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小升初英语知识专项训练时态与句法 20其他句式通用版docx.docx

1、小升初英语知识专项训练时态与句法 20其他句式通用版docx小升初专项训练卷其他句式基础题一、选择题1_ a black cat.A This B That C Heres2If I _ you tomorrow, I will give you the receipt.A. see B. will see C. am seeing3Do you know _ this word?A. what to spell B. how to spell C. to spell4He asked me _ I would like a cup of tea.A. that B. what C. if5T

2、he reason _he was absent from the meeting was _his car broke down on the way.A. that; because B. why; that C. that; that D. for; that6Do you know_?A. who he is B. who is he C. what he like D. what does he like7Dont forget the day _you were received into the Youth League.A.when B.that which D.wh

3、ere8All the apples _ fell down were eaten by the pigs.A.those B.which C.what D.that9The red rose is the only one _I real like.A. which B.who C.that D.whom10Is the river_ through that town very large?A. which flows B. flows C. that flowing D. whose flows11Is this factory _you visited last week?A. tha

4、t B. where C. the one D. in which12He lives in a village _there are a lot of trees.A. there B. where C. that D. which13_a great post office !A. what B. What C.How14Is there a park near here ?_A Yes,it is BNo,there is CYes,there is15 - _ did you finish your piano lessons ?- In the school.A. Where B.

5、What C. When16Is she friendly?_A. She is very young. B. Yes, she is. C. Yes, she isnt.17 Is zhang peng strong ? Yes, _.A.she is B.he is C.her is18ALets_ school. A. go to B.go C.to19Its cold . _ the window, please.A. Close B. open C. Open二、填空题(1)按要求改写句子。1. I often draw pictures on Sunday afternoons.

6、(对画线部分提问)_ do you often _ on Sunday afternoons?2. Do you often watch TV in the evening? (作否定回答)_, I _.3. I often clean my room on Saturdays. (改为一般疑问句)_ you often _ _ room on Saturdays?4. Do you often play basketball on the weekend? (改为陈述句)I often _ _ on the _.(2)根据实际情况回答问题。1. What is your English te

7、acher like ?_2. What do you have on Tuesday ?_3. Do you often play sports on the weekend ?_4. Whats your favourite food ?_5. What would you like to eat ?_(3)根据图片,和给出的句子,补充句子。1.2.They are_. She is _. 3. 4.He is _. She is _5. 6. He is _. They are _. 提升题非选择题(1)按要求改写句子。1.There are many trees near my hou

8、se. (改为单数形式)_2.There are some birds in the tree. (改为一般疑问句)_3.Are there any elephants in the zoo? (做否定回答)_4.The tall building is beside the tree. (对划线部分提问)_(2)挑错并改正。(3)改错。(4)根据所给情景写句子。1.你告诉老师,你的理想是成为一名工程师,你说:_2.你想知道Sarah有多重,你应该问Sarah_3.你想知道John周末打算干什么,你应该问John_4.你想知道这附近有没有图书馆,你说_5.你的好朋友迈克假期去了迪士尼乐园,你想

9、知道他是否拍了照片,你问他_(5)完成句子,每空一词。1他找不到他的包。Hehis bag.2你能看见一个英国女孩吗?an English girl?3他们是英国人还是美国人?theyor?4那些苹果在树上。Those applesthe tree.5他是我的一位老朋友。He isold friend(6)用所给词的正确形式填空1.We can use solar panels to(change)sunlight into electricity.2.It (be)motion energy.3.They come from the remains of dead (plants) and

10、(animals).(7)选词填空a. my b. fat c. Whos d. that e. friend1.Whos boy?2.Shes sister.3.Look at my cat. Its4. this girl?5.This is Mikes .(8)看图,在横线上填写合适的答句1.Whatsyourhobby?_2.How does the boy go to school?_3.Can the woman dance?_4.What is the grandmother doing?_5. What are they?_(9)在II栏中选出与I栏中相应的答语1.Chines

11、e, kung fu, can, He, do_2.usually, have, the, morning, in, sports, we_3.home, at, Are, helpful, you_4write, to, going, am, a, letter, I_5.tall,strong, is, My, teacher, English,and_(10)读一读,连一连。, strong, be, wants, everyone, and, healthy, (.) _2. often, did, last, have, how, breakfast, you, week,

12、(?)_3. for, good, is, you, it, (!)_4. breakfast, you, have, always, do, (?) _5.had, im, once, week, breakfast, last (.) _参考答案选择题1【答案】C【解析】句意:这是一只黑色的猫。注意不要缺失be动词。2【答案】A【解析】if表示”如果“时,常套用”主将从现“原则。主句在逗号后面(使用一般将时),前面是从句(使用一般现在时)。所以I后用see。3【答案】B【解析】how to do sth怎样做某事,how to spell 怎样拼,句意为“你知道怎样拼这个单词吗?”4【答案

13、】C【解析】if 意思是,是否,连接宾语从句,意为:他问我 我是否想要一杯茶。5【答案】B【解析】why引导定语从句 而that引导宾语从句。故选B。6【答案】A【解析】Do you know who he is?你知道他是谁么? 宾语从句,后面要用陈述句语序。他是谁who he is,故选A。7【答案】A【解析】这里是 when (关系副词)引导一个定语从句,整个定语从句 when you were received into the Youth League 作先行词 the day 的定语。其中 when 在后面的定语从句中作时间状语。句意为:不要忘了(你被纳入共青团的)那一天。 括号里

14、面的就是后面的定语从句,修饰the day,翻译的时候可以将其还原到先行词之前。8【答案】D【解析】该空所填词用引导定语从句,由此可以排除A,C;如果先行词被the only、the very、the last、any、 few、little、no、all、one of、just修饰时,选用关系代词that, 而不用which,故选D。9【答案】C【解析】句意为:红玫瑰是唯一一个我真正喜欢的。此处不应该用特殊疑问词连接,故选C。10【答案】A【解析】which引导定语从句,代指上文的river,river流经城镇是一般现在时,所以用flows。故选A。11【答案】C【解析】句意为:这是你上星期

15、参观的工厂吗?从句,指物体那个、这个,the one,故选C。12【答案】B【解析】where在这里=in which,即有很多树“在”那里,there are a lot of trees in the village,where代替的是“in the village”,which只能代替“village”故选B。13【答案】B【解析】句意:多么伟大的邮局!这是一个由what引导的感叹句,What a/an +形容词+名词,选项A是一个陷阱,句子首字母一定要大写,所以选B。14【答案】C【解析】句意:这附近有一个公园吗?是的,有一个。这是一个一般疑问句,“there is “句型表示“有”,

16、用作一般疑问句时,把is 提前,那么回答的时候,肯定句要回答Yes, there is;否定句要回答No, there isnt. 很显然,这道题应该选C。15【答案】A【解析】根据答语的地点可以判断问句用where提问。16【答案】B【解析】对一般疑问句的回答,肯定的要用Yes,否定的要用No。17【答案】B【解析】zhang peng是男性,故选B。18【答案】A【解析】Lets+动词原形“我们一起去做吧”, go to school“上学”,故选择A。 19【答案】A【解析】句意是“天冷了,请关上窗户。”,而且句首字母应大写,故选A。填空题(1)按要求改写句子。【答案】1. What;

17、do 2. No; dont 3. Do; clean your 4. play basketball; weekend【解析】1.在特殊疑问句中,对事、物进行提问用特殊疑问词“what”,原有的动词词组用实意动词“do”替代。2. 助动词的一般疑问句,肯定回答:Yes, 主语+助动词。3. 陈述句变为一般疑问句,有be动词的,将be动词提前,没有be动词的,将助动词提前。一人称变二人称。4.一般疑问句变为陈述句,去掉助动词,根据主语将句子中动词做相应变化,二人称变一人称。(2)根据实际情况回答问题。1. She is young and kind。2. I have Chinese,PE a

18、nd maths 。3. Yes , I do。4. Fish and tofu。5. Id like rice。【解析】1. 句意:你的英语老师怎么样?这是询问对方的外貌特征和性格特点的句型,答语的基本结构为主语+be动词+表示性格特点的词语。2. 句意:你在星期二有什么课?这是询问对方在星期几有什么课的句型,答语的基本结构为:主语+have+课程名称,也可以简略地回答这个问题。3. 句意:你经常在周末做体育运动吗?这是以do引导的一般疑问句,问句的主语为you,那么这种形式的肯定回答为:Yes,I do;否定回答为No, I dont。4. 句意:你最喜欢的食物是什么?这是询问对方最喜欢的

19、食物是什么的句型,“favourite”意为“最喜欢的”,那么其答语的基本结构为:主语+favourite+food+be动词+某种食物。也可以简略地回答某种食物。5. 句意:你想吃什么?这是would you like 句型,“would like”意为“想要”,那么答语可以用:主语+would like +食物。其中I would 可以缩写为Id。(3)根据图片,和给出的句子,补充句子。1. reading books 2.running. 3. taking pictures. 4. playing football. 5.flying kites 6.riding bikes.【解析】

20、现在进行时结构:be+动词ing动词ing变化规则:a) 单词直接+ing。b) 以辅音字母+y结尾的单词,直接+ing。c) 以元音、辅音字母结尾的单词,直接+ing。d) 以辅音字母+e结尾的单词,去e,+ing;以元音+e结尾的单词,直接+ing.如:see-seeing。e) 以字母ie结尾的单词,改ie为y,+ing。f) 以ee,oe,ye结尾的单词,直接+ing。g) 以辅音、元音、辅音字母结尾的单词,双写最后一个字母+ing。非选择题(1)按要求改写句子。1. There is a tree near my house.2. Are there any birds in the

21、 tree?3. No, there arent.4. Where is the tall building?【解析】1.“Are”的单数形式为“is”,“many trees”的单数形式为“a tree”。故答案为“There is a tree near my house.”2.“There be”句型变为一般疑问句,将“be”动词提前,“some”变“any”,其他成分不变。故答案为“Are there any birds in the tree?”。3.“There be”句型的否定回答:No, there+ isnt/ arent。故答案为:No, there arent.4.本题划

22、线部分为位置。对位置或方位进行提问用特殊疑问词“Where”,再将be动词提前。本题中“be”动词为“is”。故答案为:Where is the tall building?(2)挑错并改正。1. A Whose 2. B visit 3. C my 4. C for 5. B is【解析】1. 根据题干可猜测句意为:这是谁的包?谁的whose,所以应将Who改为Whose。2. didnt后接动词原形,所以应将visited改为visit。3. 根据题干可猜测句意为:他想穿我的T恤衫。T-shirt名词,其前用形容词性物主代词,所以应将mine改为my。4. 根据题干可猜测句意为:我为你洗了

23、T恤衫。为某人for sb,所以应将to改为for。5. 主语T-shirt为单数第三人称,其后be动词用is,所以应将are改为is。(3)改错。【答案】1. A Whose 2. B visit 3. C my 4. C for 5. B is【解析】1. 根据题干可猜测句意为:这是谁的包?谁的whose,所以应将Who改为Whose。2. didnt后接动词原形,所以应将visited改为visit。3. 根据题干可猜测句意为:他想穿我的T恤衫。T-shirt名词,其前用形容词性物主代词,所以应将mine改为my。4. 根据题干可猜测句意为:我为你洗了T恤衫。为某人for sb,所以应将

24、to改为for。5. 主语T-shirt为单数第三人称,其后be动词用is,所以应将are改为is。(4)根据所给情景写句子。【答案】1.My dream is to be an engineer.2.How heavy are you?3.What are you going to do on the weekend?4.Is there a library near here?5.Did you take any pictures in Disneyland, Mike?【解析】1.思路分析:本题主要考查want to的句型。名师解析:“理想;梦想”可以用dream表示,当一名工程师是be

25、 an engineer。所以联系起应该为:My dream is to be an engineer.。易错提示:want后面跟动词不定式需注意。2.思路分析:此题主要是考查对重量的提问。名师解析:英语中询问重量用how heavy。故应译为:How heavy are you?易错提示:用How heavy询问 与weight的不同。3.思路分析:此题主要是考查一般将时的常用句型。名师解析:一般将时的构成是be going to do .询问的时候用特殊疑问词:what。.在周末为固定短语on the weekend .所以该句翻译为What are you going to do on the weekend?易错提示:注意将时词组be going to do的用法。4.思路分析:此题主要是考查there be 句型的一般疑问句。名师解析:某地有某物用ther

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