1、International Project Management,Tendering and Bidding,Lecture:YUAN Jing-feng,东南大学本科生教学,Chapter 7 Tendering and Bidding,本章主要内容:7.1国际招投标概述7.2招标人的工作7.3投标人的工作7.4世界银行贷款项目招投标,INTRODUCTION,Successful projects have generally started with the use of best practice tendering processes,and the benefits of such
2、 tendering practice include:A clear understanding of the rights and obligations of both parties.An increase in the likelihood of procuring a project to meet the required scope,time,cost and quality parameters.A reduction in the likelihood of misunderstandings and disputes.,7.1国际工程招投标概述,ETHICAL PRINC
3、IPLES,The guiding ethical principles are:all aspects of the tendering process must be conducted with honesty and fairness at all levels of the industry parties must conform to all legal obligations parties must clearly identify ownership of intellectual property used or created in the tender process
4、 and ensure that those rights are not infringed parties must not seek or submit tenders without a firm intention to proceed parties must not engage in any practice which gives one party an improper advantage over another,1,2,4,3,5,7.1国际工程招投标概述,ETHICAL PRINCIPLES,The guiding ethical principles are:te
5、nderers must not engage in any form of collusive practice and must be prepared to attest to their probity conditions of tendering must be the same for each tenderer on any particular project clients must clearly specify their requirements in the tender documents and indicate criteria for evaluation
6、evaluation of tenders must be based on the conditions of tendering and selection criteria defined in the tender documents the confidentiality of all information provided in the course of tendering must be preserved,6,7,9,8,10,7.1国际工程招投标概述,TRADE PRACTICES PRINCIPLES,Tenderers and potential Tenderers
7、must not talk to other Tenderers or potential tenderers about:the price(including any discount,rebate or credit);the other terms(eg risk allocation,warranties,performance bonds,tender and bidding procedures etc);the number of Tenderers that will participate in a bid;which tenders they will or will n
8、ot participate in;the terms of the bid(s)which any(or all)of them will make in a tender.agree as to whom shall be the successful Tenderer or pay each other unsuccessful tender fees;,1,2,3,4,5,6,7.1国际工程招投标概述,Additionally,Tenderers must not:provide to any third party any money,incentives or other conc
9、essions contingent upon the success of the tender;accept or provide secret commissions;submit cover tenders enter into any improper commercial arrangement with any othercontractors,subcontractors,suppliers,agents or any other party;seek to influence contract decisions by improper means;or accept inc
10、entives to provide contracts or services to other contractors,subcontractors or suppliers that financially disadvantage Clients.,TRADE PRACTICES PRINCIPLES,1,2,3,5,4,6,7.1国际工程招投标概述,7.1国际工程招投标概述,招投标的起源与发展,个别买主有时会有意识地邀请多个卖主与他接触,籍以选出供货价格、质量比较理想的成交对象。,早期的商品经济时期,1,自由资本主义时期,机器大规模生产的应用、社会专业化分工协作的发展为创造了买方经济
11、。,十九世纪上半叶,2,现代成熟而独立的招标方式正式产生和发展的历史起点,招标方式的萌芽阶段,西方发达国家,接着世界银行在货物采购、工程承包中大量推行招标方式。近30年来,发展中国家也日益重视和采用设备采购、工程建设招标。,上世纪二战以来,2,招标作为一种成熟而高级的交易方式,招标投标最早起源于英国。1782年,英国首先设立文具公用局(Stationary Office)美国在1861年联邦法案规定:超过一定金额的联邦政府的采购,都必须使用公开招标,我国有较完整史料记载的招标投标活动发生在清朝末期,但是新中国正式进入国际招标投标市场却是在1979年以后。,中国的国际招标投标,南海莺歌海盆地石油
12、资源的开采,华北平原盐碱地改造项目,八城市淡水养鱼项日,1,云南鲁布革水电站,2,3,4,7.1国际工程招投标概述,中国的国际招标投标,1,对资格预审文件利招标文件理解不全面,资料填报不完整,未能反应本身的实际能力等,导致投标费用高 中标机会低 难于吸取经验教训,2,大多数国内承包商在参与资格预审和国际投标时,未能正确理解和遵循世界银行等贷款机构与业主的有关规定,主要体现在:,7.1国际工程招投标概述,7.1国际工程招投标概述,TENDER PROCESS,Project Definition and Scoping Selection Process for Tenderers Tender
13、 Documentation Criteria for Selection,Call for Tenders Responding to Invitations to Tender&Developing the Commercial Offer Tender Meeting s&Enquiries Amendments to Tender Documents Submission&Closing of Tenders,Tender Analysis Tender Clarifications Tender Selection&Award,7.1国际工程招投标概述,国际工程招标方式,Unlimi
14、ted Competitive Open Bidding,通常应当公开发布招标通告,招标具有广泛性和公开性。,1,Limited competitive selected bidding,由招标单位向有承担能力的三个以上企业发出招标邀清书及招标文件。,2,Negotiated Bidding,招标单位与几家潜在的投标商就招投标事宜进行协商。达成协议后将工程委托承包。,3,Two-Stage Competitive Bidding,对于DB等模式,事先要求准备好完整的技术资料是不现实的。此时可采用两阶段招标。,4,Two-Envelope Bidding Procedure,对某些项目,业主可以
15、要求承包商提交最合理的施工方案和提出替代的技术方案。,5,在国外,私人投资的项目,多采用邀请招标。,我国香港特别行政区,一 般在土木工程项目邀请招标时按以下比例确定邀清的数量:,国际工程招标方式,7.1国际工程招投标概述,7.2招标人的工作,TENDER PREPARATION,Project Definition&Scoping,Project stakeholder requirements:envisaged functional goals,performance,technical criteria,completion dates or term date requirements
16、.Constraints:public access requirements,availability of land,limits to work etc.,Failure to include all scoping requirements will most likely result in stakeholder expectations not being met,and could result in disputes at a later date.,A Project Brief is prepared that clearly defines the scope of the project for which Tender Documents are to be prepared.,TENDER PREPARATION,Project Definition&Scoping,the Project Brief including:,Intellectual property:identify,manage Relevant initial investigatio
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