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1、市翠竹中学七年级上学期期中质量调研英语试题注意事项:1本试卷分第卷(选择题)和第卷(非选择题)两部分。2请将答案全部填写在第58页的答题纸上,在第卷上答题无效。第卷 (选择题,共62分)一、听力(共20小题。每小题1分,满分20分)A) Daniel和Millie在谈话,请根据你所听到的对话内容选择合适的图片。每段对话读两遍。1. Whats Daniels hobby? 2. What do the students do at 8 a.m.? 3. Whats Daniels favourite festival? 4. What time is it now? B) Daniel和Luc

2、y在交谈,请根据他们的谈话内容,选择正确的选项。每段对话读两遍。5. Why is Daniel happy? A. Because he wins a match. B. Because the football team wins a match. C. Because the match is great. 6. How often does Daniel go to the club? A. Twice a week. B. Every day. C. Twice a month. 7. How does Daniel go home? A. On foot. B. By bike.

3、C. By bus. 8. When is Daniels birthday? A. Sunday. B. Saturday. C. Friday. 9. Where are they? A. In the playground. B. In the library. C. In the street. 10. What does Sandy look like? A. She wears glasses. B. She is short. C. Her hair is short. C)根据你所听到的对话,选择正确的选项。对话读两遍。11. Does Daniel know Lin Dan

4、well? A. No. B. Yes. C. We dont know. 12. Who is Lin Dan? A. A football player. B. A badminton player. C. A tennis player. 13. Why does he come to Changzhou? A. To have a match. B. To see a friend. C. To teach badminton. 14. What is the price of the ticket (票)? A. 100 yuan. B. 10 yuan. C. 50 yuan. 1

5、5. What does Daniel suggest(建议)? A. Watching the match on TV. B. Asking her parents for some money. C. Not watching the match. D) 根据你所听到的短文,判断下列句子是否与短文内容相符,相符的写“T”,不相符的写“F”。读两遍。16. Lily gets up at 6.30 a.m.17. Mary lives near Lilys home. 18. They both have lunch at school. 19. Lily usually goes to p

6、lay football after school. 20. Lily and Mary go home together. 二、情景对话(5分)选用方框中的句子完成下列对话,其中有一项是多余的。Daniel: Good morning, Kitty !Kitty: Hi, Daniel. 21 ?Daniel: Im going to Suguo Supermarket.Kitty: I know why you are going there. Tomorrow is Millies birthday, right?Daniel: 22 . I would like to buy a pr

7、esent for her. 23 Kitty: Let me help you.Daniel: OK. Lets go to the supermarket together.Kitty: But I cant go with you now. 24 Im on duty today.Daniel: 25 . I can help you.Kitty: Thank you. After that we can go shopping.A. You are so clever. B. Where are you going? C. Dont worry. D. I must clean the

8、 classroom first. E. That sounds great. F. But I dont know what to choose(选择). 三、单项选择(共12小题;每小题1分,满分12分) 26. There isnt juice in your glass. Would you like ? A. some; any B. any; any C. some; some D. any; some27. Is it time ? A. to go swimming B. for have lunch C. to our lessons D. get up 28. Each s

9、tudent in our class a different pencil case. A. have B. has C. borrow D. to make29. His teammates (队友) thank him for so many goals for their team. A. scoring B. score C. scores D. to score 30. What do you think of her pumpkin lantern? But I can make a better one. A. Its good. B. I dont think so. C.

10、Really? D. Not at all. 31. - I begin to do my homework 7 p.m. - Me too, and I dont know the answers some questions. A. at; on B. on; to C. in; of D. at; to 32. She always _ newspapers after supper but sometimes she enjoys to music. A. read; listening B. reads; listening C. reading; listens D. read;

11、listen33. Mr Wu is a good teacher. He teaches English. We all like him. A. we B. me C. us D. our34. -Lucy, please go and buy some eggs. - I cant hear you well. A. Pardon? B. Sorry, I dont know. C. I dont understand. D. Excuse me. 35. is the young woman over there? - She is my sister. A. What B. Whic

12、h C. Who D. Where 36. - your mother work in a middle school? -Yes, she . A. Do; do B. Does; do C. Does; does D. Do; does37. The girls are the film under the big tree on the playground. A. taking to B. talking about C. talking with D. talking 四、完形填空 (共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)On Fridays, I come home from wor

13、k at about 2:00 in the afternoon and I just have a rest. On Friday evenings, I dont go out, but 38 a friend of mine comes for 39 . He or she brings the wine(酒) and I 40 the meal. I love cooking! We listen to music or we just 41 .On Saturday mornings, I get up at 9:00 and I go to the 42 to buy someth

14、ing. Then in the evenings, I sometimes go to see a film. I love 43 ! Then I eat in my favourite Chinese 44 . On Sunday. Oh, on Sunday morning I stay in bed 45 . I dont get up before 11:00! Sometimes in the afternoon I go to 46 my sister. She lives in the village and has two children. I like playing

15、with them, but I leave (离开) 47 because I go to bed at 8:00 on Sunday evenings.38. A. sometimes B. every day C. never D. one day39. A. party B. dinner C. drink D. play40. A. like B. cook C. buy D. eat41. A. play B. eat C. laugh D. cry42. A. school B. room C. cinema D. shop43. A. stories B. pictures C

16、. films D. friends44. A. restaurant B. family C. shop D. friends45. A. late B. early C. fast D. long46. A. play B. see C. talk D. love47. A. early B. late C. quickly D. happily五、阅读理解(共10小题;每小题1.5分,满分15分)B 请根据短文内容,选择正确答案 。 Chinese boys and girls love to watch TV. Some children spend 5 or 6 hours a da

17、y in front of the TV. Some children even watch TV for 8 hours or more on Saturday. Many parents let their children watch some programmes (节目) at a certain(特定的) time.TV programmes are like books or films. A child can learn bad things from some of them and good things from others. Some programmes help

18、 children to understand the news from China and other countries of the world. Some programmes show people and places from other parts of the world and other times in history (历史). Because of TV children do not need to go to the zoo to see animals, to the sea to see a ship or to the park to see scene

19、ry(景色). Kids can see a play, a cartoon, a concert(音乐会) or a basketball game at home. Some programmes even teach children how to learn a language(语言) or how to cook a dish.Its really fun to watch TV, but its also fun to play games, to have a trip, to read a book or to visit friends. Try to enjoy your

20、 life and dont waste (浪费) every minute sitting in front of a TV.53. Chinese boys and girls spend . A. 6 hours at school on Sunday B. 4 or 6 hours on TV show on Saturday C. 8 hours or more watching TV every day D. different hours in front of the TV in a week54. Many parents of the boys and girls . A.

21、 let their children learn things from TV instead of (代替) going to school B. choose(选择) the time for their children to watch TV C. watch TV with their children together for many hours D. dont let their children watch TV55. Because of TV boys and girls can . A. learn good things and bad things B. only

22、 learn interesting things and places C. learn from each other and play basketball games at home D. read books at home and see films in the cinemas56. Boys and girls like to watch TV because . A. they have no homework to do at home B. their parents want them to watch TV C. they dont need to go to sch

23、ool D. its fun and they can learn a lot of things57. The writers opinion(观点) is that . A. children should spend some time both on TV and other things B. children shouldnt watch TV programmes C. parents mustnt buy TV sets D. children should stop watching TV20112012学年第一学期期中质量调研2011.11七年级英语答题纸第卷 (选择题,共

24、62分)一、听力(共20小题。每小题1分,满分20分)题 号12345678910答 案题 号11121314151617181920答 案二、情景对话(共5小题。每小题1分,满分5分)题 号2122232425答 案三、单项选择(共12小题。每小题1分,满分12分)题 号262728293031323334353637答 案四、完型填空(共10小题。每小题1分,满分10分)题 号38394041424344454647答 案五、阅读理解(共10小题。每小题1.5分,满分15分)题 号48495051525354555657答 案第卷(非选择题 共38分)六、语音(共8小题;每小题1分,满分8

25、分)A) Daniel的老师布置了一些语音练习,要求根据读音规则选出划线部分的正确发音,请你也试试吧。58. shake A. / / B. / / C. / : / D. / eI /59. ports A. / u / B. / / C. / eI / D. / : /60. jerk A. / j / B./ / C. / d / D./ /61. foam A. / u / B. / / C. / e / D. / au /B) 请继续帮助Daniel,根据句子的意思以及括号中的音标提示写出单词。62. The little boy has a lot of homework ever

26、y day, so he is / bIzI /.63. Football /mtIz/ are often on TV. We like them very much. 64. His father buys him /spel/ presents for his birthdays. 65. They listen to /wndfl/ music in the Music Club. 七、Daniel在做家庭作业,请你帮他用下列词的正确形式填写。(每空一词,共8小题;每小题1分,满分8分)A) 根据句意,用所给单词的适当形式填空。66. Tommy has many hobbies. H

27、e is good at (make) model ships. 67. Who are those boys? Do you know (they) well?68. We all like him because he is a (help) boy. 69. Sun Yang and Phelps are great (swim) in the world. B) 根据所给中文,用单词的正确形式填空。70. My school life is colourful. We do different (活动) after school. 71. (六月) 1st is Childrens D

28、ay. 72. His cousin always (涂) his face at Halloween. 73. Everyone makes a pumpkin lantern in his family (除了) Jim. 八、Daniel在做家庭作业,请你帮他根据要求改写句子。(每空一词,每空0.5分,满分5分)74. She gets up very early every morning because she wants to run for twenty minutes (对划线部分提问). she up very early every morning?75. Sandy do

29、es sports in the morning every day (改为否定句). Sandy sports in the morning every day.76. Tim usually goes to school by bus (改为同义句). Tim usually to school. 77. Kitty is often late for school (改为一般疑问句). often late for school?九、Daniel在做一些练习,请你帮助他完成句子。(共6小题;每小题1.5分,满分9分)78. 在万圣节孩子们通常都玩得很高兴。 At Halloween, children .79. 学生们都正盼望着周末。 The students are . 80. Millie 每天早晨在学校做早操吗? every morning?81. Daniel 想要知道许多有关电脑的事。 Daniel wants computers.82. 我没有许多时间与我

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