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1、人教版英语九年级短语Unit110Unit 11.make flashcards 做抽认卡片 for a test 为考试用功3.make vocabulary lists 做单词表4.askfor help 求助于5.practice conversations with friends和朋友一起练习对话 6. read aloud to practice pronunciation 大声朗读来练习发音7.improve the speaking skills提高口语能力8.too to 太而以致于不能做9.memorize the words of pop songs记忆流行

2、歌曲的歌词10.feel differently 感觉不同11.join the English club 加入英语俱乐部12.end up (with) 以结束13do a survey 做调查 English-language TV 看英语电视15.make mistakes in grammar 出语法错误16.get the pronunciation right 把读音弄准17.first of all 首先, 第一 begin with 首先19.later on 过后20.make me happy 让我高兴 afraid to do 害怕做2

3、2.make complete sentences 做完整的句子23.take a lot of grammar notes记大量的语法笔记24.enjoy learning English 喜欢学英语25.have trouble doing sth. 做某事有麻烦26.look up the words in a dictionary 查字(词)典27.this kind of paper 这种纸28.speak English as a second language 把英语当做第二语言来说29 be ashamed of 对感到羞愧30.behind the times 过时31bec

4、ome an expert at 成为的专家32.spend on 在上花费(时间、金钱)33.give up 放弃 the future 在将来 Unit 21.used to 过去常常 afraid of 害怕 the piano 弹钢琴 interested in 对感兴趣5. speak in front of a group在人群面前讲6. be terrified of (极为)害怕7. sleep with the light on 开着灯睡觉8.all the time 一直9.chew gum吃口香糖 with sb. 和某

5、人聊天11. in the last few years 在过去的几年里12. send messages 发信息13. be able to 能够14. be made up of 由组成的15. sound like 听起来像16. cant stop doing sth. 禁不住做某事 17. instead of 代替Unit 3(1)should be allowed to 应该被允许(2)have part-time jobs 做兼职工作(3)get the ears pierced 扎耳眼(4)stop wearing that silly earring 停止戴那种傻的耳坠(5

6、)choose my own clothes挑选我自己的衣服(6)clean up 收拾干净(7)fail a test 测验不及格 (8)pass the test 通过测试(9)be strict in sth. 对某事严格(10)be strict with sb. 对某人严格要求(11)the other day 有一天(12)get to doing sth. 着手做(13)concentrate on 集中精力于(14)learn a lot from each other 相互学到很多知识(15)at present 近来(16)have an opportunity to do

7、 sth. 有做某事的机会(17)at least 至少(18)take time to do sth. 花时间做某事 (19)feel sleepy 感到困倦(20)have a day off 休一天假(21)chat online with friends网上和朋友聊天(22)in fact 事实上(23)as well as 而且,也(24)realize the dream through great effort 通过艰苦的努力实现梦想(25)be proud of 以为骄傲(自豪)Unit 4(1)give to charity 把给慈善机构(2)buy snacks 买零食(4

8、)medical research 医疗研究(5)be nervous 紧张(6)what if 即使又会怎么样呢?(7)get pimples 起鸡皮疙瘩(9)speak in public 在公共场合讲话(10)without permission 未经允许(11)introduce oneself 自我介绍 (12)not in the slightest 一点也不(13)plenty of 许多,足够的(14)be easy to get along with 容易相处(15)would rather than 宁愿.也不愿(16)English speech contest 英语演讲

9、比赛(17)let sb. down 使某人失望(18)millions of people 数百万人(19)get hurt 受伤 (20)hidefrom 藏远离Unit 5(1)belong to 属于(2)call the police 报警(3)find something strange 找到奇怪的东西(4)escape from 从逃走(5)an ocean of 无尽的,用不完的(6)be careful of 当心(7)use up 用完Unit6 I like music that I can dance to. 1.Yellow River 黄河2.on display

10、展览;陈列3.remind of 提醒 be honest 老实说;说实在的 bad for 对有害6.stay away from 与保持距离 in agreement 意见一致的 8.barbecued meat 烧烤肉9.tag question 反意疑问句 that I can dance to dance to the music 随着音乐翩翩起舞11.have great lyrics 极大抒情 that I can sing along with 跟唱 different /all/some/many kind

11、s ofmusic弹奏不同/各种/一些/种类的音乐14.write ones own songs /lyrics 写自己的歌/自写作词15.loud and energetic 大声并且有活力 full of energy 充满活力be full of = be filled with 充满 quiet and gentle song弹奏轻柔典雅的歌曲 sth/ dislike sth 喜欢/不喜欢sthprefer A to B 比起B来更喜欢Aprefer to do A (rather than do B) =would rather do A th

12、an do B比起B来宁愿作A19.take sth/ sb to+地 带某人/某物去某地20.remind sb of sth 使sb想起sth21.Brazilian dance music 巴西舞曲22.Heart String 心弦learn sth by heart 用心学sth23.latest movie /book 最近的电影/书24.over the years 多年来25.look for entertainments 寻找乐趣26.have a few good features 有一些优点 sure to do 确定做sth of the +形容

13、词最高级+名复数 最之一 known =the most famous 最杰出的 the world today 在当今世界上31.the best loved sth/sb 最忠爱的人/ of people and the countryside a photo of people and the countryside人物与乡村风景照33、interest sb 使sb感兴趣be interested in= take an interest in对感兴趣34.a world class sb/musician世界级人物/音乐家35.miss

14、 this exhibition 错过展览36.musical group 乐队37.pretty strange 十分奇怪a pretty girl 一个漂亮的女孩e and go 潮起潮落39.have lots of energetic 充满活力 the morning 在早上on Monday morning 在星期一早上41.have a great time 玩得愉快42.a good place to visit 一个参观的好地方43.lucky to be here 很幸运能在这儿44.six-month English course六个月的英语课程 muc

15、h to see and do 许多可以看和可以做的事46.a Chinese music concert 一个中式音乐会47.most of 中大多数48.traditional music 传统的音乐49.suit sb fine 非常适合sb50.go for +目的地 去某地51.lots of 许多52.different kinds of 不同种类53.what to try 尝试什么 festival 电影节55.go on a vacation 去度56.feel sick 感到恶心57.a movie poster 一张电影海报58.taste good/del

16、icious/bad/sweet尝起来美味/难吃/甜59.keep healthy= stay healthy 保持健康60.a group of young people 一群年青人61.get together 聚在一起62.discuss this question 讨论问题 good for 对有好处be good at=do well in 擅长于64.prefer(not)to do sth 更(不)喜欢做 food 快餐66.take care of 照顾67.sweet desserts 甜品68.actually=in fact 实际上

17、 laboratory testing 实验室测验70.some types of oil 些种类的油 oil 用油in ink 用墨水72.increase the risk of cancer 增大致癌机率73.the risk of doing sth 做某事的危害74.even if 即使 nuts 吃坚果 a balanced diet 饮食均衡 biscuits and hamburgers 吃饼干和汉堡包78.have a good balance 饮食平衡Unit7Where would you like to visit?1.ta

18、ke it easy 从容,轻松2.Niagara Falls 尼亚加大瀑布3.Eiffel Tower 埃菲尔铁塔4.Notre Dame Cathedral 巴黎圣母院 general 通常 6.Ace Travel 文中指一旅行社名7.provide with 给.提供 soon as possible=as soon as you can尽快地e true 实现10.Id love to = want to do sth 想要11.sail across the Pacific 横渡太平洋12.dream about things = dream of doing st

19、h 梦想做某事13.the finding of .的发现14.hopes and dreams 希望与梦想15.hang out 闲逛 16.finish your education 完成你的学业17.have a good education 得到好教育18.start work 开始参加工作 that 如此.以致20.provide sth for sb = provide sb with /about sth提供.给.21.continue doing = go on doing 继续做某事 22.go to university 上大学23.according to th

20、e survey 根据调查24.the most popular choice of job 选择最流行的工作puter programming 电子设计26.all kinds of dreams 各种梦想 be volunteers 当志愿者28.the 2008 Olympics 2008年奥运会29.go to the moon 登月 day = some day 总有一天 willing to do 愿意做某事32.achieve ones dreams 实现梦想33.have similar hopes 有相同的梦想34.find a good jo

21、b 找到一个好工作35.hold on 坚持 posters 旅游景点海报37.go on a vacation 去渡假38.go trekking 徒步旅行39.trek through the jungle 徒步穿过热带雨林40.go/walk through the park 穿过公园41.relax on a beach 去海滩渡假42.beautiful views 漂亮的风景 for 付钱44.interests of places 名胜古迹 stressed out 紧张46.Amazon jungle 亚马逊丛林47.consider d

22、oing sth 考虑做某事 consider sb to be sth 把.视为. consider sb as 认为 spotlight 旅游胜地49.the capital of sth .的首都 of the liveliest cities in Europe 欧洲最有活力的城市之一51.fantastic sights 奇妙的景色 of the most famous churches in theworld 世界上最著名的教堂之一 the church 在教堂54.underground train = subway 地铁55

23、.an expensive place 一个高消费的地方 with someone 与某人一起旅行57.translate things for sb 为某人翻译事情58.pack light clothes 打包轻的衣服59.have lots of wonderful sights 有一些美丽的风景60.go out for half an hour 出去半小时61.answer the phone 接电话 people back 回电63.out of the office 不在办公室64.get some information 得到一些信息 65.f

24、ind out 弄明白66.vacation packages 旅行指南67.go on a nature tour 去亲近大自然的旅行68.have a great whale watch tour 举行一次大型亲近鲸的旅游69.depend on 取决于70.advertisement for vacations 假日广告71.visit Hollywood 参观好莱屋72.take a trip = have a trip 去郊游 the east of China 在华东74.cook ones own meals = cook meals by oneself 为自己煮饭7

25、 money 省钱76.give me some suggestions for vacation spots 给我一些旅游景点好提议 away 离开78.cook Beijing Duck 做北京烤鸭79.stay in an inexpensive hotel住在便宜的旅馆 far 多远81.botanical park 植物园82.amusement park 游乐园Unit 8 Ill help clean up the city parks .1.chean up 打扫干净2.chear up 使振奋3.give out 分发4.put off 推迟

26、5.set up 建立6.think up sth 想出7.look after =take care of =care for 照顾8.fix up=repair sth 修理9.give away 赠送10.put up = put sth on the wall 张贴11.hand out 分发 out fine 结局很好 once 马上14.part of speech 词性 outside 在外工作 homeless people 帮助无家可归的人17.chear up sb 使某人振奋18.give/hand out sth 分发

27、某物 sb with sth 帮助某人某事e up with a plan 提出一个计划21.put up sth/advertisements 张贴广告22.put off sth/making a plan 推迟某事23.write down sth 写下某事24.set up a food bank 建立一个食物储蓄站 sb up 打电话给某人26.put sth to use 把投入使用27.take after/be similar to sb =look like sb 与相象28.give away sth to sb 赠送某人某物29.use up

28、sth/run out of sth =dont have any more sth 用完某物30.spend time doing sth =It take sb+ 时 to do sth 发时间做某事31.tell sb about sth 告诉某人关于某事32.donate sth to sb =give away sth. to sb 向某人赠送某物 hungry 饥饿的34.less(后缀表否定)ful(表肯定) homeless无家可归的 nameless匿名的careless粗心的 careful细心的35.a major/great commitment 一个重大奉献

29、 major in+学科 the elementary school 在小学37.become/be a veterinarian 成为一名兽医 a football team for sb为某人训练一支足球队 disabled people 帮助残疾人 blind/deaf people 盲人/聋人40.Its ones pleasure to do sth 很乐意做某事 able/unable to do sth 可能/不能做某事42.shut up 闭嘴 sb 支持某人44.appreciate sb 感激某人45Volunteer Day 志愿日 Clean-up Day 清洁日46.not only but also 不仅而且 home to .的家48.volunteer to do sth 志愿做某事49.each of them 他们中的每个人50.plan to do sth 计划做某事 an animal hospital 一家动物医院 a professional singer 一个职业歌手53.volunteer project 志愿项目54.test paper 考卷

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