 8 oclock 1) he likes

21、reading. 2) hes going to buy the books in the bookstore. 3) hes going to buy the books at 8 oclock in the morning. 4) hes going to stay with john. recycle 1. 1) a 2) b 3) b 4) c 2. 1) a 2) a 3) b 4) b 5)a 3. 1) traffic lights stop wait at a green light 2) southgo to the north gate you want to buy a

22、magazine go to the east gate 3 1. 1) d2)e3) a 4)b5) c 2. 1) east2) parkcar3) fathermagazines4) fan bus challenge 2. 1) b2) a3) b4) b5) b6) a 4. 1) a 2) a 3) b 4) b 5) a 5. 1) how2) why3) where4) when 5) what6) who 7. 1) e 2) b 3) d 4) f 5) c 6) a8. 10. 1) 2) 13. 1) library 2) hes going to the park w

23、ith his parents 3) post office4) unit 4 2. 2) riding a bike3) singing songs4) playing the violin 5) making kites 6) diving 2. collecting stampsmaking kiteslikes diving likes playing the violin likes singing 3 1. 1) riding a bike playing the violin 2) likes reading books swimming 4 1. bacd 2. 1) c2)

24、a3) d4) b5) e6) f 1. 1) a2) b3) a4) a 2. 1) she doesnt2) yeshe does3) teach englishshe does 4) does wu yifan go to school on foot he does 1. 1) no, he doesnt.2) he is a policeman.3) he goes to work by car. 4) no, he doesnt.5) yes, he does. 6) yes, he does. 2. gets up goes by bike playing the violin

25、swimming reading writing goes unit 5 2. edgafcb 3. teacher by car writer singer on foot artist tv reporter 1. 2. 1) b2) a3) b4) b5) a 3 4 2. salesperson doctor policeman cleaner farmers student 3. c d a b 1. 1) doctor2) salesperson3) cleaner4) artist 5) teacher 2. 1) doctor where how by car 2) what

26、singer where does she work how does she go to work by plane 3. 1) e2) d3) c4) a5)b 2. 1) b 2) b 3) c 4) c 5) c 3. 1) engineer2) salesperson3) where does mark work4) he often goes to work on foot unit 6 1. 2. 1) a2) b3) a4) a 3. 1) ai2_ ou3) ea4) ar 4. 1) china2) where does sarah come from3) comes fr

27、om australia 4) where does the rain come from it comes from 2. rain where comes vapour water how sun 1. rainrain come droppingdropping dropping 2. sun cloud drink wash river sea wate 3. sunny sleeps hot sky mr wind drops cloudheavyfall down sunwarm 1. seed flower water sprout plant 2. 1) soil 2) sun

28、 3) water 4) sprout 5) flower 3. 1)6)4)5)7) 1. 1) a 2) b 3) b 4) a 2. badfe 2. 1) hes in the garden.2) he looks for some water.3) he is very thirsty. 4) yes, he does. 5) it comes from a young girl. recycle 2. d b c a 3. playing the violin plays the violin skating skates playing footballplays footbal

29、l watching tv watches tv flying kites flies kites 3. 1) nurse 2) she is a cleaner.3) he is a tv reporter. 4) he is a salesperson. 5) he is a driver. 6) she is an actress. 3 1. 2. 1) seed2) soil3) water4) plant5) hobbies 3. soil sun water sprout 4. river sky cloud water drop challenge 1. 1) a 2) a 3)

30、 a 4) b 5) b 6) a 7) a 8) b 9) b 10) a 2. 7. 1) a2) b3) a4) a5) a6) b7) b8) a 11. 1) favourite2) leaf3) straight4) drink5) foot6) turn 12. c abde 13. 1) lightsstopgowait 2) cleaner 3) where 4) hospital 5) riding 15. 1) tom is his new pen pal.2) he comes from new york.3) he goes to school by bus. 4) he likes playing football and watching tv. 5) no, he doesnt. 6) he is a teacher. 7) she works in a company.8) she likes singing songs and playing the violin. 16. japanlives haslikesmakeshavefamily【篇三:已审核 六年级英语试题及答案】=txt考试时间:60分钟;满分:120分 同学们,又是收获时刻。在此,你尽可以全面展示自己的知识与才华。相信你听力部分(5

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