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1、牛津高中英语模块三词汇总复习题牛津高中英语模块三词汇总复习题根据首字母和句子的上下文完成句子。Unit 1 The world of our senses1. The radio w_ said the wind this morning would reach 120 miles per hour.2. My wallet is n_ to be found. I dont know where on earth I have left it. 3. Do you dare to walk in a _(空无一人的) street at night?4. Alexander the Grea

2、t _(亲自)answered the soldiers letter.5. When she saw the snake, Polly was f_ with fear.6. When Polly went out, she had a g_ at her watch. It was 4:00 in the afternoon.7.When I asked him if he would be able to pass the exam, Joe said “Yes” c_(自信地). 8. The organization needs more v_ to do the work for

3、free.9.We often do chemical e_ in the lab.10. Pollys _(目的地) is the Kings Street.11.-Can you see a little bird in the d_? - Im afraid not. Its too small.12.Do you like _(珠宝)?13.Braille jumped into the water to save the boy from d_.14.As we all know, cancer is a d_ disease, which can be difficult to c

4、ure.15.Joan and Jane are sisters. The former is a pianist; the l_ is a singer.16.Amy is still under t_ in hospital.17.The tall tree was struck by l_ and broken off.18. Alexander _ (将-刺入) his fork into a big piece of meat.19. The fire caused a p_ in the theatre.20. Amy worked _(暂时地, 临时地) in the compa

5、ny at that time and left later .Unit 2 Language1、We Chinese have friends t the world.2、A large v is a must if you want to learn a language well.3、A good advertisement should have persuasive language and c images.4、Both English and French are o languages of Canada.5、Overwork, little rest and poor foo

6、d all c to his illness.6、With the d of science and technology, more new products are made.7、I think Tom will be a good r when you are away.8、A well written article should have both a good beginning and a good e .9、Tens of people were killed, some children i .10、The word “not” are p differently in th

7、e UK and the USA.11、Our school is a non-smoking one. So smoking is b in our school. 12、She smiled to me, i that she had seen me.13、This is just a copy. Where is the o ?14、The story is written in s English, so its easy for you to understand.15、Water is the c of oxygen and hydrogen.16、The African-Amer

8、icans are fighting against r discrimination,17、When you look into a mirror, you will see the r image of yourself.18、To build up your body, you should take exercise and do some p labour.19、Do you have any e methods for studying the English language?20、How many states are there on the m_ of the United

9、 States? Unit 3 Back to the past1、What you think is proper in your own country may not be proper in another because of c_ difference.2、The bank robbers have decided to d_ the evidence immediately.3、An earthquake left the whole city in _ (废墟)4、On the exhibition , you can see many treasures found in a

10、n ancient s_ ship.5、The electors d_ against the new rules and refused to sign their names on these documents.6、We need to become a u_ team to reach our long-term goals.7、The strike of the workers left the railway system in c_8、Are there any s_ between Chinese and English?9、The _(形成)of national chara

11、cter doesnt take place in one day.10、The elderly are usually _( 担心的)about the growth of the younger generation11、The war cost an _( 巨大的,庞大的)sum of money.12、The ship is not in a _( 状态,状况,条件)to make a long voyage.13、The laborers prepared to resist and to _(推翻)the management.14、Id like to see all the l

12、egal d_ concerning the sale of this land before we sign this paper.15、Literature and art have a great _(影响)on peoples ideas.16、Look, that poor girl has been trying hard to work out a _(解决办法) to the question.17、U_,the cat lost his life in the big fire.18、That building is a m_ to those who were killed

13、 in the war.19、He succeeded in business and was very w_.20、The Chinese _ (文明) is one of the oldest in the world.Unit 1 词汇与短语复现Wordsrare(ad.)-rarely fog(a.)-foggy truth(a.)-truefirmly(a.)- firm freeze(a.)-freezing distance(a.)-distantdarkness(a.)-dark change(a.)-changeable deadly(n.)- deathdeeply(n.)

14、-depth treatment(v.)-treat volunteer(v.)-volunteerdeserted(v.)- desert stressed(v./ n.)- stress; stress data(单数)-datumsweat(形似词)-sweet drown(形似词)-drawn reduce(反义词)-increaseaccept(反义词)-refuse latter(反义词)-former impossible(反义词)-possiblefear(反义词)-fearlessness likely(反义词)-unlikely unpleasant(反义词)-pleasa

15、ntnowhere(反义词)-everywhere sniff(近义词)-smell observe(近义词)-watch method (近义词)-way tip(近义词)-advice chance(近义词)-possibilityrough(反义词)-smooth ignore(近义词组)-pay no attention to beat(过去式,过去分词)-beat; beaten stick(过去式,过去分词)-stuck; stuckfly(过去式,过去分词)- flew; flown tap(过去式,过去分词)- tapped, tappedpanic(过去式,过去分词,现在分词

16、)-panicked; panicked; panickingPhraseswatch out for 留心。 make achievements取得成就 glance at扫视step out into 走出去到。 hold ones nose捏住鼻子 in sight看得到stare(up) at (抬头)凝视 after midnight午夜之后 wish for 盼望make a decision做出决定 be lost in the fog在雾中迷路 set off出发reach out 伸出(手) bang into 不小心撞到 breathe in 吸入pay back 报答,偿

17、还 feel frightened感到害怕 work out 制定turn to 变成 by underground乘地铁 go hungry挨饿by sight根据外表或形象 make progress取得进步 manage to do 设法做lose sight of看不见 be related to 和。相关 in the distance 在远处make the most of 充分利用 set sail for 。航行去 get close to 靠近take the pain忍受疼痛 the sixth sense第六感 make sense 有意义compared to 与。相比

18、较 ring out发出响亮的声音 cant afford买不起as long as possible尽可能长地 warm sb. up使某人暖和起来express ones thanks to sb. 向某人致谢 follow ones advice听从某人的建议in a scientific study在一个科学研究中 have something to do with 与。有关have high blood pressure 有高血压 be frozen with fear由于害怕而呆住cant help doing禁不住作某事 in everyday life在日常生活中hold sb

19、 still使某人一动不动 lose ones sense of taste失去味觉over a long distance越过很长的一段距离 be likely to do 很有可能take ones usual bus home乘某人常坐的车回家contact sb. through the newspaper 通过报纸和某人联系 词汇检测1. He spent a year on the d_ island and made a living on wild fruits.2. Our car bumped up and down on the r_ road.3. The girl f

20、_ at the sight of the frightening snake.4. After years of hard study, now we can say c_ , “We can pass the entrance exam.”5. P_, I dont like the painting, though many people think it good.6. Are there any v_ for the competition? Please sign here on the paper.7. The scientist had done many e_ before

21、he succeeded in finding the secret.8. This is only a t_ job for Joe; he is trying to find a new one, a full-time job.9. They sat at the back of the room, talking in _ (低声).10. Though seemingly _(凶猛), the dog was gentle really.11. In the flood twenty people were d_ and more missing.12. In the war, th

22、e soldier was badly w_ in the head.13. She has been dieting in order to r_ her weight.14. You can hardly a_ meeting Polly if you both work in the same office.15. I tried to tell her but Polly _ (不理睬) me.Unit 2 词汇与短语复现词汇检测1. Pollys face was r_ in the mirror.2. The green colors on the map r_ plains.3.

23、 The theory of relativity(相对论) is rather c_.4. The government did whatever they could to prevent the disease from s_ to other countries.5. He failed in the English exam, mainly because he has a poor v_.6. Canada has two o_ languages: English and French.7. I knew the town well, so I had no d_ finding

24、 Alexanders home.8. For westerners, Chinese c_ are hard to wrote.9. Because neither of them can win the election(选举), the two parties in the country have c_ to form a government.10. For students, their future d_ on how well they do in the entrance exams.11.White is always a _(象征) of purity.12. From

25、the old mans _ (方言),I think he comes from the south of China.13. The war has lasted for years. It will take quite a long time for the government to bring the country under _(控制).14. Do you know why water cannot be _(混合)with oil.15. With the _(发展)of science and technology, it is not too difficult for

26、 human beings to travel in space.16.Now traveling in five _(欧洲的) countries, including France, Germany, Austria, Vatican and Italy, costs one about 14,000 yuan.17. Mr. Weng sets high _(标准) for every student in his class.18. Mr. Weng _(答应,许诺) to be here at nine oclock.19. Joe worked so hard that _(最后)

27、 he made himself ill.20. The woman turned and walked off in the _(相反的) direction.Unit 3 短语复现protect the cultural heritage 保护文化遗产 be known as Chinas Pompeii 以中国的庞贝而闻名 go to a lecture 听讲座 take over 接管 continue to erupt 继续爆发 be buried alive 被活埋 be made director of the Pompeii dig 被任命为挖掘庞贝的总指挥 be turned

28、 to stone 被变成石头 through a pair of binoculars 通过一副双筒望远镜 destroy the whole city 毁了这座城市 be off to Naples 出发去那不勒斯 house many of the treasures 储藏许多的珍宝 this small ,wealthy,commercial city 这座小而富裕的商业城市 the local cultural institute 当地文化机构 the Swedish explorer 瑞典的探险家 the ruins of the Loulan kingdom 楼兰国遗址 pain

29、ted pots 漆罐 silk materials 丝织品 be gradually destroyed over by sandstorms 逐渐被风沙淹没 the remains of the building 建筑物遗址 a green land with enormous trees 有许多巨大树木的绿洲 prevent the city from being buried by sand 阻止城市被沙子掩埋 be involved in 参与 drive me crazy 使我发疯prepare ourselves to go into the tomb 使我们自己做好进入古墓的准备 in good condition 状况良好 a concerned citizen 一个关注。的市民 sink with men on board 船下沉时有人在船上 in memory of 为了纪念 the remains of the sunken ship 沉没战舰的残骸 one of the largest empires 最大帝国

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